Nebula 4 Free - Ready to give it a go, any pointers?

Discussion in 'Software' started by mercurysoto, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Hello fellow ASexers, I'm going to download the new Nebula 4 free bundle. The fact that it is AAX compatible is a great thing. When I tried the free Nebula 3 bundle, it was a hassle and like many others who have tried it before, I put it to pasture. I know about analog gain staging and how to make things work the analog way.
    • Can I run third party libraries within N4 free or is it limited to its bundled content like N3? Maybe there's no bundled content now. I see it's a separate download. Am I right?
    • There are libraries that can be bought for really reasonable money from Henry Olonga. He even has free stuff. Will I be able to load these on the free bundle?
    • Is N4 free CPU friendlier than before?
    • How to I go about it to avoid the early burnout I had with N3?
    Maybe these are a lot of questions, but I hope you can help me out here.

    Peace to you, people.
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  3. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    just get it you won't regret it ,search gearslutz forums for free alexb,and especially cdsoundmaster libraries ,but the included trial libraries are amazing,and has everything,so try it as soon as possible and then try to buy full neb4 before it goes full price,it's 167$ or euro atm and for what you get it's a steal and this will get you set,for good and this coming from a guy who has slate bundle and uad as well.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  4. JockÄl

    JockÄl Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    Actually now it just turned 191€, but still a 20% discount. I would give it a shot, but I don't think you can use licensed libraries in a free N4, still like it is in Nebula 3. N4 is pretty friendly on the CPU, I have a 8 Core Xeon E5 and my CPU-meter in my DAWs doesn't really show anything with 5 instances.
    The only problem is the added latency. It swallows about 50 ms per instance, which is pretty fucking much. Still did not figured out, how to reduce it...

    Edit: Okay, with the ZL (Zero Latency) mode :facepalm:, but still very consistent CPU usage!
  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yep I just got the Nebula 4 (also Nebula 3 server, I'm officially hooked to those), I have trouble getting over how good that thing is. I wanted the Nebula 3 server for Nebula setup, and all the libraries and the skins that were all already made for it. They run in N4, but I can't create single instances with skins like it's possible to do with nebula setup, so untill it's fully compatible with N4 and devs do more librairies specially for it I use both.
    All the previous programs from N3 are supposed to be good to go. I've tried a lot of them and so far so good.
    I got the all you can eat bundle from H.Olonga (very nice guy, he wrote to make sure I got the bundle and it runs good, although he was at a camping trip), I bought the 40$ one (the free includes the 44 kHz samples, the 40$ 44 and 96, and the 150$ also has the 192 kHZ in addition), cause I think what the guy does is fantastic and I might as well support him.
    For your questions I think I have read in the forum that it depends of the commercial library you're talking about, some run on the free version of N3 (I don't think N4 free is out yet, it should come out later, on my acoustica audio dashboard before I got N3 and N4 I could only dl N3 free) and apparently others don't, it's specified on the devs pages of products (runs with nebula pro, free, latest etc.). Apparently N3 (free or not) is less powerfull, this is the guy who makes the thing that says so on the forums : " Said that, the new engine IS faster, because new optimizations. It loads faster, it supports dynamic rate, the zero latency engine is debugged and more reliable, multithreading is a bit better, a lot of things are improved. The new preset system is really awesome".
    But as I've understood it those changes aren't noticable with presets that were made with N3. A good example of the future of programs for N4 is Rose. Which is delivered free when you buy N4, both as a vst and as programs in N4 (I also got Tan and Ochre, those two are insane, but I'm not sure I got them for getting Nebula or for the other stuffs I got on their website). It's both a FET and an OPTO compressor, and it's very nice. The way I understood it it's the new tech in N4 (core9 amongs others and new possibilities for the devs for auto dynamic sampling or something of the sort) that allowed it's design
    N4 free should only run free libraries it seems, there will be a lite version down the road (that will replace N3 Server) but it will also be less powerfull then the full N4, but it will probably be able to run commercial libraries (so that it can be used as server). No date or price announced.
    Honestly N4 rocks, and at the price it is right now, with the free H.Olonga library (so many great programs in there) as a starter (the factory N4 included ones aren't that fantastic except a few), it's a great deal, but you have time until it ends (I think it's february). Thrying the demo is a good move, I don't mind the workflow with or without Nebula Setup but it has to click with you.
    This could help, it's a rom that a nebula user did that includes all the programs with their full name not the abreviations for trademark matters (third party devs included, HO being one of them) which is mighty helpfull to figure out the names of the programs list inside N4 or N3 (it works for both).

    Also I can't post a link but there is a very good tutorial (although it's about N3, and few things are obsolete) on the sister site, Nebula explained or something of the sort.

    EDIT @JockÄl also to reduce latency you hit MAST button (in Guru mode which is on by default in N4 not in N3) then at the bottom right of the MAST page ther is a dspbuffer area whiith a menu where you can bring down latency all the way to 128 (by default it's 1024) .
    The tutorial on AZ goes around that matter of optimisation of the beast.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
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  6. JockÄl

    JockÄl Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    What also is pretty nice, if you use Nvidia CUDA. If you have a Nvidia graphics card you can use it as a co-processor for Nebula, which is pretty nice. The customer support ensured me that it should work with CUDA toolkit v.5 in Nebula 4, but I have no clue in how to set this up...
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    This is from their FAQ on there website : " We are supporting CUDA version 2.3 with the commercial version of Nebula Reverb. If you are not a customer, you need to make a request to [email protected], or send a support email by using the contact form on the site. If you are a customer there is a proper thread in the customer section. As a brief you need to download and install the latest nvidia CUDAversion , nvidia CUDA toolkit and Acustica Audio's CUDA bridge. Once downloaded and installed you're ready to use with Nebula.

    To use CUDA for reverbs, follow the steps below:

    (You will find these files in C:\nebulatemprepository)

    Copy the "Nebula3 Reverb.dll"file and rename it "Nebula3 CUDA.dll" or choose a name that you like.

    Copy the "Nebula3 Reverb.xml" and rename it as above (e.g. "Nebula3 CUDA.xml")

    Go to the MAST page in Nebula, set the FREQD to mode 15 (CUDA 2ch Mono).


    This version will now process reverbs on your Graphics Card, rather than your host CPU

    CUDA is supported on mac OSX aswell. The installation precedure is described in the forum."

    I have a nvidia, I haven't tested yet, I think I will.
  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    CUDA support? How effin cool!
  9. JockÄl

    JockÄl Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    @subGENRE, actually my first intention to buy Nebula was that I'd be able to work with my GPU, not the Volterra Kernel stuff!

    @Talmi Yes, you quoted their info on the AA website, but that's the description for Nebula 3 and not even Nebula Server 3 Pro, much less for Nebula 4. Since then the naming of the files has changed to N4.vst (which I presume this is the Reverb version of the vst) and N4 ZL.vst (the Zero Latency instance). Guess I have to ask the support again...
  10. Empirose

    Empirose Newbie

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Question about Nebula 4 ...Will The cracked Libraries of Nebula 3 work with a legitimate copy of Nebula 4?
  11. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I guess they will, but let's wait for the well-knowing fellas to raise their voices.
  12. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    All N3 libraries work on N4, usually they have no protection.

    A couple select libraries (from AYTB and a couple AlexB ones) do have an early Acustica form of protection, and as I understand it, to get it as a library dev you had to pay extra fees to Acustica or something like that. So not many library developers ever bothered to have this feature.

    If it works in the cracked N3, it works in legit N4 too. If it's protected, it won't work in N3 or in N4 - you need a separate authorization file for the library. None of the libraries released on the sister site were protected in the first place. The mentioned couple of protected ones were never released.
  13. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Can anyone explain to me or pm me how can I install nebula? 3 or 4? legit or non-legit? I am completely confused :woot: but I want to try it.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  14. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Can anyone help me? :(:(
  15. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I guess the official AA Forum is where you want to dig in for info. It seems configuration options, workflow, one's own experience with analog gear, and computer system performance affect how you set up Nebula. Or I could be babbling around. I just decided to quit the whole Nebula concept because Acqua plugins have come a long way in this past year. Besides, if I want a car, I don't buy the DIY kit and assemble one, I buy a finished product. In fact, devoted N3 or N4 users are more like car racers who love to tune up their rigs to the finest detail.
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