A jazz-influenced Thread

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Introninja, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Guys, if you want to go on discussing the origin and or theory of Jazz, please feel free to create your own thread about it.

    We are here to make an album, please keep focused.

    Until now 5 tracks have been delivered. By members who don't speak so much LOL.

    Music is like many things the more you speak about it, the less you're doing it. :rofl:
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  2. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I know a person that produces garbage for more than ... years (talking about myself) without any elevation in his thoughts (again talking about myself). Production without a great map will never ever guarantee your success (myself again).:guru:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2018
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    we ALL took years of playing garbage haha ( to get better brother)
    its not just you bro

    for fun!

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I don't know why I've always thought about Jazz as an accompaniment for the bedroom challenges of the 60s' and earlier times' people. Maybe after this album my view changes. I'm officially out and hope members pull it off. :dunno::bow:
  5. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    is this true? this is saddest fuckin story I've ever heard. You are missing out on a GALAXY of freeform musical expression (something I'd have thought you'd thrive deeply on?!). Literally speechless..


    holy shit dude. Check this track out, listen to the room, picture the MEN, the artists playing this music. This guitar solo is OFF THE CHAIN
  6. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I am confused as to what you mean off the chain. As a guitar player, the guitar part sounds great. a lot of thirds and triads going on.
  7. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2018
  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I've found my freedom in such things and many more already that @Blorg and @Backtired would love them too:

    Freedom is not in Jazz. Pure Jazz is the end of captivity.
  9. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    dude I love leftfield too, not just the band, but all the music I know that comes from leftfield. Do you actually play any instruments? Trumpet in high school? Noodling on guitars? I fuckin get it but MAN there is some INCREDIBLE expression in jazz, beyond computer comprehension
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  10. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    off the chain is a good thing
  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I love every aspect of music to be in equilibrium and don't like the purity. Purity converts everything into a religion. Jazz is a religion, instrumentalism is a religion, dubstep is a religion, Metal is a religion, etc. Religion's backers make a holy war and I don't want to be one its hapless and unwilling victims. I think you got your answer.:winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2018
  12. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Heh. Same for everybody? For producers, putting a label on music is a limitation. But it is (these kinds of) limitations that can help free creativity, make you think differently. I don't know if we really (ever) need excuses to use brass & reeds, for example, but it is just (another) joy to be able to think inside this box, for a while. If you don't wanna make "jazz" @foster911 , then make music. It's prolly still jazz, even if it's imrpovised by an algorithm / arp / pink fluffy dude. It's prolly still blues. It's prolly still etcs...

    Anyway, hope to hear your non jazz entry into the jazz influenced album! You've got aeons left!
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what you mean by FOSTER911"love every aspect of music to be in equilibrium"

    what it is that keeps it equilibrium or not?

    FOSTER911"Purity converts everything into a religion. Jazz is a religion, instrumentalism is a religion, dubstep is a religion, Metal is a religion, etc. Religion's backers make a holy war and I don't want to be one its hapless and unwilling victims. I think you got your answer.:winker:"

    so i guess you never made music with 4/4 ?(4 beats 4 bars)
    i guess you never used a kick to start and a snare to divide the bar in half?
    probably never used hi hats or rides to keep time? ( high pitch ticking sound)
    in every song you will ever make will have hundreds of instances of (religion, by your definition anyway)

    those genres you listed as religion that each have their own set of practices,
    but YOU also have a set of practices
    no matter what you create you will be taking from all the things you heard before
    just as much as any genre you say is religion
    jazz is the most free out of all genres that exist this very day.
    in jazz you have thousands more options than most other genres

    your process of putting random sounds together, does nothing for your ability to make 1000 variations of 1 motif.
    nothing wrong with what you like to create .
    i'm just saying jazz offers things what your into does not offer.
    while your sound fx type music only offers surface level ,excitement that wears off quickly.
    jazz ( others too) offers musical depth , that reveals more each time you listen to it. (never boring)

    aside from that you have to understand JAZZ exists in a specific context.

    that context is music played live with other musicians improvised on the spot , having more than thousands of choices available in every moment of time you make a choice. all the musicians making choices in each moment based on what the others just did. ( this process is identical to a dynamic conversation with 4 people in your spoken language)

    that is a entirely different thing then recording 3 second snippets of sound ,piecing them together to make a 3:30 min recording.

    FOSTER911"Freedom is not in Jazz"

    im intrigued by your thought process that in hundreds of instances now talking with you, you think the opposite of what is factual in reality.

    name single thing that jazz does NOT allow you to do , that another genre DOES (freedom=ability to make choices)

    nothing wrong with this, it is just it takes about 30 seconds to make and less than 1 percent of effort .( if that your cup of tea , than drink it by all means)

    is you opinion that you care more about the surface level sound than the musical depth in a song? ( to have a couple simple notes but with "cool" sound fx, rather than a plain instrument with musical depth and structure)?
    what about taking the best of both of those?
    "cool" sounds with a musical depth? are you opposed to that?

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2018
  14. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    That's why jazz is so popular today, while other genres are all but forgotten. People just can't get enough of musical depth that they crave :)
  15. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    OK theoretically Jazz is deep but it's not a proper tool for answering the human's all emotions. This clip shows the British invasion took place in the year 1964. If Jazz was successful in satisfying the listeners' desires, naturally this invasion would never be much accepted. Emotions can never be harnessed by just some practiced theories.

    If we assume Jazz is God, some people love it and some people don't. Emotions supersede even perfection, miles ahead of theories and emerge much faster than them. My and many other people's emotions never get satisfied by Jazz and we find our bliss and salvation in other things sometimes totally opposite.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2018
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what do you mean? other genres are not forgotten.
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    FOSTER91"British invasion took place in the year 1964. If Jazz was successful in satisfying the listeners' desires, naturally this invasion would never be much accepted"

    so lets get this straight the definition of a successful style of music is when no other styles are allowed to exist?

    you cannot possibly believe that logic.

    in order for RED to be a good color, NO other colors can exist. ( IF RED was a good color than no other colors would need to exist right>?)

    FOSTER911"Emotions can never be harnessed by just some practiced theories."

    emotions cannot be harnessed by being ignorant of how music works ( not knowing how to create the music your thinking of that expresses what you want)

    ignorance never equals emotion in music.

    your talking about music theory with a false perspective one can only have when not knowing what it is, nobody ever learned it and came to your conclusion.

    music theory = the way music actually works
    there is a "way things works" for everything real.
    there is a way an engine works there is a way a human heart works there is a way a stove or computer works
    music is the same way.
    music theory is just knowledge about how music works what it is , how to get any results your seeking. in making music.

    its a shame all you know about is this bastardized "sounds" of recording 1 sec clips, and jigsaw piecing them and then hitting a button and saying your work is all done.
    there is whole other world where human beings create music in each moment of time with a group of people making new choices each second the time is passing playing with each other by having knowledge of music and using that language to speak their musical voice.
    instead of "guessing" because you dont have any knowledge of music. ( recording clips and gluing them together and calling that music. ( it is collection of sound though)

    p.s. every beatles song ever written music theory was used (every musician that played music in those days knew music theory)it was a part of regular school for all children to learn some basic music theory and most kids played piano or guitar

    If we assume Jazz is God, some people love it and some people don't. Emotions supersede even perfection, miles ahead of theories and emerge much faster than them. My and many other people's emotions never get satisfied by Jazz and we find our bliss and salvation in other things sometimes totally opposite.

    makes no sense JAZZ is a specific thing, works a certain way other styles are specific thing work their way. different types of music effect even the same person differently has nothing to do with being "god"
    knowledge of jazz can be used to improve anything and everything else your into musically,
    where is pure ignorance of music cannot be use3d to improve anything musical.

    emotions are its own aspect about music, the only comparison is emotions vs NOT emotions,
    if it missing emotion you lose, but you can be missing knowledge of music and lose while still having emotion ( subjective not everyone feels the same emotion from same thing all the time as other people)

    the thing to comprehend is jazz insight and knowledge can be an addition to your musical vocabulary and everything you make musically, having knowledge of jazz in this way will improve every aspect of what you would be otherwise doing and taking nothing away or make it worse in any way ( along with knowledge of other musical genres)
    you are trying to oversimplify everything you talk about, so much your thoughts become different to the actual thing you started with , then you lead to misunderstandings.( all of us do this when oversimplifying things in our thoughts) compartmentalization, trying to squeeze and idea down so simple its like a line drawing compared to a photograph. then take that line drawing ( a concept in thoughts too simple) and trying to think about it you leave variables out, and that is what misunderstanding is.
    here is an example of this oversimplification of thought leading to misunderstanding.

    if i told you (...the police officer grabbed the woman's wrist threw her to the ground while kneeing her in the chest knocking her out instantly!)
    it will create an instant emotional response of police brutality. but
    if i finish the sentence giving all the information

    A women with 15 pounds of dynamite strapped to her back,opened the preschool's front door screaming " they must all die!" then,the police officer grabbed the woman's wrist threw her to the ground while kneeing her in the chest knocking her out instantly!)

    now you instantly have the opposite response that the police officer is a hero,
    just by leaving variables of the situation out our brain formulates the wrong conclusions and feelings emotions about the situation. this is what oversimplification does when leading to misunderstandings.

    keep in mind all of this is in the context of you doing what YOU want with YOUR music.
    a person has to want to learn about theory or WANT to study genres to improve themselves a person has to WANT to improve their thought process to avoid oversimplification etc. etc.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2018
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    The only thing I can say is your personal experimentation with the notes is so meager and all you say is some infused ideas by people that have got similar infused ideas from their guiders. I authorize you to call the Jazz creed whatever you want but not equate it with the Music language or theory. Music works without any adjunct and appendant in all situations.:lmao:
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  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i dont know what your saying when you speak like reading from a poetry book homes. just say what you really mean. (hopefully in a way that can be deciphered ;)

    you say things like

    FOSTER911Music works without any adjunct and appendant in all situations.:lmao:

    what is your demonstration of such a sentence? (or evidence that the sentence is non-fiction based) that is IF i even guessed the MEANING right to begin with
    I have to guess what you mean by what you say because of the way you choose to say it.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    You must experiment it by yourself.
    You've still clung precariously to those grandiloquent cliché argots? Most of them been dead already.:rofl:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2018
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