NKS How to Extract?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by edweste, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. edweste

    edweste Newbie

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Someone Know how to extract samples from nks? Is it Possible?

    I have found a tool called "UnNks Extract" but it didn't work, no one wrote a tutorial on how to use that.

    I have 11 GB nks, and would like to extract only some orquestral instruments, I want to have it on a pen drive for fast use.
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Found this somewhere:

  4. trees415

    trees415 Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2012
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    UnNks is a command-line program that was designed to do exactly what you're asking, however it was discontinued a while ago. The program will extract samples from almost any NKS "archive" file, however it is not effective in extracting samples from most .nkx "archive" files unless specifically noted in the readme. Unnks was a fantastic tool up until recently because it was one of the few effective ways to extract samples from kontakt archives/monoliths.

    However thanks to Team R2R, the latest version of Kontakt (v5.03) has been cracked and "unlocked" so that samples can be extracted easily fromALL encrypted monolith/archive files (.nks & .nkx files) using Kontakt itself. The easiest way to extract the encrypted samples is to first load the instrument patch file in Kontakt containing the samples you want to access. Once you've loaded it into Kontakt, go to "File-Save As...-Instrument # - " as pictured below:

    You should then see a save menu like this:


    You will notice that the middle and right save modes can be set to either "Patch + Samples" or "monolith".
    To get the individual sample files, choose the middle option to save as a patch w/ samples.
    The box below allows you to input a custom name for the folder where your samples will be placed, though if you do input a custom folder name, make sure to add a backslash at the end if you're choosing to create a new folder that doesn't exist yet (i.e. Samples\).
    Then choose to compress the samples if you want the samples saved in a compressed, lossless format (ncw) or leave it unchecked if you want the samples in wav format.
    Note that compressed samples in ncw format will only be accessible from within Kontakt or a similar Native Instruments program.
    Once you hit save, Kontakt will save the instrument and samples folder to the location you indicated.

    A Few Things to Note:
    -Another way to extract samples is to use the "Collect Samples/Batch Compress" option. This will allow you to extract all the samples in a library rather than for a single instrument or multi, however i wouldn't suggest this unless you are familiar with Konakt and doing batch compressions.

    -Instrument Patches which rely on a folder containing loose sample files can take longer to load than instrument patches with samples located in nks/nkx archive files. I extract samples only when I need to use samples in that library, or when I want to compress a bloated library of encrypted wav samples into the smaller-sized ncw format.

    -Compressing the samples in a library into ncw format will typically reduce the total disk space taken up by the library by roughly 55-60% of it's original size (as in my experience). Furthermore, If the number of samples is high, then increased patch load times is likely to result. In my case, I only run compressions in cases where the increased load times is worth whatever disk space is saved in the process.

    -Sometimes, patches may not load within Kontakt but will instead show an error saying the patch or library has not yet been activated or something like that. If that happens, make sure to add the library in your library browser beforehand. Also, some EWQL libraries cannot be accessed until you register the library separately using their own registration tool, in which case you will likely need to use a keygen in order to access the library (As is the case with the EWQL Stormdrum or Symphonic Orchestra libraries.

    Anyways,hope this helps you or anyone else having trouble with this. The UNNKS utility you mentioned is a helluva lot more tedious and unreliable in extracting samples from an encrypted Kontakt library, and using this new unlocked version of Kontakt has saved me A LOT of time and grief.

  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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  6. edweste

    edweste Newbie

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Thanks for all but, CdXtrack don't work for NKS and Kontakt 5.03 gives an error when saving nks files. Thanks for your long tuto trees415, I´ll try it on Mac.

    I tried the trees415 tutorial, thanks a lot for your tuto, I tried all it before, but it gave me an error
    PANIC: Could not write one or more samples. Your Patch has not been saved.

    I Tried VIVIsect tip on Kontakt 4, 5.0.1, 5.02 and 5.0.3 and nothing, both teams.

    The Kookaboo tip, I did'nt understand, click with right or left mouse, using some software, if it was to be used with unnks, it just open a DOS black screen and shut down before open.
  7. VIVIsect

    VIVIsect Ultrasonic

    Jun 18, 2011
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    The older AIR releases of Kontakt would allow you to extract samples from any Kontakt library. The latest R2R version works on some encrypted libraries.
  8. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    With all the new containers and crap they keep puttin out , you have to really
    dig in and learn to use winhex or some kind of hex decompilier.

    Its the only way to really .... 'er .... break into the file.

    Anyway , Im an hand at this game ; but I must confess ; Im really put off
    buy these newer 'shiny Turdz' that come out. Im not impressed.
    Gimme Kontakt v2.2.3 an Im on my way. Build it , make it a little purd-ee,
    Then load it and GET TO WERK!!!

    werx 4 me anywho.

    :dunno: :rofl: :dunno:
  9. Darkkman

    Darkkman Member

    Aug 7, 2013
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    I know this is a slightly old thread however I was looking to do the same (save a local copy of just SOME of the instruments of very large libraries stored on an external drive). I got the same error but I WAS able to store them locally by;
    1. Load patch you want it into Kontakt
    2. go to "File-Save As...-Instrument # - " as detailed by "trees415" above
    3. select "Save Mode" as "Patch + Samples" (as described above)
    4. check "compress samples" box - this is described above but will allow legacy libraries to be saved without the above error. This will save files as .ncw.
    5. if you MUST use the audio outside Kontakt (likely breaking T&Cs/license agreement) then open the newly saved version of the patch (.ncw) and go through steps 2 & 3 above (NOT step 4, untick "compress samples" box)

    This worked for me anyway.
  10. L760

    L760 Newbie

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I would like to extract a nkr file. Would someone be willing to help me with this?
    I'm willing to pay. Thanks!
  11. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Actually , I think I will make a minor suggestion here.
    Try using the 'older version' of Chicken Translator v3.0.2 / (I think that'z the one!)

    But it'll do the job quite nicely on nkr , nkm , NKX , xyz,lmnop.... blah-blah-blah !!!

    Anyway , it WILL allow for some , and or several 'types' of decompiling fo png's & wave files too !!

    :wink:............ 0on3 / 0:1
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