exporting individual drum files in daw , superior drummer 3!?

Discussion in 'Software' started by akashaman, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    probably a silly question , but is there a HUGE difference in the overall drum sound when using SD3 in a mix if you export each file in drum mixer into your DAW for further tweaking , etc :
    i mean , if your using a preset in SD3 the drums are already EQ`d , COMP`d , et al : u have the MIXER right there to tweak to your hearts content :
    do they really need more processing , or does it make it easy to get them to sit in your mix : when u have all of them separate to get a more detailed tweaking ?

    i am sure this is a no brainer ?!, but i get a GREAT drum sound using SD3 , & i am just rendering the MIDI file out , ha

  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I prefer to give each drum it's own track because I like to use my own 3rd party vst to eq compress and limit etc. I have far more control and yes, I believe it does sound better.
    It is logical to assume the more control you have over a plugin, the better you will get it to sound.
  4. massichat

    massichat Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I already get great mix with EZDrummer 2 and without adding third party vst, so with SD3, it must be even easier and better. In rare cases and with some arrangement of instruments, it's very complicated, even when I opt for external VSTs..

    So in my opinion, it does not change much unless you have a clear idea and can not to concertize it with the internal mix.
  5. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

  6. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    You might as well be asking people their favorite ice cream flavor, or what is the best position to maximum rumpy bumpy whoo whoo.

    The truth is, each person is going to be different, that is why they make so many flavors of ice cream, and that is why there is a karma sutra.

    The majority of the time I prefer to route each drum to its own track, however there are times where I dabble in a bit of strange and I just like what is coming out of the plugin mixer as is.

    Disclaimer - I use BFD not SD3 but I am guessing that it is all somewhat similar.
  7. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    well , that`s a bit of a Hyperbolization - pretty simple question really :
    i realize the PRO way is to export each track , i am just curious i guess as to how big a difference it can make :
    i mean the drum sounds in SD3 [ presets ] are huge and HEAVILY processed AS IT IS :
    to me , they just end up sounding overcompressed if not careful , adding even more Processing / FX :
  8. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It doesn't make that big of a difference TBH.

    Unless you are going for some genre where extreme loudness and fast drumming are common (i.e. Metal) or simultaneous layering of synthesized and sampled drums is common (i.e. R&B) you will not gain that much.

    Then again, in the end it really depends on what you like... and as you said they are heavily processed to sit in a mix well already, so if you don't have other drums sounds fighting with them, or can keep your bass under control, they can sound just 'pro' and finished just as they are.
  9. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    right ; that`s what i was thinking ; hell - some of those presets in SD3 are over 30 tracks in mixer !