How do you use DevilLoc and Radiator?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Santii7979, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Santii7979

    Santii7979 Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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    I wanna know how and when you use these plugins? I like the colour of radiator but i never find a situation to use it

    What about u?
  3. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I love using it on my bass guitar tracks after some light compression and maybe a little overdrive. fat, smooth low-end with a nice bite. Especially since it has input and output knobs and simple 2 now EQ its a quick way to get great sounding bass track.
  4. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    I use Devil Loc on almost anything (often with low parameters) it works also well on reverbs and delays on return tracks.

    I don't use radiator often
  5. Dark6ixer

    Dark6ixer Producer

    Sep 12, 2017
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    I use default setting with the mix knob always under 10% (Or 1 as it says on the knob), same with the crush and crunch knobs... very lightly. Devil Loc deluxe
  6. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    With a trim plugin right after.
  7. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Like Nebula consoles, it is for "color".
    Need to be used with different others colors, to set a "palette".

    To avoid the usual "digital signature" stacking AND/OR masking effect :D
    Every color plugin is good to take...if you use several ones.

    Back to the OP : can be used on any kind of track, but not all tracks
  8. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    Radiator is one of only a few algorithmic based plug-ins that really delivers a genuine valve/vacuum tube style sound/drive IMextremelyHumbleHO, I use it rather often with as been mentioned a plug-in before it (and sometimes after it) which makes sure that it is not getting too much or too little signal, A good many of the analogue-aping plug-ins really do require dedicated gain-staging just like their real world counterparts, Maybe for some it is almost too realistic having to gain-stage. It's usually making sure your signal is showing the RMS level at -18dBFS and peaking higher but still not getting near to 0dB, A good old properly impleted VU meter like the one by Klanghelm is just the job and the Klanghelm VUMT also features a trim control, So it is designed for the job and unbeatable price wise.
    So yeah Radiator and little Radiator, I will use anywhere I want to add the sound of natural valve drive to elements within a mix and also sometimes will use it for the purpose of adding the sound/character of a heavily overdrriven valve preamplifier into loads of breakup/absolute THD to elements, Bass guitar tracks which are either a duplicate of the clean original that I distort and then filter so that the low-end and upper register are clear/untouched but the mid-range voice is half clean and half filthy, On attack/clicky kick drum mic signals and ringy/clangy picolo snare drums also, Vocals are another candidate for that treatment when I feel it benefits from such.
    Devil Loc and Devil Loc Deluxe I use on aux/returns and now and then as inserts if I really want to brutally, unmercifully smash something to the point of it having almost no dynamic range, I will use Decapitator also along with both or as an alternative for either as it has its own various characteristics, Covering all manner of drive sounds, full blown wide-band distortion and clipping...etc. Again with anything like that I'll often times have an EQ immediately afterwards in order to further scult/carve out the sound I'm looking for in order to sit something within the context of a mix, Where high pass and low pass filtering are good friends and getting the mid-range or voice of most things right is critical or the low-end becomes a mushy mess and the high frequency detail gets cramped and harshly unpleasent which for a full track is never something I'm aiming for, I'm not saying that I do not utilize a mushed, messy low-end and/or a cramped and harsh high-end for specific affect in a track though, Just not for extended periods of time, I hope that makes sense!
    Oh and I'll sometimes use any three of the mentioned plug-ins in Blue Cat's MB-7 in order to create kind-of multi-band varients of them if needed, Obviously there are plenty of good dedicated multi-band processors which cover similar territory but I like to get a lot out of what I have and like the results of, OHMicide and Saturn are a few I have/like and use but they are not like Radiator, They can't deliver a sounds that is really damned close to a real driven valve/vacuum tube preamplifier.
    My 2 pence FWIW

    All the best to all :)
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