Inspiration level 0 now. Is it Normal?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lunarpole, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Lunarpole

    Lunarpole Platinum Record

    May 5, 2016
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    Hi guys,

    I am just confused and hope you guys will answer me.

    From past few weeks i am feeling 0% Inspiration with music production. I mean i work on a project for like 5 to 10 minutes and then suddenly loose interest in it. it happens so badly that i am feeling suffocated now because of this.

    I tried to make sounds with different genres but still same.

    Can you guys suggest something on this, I mean is this normal because its been weeks since i made something.

    Note that - Please refrain yourself from trolling.I want positive discussion on this.
  3. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    You don't need any inspiration to make music. It's all about knowing the techniques of composition and knowing how to play/improvise.

    I've lost "inspiration" many-many years ago, but still can compose on demand in any genre, any style. Ear training is a big factor - knowing what you hear and how to replicate it.
  4. Lunarpole

    Lunarpole Platinum Record

    May 5, 2016
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    yeah may be you are right, But here i think its level of concentration that is playing notoriously with me.

    I think i need to get meditation.Hope that will work
  5. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It is normal, find what ever else you want to do for fun or whatever it is that brings you joy right now... Unless you are making music to put food on the table just go do something else...from making crochet doilies to Molotov cocktails and go do that instead and live your life.
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  6. Lunarpole

    Lunarpole Platinum Record

    May 5, 2016
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    Yeah actually i think its the fault of me. I mean in the beginning i was nothing and then i learn some things and started producing some decent stuff. But rite now i want to produce only quality stuff ( I think this thing is ruining me ) performance pressure sometimes suffocates you, that you forget what you actually was:dunno:

    For instance
    I mean if i have to release my stuff on this site i cant i feel like don't have anything to release.:dunno:

    I must cope with it immediately.this feeling is ruining me inside
  7. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    You can calm down (which is one of important things) - it's absolutely normal!!

    I am in a similar situation right now. It causes depression and/or anxiety. These are of course potentially very dangerous things. But if you recognize this as normal, it will help. Personally I am caught in a loop. I am thinking about a piece I'm making and can't decide if make a passage 3 or 4 bars long. It drives me mad for weeks, but it would be probably perceived from the POW of another as a minute thing..

    Go away from what you are doing and try some crazy stuff. Like recording strange things, putting on crazy effects, playing an instrument you never played ..really, go nuts! Or meditate.. Or go away from the music entirely, for a while - you will have to find, what helps.

    Again it's normal, the majority of us have been there, many times ..break the chains! :wink:
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  8. Lunarpole

    Lunarpole Platinum Record

    May 5, 2016
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    Thanks man, Really feel good that i am not alone.
    Hope this will over soon Because i really want to release some goodies on audioz as i use to do in past.
  9. 6major

    6major Noisemaker

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Deadmou5 said on his masterclass course, just make it work, feeling is different for each individual so what u feel may not be what the listener feels
  10. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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  11. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    it's normal My Friend Just Don't overthink it that much
    as that happened to me i just go outside for minutes or go to gym and when i get back i feel inspired again
    but never doubt yourself because doubt kill talent
  12. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    It is the downside of any creative art... The deep anxiety fuelled by intense self doubt... I suffer it often... All I can tell you is that it goes away eventually and then you're back creating...

    As has been mentioned by all the good folk above these are a few things I do when stuck in this situation.

    1. Dont do any music for a few firing up DAW... No clutching a guitar... No noodling on music creation at all!

    2. Go out and socialise with friends and family... Meeting people usually calms down the emptiness and gets you back to normalcy.

    3. In extreme cases, I go off the internet completely for a few days... Because in this day and age, the internet is the biggest anxiety/ depression trigger.

    4. Meditate daily for 15 minutes.

    5. Physical exercise helps get rid of negativity.

    6. And later when you're back to music making, let go of perfectionism... It doesnt exist... 9 out of 10 ideas suck... But you have to go through them to get to that 1 awesome idea!

    It'll be over soon this phase... I promise you! :)
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  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I think this is the best answer. Inspiration is a big fantasy. Making food, going fishing, jizzing, etc. don't do anything with making music. They just help you to kill time or lounge around.:bow:
  14. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Get People involved with your music, like... In real life...

    what is your general genre?
  15. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    feeling 0% Inspiration on a project?
    easy, starting a next project.
    the previous project created for the inspired,
    the next one for the WORKs.

    im on the next step of you, i have much of creativity(wasted my lot of time to thinking, trying, and more) but hardly to finish a complete new track, because i had found a fully creative works may has $0 value at market(or even for fun sounding weird often i hate my tracks sometimes haha), so being creative or not?

    iv found where the creative came from(if you know some western astrology)
    the 3rd house- variations, but contents same
    the 5th house- true creative, form trying,curiosity,games,and brave
    the 7th house- outside to yourself, learn from others
    the 9th house- religion and belief,new method to do
    the 11th house- technical/technology
    the 12th house- the whole image, any feeling you have
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
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  16. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Meditate, get distance, dont listen to any music, Or built a phat joint and listen to music :)
  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    You've not wasted your time. They're valuable seed ones for your future smart acts. Finishing projects just gladdens the audiences and dang market but doesn't necessarily cause you to approach your well-taken goals.:guru:
  18. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    yes but, the place where we staying were not my inner world, we are not talking to ourselves.
    most of creative experience like fart you can collect them filling your notebook/laptop but has no opportunity to transforming to gas.
    the bright side is those fart can smoked you looking like a true artist, iv found something truth when i typing, if you want to be a true artist, eating more!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Vocals rule popular music. Sheer Instrumentalism won't help much you to glitter in this market unless your aim is unpopular music. If the first one is the case, maybe it's time to invest more on the lyric writing and singing if you've not done it before.
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Don't be disappointed bro! I will make my future luminous even by my farts.:bleh:
  21. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Never mind the hype and nonsense about genius and God-given gifts. it's about having the motivation and ambition to acquire knowledge and master technique, then applying your imagination. :mates: