What are your favorite workflow improvements in Ableton?

Discussion in 'Live' started by SwingSwing, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. SwingSwing

    SwingSwing Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    When working on an idea or getting from jamming to creating an audio track - what are your favorite ways of making things easier? I just recently started to change my project preset, so I already have the right tracks and instruments and FX loaded when I begin, which is a huge help. I also added MIDI-settings for my MIDI-hardware and since then I enjoy them a lot more and the process got more rewarding. Still after a few hours of working on a track I'm kind of exhausted, so I want to improve my workflow even more.
    What kind of workflow tips do you have and what is your workflow in general? I mean do you go from jam to track or have a perfect Idea that you just try to create? What elements of making music do you think are most exhausting? Do you plan when to take breaks and how long is one of your sessions at a time? I make music just for my own enjoyment, but I enjoy it more if I'm not dizzy after 4 hours and many times I cant't seem to stop before I'm exhausted :dunno:
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  3. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Завод Юпітер
    This is interesting topic in general regardless the Daw you are using! Because of my poor english i put a link below, I hope this helps you. Cheers
    • General productivity tips
    • Creativity
    • Workflow Inside the DAW
    • Ableton Live
    • FL Studio
  4. djzero

    djzero Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    What I just started doing and it improved my workflow A LOT is saving whatever I work on in one place, so if I'm just fooling around with an idea, make sound design, create new presets, midi clips, deconstruct other songs or anything, as small as it is, that is not full on creating a track I save these more organised. Then what I do is add the folder to the browser so whenever I start a new track I can easily just go to the browser and drag in clips or presets or only one track or group I like from a project as opposed to an entire project, whatever I created before and I don't have to start from scratch but I have something to fall back on and it's my own stuff so I rely on sample packs a lot less often.

    I know this sounds very intuitive and people would think everyone is doing it from when they are starting out but it's really not true, or at least it wasn't for me. This improved my workflow exponentially.

    The downside is... Ableton's browser is shit and indexing is full of errors so a lot of the times the folders don't get indexed or they are empty, hopefully this will change in Live 10.
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