DEADMAU5 said this Bassline is IMPOSSIBLE...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cackwizard, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I respect your attitude. :bow: Unnecessary harmonic movements (alike to lots of other unnecessary movements in life) is a way of expressing too but unfortunately I'm a panther and my brain interprets it as an indecent assault and commands me to respond in a defensive fashion by eating you. You're so meaty.:bleh:
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  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I see, so, it suits you, but it doesn't suit me.

    Maybe older than you are, at least I assume I'm more grown-up/mature than you are, because I keep racism out off this forum (and everything else).

    Okaaay? That explains it.
  3. vibetribe

    vibetribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2018
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    San Diego
    You said all of that just to say?.......What exactly? Perhaps you could explain your definition of Jazz as having "unnecessary" harmonic movements? I mean my girlfriend agrees with you about the fact that I'm extremely "meaty", but could we perhaps get back to the discussion of your inability to be able to follow the harmony in Jazz music?
  4. vibetribe

    vibetribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2018
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    San Diego
    Correct. In THIS particular instance. In other situations, it WOULD suit you.

    Again, racism is in ALL aspects of human life. Politics, Education, Law, Healthcare, Entertainment, Religion, Labor, Sex, War, and Economics. To attempt to discuss ANYTHING in great detail without addressing race is as silly as trying to discuss something without "getting political". I'm 52 in May and I hope that you're nowhere near that age if you're still walking the Earth as uninformed as you are. It's not too late to become informed though.

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    ... is completely normal to me.
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  6. vibetribe

    vibetribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2018
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    San Diego
    That's because of white privilege and the false assumption by SOME non-whites that if you can't beat "them", you must join "them". If you're a cat, of course it's completely normal to you to avoid discussing the fact that your group preys on mice. So when a mouse tells you that their ENTIRE lives are inextricably affected by cat supremacy, if you're unable to put yourself in the shoes of the mouse, it WILL BE completely normal for you to not think about cat supremacy. I can't see how you're so unable to understand this very basic concept. A child understands this yet you no longer can. So unfortunate because your lack of understanding this basic concept will eventually FORCE all of the non-whites of the world that are currently being oppressed by white supremacy/racism to ultimately unite and stop you from preying on them. And since you failed to recognize your crimes against humanity and CHANGE your behavior, when you are eventually forced to change, there will be no compassion given to you. You should already be sensing an anti-white movement emerging in the world after thousands of years of your rule over the non-whites of the planet(even with whites only being 1/10 of the global population). Reacting to this INCREASING anti-white movement by actually TIGHTENING the bonds(like Trump is doing) instead of removing them will actually SPEED UP the inevitable change in the power structure. Hooray Trump!!
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    By "you", you must be talking to yourself. Everyone else needs that order or else their "sentences" will read scteennse, just like your music is just a series of indifferent notes that makes no sense or has no feel or particular groove to it. You said EDM = groove ? That alone is worth 1000 lols or perhaps it's the starter guide to trolling. From 1000 edm tracks you 'll be lucky to find 10 that have an interesting groove, the rest is square sht just like your lobotomized opinions mate.

    My friend, i started posting with saying that the Deadmau5 is very talented in what he does. What bothers me is not his music (i enjoy some of his tracks), but overstepping verbally in territories where he's no expert. Instrument playing is not his field of expertise so he shouldn't expand on what is or isn't possible, that was all about it really.
    This whole "incident" would mean nothing if the very same words were uttered by a non public figure/person. The fact that makes it disturbing is this dude is a millionaire dj/producer with thousands of kids following him, hanging literally from what he says. He teaches "masterclasses" for fuk's sake, yet in the op was "pawned" by a bass player with advanced skill. And that is the real masterclass.
    I 'll leave you with one of my early "underground" funky favorites, so my top troller Foster can maybe learn how to fkin groove and shake that booty:
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
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  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think we've gotten a lil bit off topic >____> But I'm pretty impressed that Louis Theroux can play bass, guess he kept that quiet!

    I just feel like (I dunno if deadmau5 or whoever is feigning being ignorant for attention, patronising reasons, just appealing to wide audience / LCD or whatev). He may just play keyboard only (i suspect better than he lets on) and kinda wondered aloud: "is this difficult (read "impossible" / hyperbole) to play on an actual bass?" I mean, last thing i'd think would be it's difficult for him to play (on keys)? Cos it sounds pretty straightforward to me...

    I often kinda think about (ie) how things are "performed" when ima tryn to imitate various instruments - ie taking imaginary breaths for sax parts etcs. Even tho technically ya can play forev (OMG "impossible" again) w/ circular breathing. It just sounds better, anyway. I don't rly have much of any clue about how / would guitarists have difficulty playing some phrases. I dunno if that's where deadmau5 was coming from, but maybe?
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  9. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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    producer now: a person that mixes in Garageband wearing earbuds (as to not upset his parents... or... when in a proper studio keeps asking... 'I dunno... what do you think?'

    best producer story I heard was of some high school punk band that went into a studio with Alice Cooper producing. Alice was a girl they went to high school with. She just sat there and would say... 'yeah, I guess that sounds good'. The band put out a single that said 'produced by Alice Cooper'...
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  10. AntagonistHero

    AntagonistHero Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Oh yea sure getting a google image sure helps huh, and even if it is real, having her stand by one doesn't mean she knws ( and yes grammar nazi, idgaf if its spelled right or rong) :rofl:We get it though, you bought all that stuff, and never made it. It's alright man.:(:rofl:btw "Playing the damn notes on the keyboard in any sequencer's " you mean sequencers :rofl:learn thy grammar :guru: Now I know this dude is just blowing sh*t up from his a*s, no need to take anything he says to be believed. :rofl:
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Well... I dunno about "all" or "really play" *ahem*, but defo some musical parts? I can prolly use drum editor quicker than i can input by "playing", and it's good enough results wise. Maybe. It's honestly easier for me to just clickclickclick than bash..bash.....bash. I mean, i prefer playing and agree it's easier most times, but ima just rubbish @ doing it w/ drums. Too many mistakes, too difficult to kinda "scrub" out stuff too cos focus loss. I'm not very good @ rhythm games, either. I think it's connected. I mean, piano is technically percussion, so I dunno why this is. But it is! Anyway, i can see why ppl would do it ("mouse" music) it doesn't rly matter that much afaic - how ya make music. It's just missing out the fun part, which seems weird to me!
  12. @famouslut .. I always love hearing you percuss on your soundcloud acct...bang bang bang.
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  13. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    XD @superliquidsunshine Yeah, guess there's gonna be some more (bashbashklonk =) of it soon / March 18th or whenevah. The percussion is the best part, apparently. I'll pm the track. It's not rly finished yet, tho...
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Oh geez you got me, that is not my niece. But it's someone's niece alright. Get it yet?
    You should exclude yourself from this conversation after you stated that Zimmerman can play the piano when he can't, not by a longshot not even as a joke. Yet you keep coming with "who gives a shit for this and that". Looks like you have some strong argument there lol. It seems that anything with a proven musical weight you just oppose and ignore yet you are doing this in a music forum. How's this working for ya. Are you best friends with Foster maybe? Better go play some football instead ?
    Btw i 've never witnessed "grammar nazism" whereas i 've witnessed illiterate people too many times. If you haven't, just (try to) read what you write.
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Please you intellectual midget, drop the act. I didn't post the title therefore I'm implying nothing, nor does the title necessarily imply your particular subjective perception to everyone else. Not for a moment did I consider your retarded theory.

    Also, "usually" and "only" are contradictory.

    You don't know how my mind works because you have zero insight into who I am, nor do you know what I believe.

    The only person looking bad is you, the racist conspiracy nut.

    To top it all off, I'm not white, I'm black. Right about now it may just click what it is I meant by you're making us look bad.

    I can't stand pretend know it all assumptive internet punks. Shoo fly. <---------
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Let's hear what this singer says:
    Not being a perfectionist and exploring more and more. Trying new ideas and finding which of them works for us.

    Music has not been summarized in playing the notes correctly and fast. Music has lots of aspects and putting a perfectionism fence in front of us just kills our growth in other aspects. Learning never ends but perfectionism in the narrow roads ends our lifetime.
  17. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    That bass part is easy to play... even I can play it and I'm a guitarist.

    This young girl, a graduate of Berklee School of Music... is a monster on bass check her out:

    ...and her YouTube channel which has gotten her an album deal and many endoresments:
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Would you please mind not repeating that term again? I have an allergy to that term.:yes:
  19. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    ITT, We reminisce about the good old days, when music was all about musicianship & filial lov3

    are you comparing music with theatrical musical happenings made by some Geraldo's friend ?
    this 90s happening has nothing to do with what I said kid, but well tried.
    now, back to 4chan to receive your next "orders"
    off you go now
  20. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    "Some Geraldo's friend"?
    I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, my Good Sir. Clearly you are a person of substance, and yet I'm at a loss as to your name and noteworthy accomplishments.
    As to your vast, hugely popular & critically acclaimed musical catalog, which (and of this, Sir, I have no doubt!) is getting spun on every hoppin' juke, in every swingin' juke joint and wholesomely boppin' malt shop shop from Peoria to Duluth? Would you be so kind as to acquaint me with it?

    But fine. Punk was a musical happening. But DEADMAU5 is music? You're absolutely certain of this? Or was comparing apples to oranges a thing back in your day, Old Person?
    Chin up, pops! I bet if you just stop being so crotchety all the time, your kids might actually visit you at the Home once in a while. Maybe not tho.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
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