Sony Acid PRO is back. Version 8 is coming soon — Spring 2018!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Futurewine, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs


    Well done and big thanks to MAGIX for continuing to develop one of the significant and legendary DAW on the computer music timeline.

    Perhaps this soon going to be everyone go-to tools for midi / audio editing and loop based music production works. Simple and minimal interface as it used to be, with new features to compliment modern day plugins and specs - too bad no ARA support :(

    "ACID Pro revolutionized music making – and we assure you, it's still going to be a world leader in loop-based music production come Spring 2018. Buy now and get version 8 with lots of new features for free!" - MAGIX

    Find out more:

    Editor: Now listening to Olivia Newton-John's Magic ol' school. lol. :metal: :grooves::boombox: :rofl:


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  3. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Very interesting. Two new(old) DAW's I used are being released this year ACID Pro 8 and Ableton Live 10. Will give them both a spin. Especially interested in this one.
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  4. petepx

    petepx Kapellmeister

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Love that, because it brings me some sweet nostalgy. I was using this software around 2000, and I made so many tracks with it. I'd be curious to have a glance on it. It'll be my Proust's madeleine.
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  5. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Haven't used it before, but Magix has done a good job updating Vegas and Sound Forge.
  6. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Always loved that quirky Acid way of working.
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  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Best Answer
    Fastest workflow ever in a daw, first realtime timestretch/pitchshift algo, first revolutionary use of smart tools like the pencil and brush.
    Not updated for almost 9 years, AP was considered abandonware. Too many users in the old Sony forum were declaring it dead even 5-6 years ago switching to other platforms. When AP7 was released too many had already switched to Live and Sonar and another wave of users went to Reaper and StudioOne later and a smaller had gone to Mixcraft due to an Acid dev being involved in it.
    From the getgo of Sony's acquisition of the SonicFoundry ips, it was clear that the largest part of the budget the mother company gave to Sony Creative (later named Sony Media), would be thrown to Vegas and a little sometime later to the newer Spectralayers. The small Acid team did try with AP6 and 7 but even though they took too much time to deliver new versions, Acid Pro was too unstable and lacking major feats other daws had enjoyed for years. Add to this the worst possible customer support and upgrade policy from Sony and it's not strange why most of the core user base migrated to other soft as their main daw.
    I cannot deny it was Acid that made me switch back to computers for my main work as a remixer back in 98-99, after many years of using comps as a secondary resource or not at all for creative purposes. At the time (1998) i had 5 samplers, by '99 i 'd sold them all except my MPC and invested the dow in pcs. The people who had spent serious and excruciating time, timestretching audio material to be used in remixing/mixing (such as yours truly) can appreciate the revolution Sonic Foundry's Acid pH brought to the table.
    I still use Acid Pro (combined with Sound Forge) for a good part of my remixes, even with all its shortcomings i prefer it in the studio vs Live or Mixcraft. It's ease of use and seamless workflow is second to none for me. I had already managed to use modern 64bit vstis in AP7, using JBridge with enough success and i had described the process in both the Sony and Magix forum much later last year.
    Although i use Sonar and Cubase for main recording/production, i have high hopes for a new 64bit/VST3 Acid. Bring it on please, i will upgrade, fek i will pre-order :)
    Cheers all
    Ps: For those who have been there, i still remember Ableton v.1.0 devs to admit being ex-Acid users. Their goal was to bring an Acid like application that could behave and played live like an instrument while being a computer based DAW, and for the most part they succeeded. Perhaps it's time Acid made a comeback to gain back some of its fame and why not grab some clever feats from other daws like Live and Studio1 etc.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
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  8. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I LOVE Acid Pro, and it is still my MAIN EDITOR! I kind of feel like Sony ruined the interface layout compared to Sonic Foundry though. They put the name of the track right in the track, which gets in the way of editing. I have yet to see another DAW that is as easy to use as Acid Pro in the early days, so I still have a copy of 3.0 installed and use it on a daily basis as an editor. For me it is just straight forward as an editor. Yeah it's a loop based DAW, but it really is much more if you get into it. I also have a copy of 7.0 too but as I said they really messed up when SONY updated the DAW. As if you don't know what the name of the track is and need it stamped right in the work area! I do jump to Sonar or Audacity for other production needs, but for audio editing I still use Acid 3.0. That is why I kind of laugh when I see people wanting to stop using a DAW just because no new updates will be coming out! The basic needs don't change, and this is just one example. I have yet to see ANY improvement over the Sonic Foundry versions of this for use as an audio editor.
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  9. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I only wish they could come up with 64bit Sound Foge pro.
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  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    It is on the way too, they already have the cutdown version Sound Forge Audio Studio @ 64bit available, so the big brother will be arriving shortly :)

    Magix is doing in a year's time what Sony couldn't do in 10 yrs. Kudos to them for their enthusiasm.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    A good tool once is always a good tool. I still use old Sound Forge, Sound Diver, Recycle and even EnergyXT 1.4 sometimes [Plogue Bidule is its only successor IMO], amongst others... They are also a reason I have to stick to [older] Windows, as I just like them and need them too much. :wink: Some tools will always be just so unique and great. When people use something that is this old, it means that tool must be something great and some great tools don't get developed any further, not because they are not good tools, but because of company's financial problems, usually. :sad:

    btw. My replacement for Acid Pro was Reaper. It's come a long way since then... :wink:
  12. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Ol' timer. Must tag for best answer (hehe). Thank you for sharing @taskforce :like:

    Me, by the time I get to know Acid Pro, it was already version 6. I discover it because of FL Studio 7 (my entry DAW). That time people mentioned about Acidized loops and ReCycle alot. That's how I discover it. Along the way, Cubase 5 got released and then I don't know what happened to other DAW for awhile :rofl:

    I used to overlook Reaper. I think I can understand that now. :hillbilly:

    Spent some free time today and got Reaper theme customized to Acid Pro roughly (yet unstable). Inspired by Acid Pro simple/minimal interface. *just sharing* <3

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  13. Bozboy

    Bozboy Newbie

    Apr 20, 2018
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  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    almost a 20 year user here!
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  15. Sinnistar7

    Sinnistar7 Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2013
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    This is some crazy news! Almost 20 years and now they are release this after the market is pretty much saturated with DAWs. I took a look at some of the features they have "updated" and I do have to say right off the bat, a darker interface is just awesome!!! I remember staring at that glaring white bright a$$ screen for hours :woot: Changing the contrast and brightness settings...hahaha

    But back to it, interface
    64bit architecture...needed for today
    higher sample and bit rate...a pluse
    adding "over $1000" worth of virtual instruments...we will have to investigate to see if they are any good.
    some of the other updates as for acid 365 (which is a paid subscription) this is following suite with the other platforms that are out there right now.

    But hey, how bout this...
    How bout one of these damn DAW companies get with it and make their DAW up to snuff with their competitors. There are good things and bad things with all the DAWs out there. How bout they take the good things and make them better or improve on them and take the bad things and make them good. I look at my present situation now and well for instance, I use a couple DAWs to design and create content be it for music and or picture. Why cause well each one does something better and or with less headache. One does MIDI better, the other works better with handling plugins or 3rd party software...etc. Why is it so hard for some of these companies to look at what they have and improve on that to meet the standards of what we all bitch about. They all have access to the internet and can see what we aaaaaaaaaall "Bitch" about.

    Look I know I am opening up a whole can of worms here by saying or expressing this. But we all use what we use to get the job done right...right. But have you ever took a moment to think what it would be like if...just if you open up said DAW and well from beginning to end did not have to go to another to do something else. Look, many of you out there might have that now and that is awesome. The best tool is the one you know how to use and use well at that. But having a tool that could very well do a array of things "well" would be nice.

    Magix has a hard road ahead of them bringing back AP after 2 decades in a market that has now almost 15 DAWs out there now (one of them being one made by Magix:wink:) Look I am happy to see that they are trying to widen their footprint on the market say against the giants like Avid and Ableton. I know two different DAWs, two very different companies but just two of the companies out there that do what they do and people that use their software cause it does what it does. And some of those people might just have those two things in their tool bag to do exactly what they need to get the project done.

    all in good fun people:rofl:dont get all crazy!
  16. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    No mac version ?! Mwehhhhh :dont:
  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Only 9 years lol. Acid is still unique vs other DAWs. Apart from everything i mentioned earlier, just the fact that Acid now will be 64 bit, this will give users the opportunity to go for lightning fast all-ram projects simply by changing algorithm and switching all long audio channels (that stream from hd) to long loops, thus loading them instead in ram. I got 64gb of sweet DDR4 waiting ...
    So, SoundForge 12 x64 is already out... (rubbing hands) ... time for Acid now hehehe.
  18. Bozboy

    Bozboy Newbie

    Apr 20, 2018
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  19. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    How cool would it be for a mac version...
  20. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I still love doing pre programmed mixes on Acid.
    Never seen any software better for that
  21. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    what does acid when acidizing loops...
    is it like recycle ?
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