My son has found a work around to run FL Studio 12.0.2 in High Res on Mac

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by eurekarem, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. eurekarem

    eurekarem Noisemaker

    Aug 23, 2013
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    By using a crossover wrap, he as figured out a way and it runs quite well, and has also found a way to enable "high resolution mode".
    Below is the "READ ME" included in the torrent for Download:


    This version is NOT free from issues but I still prefer to use this version over any other version of FL that will run on macOS.

    ISSUE 1#: GUI and plugins appear very small in high resolution mode, but GUI can be scaled up, but I couldn't figure out how to get the scaling to work for the plugins, so use the zoom feature in macOS when using plugins or use standard resolution mode

    ISSUE 2#: The hint bar does not show up in high resolution mode unless you have a second monitor connected. I couldn't figure out why this is but all you need to do is connect one, it doesn't need to be powered on or anything, but probably plugged into the wall. I have my second monitor connected and powered off and the resolution on it set to 640x480 (which can be done by holding the option key and clicking "scaled" option in display options for second monitor) so it doesn't use all the GPU for my iMac screen.

    ISSUE 3#: Sometimes when you click and move a control knob in FL Studio, the cursor disappears. I use the keyboard shortcuts to use the zoom feature in macOS like I noted above to make the cursor come back. Just tap them to make it zoom for a second and it'll come back.

    ISSUE 4#: Sometimes FL Studio won't close. To minimize the frequency in which this occurs, always use the X at the top left of the application to quit.

    NOTE: Standard resolution mode doesn't look as pretty, but it works quite well without any of the issues above, based on my experience.


    1. Extract FL Studio into Applications folder

    2. Run FL Studio and let it setup bottles until you reach the FL Studio interface (may take a while and look like application froze) Antivirus may pickup "winewrapper.exe" as a virus, but it's definitely not. The file is a CrossOver file which is what is used to run this program on macOS.

    This is not a native macOS application.

    The only native FL Studio app is the mac beta that is currently being worked on by Image-Line.

    3. Close FL Studio, now copy and replace .reg files in "Folder 1 (high resolution)" for high resolution interface OR "Folder 2 (standard resolution) for standard resolution to Macintosh HD/Users/*your username*/Library/Application Support/FL Studio/Bottles/flstudio/

    4. It should already be registered, but if it's not, launch FL Studio and click "FL Studio" in the menubar at the top left and choose Register FL Studio and choose the "FLRegKey.reg" file provided.

    You're all done.

    You can install plugins by launching FL Studio and clicking "File" in the menubar and choosing "open" and navigating to your plugin's .exe file or if your plugin is in .dll format, drop it in Macintosh HD/Users/*your username*/Library/Application Support/FL Studio/Bottles/flstudio/drive_c/Program Files/Image-Line/FL Studio 12/Plugins/VST or your custom VST plugin location.

    The Library folder is hidden in later versions of macOS. To unhide it, open Finder and press Shift-Command-H and right click on the white background and click "Show View Options" and click "Show Library Folder".

    It's not perfect but if you're like me and you tried the FL Studio Mac Beta and couldn't use any FL Studio key to register and it wasn't polished enough, due to it being a beta, then you may like this version. Also this version didn't work in High Sierra, I had to replace some files from an updated version of CrossOver to get it to work.

    Be sure to seed and keep the torrent alive.

    Feb 27, 2018


    Anyone interested pm me and I will gladly share the torrent with you, feel free to share it as much as you like.

  3. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Or u can run mac osx version
    Or run mac in bootcamp and run windows
  4. eurekarem

    eurekarem Noisemaker

    Aug 23, 2013
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    OSX version is BETA, and it kind of sucks, that's why he worked out this workaround, and Mac users don't want to run bootcamp they want to run Mac.

    Bootcamp is software to create a partition to run windows on, the reason it's not good is because you have no access to your other Mac apps and the features in Mac OS while in windows...

    Also, virtual machines are heavy on resources and expensive
    the reason I personally prefer the crossover version of FL Studio is because the Mac BETA has mouse lag, its limited to AU plugins which I don't have as many of, and I couldn't crack it with any key I used.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018