Hate to say this...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by One Reason, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    A few days ago.... Audioz... had a problem, I'm sure were all aware....

    That day... My PC froze.... I got a warning from MS Security essentials... which it.. 'said' it cleaned up....

    However.... after over a year, maybe more of having no issues on my PC.. THAT day.... I started having issues with Windows Live crashing...my mail crashing, Firefox crashing.... and... Windows.. crashing....

    The main culprit, having ran the 'Who crashed' app... was ntfs.sys...

    Now.. some may say, "that's a hard drive error" ...well, I thought the same... after a dozen crashes..

    So, I had a spare 1 TB Sata drive I had been meaning to install.... this seemed like a perfect opportunity.... so... installed it...and of course AV too..

    For the last couple of days, I have been installing Win 7 on a NEW drive, New install, ...well... all was going well.... I had installed a couple of hundred gigs of software... All the Spectrasonic's stuff, 130 GB, Allll the Toontrack stuff, dozens of gigs.... Kontakt 8, Dozens of gigs.. copied over ALL my libraries from the old drive.. (300 Gigs)... and that's just the big stuff.... also tons of the small stuff... with the keygens, cracks, reboots, file moving...ETC.

    Point being I was a GOOD way into getting it all re-installed...... for like.. the 30th time in my life.. (always more.. and more..)

    Anyway... all going well.... I decided its safe to install Firefox.... Adblock, couple more addons.......

    Of course, like all of us... curious to see whats going on on Audioz... So i visit...admittedly in the middle of copying a nice 50GB chunk of files to the new drive.. so my PC was... running sorta slow....

    As I get to Audioz... I search for a Trilian update I needed, that somehow I did not have... and BAM.... I lock up again for a several seconds...again.. on Audioz. :snuffy:

    Well, since then... the SAME ntfs.sys blue screens... same Firefox crashing, MSN crashing.... almost identical behavior to what was happening on the other drive...

    Thing is.. this is a new install, on a new drive... but same.. symptoms.

    I would like to ask if anyone else has experienced anything remotely similar to this... and lastly say... may not be Audioz at all.. I love the site.. but.. this is just too weirdly coincidental to make sense to me...

    Gonna WIPE my 1 TB drive, go about my installs... again... and stay off Audioz.. for a while.

    I'll either see u guys............ or I won't.

    Peace......... :mates:
  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    I don't know what happened to your System and I didn't have the problem,
    but I can tell you that I am now one whole year virus, worm and trojan free since I use Sandboxie.

    I never run Firefox without being sand-boxed !
    I use my anti-virus just as a little back up and alarm bell in case there is something I wanna know about.
    Most of the time I am not using it...

    Sandboxie keeps me save through the biggest shit sites you can imagine.
    I can go right into any shitload site and I immediately see and feel my system run slower,
    like something want's to take it over. (...believe me, I had to test this out of curiosity)
    In this case I just stop all processes in Sandboxie and wipe it clean...
    Nothing will be left over and run again.
    No virus, worm or trojan survived this ever and came back on me again.

    I can only recommend Sandboxie as the only safeguard you'll ever really need.
    Please consider to buy it ! The developer is a genius...

    Google Sandboxie and have a look if you never knew about it...

    Good Luck for the future.
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Haven't experienced any nasties here, keep getting the google Virus warning page though, but my system is clean. My security software I use is AVAST Antivirus (free version), and Malwarebytes (free version), plus Windows7 built-in firewall and router firewall. I use Firefox (with adblock etc) for the interweb. I have removed MS Security Essentials from friends and family computers after they have experienced problems in the past, and set up their machines the same as mine, without any further issues.
    Unfortunately the Blue Screen of Death can be caused by a multitude of things, from installing a simple program (and I think there have been some Windows updates this week as well!) to a potential hardware failure. Windows does create log reports (Windows Error Reports, I think) which can help especially when there are crashes. These should point you towards where the problem may be. :blues:
  5. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    the ntfs.sys is a hd problem. i was gettin that shit before but not cuz of audioz. the first thing i did was a system restore to a point before it occured. then i ran a scan to check for virus's and stuff. then i used the microsoft malicious software to get the malware heres a link for it http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=16 ... if it should happen again after that then restart your comp hit F 11 or 12 and choose out of the box restore. it will reset back to the day it left the factory
  6. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Same here. When my pc acts strange, I delete the sandboxie content and life goes on. Best money I ever spent.
  7. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    I am behind my router firewall but still use Zone Alarm free firewall. I have also got Panda Cloud Antivirus (free) previously I used Avira's free version but it had a lot of popups and ads. Most importantly I use Opera as my main browser.

    I believe the weakness lies with these two programs:

    -MS Security Essentials
  8. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    I too use zone alarm firefox etc and ive had same issues. Not that im pointing fingers.

    I disabled quicktime and all seems to be ok - odd
  9. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    You also need an antivirus program. Firewall stops network intrusions but not malware execution. Or browse using the sandbox method mentioned above.
  10. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    One Reason - what you described seems to be related to infected files.
    Maybe there's some Trojan Horse or Virus on your PC....
    From my own experience (on my MAC) it's difficult to find + remove such things.
    Once i caught a Keylogger from a downloaded Torrent file.
    I'll suggest you to run a deep scan and use Antivirus software.


  11. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Hate to say this but.... I'm on a Mac, use Firefox ALL the time, and yet I never had a problem with Audioz f**king my system up.

    Dude, anything PC or Windows is wide open for exploitation. You must know that as a fact after doing 30+ re-installs on your PC by now. Maybe your safest bet is to get a Mac with VMWare or Parallels for your Win stuff. At least even if your Win partition goes down you'll still have OSX to play with. I'm not starting any PC vs Mac wars here, I'm just simply telling you my own experience. Good luck man, I honestly hope you find a workable solution. I always love seeing your comments on AudioSex anyway...
  12. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    i didn t experience any problems,but in my experience the blue screen of death usually has two main responsibles: the graphic card ( the latests nvidia drivers r actig silly),and the RAM sticks
  13. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    First rule when you have a DAW : Never have an internet connection on it. (so use USB sticks to transfer software from 1 computer to the other.)
    Second rule : Use your DAW only for what it is. (so no games, other stuff, just DAW)

    And i would reccomend to do a Low Level Format on that HD, and after that an Gutmann (35 passes).

    Gutmann can be found free on http://www.piriform.com/

    Have Phun Dawing :)
  14. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i never had any problems like this BeCause I'm a Mac :wink:
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    It can be... it isn't in this case.. as Im having the exsame issue on a brand new hard drive..

    Thanks for everyones comments, still working on it.. I hope its nothing to do with Audioz :) :mates:
  16. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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    If you want to know if it's Audioz, make a honeypot on another computer (VM).

    Here is a simple explination :

    My link

    Or if you want to run your single DAW on the internet 24/7, without an server, then use Commview :)

    Hey... When i start Presonus Studio One, what do i see in the bottom right? :) FB? TR? Bla? Doh :)
  17. Heisenberg

    Heisenberg Heisenberg

    Jan 24, 2012
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  18. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    If that were the case then many of us here would be having the same problem!

    Ntfs.sys error is usually caused by a faulty or corrupt motherboard (not sending the right voltage), hard drive, device driver, faulty memory. Generally, most ot these problems occur because of faulty ram. Troubleshoot to see if it's a memory problem. If the crashes only occur with one of your memory sticks then boot with each stick individually. If you have an extra video card then try that too!

    Some of your other symptoms can also be caused by an infection or possibly Malware. If it is an infection, installing a new hard drive will logically eliminate the same virus (viruses) from reappearing again. If you still encountering the same problem, I would reformat the new drive and only install Win 7 and Firefox. Let it run for awhile to see if the warnings and crashes appear again. If the problems are gone then you have a hidden virus somewhere in the software (or image) that you're reinstalling from the old drive.

    And please don't go away. Come back! *yes*
  19. generalkunt

    generalkunt Newbie

    Nov 9, 2012
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    Firstly the obvious one, if you can dont have the internet on your music system, causes less problems in the long run.

    If it's a new drive and you still have problems then try making a fresh OS install disc and burning it slower, preferably download the OS from a new source, or obtain with a new source.

    If then you still have a problem then you could try another CD drive to install from, and if the problem is still there then it's a hardware problem somewhere.

    Lastly, when you finally get it all installed make an 'image' of the working system with all vsts installed etc, use Acronis True Image or similar, real life saver, and time saver in case you have any future problems, and naturally back up important stuff to an external or whatever.
  20. BlasterM

    BlasterM Newbie

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Personally, site haven't gave problems you mentioned, just that Chrome "red screen" which other Chrome users had as well.
    And yeah, problem could be in hardware or drivers (added new components lately or have done some over clocking?).
    Specifically I would check/change ATA cables, diagnose memory and hard disks, PSU might be also worth checking.
    Along the lines of running Memtest86, hard hard disk manufacturers diagnose tool, checking voltages for excessive fluctuation or under/over voltage. You know, bad PSU can cause all kinda problems, usually those you cannot pinpoint to anything.
    Then I would loose Security Essentials and install Avast as suggested on the software side.
    And hey.. always write down or take a pic of the actual error message, it can help track down the source of the problem.

    Good luck, hope you got things working there! :thumbsup:
  21. Nastynasty

    Nastynasty Newbie

    Aug 21, 2012
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    What you're experiencing is known as confirmation bias related to proximity of coincidences.

    Visiting Audioz you saw a malware warning (which being red and scary when you're expecting blue and calming, induces a state of cognitive dissonance). Then, coincidentally (ie. at the same time), you're having what could be a malware or a hardware problem, your brain being the awesome pattern recognising machine it is, then assumes it must be something to do with the malware warning that it saw earlier on Audioz and types up this thread.

    So far so good. The cognitive bias part comes into it when after you've typed up this thread and finding that no-one else is having the same problem for the reasons you've attributed you continue to assume that the problem is caused by Audioz and even state that you might never come back.

    Our brains are literally wired to make these kinds of false connections don't worry about it.

    It's really unlikely you've got a malware problem without having clicked on something or run a file you shouldnt have.
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