Life outside music..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Andrew, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    A bit of wandering question for you, what are your hobbies outside your studio?
    What do you do when not in front of your DAW, practicing instruments and/or other music or sound activity?

    Maybe there's some other common ground for some of us, not just music (hey, not saying music isn't important, but sometimes one really has to take a break from its eluding mysteries )

    For me that would be computers, HAM radio, stargazing (is that even a hobby?), fantasy literature, hiking and recently I have picked up a new sensation - electric bikes, in fact as I don't have a car, I am in process of converting my rusty MTB into long-mileage (120km/charge) eBike for daily commute to work and beyond.
    It's quite fun and engaging project with IMO quite a lot of potential.

    So please, share yours. :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
  3. NullNVoid

    NullNVoid Noisemaker

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Exercising, playing video games, go for long walks or hiking. Exercise is the most important to me though. As musicians and producers, we do a lot of sitting, so I get up and move around between projects or every 25 minutes. Playing video games and go for walks helps me clear my mind if I'm experiencing producers block as well.
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  4. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Totally forgot about that!
    Me too, especially night walks when it's so quiet one can hear the wind in the trees.
  5. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    I'm trying to survive in this fucking sick country :suicide: taking care everyday that my parents get medicines that I can not afford, I dealt with electonics, but now only a slow vegetation without a future, life is unfair :deep_facepalm:
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  6. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Voracious reader (currently devouring brandon sanderson's stormlight archive), movie/tv buff, at least 2 vacations every year... And anything else so long as alcohol is involved ... :)
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  7. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    @Recoil hope things look up for you soon! :):like:
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  8. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I study piano on my spare time.
    Musicians should study piano more
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  9. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hmmm, spare time? What's that?
    Seriously, though. Usually I'm fixing cars, fixing up the house, and taking care of my wife.
  10. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Not much spare after I study theory, play bass, guitar, create sounds, rehearsal, Studio etc ..
    But Spare time: take care of my family, pet and friends..
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  11. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    i do play video games ,watch horror movies,read comics,watch all kind of wrestling,play soccer with friends,
    and that was a year ago but since my brothers 3 years old son started walking and running ,he took most of my time
    and my family time too,specially when his dad and mom are doctors in same hospital my spare time
    would be chasing him around the house for little running exercise but its not fun since he like to push things and
    break anything around him including my laptop,remote controls ,joysticks,phones with big smile that make you laugh
    he already pushed my midi keyboard to the ground 3 times:facepalm:,but thank god it still works :mad:

    i already told my brother that he created a ''funny monster'' :hifive:
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  12. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    if i am drawing and painting, music is my hobby.
    if i am making music, drawing and painting are my hobbies.
  13. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    well... i could tell you what is not my hobby (at the moment)... that way would be much easier to write it down... :rofl:
    that would be extreme sports, painting and acting ...and collecting anything (except music gear ofc.) :rofl:
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  14. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    I spend a lot of time working. I work in a call center. Selling flexgloves. It's fun, pays well, and it's on Costa del sol, which means I get to chill on beautiful beaches surrounded by enormous fucking mountains, and just gorch on the amazing nature here in my free time. Recently I found a huge apartment complex that was never completed construction due to the financial crack. It looks out of this world, so at the moment me and the girl go there to paint aliens all over it.
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  15. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Studying black magic.
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  16. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Aside from work teaching English, I enjoy drawing, watching TV shows and movies, the occasional night out with a girl, spending time with my teen daughter (we don't live together), computers, and some booze. However, bass playing is my escape from ordinary life. The live gigs I get are the most fun for me.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
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  17. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I exercise frequently (I walk an average of 60 miles per week). I also enjoy graphic designing as well as poetry. I am also a student attending college at the present time (some say I'm a little old to be in college but I say no one is ever too old to enhance their knowledge). I'm studying Occupational safety. Currently I am also an occupational safety manager for a company. People outside my company think I'm the guy who just goes around and yells at people for not having their safety glasses on but in reality I just want people to be able to go home to their families they're working to provide for without getting killed or injured in the process. I care deeply about the safety of everyone and I always been a "big brother" type of guy who just wants what's best for the people around me and not just limited to myself. It's not just for them, it's for their families and friends who also care about them. So I come up with ways to make sure the people who work at my company has just that. I'm attending college in the field because a Bachelor's degree will increase my salary. But I'll be going for my Masters degree after my Bachelor's, which will really increase my salary. That's my occupation.

    I'm very single but honestly dating is one of the last things on my mind right now. At the time my bettering of myself is the most important thing to me right now. This education, this career, is what is my most important aspect right now. I haven't really released any "new" tracks recently because I shifted my focus on all this. I have released some older songs on Soundcloud and some new projects but... those songs are all old. Some previously unreleased. Once in a while I'll have a few days off and I'll work on something like spicing up a previously written but unreleased song so that I can actually feel comfortable releasing it. But other than that, all but 2 of those "new" songs you heard were actually made a while ago. Most were done in 2016 but some were in the first half of 2017. The other 2 were made this year. But they were made very effortlessly but somehow they still came out well lol (at least in my opinion anyways haha).

    I do a lot of hiking, stargazing (it helps me cool down to look at the night sky and realize just how small I am in the face of this universe. After all, it's 14 billion light years of space to ditch all my worries and regrets and accept what is out of my control. Because I can never make the stars brighter but I can change the way I look at them. I apply this mindset to my problems in life). I also enjoy vintage video games on the occasion (Battlestar Galactica, anyone?) But yes, I been a more outdoorsy person lately than I have ever really been. I've had real cabin fever this winter that has since fueled the wanderlust in me, causing me to venture out more. So hiking has definitely been a huge thing for me lately.

    Meanwhile I also do a lot more self care now. In other words, I'm realizing what is best for me and putting that first. Recently this week I finally shut off all my social media - including snapchat, facebook, twitter, but I still have an instagram up. I just don't use it anymore. My instagram actually has some of my artwork & older photography on there and I'd rather keep it up so people can still marvel at it. I've also been working on my own health. I figure I spend so much time ensuring the health of others, I may as well focus on mine too. So establishing a sleep schedule as well as trying out a better food diet (what you eat actually affects your mental health too) and practicing mindfulness (ie: meditation, yoga, other less intense exercises, etc). Work and college are a tough combination. Individually they're both cakewalks for me but when balanced simultaneously, you really gotta have a good head on your shoulders. The objective isn't doing them. They objective is doing them both without relinquishing the quality of the work you put in. Because I'm a perfectionist at heart. Meaning I can't just walk away from a job or project knowing I did a half-assed job at it.

    But yeah, really some neat things going on outside of music. This summer I'll have more time off and I'll actually start making some more new stuff again.

    In the meantime, I'm still young (25 in a couple months) so I have plenty of time to worry about writing songs for fun. Music is just a hobby and always will be. Before you ask, yes that's me. No, I'm not crying in the left pic. But I do look like I just heard a joke that made me question my entire existence LOL. I'm actually just laughing and enjoying myself. That's just a really bad pic of me lol. Yes, I know I don't look like I'm about to turn 25 soon. That's good. Because when I'm 40 I'll look 27 LOL.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2018
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  18. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    My home studio is one of my hobbies. My job has nothing to do with music.
    When I'm not practicing an instrument, I usually play pc games, download and watch movies or series (preferably sci-fi), watch documentaries etc. By choice I have no TV or radio at home. I seldom get out and prefer staying at home with my toys.
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  19. PAskaperse

    PAskaperse Member

    Sep 13, 2017
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  20. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Not a programmer but I like to use Balabolka + IVONA text to speech, and listen to general book about programming. I then play the book over inspiring background music/instrumental from Youtube. Sometime I download the instrumental and play both audio over 4K underwater reef/coral footage video. Watching and listening and combining all, the effect is like:
    Just among other hobby :rofl:
  21. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Too many movies and too little physical activities Im afraid - I´ll change that "very soon" ... hmmmmmm :rofl: