Live 10 is here!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Helvetica, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    My sister's site.
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  2. btrusted

    btrusted Noisemaker

    Jan 30, 2018
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  3. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    FL is trying to add more and more. Ableton is trying to keep it simple. FL's midi roll is one of the best. Ableton is still light years behind regarding midi. But still Skrillex and KSHMR is using Ableton and killing it. Same goes for all other old DAWs. Bitwig and Reaper are new and will become highly successful in upcoming time.
    Cutting midi note in half saves you some seconds. That's it, nothing more. I really enjoyed your video on upcoming FL Studio's update. FL developers are really working hard to make it work for everyone. Ableton Live 10 added features are nothing as compared to FL Studio's 12.9.1 update. FL 20 will kill it.
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  4. TW

    TW Guest

  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I will just say what is probably expected of me to say... :rofl:

    The real updates are and should be "under the hood", because we all know that Live could use both stability and compatibility, as well as efficiency improvements. :wink:

    Updated colour scheme and smoothed out little niggles? That's just too trivial to call it a major update. I'm not saying that they did only that, of course. Just hoping they did updated those really important things and made Live really better. Then maybe I would give it a whirl, too. :wink:
  6. Helvetica

    Helvetica Producer

    Jul 21, 2017
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    arr, matey
  7. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Don't worry too much about the Sister, she is a read headed step child and we are all her bigger brothers and are very protective of her, hang out here for a few months ,show us what you're about and maybe one of will introduce you to her
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  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I don't know about Live, but in Bitwig if I wanna halve any note I just hotkey press the "knife" tool (hotkey no.5) click in the intended area and bam! Halved. Less than a sec action especially if it's in your workflow habits/reflexes. I press them 1,2,3,4,5 hotkey numbers while working in Bitwig like Herbie Hancock's riffs in a 2005 concert. I do the same with S1 but on the mixing side.
  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I might half-assed agree with you if Live weren't so damn expensive. The upgrade path is kind of a joke. I have written to them about this. They asked in a survey if you would recommend Live to a friend. My response was yes, but only if money is no object because the Standard edition is really not worth buying when you can get almost any other full fledged DAW for $400-$500. Anyone on a budget may as well get Studio One or FL and get the same rack/modular architecture with all the included FX and instruments for $300 or $400 less, respectively

    Basically any other DAW on the market, you pay $450 you get the no-holds-barred definitive version with all the bells and whistles. Hell, even Steinberg doesn't have the gall to charge more than $500 for Pro. With Ableton $450 gets you the DAW itself and not much more. No Analog, no Wavetable, no Operator, Collision, or Electric. No Max for Live which means no LFO or MSEG Shaper. IIRC they have now generously included Glue compressor in the Standard version of Live 10, but if you want a damn Sampler you have to pay an additional $70 or pony up an extra $300 for the Suite edition. It's kind of a laughable pricing scheme. And I LOVE Ableton Live. I have already paid my $240 to upgrade to Live 10 Suite, but these are just the facts.

    And Ableton isn't the only company guilty of this but it needs to be said... maybe someone who understands computers better will come and explain that there is a real reason for this, but to my mind a cap on the number of tracks you can have in a project is just the cheesiest, most obnoxious, arbitrary and artificial "screw you for buying the cheap version" limitation imaginable when Standard and Suite are the same base program with just a different number of add-ons unlocked.

    End rant.

    I've been using the beta for about two months now. I switched back to Live 9 to work on a collaborative project and I just felt so burdened by the absence of some of the quality of life improvements in Live 10. Scroll wheel zoom has been a long time coming and is finally here. Capture is classic Ableton innovation and I use it all the time.

    The Push 2 improvements make me actually want to use the Push to tweak parameters on EQ8, Wavetable and Autofilter since I can actually see what's going on. I haven't really taken the time to acclimate to the new melodic sequencer but it looks pretty nifty.

    I actually groaned out loud when I saw the new devices in the "what's new" video (as I would much rather have them put that effort into improving the actual DAW), but Drum Bus, Pedal and Echo are absolutely usable and all sound very good. Wavetable is cool I guess. I don't think anyone with Serum, Avenger, Dune, Synthmaster or any other (vastly superior) wavetable synth is going to be super enthused about a stock DAW wavetable synth but whatever. They probably needed that so they could add some variety to their Packs.

    Crucially, the dark skins don't have that annoying problem where you can't see the grid in the piano roll and arrangement view so I can finally use a dark skin.

    The new automation mode is very controversial but I like it.

    One of my only complaints: Collections is a nice idea but IMO is basically useless since you can only have seven and can't add subfolders. The inflexibility of Live's library is problematic for me and this isn't even a passable band-aid. I just keep all my designed sounds and organized samples in a folder totally separate from the main Library and the User Library because they folder architecture doesn't suit my workflow very well and I can't modify it in any way that's meaningful or useful. Accordingly, I mostly ignore the stock library because I can't organize anything in a way that suits me, and I avoid the majority of Max devices because I can't organize them at all. Max devices just sit in a long ass list with zero organization or categorization. I thought collections would be a fix for this, but it's not since I can't create folders for different types of max devices. All I can do is tag a few of them that I like to use so I can reach them from a shorter list :suicide:

    Lots of other stuff to say but I'm getting bored of typing. All things considered I am very happy with Live 10. All except for the upgrade price, but I expect they will make good on that, as they have been very good about adding features in point updates.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
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  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Cav Emp yes thats why i refuse to buy it, i am not paying for every major update half the price of the orginal price of the first buy.

    So why not use an other DAW?
    well i am so fast with Ableton and it helps me to lay down my ideas quickly, something i have not achieved with any other DAW and tried a lot of them.

    but so far i am happy with what Ableton has added here and there, still they could implement a stupid shortcut for freeze and flattering, hide the useless (for me) session view, ive used it like 2 times and i got no benefit out of it.
    max4live integrated huge win!

    i know how to refresh the trail, easy peasy! :wink:
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  11. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    in BWS zero length time selection + delete is enough ... but where is the glue :) ?
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah the update pricing is obnoxious, but they do go for like three to four years between updates and continuously add features during that period. The way I see it, you'd be paying nearly that much with other DAWs, just in smaller, more frequent increments. Add in some inflation for it being an Ableton product and you're there :rofl:

    Yeah this is a big one I forgot to mention. The only thing is I still have occasional crashes when opening projects containing max devices. That bug was minimized in version 9.7 or whenever it was they addressed it, but it never got totally fixed.

    Nonetheless, Max does feel a lot better to use now. Convolution Reverb Pro is kind of a mess though, which is disappointing because it's a very good, very underrated plugin. It really fucks your undo history if you adjust any parameter more than once. I've submitted a bug report, but it's been like this since v9 so I don't have high hopes that they'll make it any kind of a priority. Really unfortunate because I still use it, but I'd use it a lot more if I didn't feel like it added an element of unreliability to my projects.
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Cav Emp i only used LFO device from the max device and this always worked awsome, like i said in other thread i run like 10-20 of this little LFO devices and the project is stable. maybe 3rd party devices break max4live still?

    well i bough FL8 boxed in 2009 and i have still free upgrades to almost all new features they release. (i even paid the 30 bucks extra to get lifetime updates, just 2 weeks before they removed this option and made it permanent free).
    But IL is only the exception i think, there is literally nobody else doing this for the DAW (maybe Cockos?)

    the convolution reverb Pro is just not that great on my CPU, i have never used it, because of that and because i never needed IR recording, only use the valhalla stuff, but almost always the Ableton reverb in eco mode (yeah the grainy bad rendered reverb tail just fits the best with drones, ambient, etc) it adds to the sound.

    glue is for the bitwig users! :rofl:
    i never used this options before, but it would speedup workflow, if they wouls make it easier to handle. :woot:
  14. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Get some look at fastlane live course on youtube , most are in english and french and they made a tuto to inplement shortcuts with osx.Max4live could .be the second way
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Glue wise i have no idea how to do it in Btwg tbh lol, but S1 wise you just press G and it will glue all the notes back as a whole, works the same with it's samples/midi clips in the arrangement view.
  16. tnussb

    tnussb Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Ha, during my first 5 minutes with it I found already the first bug. When in fullscreen mode menu shortcuts are not working. They only work when the menu bar is visible (on Win7, btw). I wonder how this sneaked through their long beta.

    Other than that: nice update. Especially the gfx on the push2 for EQ8 and Wavetable are quite nice eye candy. But these are also quite heavy on the latency. Latency monitor showed up to 5 milliseconds caused by the usb driver now and then on my outdated laptop.

    Took me a while to find the update mechanism for packs within ableton. Forgot that they put it into the browser on the left side. That's somehow not really a logical place, but works fine.
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well yeah its a mess on windows to do this. so i would rather ableton to implement a standard shortcut for this.
  18. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    They want 369 to upgrade from Standard to Suite. Ableton has lost it's mind , Logic is far superior sonically 199.
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  19. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    That is the exact text translation of a 'middle finger' in your face. I did find a slight loophole by buying a used Standard 9 and then the upgrade to Suite. Paid almost the same price as the regular Standard price. Yes, as said, that is more than most. However, they do update the software on the regular.

    I wanted in on Live, as it seemed to be a great piece of software. So, I paid for it. With 10, I think it's good enough to jump in the pool. It's funny that I have become an adept Serum user in the past year and see the Wavetable addition. But, that wasn't the main selling point. You've all listed several. None of these DAWs are perfect. But, if you like them enough to use them, buy and try to have fun. Do complain about features and bugs! That gets them taken care of~ But, as a complete noob with Ableton, I don't think any of the cons I've seen noted makes it unworthy.
  20. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I might have imagined it, but isn't one of other new features the split panning so you can pan left and right signal independently? I am now expecting stupidly and ridiculously wide tracks to flood Beatport for the summer :rofl: