Not any religion- Do you believe in an intelligent GOD?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Absolutely nothing. I've never smoked anything in my life (always thought it was disgusting that humans do that).
    I've never gotten drunk or taken drugs. Or sought out fame or attention.

    All things which I knew, since I was a young child, were to be avoided with all wisdom and prudence.

    I tell you things straight, because it benefits me not, to lie, to waste my time, let alone yours.
    There is enough wastage and mismanagement of all aspects of life, in all people already. Consciously adding to all that, is not at all my intention.

    What I wrote there, is precisely how things happened and what happened. I'll be happy to provide more details, but I will not provide things which will not benefit you, like what you were suggesting.

  2. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    I don't believe in religion, but I know that some religions give some very useful insight as to how this world was created. There is an underlying geometry that controls the creation of everything. It's called the seed of life. From this geometry you can derive the 5 platonic solids : the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, the octahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron. The conceptual shape of the atom we know comes from the geometrical crossection of the star tetrahedron which is two interlocking tetrahedrons. This is known in geometry as the cubeoctahedron or the vector equilibrium. There is also a geometrical shape called the tetragrammaton which is made up of star tetrahedrons and octahedrons separating the four layers of the star tetrahedrons therefore representing octaves because it tessellates from a star tetrahedron to a octahedron and back (like buckminster fuller's jitterbug). All matter adheres to the geometry of the five platonic solids . For example a carbon molecule adheres to the shape of the tetrahedron. And our dna is spiraling in the shape of a dodecahedron
    Why such a long rhetoric? Well I shared that info because there are two religions to my knowledge which share some similarities with the info I just wrote. They are the Jewish and the buddhist religion. The 22 Hebrew letters believe it or not were derived from the tree of life, which came from the fruit of life, which came from the seed of life. Their language is very powerful as you can see sacred geometrical shapes formed from the vibration of the words through a tonoscope. The "om" chant of the monks shockingly resembles the shape of the tetragrammaton. There are also numerous crop circles depicting the cubeoctahedron and star tetrahedron
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  3. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Even computer logic came from a branch of math known as discrete math, which has it's roots in the creation of the seed of life known as the vesica picsis
  4. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Just my 2 cents...... Or 3
  5. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Religion is getting old.
    Philosophy is like a continuation of religion and science is more or less a further continuation of philosophy. The attempt to understand things...

    Especially abrahamic religions have all made the same mistake: Trying to explain things from a theleological viewpoint, as if humans in their current state of evolution were some kind of goal, deliberately designed, but we are not. We are nothing more than the neanderthals of tomorrow. In the beginning there was H. And what came after was due to the high adaptability of this element.
    We won't ever know what was before and what comes after or why there was H in the first place. :bleh:
    Humm..Maybe it was there first because it is the simplest thing that can be. :dunno:
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  6. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    That statement in itself is a mini religion, of the mind, and is unseen by you. Until you observe yourself from a higher aspect than your mind.

    The problem is not belief or lack of factual knowledge, but belief in the wrong things, after which right facts don't matter and are either found or not found, depending on whom you are serving, by aligning with false beliefs.

    Also, as a side note, careful in trying to understand the nature of reality, from a scientific perspective, that very path leads to one's fall.
    That path was never meant to be trodden in this age. Just as you never see adults giving 4 year olds the keys to the house.

    Yes, pretty pictures and all things that impress the mind of intellectuals. Knowledge itself becomes one's undoing, when it comes from evil.
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  7. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Yea when it comes from evil
  8. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Following Jesus Christ is not religion. Just like your child following you does not make your child religious, but wise and practical.

    Humans tend to create religions around knowledge that comes from the higher realms, whether that knowledge comes from the Creator, or from fallen angels/demons. And that is then further distorted by humans.

    Actually philosophy is vain pursuit of man disconnected from God. It's like a computer trying to understand the world, but it's disconnected from the world wide network. Like in the old days before the internet, there was a much slower flow of information. Even though you had a computer at home, you still needed to go out physically into the world and bring information back into your house, either to read it, or use it one the computer. And that was a process whereby you could spend your entire life pursing one thing, believing that it is the absolute pinnacle of understanding of that particular subject - whilst being completely ignorant of the fact that someone already developed a much better answer to the problem at hand, about 2 centuries ago.

    When you observe philosophy in its totality, it comes to absolutely nothing. Like all pursuits it comes to vast observations, without final solutions. And people on this world need solutions, not endless hypotheses.

    Science itself is thus built upon the wrong foundation, and that is why it continually needs to correct itself. It's whole paradigm is not the way things should or could have been.

    From the mental point of view (the standard way from which most humans operate in this day and age), gradual evolution and improvement, i.e. the scientific method make perfect sense. But that is because the very instrument from which man is judging that methodology as true is the mind. So it's a self-deceptive and self-reinforcing logic, keeping you blind to the very things you cannot see, because you have created your very own box, whilst thinking that the contents of the box align with the totality of reality. Of course the mind will endorse all things that make it true, but it will discard that which makes it false. Because it thinks that it is the final authority. And that it itself is not a filter to the true reality. That's self-deception, unless one describes the totality of self as mind. Then you are quite happy of being in ignorant bliss. Which of course gives you comfort temporaly, but for which one day you will pay.

  9. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    All crop circles come from evil. There is no need for them from God. God speaks directly to each soul. Though this statement can be taken out of context and distorted in many ways. It needs to be understood that God only fully guides those who are His, who have freely accepted His gift of life. Unsaved individuals hear strongly dual influences in their lives, from their conscience and from their mental programs. Hence why false knowledge is shared by evil in such an overwhelming amount, in order to program the mind, so that the mind can take over and drive the individual forward, shutting down conscience and replacing it with pride and lust.

    Crop circles fascinate minds because they communicate mathematical and astronomical knowledge and other types of knowledge. And because humans are so easily led, when they receive advanced knowledge, trusting and believing that it cannot possible be shared by evil, that is has to be from good. Humans have a lot to learn about seduction of the mind, and the corruption of the self.

    And how countless alternative theories are created to distract the mind and get it thinking "Hey maybe this new knowledge is more true than all of that old stuff". Creating an environment where people EXPECT that truth does not exist, that modern man is at the pinnacle of understanding and that only subjective perceptions exist. Which in turn normalizes the satanic axiom "Do what thou wilt", cementing it in all individuals.
  10. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    I don't see why a crop circle would be evil lol, maybe it is from your perspective , and it isn't new knowledge, cuz there's nothing new under the sun
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey bro. Yes, i can say the same or similar. I think deep inside you know by now, we are somehow kinder spirits :)
    I don't consider myself religious. In the grander scheme of things perhaps i am. Religious would mean that i place my belief to some certain teachings and i practice that religion, i like to gather "info" from as many teachings as i can and cross reference, if this makes any sense. I am more of an observer rather than a religious person. The fact that i somehow found God has nothing to do with religion really. It is a truly personal experience man.
    As we had discussed a long time ago in MMJ's long thread, i feel that there are some terrible humans hiding behind the various religious status quo. I would like you to exclude me from this equation please. I don't tend or need to patronize or convert peeps to my personal beliefs of the "supernatural", and i am not particularly fond of any practiced religion in the manner that i find them too manipulative sometimes, not to mention the fact that all major religion priests and clergy etc. have "raised" their status to professionals thousands of yrs now. This alone makes the more intelligent -or self aware if you like- people steer away from religion more and more in the modern age.
    I feel deeply that if you lead your life in a humanistic way with love and respect towards the people around you, it's all you need to be a decent human being. That would be quite more "religious" than what many false Christians or Muslims or Buddists etc etc practice in the pursuit of power or money, even if you declare yourself an atheist.
    So to me, it's all a matter of perception, you don't have to be religious to be a good person. And you don't have to be an atheist to make the best of your life while you are on this earth.
    Thanks for your time
    Much love :)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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  12. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    They are. Evil seduces. The way it has always done this is through 2 paths:

    1) Offering humans highly advanced knowledge
    2) Offering humans power (materialistic, worldly, magical)

    Crop circles and related phenomena are all about supposedly secret knowledge which we humans need in order to survive and build our world into a utopian dream. Humans do not know that all of the dreams they have of fixing and rebuilding this current world, this entire planet, into a futuristic dream, is itself actually a plan that comes from the fallen, from satan.


    So that we would build our world for them, thinking we are building it for ourselves. That's why evil provides the knowledge. They share their knowledge of the nature of reality, and we build it. And then they can say, they have ownership of everything we built (i.e. the whole world), since the knowledge did not come from us.

    Some might say "but the knowledge is universal, it doesn't belong to anyone"

    They will say, they a responsible for us having it in the first place, because God would not give it to us.
    Thus in us taking that anything from evil, we create a contract with it and are bound by that contract to evil. Unknowingly, which is the point.
    Since no normal person would willingly go along with a plan that they knew would destroy them or other people.
  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Ask a religious person how they know what they know about the origin of things or why they believe what they believe and witness a complete breakdown of logic.
  14. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Yes, but travel around the world and you quickly see how your environment is very small and thus your understanding of the many different types of people is also not complete. Some people merely use the ideology they follow as a cover, for status, for safety, as a cultural norm... Others are simply immature and will mature in time.

    Also love as defined by humans, is not really love. Godly love is the only type of love that is actually love. Everything else is a distortion of that, with tinges of love.

    This is a good point. But once again, whilst you might have a whole bunch of things in order, you, like everyone, do not have a whole bunch of other things in order. And yes you could try to find solutions in the world, but ultimately you'd reach a ceiling limit. You would see that the world cannot provide you with everything, or with the best quality. That is when some people come to God, not to religion, but to God directly. Because they've matured past the world.

    And only when you come to God in humility, do you see how it's a whole another level of morality that is the standard which brings you and others wellbeing. The trouble is that humans are fallible, imperfect and fallen creatures, so they have trouble living up to God's high standard. And others who are outside, are always ready to criticize. Humans in many cases want each other to fail, because many do not want to see others succeed, whilst they themselves remain the in the same position. It's not the gold standard, but it's an ever present aspect.
    It's a very subtle and unspoken of phenomena. Especially if people have been divided over worldview, culture, race and so on... There is a competitive aspect that wants the self to succeed, that wants one's own group to defeat the other group/s.

    But there is most certainly a loosening of morality outside of the bounds of God's law. Hence why civilization is currently disintegrating from within. It's decadent and it's rotting from within. It's an unstoppable process, because the more corrupt a civilization becomes, the less it wants to listen to, or even hear how to correct itself. It's like a run away nuclear reaction.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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  15. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Spoken like a true extraterrestrial
  16. iamtheprotocol

    iamtheprotocol Noisemaker

    Dec 17, 2017
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    Lol yes but some of them do have a solid background
  17. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Stop pretending you know anything about an nonexistence. It is not flattering you.
  18. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Actually over several years of study, I've seen this same thing occur with ALL types of people.
    So the fact that you are targeting religious people, says you are not truly for humanity, but for your elite club, whatever it is.

    I didn't write to flatter myself. And I am not pretending.
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  19. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    You mean fallen angel? You do understand that's what those beings are?

    Did you seriously think the Creator would allow his other non-fallen creations entry into a corrupt system?
  20. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Generally speaking we humans have an innate tendency the believe in the supernatural. Or let's say to include the supernatural in our explanations in the world.

    For example most people, even atheists and top scientists, have a tendency to believe in the concept of "luck" in their daily lives. That there is some sort of supernatural force directing what happens in our daily lives. Sometimes we believe that for example because we've done something immoral that something bad is bound to happen to us.

    We also sometimes tend to fear there is a monster under our bed. And that some sort of force has put it there because of various unnamed unspeakable reasons.

    This is just how our brain tends to work. This is also the source of belief in god or gods and the origin of all religions.

    When we use the rational part of our brain to explain how the world works, we understand there are no monsters under our beds. And that there are no gods. They only exist in our minds. They are not real.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
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