Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    this is the FREE library before it got a commercial version!


    Clara’s vocal library is created with the needs of the composer and sound designer , the library contains :

    Phrases and vocal sequences adaptable at bpm of your session.

    The library is a “open and young project “ and is continually updated , and i’m sorry if there are some bugs.


    Clara’s Vocal Library nasce pensando all’esigenza di compositori, sound designer e producer.


    Sviluppata in collaborazione con la cantante ” Clara Sorace “le patches sono pensate per essere da subito facilmente inserite nei propri lavori. Catalogate per generi , tonalità e Bpm le patches potranno essere facilmente utilizzate.

    Ogni patch è realizzata su un BPM nativo che offre il massimo della qualità, ma sfruttando il potente engine di Kontakt 5 le patches si adatteranno automaticamente al BPM della sessione. Sono presenti vocalizzi di varia natura e in diverse tonalità , così come fonemi con vocali suonabili a piacimento come qualsiasi virtual instrument.

    La Library sarà costantemente aggiornata con nuove patches.


    To download click on the icon : Download Here

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
  2. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Only usable Type 57 or 58 dynamic mics

    Carefully modeled famous vintage Type 87 condenser mic

    Reproduces all character of vintage Type 87 condenser mic

    DIRECT knob controls level of original mic

    EMULATION knob controls level of emulated mic

    OUTPUT knob controls out level of plugin

    Supported Plugin Formats
    AAX Native, AU, VST2

    Supported Operating Systems
    Mac OS X 10.7 through 10.12
    Windows 7 through 10
    Pro Tools 10.3.10 or higher or any VST/AU-compatible host running on a supported operating system

    Intel CPU only (minimum 2 GHz recommended)

    Intel-compatible CPU with SSE2 instruction set (Pentium 4 compatible or higher; minimum 2 GHz recommended)

    System Requirements
    Display resolution: 1440 × 900px or 1280 × 960px or higher
    Memory: 2 GB RAM


  3. Here I would rather see and discover these pages rather than on the black and white of the sister site. Is that a radical or conservative belief?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2018
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  4. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    i did'nt understand, could you explain yourself please!? :)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  5. I feel it more a culture for the vast majority of people (although I might be wrong as of course I have no statistics to back it up) to hit and run if given the choice to grab a bit of kit without visiting the developer's site to see what other tools they have on offer. Here it feels more of a dev friendly, more opening and expansive vibe to me. One need not have a paid download subscription to download even a very large file as any links are supplied by the developer.

    It was never a very thought out idea, more just a feeling. I am just blowing wind and prolly shudna even posted in the first place.
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  6. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    you are touching here a very sensible spot regarding "creativeness" and "interchange" that is usually conceded only to artists. But i think an artist is every one that is creative and that has a taste and pleasure creating, even in the kitchen, at work, in the school, making music, or programming software; some one that finds pleasure developing ideas and implementing them. For software developers that work in the music industry (an industry full of artists) is a double plus ++ to have the opportunity to share their software and be contacted by users (artists) providing feedback on their work. For me this is "social evolution"...or how things evolve. That is the reason why i love "open source" philosophy; look at Linux and see how things have gotten for the humanity. If internet was a big step in our society, linux was another one. Collaboration/interchange is the clue!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  7. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  8. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Live performance DAW-like software. Looks like it's built in Max/msp.
  9. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Orchestral Virtual Instruments
    SCC Expressive Strings

    SCC Expressive Strings is a virtual string ensemble programmed for maximum expressiveness. To get the most out of this library, it is recommended to have an expression pedal connected to an 88-key MIDI keyboard.

    The samples have been collected from various free SoundFont banks I have found online. More details on this can be found in the readme.txtfile inside the download.

    To play the instrument, you will need to load one of the two .sfz files into an SFZ-compatible sampler. I highly recommend the free Plogue sforzando plugin for this task. I cannot guarantee that SCC Expressive Strings will work correctly with other SFZ-compatible samplers.

    The filename suffix "CC1" or "CC11" determines which continuous controller will control the expression. CC1 is the mod wheel, and CC11 is the expression pedal. If you would like to use a different CC to control expression, make a copy of the "SCC Expressive Strings-Key Switch-CC11.sfz" file, open the copy in a text editor (not Windows Notepad... use Notepad++ instead) and search for all instances of "cc11" replacing them with the desired CC number (e.g. "cc2").

    SCC Expressive Strings contains seven presets that are accessed via key switch. This means you must press the appropriate key on your MIDI keyboard to switch to the desired preset. This is great for quickly switching between different articulations like legato and staccato. Here are the keys and their associated presets (C4 = middle-C):

    • A0: Legato (CC1 or CC11 controls expression)
      This is the default preset. Note velocity controls the quickness of the bowstroke, and the chosen expression method (CC1 or CC11) controls the volume and tone.
    • A#0: Legato (velocity controls expression)
      This preset is for those without expression input. With this preset, the note velocity controls volume, tone, and the quickness of the bowstroke.
    • B0: Staccato (velocity controls expression)
    • A7: Tremolo (CC1 or CC11 controls expression)
    • A#7: Tremolo (velocity controls expression)
    • B7: Legato/Tremolo crossfade (CC1 or CC11 controls expression, soft pedal controls sample crossfade)
      This preset lets you switch between legato and tremolo samples using the soft pedal (CC67) to crossfade smoothly between the two. Requires a soft pedal that sends values gradually between 0-127, rather than a simple switch, which is either on (127) or off (0).
    • C0: Pizzicato (velocity controls expression)
    NOTE: All downloads on this page are compressed RAR archives. If you need a way to extract RAR archives, I recommend 7-Zip.
  10. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    The best free high quality violin

    Download library:
    This library include 41 high quality stereo samples in WAV format, recorded by ldk1609 (
    The pitch correction and quantizing of each of samples was provided. Example:
    Tech notes (by ldk1609): violin - E H Roth 1925 bow - french, unstamped mics - spaced pair of earthworks QTC MP40 omnis interface - apogee duet @ 44.1kHz sequencer - logic pro.
  11. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Hex: The Dynamic Tonality sequencer
    Hex is a multi-track MIDI sequencer that facilitates music composition in microtonal tunings. It integrates seamlessly with our DT-enabled synthesizers, or with any standard MIDI synthesizer. It can also be used in conjunction with a digital audio workstation such as Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, or SONAR.

    Hex uses a lattice roll in place of the traditional piano roll. This enables unfamiliar microtonal scales to be intuitively visualized, and their tuning to be dynamically manipulated. The light buttons/lanes can be thought of as generalized "diatonic" notes, and the dark buttons/lanes as generalized "chromatic" notes.

    Dynamic Tonality Synthesizers
    We have three Dynamic Tonality synthesizers, each of which uses a different technique of sound synthesis. They all use the same set of Dynamic Tonality controls and support a wide range of microtonal tunings that can be smoothly morphed between. Furthermore, their timbres can be matched to the underlying tuning.
    The Viking is an additive-subtractive synth that emulates classic analogue synthesizers and contains a variety of filters, a highly adaptable envelope, and numerous LFO options.
    The Viking
    2032 is a physical modelling synth that emulates struck and bowed strings or wind-blown pipes that can be mounted on a resonant body (e.g., the body of a harp, guitar, or piano). The strings and pipes can also be excited by live audio input—for example, you can play a modeled guitar by tapping or blowing into a microphone.

    Transformer is a Dynamic Tonality analysis-resynthesis synth. It transforms an audio sample, or live audio, by separating it into pitched components (partials) and noise. The amplitudes and frequencies of the partials, and the balance between noise and pitch can then be dynamically adjusted. As with all Dynamic Tonality synths, it supports a wide range of microtonal tunings and the partials can be retuned to match the underlying tuning, thereby minimizing sensory dissonance. The tunings are produced by a period and a generator (for standard Western tunings, the period is the octave and the generator is the perfect fifth). The sizes of both can be freely adjusted to morph between many diverse tunings.
    Transformer is an analysis-resynthesis synth that detects and then adapts the tunings and amplitudes of partials from an audio sample (wav or aiff file) or live audio input. It is based on TransFormSynth, which is no longer under active development.
    Relayer: Isomorphic layouts
    Relayer enables musicians who play the AXiS-49, the QWERTY computer keyboard, the Thummer, or any MIDI controller, to play in a wide variety of isomorphic note layouts and tunings using either a Dynamic Tonality synth or a standard multitimbral synth.
    XronoMorph: Loop generator
    XronoMorph is a free OS X and Windows app for creating multilayered rhythmic and melodic loops (hockets). Each rhythmic layer is visualized as a polygon inscribed in a circle, and each polygon can be constructed according to two different mathematical principles: perfect balance and well-formedness (aka MOS). These principles generalize polyrhythms, additive, and Euclidean rhythms. Furthermore, rhythms can be smoothly morphed between, and irrational rhythms with no regular pulse can also be easily constructed.

    XronoMorph subsumes the earlier MeanTimes app described in Milne, A. J. and Dean, R. T. (2016).

    Each polygon can play an independent sound, and XronoMorph comes with a useful selection of samples to play the rhythms. Alternatively, you can load your own VST or AU plugins, or send MIDI to an external software or hardware synth. The rhythmic loops can be saved as presets within XronoMorph; they can also be saved as Scala scale tuning files, which means XronoMorph can be used as a tool for designing well-formed (MOS) and perfectly balanced microtonal scales.

    The video below gives an overview of what XronoMorph is and what it does. More videos are available on the XronoMorph YouTube channel—please leave a comment or a like if you enjoy what you see!

    About the Spectral Toolbox
    The Spectral Toolbox is a suite of analysis-resynthesis programs that locate relevant partials of a sound and allow them to be resynthesized at any specified frequencies. This enables a variety of techniques including spectral mappings (sending all partials of a sound to fixed destinations), spectral morphing continuously interpolating between the partials of a source sound and a destination) and dynamic tonality (a way of organizing the relationship between a family of tunings and a set of related timbres). A complete application called the TransFormSynth concretely demonstrates the methods using either a one-dimensional controller such as a midi keyboard or a two-dimensional control surface (such as a MIDI guitar, a computer keyboard, or the forthcoming Thummer controller).

    The Spectral Toolbox is featured in the Computer Music Journal paper Spectral tools for Dynamic Tonality and audio morphing. The paper describes the following sound examples, as well the software available for download below.
  12. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Sphere Plug-in
    • Sphere™ DSP algorithms – accurately models a wide range of the most sought-after microphones in the world.
    • Re-Mic technology – allows the user to change the mic type and polar pattern even after tracking.
    • New patented features – including Off-Axis Correction™, which can produce more accurate polar patterns for reduced bleed, room coloration, and feedback.
    • Supports a wide range of plug-in formats – including UAD, VST2, VST3, Audio Units, and AAX Native on Mac and Windows. Voucher included for free UAD Sphere plug-in.

    Microphone Models
    For many, the 47 is the ultimate vocal mic. Rumor has it that Frank Sinatra would not sing without his. The specimen we modeled is an original 47 with a fully brass K47 capsule with a mylar diaphragm and a VF-14 tube.

    Released in 1953 the C12 is another iconic mic which has a gorgeous high-end sheen and sparkle, due to the uniquely designed CK12 capsule. It's a great choice for lush, breathy vocals, without overly accentuating sibilance.

    The 67 is a very unique and wonderful mic that tends toward warm, yet without sounding dull. We modeled a mid-1960s version. It really shines on distorted guitar amps where it can reduce harshness while maintaining detail.

    Although the M49 used the same capsules as the U47, it has a number of “enhancements” which give it its iconic and distinctive sound. The center position on the pattern knob is approximately cardioid, but often the pattern was dialed in a little more exactly to get the best cardioid pattern possible. The model uses this “best” cardioid position.

    Sphere Linear
    The Sphere Linear model provides ruler-flat frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz, as well as an extremely smooth and well controlled off-axis response. A first of its kind, for a directional microphone.

    Other Models Include:
    • LD-251
    • LD-800
    • LD-87
    • SD-451
    • RB-4038
    • DN-57
    All modeled product names are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Townsend Labs Inc. These product names and descriptions are provided for the sole purpose of identifying the specific products that were studied during Sphere’s sound model development.

    We invite you to try out the native Sphere plug-in for yourself. The Sphere plug-in requires audio recorded with the Sphere L22 microphone, so we have provided pre-recorded audio material for use with the plug-in.

    Sphere Software Installer - v1.1

    (For native AAX, VST2, VST3 and AU)

    You can also download a pre-release beta
    version of Sphere that has new mic models here.
    Beta Downloads

    We invite you to try the Sphere native plug-in public beta, which provides access to new mic models and other pre-release features. As with any beta, there is the possibility of serious bugs so consider that before choosing to use this build. New models include:
    • LD-414 Brass
    • LD-414 Nylon
    • LD-414 US
    • LD-414 T2
    • RB-77DX Satin
    • RB-77DX Umber

    Sphere Beta Software Installer - v1.2
    (For native AAX, VST2, VST3 and AU)

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
  13. Townsend Labs say you need their mic. Also, do you know the restrictions on the demo?
  14. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    it works perfectly with the mic/audio/signal you have. I've just already tested it with a vocal track in Reaper! It works! it works! No restrictions = unlimited, grab it while u can... For sure with their mic the emulations shoulda be closest thing to the real deal, but you can use it although in creatives ways also.
  15. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    The Sound Design Academy Podcast: Audio Production | Voiceover | Podcasting | Lifestyle
    By Michael Heuer: Sound Designer, Voiceover Artist, and Blogger

    To listen to an audio podcast, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to download and subscribe to podcasts.

    Michael Heuer from Sound Design Academy shares all of his best sound design, and audio editing techniques, gear tips, and awesome audio hacks so you can stomp the audio industry and be at the forefront of audio quality with your voiceovers, podcasts, and audio career. Learn how you can consistently deliver amazing audio that truly shines so that you can stress less, grab the gig, and sound like a pro in no time! If you’re searching for a way to break into the industry, hear how the pros do it, and how you can do it too during your spare time, commute, or whenever you’ve got the urge, Michael Heuer makes it happen every week. Each session introduces you to somebody who’s out there making it happen, sharing their fails, epiphanies, great successes, and so much more. Every session ends with a jam session where each guest shares awesome resources and words of wisdom for you!

    Name Description Released Price

    SDA 015: Matt Besler – Bioware’s Blowin’ Stuff Up! This episode I’m chatting’ it up with Bioware’s Matt Besler! Matt has a had a varied career in film, television, and gaming with such titles as the Mass Effect Trilogy as well as Dragon Age: Origins, 2, and inquisition along with Mass Effect Andr 11/11/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 014: Frank Petreikis – Canada to the Rise of the Tomb Raider This week’s episode is with Frank Petreikis who is currently the audio lead on Rise of the Tomb Raider. Frank’s also worked on The Punisher, Saint’s Row 1 and 2, Red Faction Armageddon, Mass Effect 2: Arrival DLC, Mass Effect 3, 10/21/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 013: Austin Shannon – Stick of Truth to Freelance Freedom Today, I’m speaking with a sound designer who’s doing things a bit differently. His name’s Austin Shannon. Typically we imagine going into a studio, and doing our long days work, but Austin does his work remotely. And I think that… is rad. 9/23/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 012: Kyle Fraser – 343 Industries & Halo 5 This week I had the massive honor of speaking with 343 industries Sound Designer and Audio Lead Kyle Fraser. Kyle has some incredibly high standards for his work, and an especially keen ear for what he’s going after along with an unquenchable thirst 9/16/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 011: Jared Emerson-Johnson – Composing for Telltale Games Today I am chattin’ it up with the amazingly talented Jared Emerson-Johnson. Jared has composed music for a ton of awesome titles including Jurassic Park the Game, Back to the Future the Game, Telltale’s The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, 9/9/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 010: Chris Watson – Field Recording at Its Finest This week I had the absolute honour of talking with field recordist, musician, and audio ace Chris Watson. For those unfamiliar with Chris, he is considered one of the top field recordists in the world. He’s worked on Frozen Planet, The Life of Birds 9/2/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 009: Drew Medina – Io Moon, Virtual Reality, and the Future! Today I’m interviewing Drew Medina from Headtrip Games. Little about Drew, and this is from his website, but Drew has been a game artist for 14 years, developing console games at Atari, Pacific Coast Power and Light, Shiny Entertainment, EA, 8/26/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 008: Derrick Espino – Tokyo, Tech, and The Last Of Us This week I sat down with Sound Designer Derrick Espino. Derrick is not only an amazing human being, but has also worked on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, God of War: Chains of Olympus, 8/19/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 007: Joel Green – The Gallery: Six Elements, and Cloudhead Games Today I’m sitting down with Joel Green. Joel is a professional sound designer, helping to generate amazing audio for game titles such as Need for Speed: Undercover, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition, 8/12/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA006: Garry Schyman – Aliens, Bioshock, and Mordor! Today’s guest is Garry Schyman. Garry has composed for many mediums, but as of late has had an epic streak of video games. To name a few: Destroy All Humans! , Bioshock, Resistance: Retribution, Dante’s Inferno, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, 8/5/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA005: Jeremie Voillot – Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and More! Today I had the chance to sit down and talk with one of my industry idols: Jeremy Voillot. Jeremie is a graduate of the Vancouver Film School where he studied Sound Design. Since graduating Jeremie has had an amazing career working as a sound designer 7/29/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA004: Building a Better Voiceover Career w/ Scott Stackhouse This week I had the absolute privilege of sitting down with Scott Stackhouse. Scott is assistant professor of theatre in acting and voice at the University of Missouri Kansas City where he teaches acting, directing, and voice. 7/22/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 003: It’s the Journey Not the Destination with Greg Mackender This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Greg Mackender. Greg is the associate professor of sound at the University of Missouri – Kansas City where he teaches Hard Disk Recording and Sound Scoring. 7/15/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 002: Location Sound with Joe Elfanbaum Sound Design Academy sits down with Production Mixer and location sound man Joe Elfanbaum to discuss his recent success and growth as an audio expert within SCAD. Within 2 years of attending the Savannah College of Art and Design, 7/8/2015 Free View in iTunes

    SDA 001: Booking Books and Building Relationships on with Michael Pauley Sound Design Academy sits down with actor Michael Pauley to discuss his recent success and growth on Within less than a year Michael has managed to rack up over 70 titles on ACX, and made the leap to full time voiceover artist through Septembe. 6/30/2015 Free View in iTunes
    15 Items
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    • Category: Careers
    • Language: English
    • © 2015 Michael Heuer All Rights Reserved
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    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
  16. Thanks, I just downloaded it. My idea is that I can leave just one mic up and use this software to to add different characteristics to say, acoustic guitar tracks or background vocals instead of using eq or switching out microphones. These days I try to sculpt at the source instead of later on. This might help my flow and save some time. I'm looking foward to returning home and checking it out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2018
  17. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    yesterday i've played a lot with the polar patern... this software is crazy, i just could change the proximity of the source and the fullness and clarity of the sound without touching the DAW channel's post-EQ. I believe it will help A LOT by mixing to put your source also in the panorama placed virtually where you want = "axis" parameter!
  18. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    ...hmmm, this is a good addition to the thread.

    Music Production Software

    SoundBridge is an omni-recording experience, transcending desktop, mobile, and in-browser recording environments. Our online collaboration engine, powered by, allows you to seamlessly connect, communicate and transfer data, among an unlimited number of collaborators per project.

    Virtual Collaboration

    Our deep integration with allows you to seamlessly connect with other users and collaborate productively.

    RitMix Features

    RitMix is a powerful drum machine containing a 16-step sequencer, MPC-style pad performance section, extensive editing capabilities, and a solid built-in mixer. It consolidates the most essential functionality needed to make complex rhythms on-the-fly and plenty of insert FX, humanizers, and randomization algorithms.

    Huge Variety of Built-in FX



    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
  19. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Temper is a modern digital distortion plugin featuring a rich saturation stage and a unique phase distortion. Use the variable saturation curve to add warmth and edge to your sound, and let the phase distortion bring character and clarity through your mix. Temper also features a simple resonant lowpass filter and a feedback path to drive the intensity of the tone.

    Download includes 64-bit and 32-bit VST, VST3, and AU formats for both Windows and Mac OS X.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    The TX Modular System (Release 087 - January 2018)

    The TX Modular system is a modular software synth which is written in the SuperCollider language (
    It can be used to build interactive audio systems such as: digital musical instruments, interactive generative compositions, sound design tools, live audio processing tools, and group improvisation performance tools.

    This version has been tested on Mac OS X 10.11 and should also work on Windows and Linux.

    You don't need to know how to program in SuperCollider to use this system. But if you can program in SuperCollider, some modules allow you to edit the SuperCollider code inside - to generate or process audio, add modulation, create animations, or run SuperCollider Patterns.

    Intro to the software

    The TX Modular system includes many different modules such as: waveform generators, multi-track & step sequencers, sample & loop players, envelope generators, wavetable synths, filters, noise generators, LFOs, delays, compressors, gates, flangers, pitch-shifters, reverbs, vocoders, distortion, ring modulation, file recorders and file players, plus many more (see List of All Modules).

    The user can choose which modules to use and build these into a "system", adding audio files for samples and loops.
    Audio and modulation signals can be sent around the system allowing for all kinds of ways to link and control modules.

    Help files are provided for every module as well as tutorials on how to use the software.

    A user-designed GUI interface, with up to 20 linked screens is included.
    The user can add buttons, sliders, labels boxes, etc. of any size, colour, or font, and decide how they control modules in the system.
    This is useful for example when you want to show certain details of various different modules together on one screen. Or have a single button start several sequencers, or a single slider modify multiple filters.

    Up to 99 "snapshots" of the system can be saved, and you can easily create presets for any module, and export them for use in other TX systems.

    You can control the system live with a keyboard, mouse, MIDI or OSC controllers, an IPad or smart phone (using MIDI or OSC), or using other software - on the same computer, across a network, or across the Internet.

    It is also possible to record the digital output straight to disk to create audio files that can then be used in a sequencer or audio editor.

    Free Software License

    The TX Modular system is free software released under the GNU General Public License (version 3), created by the Free Software Foundation (see A copy of the license is included with the download.
