DEADMAU5 said this Bassline is IMPOSSIBLE...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cackwizard, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    He's a music maker like us. Music makers never poke fun at other music makers. Every one of us has aptitude in sth. One in drums, one in writing, one in production, etc. but as @superliquidsunshine said various deficiencies could never get in the way of creation esp music that is the hardest thing. He loves what he's doing.:mates:

    But absolutely we have natural right to love sth or not.:winker:
  2. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    FFS why is this is a thread, so some guy said something and all of a sudden it's important. Lets all be honest here, this guy knows how to play instruments about as well as my daughter can change her own Diaper, Sorry Joel if you are reading this(get a life) but til you pay backs my moms the $8 bucks you owe her I will always find a way to call you out, anyways....this thread is about of lame as Joels skills. I only butted in just to be a dick not to you guys but to him, I know him very fucking well, great guy , amazing attitude but a musician he is not!!!
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Playing an acoustical instrument by fingers and knowing how to read and write the notes on the staff ≠ being a musician anymore.

    Supercilious instrumentalists driving me mad more than EDM makers. Musicianship is a complicated term and reaching it in the current era needs lots of abilities. Music is going to become sophisticated and crowing and being full of oneself about playing an instrument is a big barrier on the person's advance for grasping a deep musical attitude.:dunno:
  4. AntagonistHero

    AntagonistHero Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Foster911 its like beating a dead horse, its not a matter of backing up deadmau5 just cause its deadmau5, even in his masterclass he talks about how ppl rely on just mouse and pc keyboards ( IF they even watched it lol), but most top named who have made it who have music background knowing multiple instruments, and decide to use mouse and keys are told they don't even know lol. Talking about their kids or family playing better. Please no one gives two sh*ts, what matters if you know your shit, and know your gear. And Deadmau5s happens to know it all. Like mentioned watching all these tutorials from top names most just use mouse and keys, AND knowing physical instruments. But again elitist mentality who haven't made it anywhere, and just want to say they are doing this for a hobby now lol. Alright done with this beating this dead post. This is also with deadmau5 showing how his uses his modular synths to create sounds, doubt your niece or kids who that lmao :rofl:
  5. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    [​IMG] , does one?
    Clearly not.
    When millions listen to your 8-yr.-old niece's music & care enough to rage about her in the interweb, your opinion'd be somewhat tenable.
    Someone on my internet is ...against something?:wow: REEEE!
  6. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    A lot of drugs contributed to that last post. The CIA, FBI, and Mossad are all like:

  7. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Awww... Sweetest thing ever? You come home to delicious surprise drug treats?! Adorable!
    Are they usually all in one place, like maybe in a colorful pinata, or scattered all over the hood, like Easter eggs?
  8. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    who is deadmouse
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  9. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Sorry for getting in late on this discussion. It’s one I’ve had before with lots of people. Awesome bass video! That skinny dude rips! I think all edm stinks including dead mouse. Sorry that’s just my crappy opinion, I know. To me it’s the distinguishment between Composer and Musician. A composer arranges the music, like Beethoven. So a good composer is perhaps greater than a musician. But a musician performs the music. Like Beethoven hired musicians to perform the music he composed. So I understand why dead mouse is rich and famous. He is a great composer. Like a classical composer.

    BUT that is where I draw the line. Music is meant to be performed by musicians. When I say perform. I don’t mean pushing play or hitting a finger drum pad. Performing music means I make the vibrations from my body. A person vibrates the strings of a guitar and the amp amplifies them. A persons wind vibrates the reed of a sax and the bell amplifies the sound. A persons vocal cords vibrate and a mic amplifies it. Etc. That is why real music, played by musicians can never be replaced! Rock bands, metal bands, and even pop bands take on the role of composer and musician and that is why to me real music can never be replaced.

    Funk on skinny bass guy! Awesome video! Sorry if I made anyone upset. Just my opinion.
  10. vibetribe

    vibetribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2018
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    San Diego
    Like any so-called "intelligence" agency mission, campaign, or program, drug/poison saturation can be achieved in a variety of ways. For least one of the times that is documented by an ex-CIA agent, a shitload of drugs and guns was put on a open boxcar with the door left slightly ajar and left on the railroad tracks in Watts. I guess they knew that eventually someone would walk by, see the contents of the boxcar, and the rest should be guessable by a first grader. But usually, a white dealer(often a CIA agent) was setup and ALLOWED to sell the drugs to the Blacks who were then allowed to sell in THEIR neighborhoods for a predetermined amount of time(to propagate the drugs) and then be arrested to make the CIA agent's friends that had invested into private prisons, more wealthy. But fools like YOU still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy, that the "Arabs" terrorized the nation for only ONE day in only TWO cities, and that one of the "Arab"-overrun airplanes flew into the Pentagon while leaving NO ENGINES and snapping NO POWER LINES surrounding the building.. :rofl::rofl:

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  11. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Please, just stop, you're making us look bad. Maybe I missed it, but who is saying Deadmau5 is a "great bassist"?

    Why do you keep going on about race, drugs, and "white privilege"? I don't know about the cognitive dissonance you claim is "strong" in some, but your comprehension is all wacked. The topic is "DEADMAU5 said this Bassline is IMPOSSIBLE"

    -----> BLM activist please just GTFO. You sound crazy.

    READ <---------
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  12. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    NO! Why should I? I don't care if any musican (or anybody else) is black, white, green, purple or blue, so, please, stop focusing on skin colour and with your posts #50 and #52 your political statements, too. This is an audio forum!
  13. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    who cares what some self-proclaimed king of kids music says, seriously :rofl:
    he's he a bass player ? No
    case closed and stfu, minnie mouse. Talk about some subject you master, periods and pads, or sodomy in got.

    Useless to discuss such matter with 13 years old fanboys who sees him as a prophet with a stupid helmet.
    (ever tried to talk with an apple fanboy ? or a prs fanboy ?)

    Why this forum needs to be the antechamber of 4chan, still havent understood that

    never the need to "kill the father" was so exacerbated than in this generation of unskilled kids.
    "we the morons are better than the ones who studied their craft"
    yeah sure kid, sure, put your stupid helmet on....
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  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Correct phrase - wrong animal (horse = mouse).
    Small masterclass free of charge. Playing the damn notes on the keyboard in any sequencer's loop rec mode is way faster than drawing them with the mouse. That is if you know have the chops to do so. Nobody in the professional world who can play keys/piano prefers the mouse over a midi keyboard.
    Show us one that can really play keys but instead uses the mouse for recording all musical parts and i 'll stand corrected. Of course this would be an exaggeration of your own expertise since you insisted that he can play piano when he can't play even a simple groove and has admitted many times so.
    Yeah sure. This whole thread exists because he didn't know wtf he was saying. He overstepped in a field where his knowledge is too limited and somebody who makes a tiny fraction of the money he does from MUSIC, played the "impossible" and sent him back to school. Do you still deny this ?
    Nice spelling lol. But hey, i did mention he is skilled in sound design in my very first post but you chose to overlook it, right ?
    You can be a simpleton because of limited intellect and it's understandable but it's hard to digest that people select to be simpletons by choice. Here's to false idols, dead mice and... oh lookey here, my niece:rofl:
  15. The fact that Taskforce's niece kicks Deadmou5's abilities playing keyboards says absolutely zero, nothing and zilch about his compositional skills. Gee wiz, just peruse any and all videos that shows his limited playing ability. I will take Taskforce at his word as I have no reason not to disbelieve him. I am even a better keyboard player than Deadmou5 and I kinda suck, but as he can play enough to get a general idea of what he wishes to convey, and if need be can use the mouse and piano roll to fine tune and or up the part, why not? I'm a guitar player and a singer, not a fantastic keyboard player and not afraid to cop to it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2018
  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Every genre of music craves particular skills:

    DnB --> Peculiar Bass sounds
    EDM --> Groove
    Rock--> Acoustic drums and Guitar
    Classic --> Strings, Woodwinds, etc
    Jazz --> Unnecessary harmonic movements
    Pop --> Songwriting and lovely voice
    Genres dictate the instruments, skills, attitude, etc. Some genres instrumentally are deep but sound designing relatedly are hollow. Some genres need lyrics writing and vocal development and some don't. Why to expect and insist one person should know everything? Music is for expressing ourselves and getting amused. Some people are getting amused by virtuosity, some by sounds, some by singing, some by just listening, etc. We must respect each other and standpoints.:winker::mates:

    Instruments will change like technologies and if we don't adopt this reality, we wouldn't be able to express ourselves anymore and doomed to extinction.:yes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2018
  17. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    ITT, We reminisce about the good old days, when music was all about musicianship & filial lov3
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  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Leaning in the 21st century for all ages is a non-linear process due to the great abundances. You don't need to know A before Z. You can start from everywhere and move towards everywhere. What matters is trying to learn everything new everyday and not stop. Packing in or Pulling out of movement is a choice too.:winker:
  19. vibetribe

    vibetribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2018
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    San Diego
    Your statements were beginning to have merit until you classified Jazz as having "unnecessary harmonic movements". That statement showed that you don't fully understand music because music harmony just IS. It's not "necessary" OR "unnecessary". Either you can intellectually follow COMPLEX harmony(as found in Jazz, Classical, R&B, etc.) or you simply can't. The masses, including YOU, simply CAN'T, just like the masses can't understand two Physics professors having a conversation. But true artists don't care whether or not the masses can follow their art. They create art because they CAN, not to please or appeal to the masses.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
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  20. vibetribe

    vibetribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2018
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    San Diego
    Of course you care. We ALL care when it suits us to care. You didn't KNOW that yet? Wow, how old are you? Also you didn't know that everything is political? Even music and audio?

    Look, I'm new here and already I've seen quite a few posts get political in some way because it's IMPOSSIBLE to be a human and truly discuss things without the discussion getting political. Rules created to attempt to stop this reality are created so that a SELECT group has the power to determine what will be acceptable and what won't be. This is otherwise known as censorship and is primarily used by people of the "dictator" mentality. Whenever I see this type of behavior exist in a community, and I've seen it many times in my life, I simply leave said community and contribute my personal knowledge and experience to another community OR create one myself. But what I DON'T ever do is to BOW DOWN to dictators. So...
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
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