Live 10 is here!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Helvetica, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. je5009

    je5009 Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2017
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    This version is like ableton 9 but it feel little bit buggy and i think version 9 is better and more stable for now.
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah I did something similar. I think I bought used Suite for $400 and then used Push for another $400. Basically I got the whole shebang for the price of Suite which was pretty nice. Then when Push 2 came out I traded my used Push in for 30% off :rofl:

    But dude, you will never hear me say Live is bad. I love it - I did address that in my comment. I just think their pricing is a little insulting to the consumer - the pricing of Standard, in particular. How the hell that is worth $450 when FL Signature is $300 is beyond me. Thankfully I just bypassed that whole deal as described above. I guess their business is thriving, and believe me I'm glad as fuck. But just a few weeks ago a friend to whom I'd been singing the praises of Ableton decided to buy a DAW. He asked my opinion - Live vs Logic. I told him Logic via first round KO. I just can't in good conscience tell anyone who's not super serious about music to buy a $700 DAW or a limited version that's missing pretty basic features - like a sampler or a native synth - for the same price as S1 Pro or FL Studio.

    As far as Live 10 though. Almost no complaints from me whatsoever. I wanted comping but that's really all I wanted that they didn't do (aside from the aforementioned complaint about the library structure). Midi Capture is genius. I think people who are critical of it now ought to spend some time in Live 10, then try going back to 9. Live 9 was very good to begin with IMO and now several aspects of it feel quite inconvenient by comparison. And really what matters is having a DAW that doesn't feel like it's limiting you or forcing you to jump through hoops. Everything else is gravy
  3. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Playing all day. Didn't notice any bugs and crashes. (Not really happy with new fonts, but that just personal)
    Everything works fine. Check applications that might share some key commands with ableton. Like nvidia shadowplay or radeon relive or something else that might be working in background (players with global hotkeys etc).
  4. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Your brothers will let you know.
  5. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Playback engine still sounds like shit. Narrow and blurry.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  6. ash1

    ash1 Ultrasonic

    Nov 11, 2015
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  7. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    You don't even have to put carp in to hear how bad Live's playback engine is. I've been using multiple DAWs for more than 20 years, Live's playback engine sounds worst among them. That's why no classical guy or mastering engineer uses it. If you care about your DAW's engine quality, Sequoia is the way to go.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  8. ash1

    ash1 Ultrasonic

    Nov 11, 2015
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    ableton 10 is not Narrow and blurry and shit on my computer and never has been and i have been using daws for 30 years
    many users on this forum have made excellent tracks using ableton
    and they dont sound blurry narrow or shit
    so maybe you would be better off using Sequoia whatever the hell that is
    as for mastering engineers i would be suprised if you knew them all lol
    so what your saying is your selling ableton 10 :rofl:

  9. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    edit: just had to re-download.

    I dl and tried to install the demo on my mac but I go a weird message of "image is old needs to be updated".. never seen such error message
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  10. Cashmeere

    Cashmeere Guest

    This simply isn't true, the only difference between Live and say Logic is the summing of tracks, they both have 64 bit float points and if you export a sample from each and phase invert they will cancel each other out meaning they are identical so no differences there. Now if you have more than 1 track, lets say 5, 1 down the middle, 2 slightly left and right and 2 fully left and right and then export from the 2 DAWs and try to phase invert then you will hear a difference in the sides of the signal, this difference is subtle and listening side by side I guarantee you wouldn't know which is which as neither is better or worse they are just different.

    Every DAW handles summing differently, FL Studio is notorious for supposedly having a bad audio engine to the point where Image-Line wrote about it explaining why it's simply not true and that the myth just came from the fact a lot of beginners with no real production knowledge start out on FL Studio and post their "beats" all over the internet thinking they're the next big thing because they can program some basic drums and use an 808 sample when the truth of the matter is that the best produced music I have ever heard was made on FL Studio which, when I found out it was made on FL, I immediately knew this whole "blah blahs audio engine is terrible" debate was bullshit. It's Sam Gellaitry's music that made me realise this by the way, he uses FL, 'Hyena' and 'To Earth and Back' are incredible sounding productions all written, produced and mixed in FL Studio.

    So many big songs have been produced in Ableton too, the only thing that lets it down is it's mixing abilities which is the reason why a lot of people mix songs produced in Ableton in Logic or Pro Tools although this isn't necessary at all, it's just about workflow. I own Logic and for a while produced in Ableton and then mixed in Logic before I realised it wasn't worth the hassle as the outcome would be indistinguishable whether you mixed it in Ableton or Logic, I rarely open up logic now unless I'm tracking as I must admit Ableton is not good at tracking but sound quality is the same so perfectly fine to track in Ableton.

    What tests and research have you done to back up your claims that Lives audio engine is shit? and could you define narrow and blurry for me? Because all I hear in my exports is crystal clear audio occupying the full stereo field.
  11. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    by this time, whatever slight difference there could be is totally adjustable in the mix and mastering process, that discussion is not even worthy to be having, its just childish waste of time
  12. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Movie mixing or orchestral sound tracks usually contain hundreds of long tracks.
    That's when Live collapeses.
    No matter what DAW you use, your work will almost always be mixed in Pro tools and mastered in other DAWs or analog domain in pro world.
    Don't let Live's great UI and functions fool you on sound quality.

    FYI, Live is still the best when sketching and building song structures, so I use it for these purposes.

    Oh one more thing. Taking about mastering without even knowing what Sequoia is? Pure Joke.
    You probably never heard of engineers like Bob Katz and JONATHAN WYNER.
    Too busy stacking up loops in Live thinking you're actually mixing? lol
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  13. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    hell i dont givafuck about live ; can't believe the flora and fauna it has 'generated' since it started to exist
  14. inarisound

    inarisound Noisemaker

    May 21, 2016
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    I am happy to see Ableton, my first DAW to finally have a major update.... even tho I will stay with Reaper for now, I still consider to check out new features.... maybe they actually did something for people that work on film scoring.
  15. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Literally the only appeal for Ableton over FL for me is Live Clips. Such a useful feature, don't have to constantly reopen projects to load previous ideas, with all midi, effects, generators already in. Wish FL implemented something as intuitive as this (FL Bones is cumbsrsome). Don't know if that is worth the switch though.
  16. tnussb

    tnussb Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    No, it isn't that. There isn't something in the background to capture these shortcut. The Win7 installation is quite fresh and reduced to the max. No utilities installed. Neither is their a discrete gfx card in this laptop. Restarted multiple times Live9 and Live10 in series to compare the performance on some sets and the menu shortcuts works fine in Live9 when in fullscreen, but not in Live10.
  17. ash1

    ash1 Ultrasonic

    Nov 11, 2015
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    FYI, Live is still the best when sketching and building song structures, so I use it for these purposes.

    Oh one more thing. Taking about mastering without even knowing what Sequoia is? Pure Joke.
    You probably never heard of engineers like Bob Katz and JONATHAN WYNER.
    Too busy stacking up loops in Live thinking you're actually mixing? lol

    i would be surprised if you know what sketching and building song structure even is
    never mind Bob Katz and JONATHAN WYNER
    and if you like Sequoia that much at £2,580 maybe you should go and use it instead
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2018
  18. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    the only thing here that is a joke is you
    i would be surprised if you know what sketching and building song structure even is
    never mind Bob Katz and JONATHAN WYNER
    and if you like Sequoia that much at £2,580 maybe you should go and use it instead

    oh, did some research about Sequoia after all theses 30 years of DAW experience?
    £2,580 is too much for you? Go back to your mighty Live and start stacking loops again then. lol
  19. Ceja

    Ceja Ultrasonic

    Sep 17, 2013
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    Would love to hear some of your songs mastered in Sequoia - and if possible with the same plugins and settings in Ableton. Would be very interesting to see if there are audible / measurable differences.
    In my opinion it all comes down to the ears of the mixing/mastering engineer, I am pretty sure Bob Katz will get a good mix out of Ableton, as well as any other DAW. :)
  20. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Win 10, latest updates. works fine. At least for me.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018