Batch convert wav to RX2

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Nima, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I,m producing a Drum and Percussion Loop Library and have about 2000 Sample Loops now in Wav Format.

    I began to convert them with Recycle but it is a torture working this way. I can not batch convert with it and I can even not save a user preset for my setting in recycle.
    Every wave file I open, I have to adjust all settings again and then convert a file.

    Pro Sample producers may have a more Intelligent solution. :dunno:

    I am not optimistic to find a solution because the hit detection for the conversion is sort of hit and miss. And most tools, to even get semi-accurate hit detection happening, require you give it the BPM before extracting hits.

    Guys, can You help me?

    Thanks in Advance :bow:
  3. tsigoulas

    tsigoulas Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2014
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    I'm sure you are looking for something like extreme sample converter(so am i) to be able to convert fast from wav to rex2 but i don't think that anything like that exists right now ... If you are reason or Stylus user unfortunately the only solution is recycle or the discontinued Zero-X Beatcreator wich convert only mono files in REX format and not REX2. Now if you are not a Reason user i suggest you to use native instruments kontakt,Fruity Slicer, pHATmatik PRO etc... or do it even easier by slicing on the fly with a simple right click in Ableton Live or Logic (pretty much all new DAW's have this function...)
    Sorry for my bad English, i hope i helped you ;-)
  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yes, and have you listened to the result at different tempos, like +30% or -30%?
    Only a properly sliced REX(2) file will still sound good, and proper slicing almost always means manual, 'tortural' slice point editing.
    That's also where I blame the propellerheads: While during the past years they have slightly updated Recycle in terms of functionality and file handling, they have in no way improved the slice detection quality.
    Automation of this process only works if every drum/percussion hit is 100% isolated from the other and there is a short silence between each hit, and that's rarely the case (but I don't know your loops).
    That's the charm of REX files by design. (just like Acid WAV or Apple Loops that must be properly sliced just as well!)

    Well, the solution is manual hard work. It's "just one more format", but one that you have to put some lovely labour into.

    BTW, you can at least batch convert REX/RX2 to Apple Loops using Apple's Loop Utility.

    If you are not ready to do the manual work, you better not include any loops in RX2 format as they would be worthless anyway if they sound bad when sped up or slowed down.

    I had the same problem and I have programmed a WAV/AIFF to RX2 "batch converter". Yes, it "worked", I had a bunch of RX2 files in the end, all created with a static setting of, say, 70% slice detection level in Recycle, but as you may have experienced by now, this is only 10% of the story.

    If you create your loops from samples (as opposed to live recording), there may be a solution but it's rather complicated and I will not go into detail here.

    Good luck! :dancing:
  5. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    There is no way to do that in batch mode, just because of one important thing:

    - you must set beat markers

    ... there is a option to set auto but you can have errors on most loops
  6. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I don't know if that is what you are looking for but I converted 13Gb of drum samples to RX2 files with an application called CDXtract 4.
    You can batch convert complete folders of samples to REX2 format.
    This thing can convert about any format to anything else and it works.
    The version 4 only works up to OSX 10.6.8 if you are on a Mac.
    There is also a version for PC. Check it out.

    I hope this can help you..

  7. tsigoulas

    tsigoulas Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Sorry omman but cdxtract converts only from rex(2) to Wav not from Wav to Rex(2) it's an awesome program though ;-)

    Yes i'm actually doing it everyday and sounds great with even more than 30% !!! I use Ableton Live so all wav files are synced. 1st I pick on the fly the loop i like, then i drag and drop the loop into the sequencer witch ableton auto creates warp markers with 80-90% accuracy, then a few tweaks on the warp markers like you do in recycle and finally right click slice to new midi track...

    0 deference between recycle and ableton method and quality...
  8. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I converted all my drum samples to REX 2 and it's been a while but I'm pretty sure I did it with that program because I don't have any other program that could do that.
    If I remember the way I did it, there is a batch button on the top left corner and you can choose to option to batch convert a folder or disk.
    Then you choose the REX option tab as your destination and launch the conversion.
    I presumed I did it the way I'm explaining it because I have a folder with all my drum samples beats and an exact duplicate folder converted to REX 2 files.
    I'm sure I didn't do it the other way around and that I obtained the sample drums before converting them to REX files.
    Well anyway, you seem pretty sure so I presumed you already tried it and my memory could be failing me...

    Have another look you never know.. :wink:
  9. tsigoulas

    tsigoulas Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2014
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    What you probably did was converting your soundfonts or Akai discs to NN-XT sampler...
  10. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    You know exact what my case is. I have worked hard on the quality and this is why I pay attention to the convertion to RX2. If I have to, I will do it for whole 2000 samples in recycle.

    You are right, since 15 years has recycle no improvement. the old Technique and no user Preset for settings is horrible. I will look inside recycle to make it save my settings.

    How did You do programming a WAV/AIFF to RX2 "batch converter"? Give me a direction.

    many Thanks for reply.

    I know but I have Group of loops that are very similar (Different variation of a Beat).
    They could be batch converted. So by 2000 loops this will be very helpful.


    All these Software read and process RX2 but not save them to RX2, It is "propellerhead" own license and they did not buy it.

    I think our friend is right. cdxtract can not do rx2 batch saving

    THanks anyway
  11. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Of course you all were right.
    I rechecked this morning and WAV cannot be converted to REX2 with CDXtract.
    I know that at some point I converted a lot of Akai disc to REX2 and NN-XT format an surely to samples also.

    Sorry about that!! my memory did fail me on that one.
    Next time I will look into it further before posting an answer.

    See you all...
  12. tsigoulas

    tsigoulas Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2014
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    Don't be sorry Bro, you was just trying to help ;-) The same thing happened to me 2 years ago, i thought i was converting from akai loops to RX2 but i was actually converting AKAI instrument banks to NN-XT,NKI, all the loops were converted to WAV fomat...

    Fiction i would really love to try out your WAV/AIFF to RX2 "batch converter" even if it's not 100% accurate yet (i wish i could have those skills to be able to program useful tools like that)
    It would be great if you share with us my friend, thank you!
  13. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I think if he wanted, he would offer that to me as he saw what problem I have. I had the feeling he does not want to share his script. Am I wrong? :dunno:
  14. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    on windows i used mouse and key recorder, recorded a loop with key commands to execute in recycle, loaded audioloops of same length in bars and executed it. first i inspected a dozen loops manually to set the best common sensitivity value. But dont ask for details as i dont use windows anymore nor the m+k recorder software, it's a decade ago. wish apple's automator app would be capable of doing this but automator sucks :( i guess greedy pissheads want big $$$ from anyone who wants to implement rx2 export compatibility, thats why there are no tools
  15. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    @HPF yes, that's exactly what I did in my AutoIt script and the way I've applied it to a selection of different WAVs.
    I've thrown it away after finding that maybe only 5% of the loops didn't need any manual correction. In most cases, the sonically pleasing loops are a mix of sharp hits, pads or swells and rhythmically undefined filler paint that need quite a bit of manual work to properly play at different bpm. If you mind doing the work on all files, then do it like I did: Treat the WAVs "on request" only.
    During composition, you browse through hundreds of loops and in the end you only use two or three of them, which can either be sliced manually or time-stretched by different apps. I rarely use Recycle anymore, except when I have to fix an RX2 that's not properly sliced. Ableton plus Melodyne is one nice combination, but I recently found that, imagine that, Amazing Slow Downer does a really good job on loops if you try all the different stretching algorithms (the older and newer ones included in the app), and that is without any manual interaction. You just select the algorithm and the time/pitch ratio, and in most cases the result is better than with Ableton if you don't want to manually move warp markers.
  16. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    you could save time by giving someone else you trust that can do a great work some parts of the library and divide the whole process... I know it's killing you doing it alone but don't rush with batch creation... it's very difficult to create a batch that slices perfectly the wav files... take your time and good luck !
  17. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    Doesn't Omnisphre 2 convert .wav to rex within the plugin? Maybe the solution is there...
  18. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Recycle is still the only app that can create RX2 files. Believe me. This has not changed for decades.
  19. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
  20. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    So taskforce "GBR" is born (group based recycling) :) This is an excellent idea - But seriously: How important is the format in 2018? Most software except pissheads reason doesn't really take advantage of the format but converts it to wave to treat it as timebased multichunk data, you can practically do the same with apple loops (caf/aif) and acid loops (wav) they miss only the file compression
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