Back in California - New Track - Pop / Rock - * Remixed w Neutron !

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by akashaman, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    New Track i am working on ; wrote this about ten yrs ago , but old recording is really bad : thought i would revive it ;

    any mixing / recording tips appreciated , still working on it : might add a few minor elements --

    thanks for checking it out !

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2018
  3. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Excellent excellent track... Just awesome... Congrats on some great work...

    My only 2 suggestions (personal bias mostly)

    1. Dont keep that autotuned bit on vocals... It detracts from an othewise wonderfully organic track.

    2. The mix could do with a little more separation... Especially in the chorus area, it gets a little muddy...

    Musically though this song is brilliant!:wink:
  4. Aceha1

    Aceha1 Kapellmeister

    May 8, 2016
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    Great song! It seems like there may be too much verb, it seems like it's kinda all swirling together. Like Kinghtsurfer said, just needs a li'l separation. Really well-written joint.
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  5. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    Thanks for listening to my song guys and the great feedback !
    I will definitely take that into consideration when I finish mixing this
  6. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi @akashaman great song & thanks for sharing :wink:
    for the mix :
    imho the guitar strum in the beginning is panned very much to the right but that is a personal preference...
    try to clean your effects/reverbs with eqing
    the drums & your stereo image maybe will be impoved if you bring them more to the center/mono so try some m/s processing
    the guitar solo is a bit loud in the mix,but it is the star of the show.hope this info helps you
  7. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    Thanks so much spyfx !!
    the electric & acoustic guitars are panned hard R / L , ya :
    u think i should bring them in more ?
    i do this to help separate , but maybe its not the best place for them , ha

    i will def try your other suggestions as well ! --

    ya , i think the solo is a DB or two over ! TY

    big helps , all
  8. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    i was talking only about the guitar strum in the beginning of the track & it is a personal taste,so if you like it like that then leave it like that :wink:
    also try to experiment with some kind of transient shaper for your mix
    i use spl a lot,know it is a bit expensive but for me it is worth it,also check the de-verb plugin :bow: :

    since you have ozone plugins,check
    and it's transient shaper part

    and all the above are just suggestions & hope will help you :winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2018
  9. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    Oh I got you on that intro that’s a great idea
    I’ll bring it full stereo )

    I will have to check into that transient shaper I have some OZone tools , do they have one in there ?!

    Thanks so much
  10. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

  11. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    A great song, cool guitars :disco:
  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    on your master bus you can use ozone 8 : you can do m/s processing with the included eq,make mono your low end of the spectrum with the stereo imager,do some bus compression,tape saturation & even give your tracks some magic with the vintage eq

    a transient shaper can be used in your mixing stage & on drums to make them tighter & sit better in a mix

    de-verb is a solution for me if you don't have access to the stems of a track,
    try to eq your effects/reverb first
    good luck & know that mixing/mastering is an artform
    experiment a lot & don't forget above all to trust your ears :bow:
  13. johndoehizzle

    johndoehizzle Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2017
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    awesome track man. reminds me of some Oasis type of vibe (hope that doesnt offend you) . good track.
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  14. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    i did a bit to it , seems clearer to me ; vocal wise :
    i adjusted the auto tune more relaxed , and lowered the verb , wasnt much on it really : and using abbey road EQ on its send ;
    turned down the OH , AMB & Verb on drums via MIXER a bit ~! [ SD3 ]
    EQ`d the bass a bit more , think it pops out more : hope not too loud .
    thanks everyone for tips , mixing is an art , but its fun trying to get it listenable at least , ha :
    here is new mix , old one is left up for comparison :

    [ Deleted ]

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2018
  15. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    haha , u rock !
    i love oasis [ not BLUR , ha ] saw them off of whats the story tour !

    thanks man , i`ll take it as a comp , hehe
  16. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I would like the bd and sn to sound more upfront. Raising the reverbs predelay time, lowering the reverb amount and adding some upper mids to the sounds could help.
  17. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    Thanks for listening and the tips !

    will try
  18. akashaman

    akashaman Guest


    I did a lot more to this
    check it out when you have time thank you
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2018
  19. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Man... What a beautiful song... soaring...

    Heard new mix... Definitely clearer...

    Great work man...
  20. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    Thank u my friend !!
  21. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    @No Avenger, -- i lowered the AMB mic & OH quite a bit , bringing the kick and snare closer i believe : i left the older track up for comparison !
    thanks for the tip :

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