My love for logic

Discussion in 'Logic' started by Pollice verso, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. Pollice verso

    Pollice verso Rock Star

    Dec 5, 2015
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    After many years working in pro tools, cubase and ableton and a lot of the best plugins brands in the market, only i can say my love for logic and some stock unique plugins. All stock are amazing in general in any daw of course, but these logic ones are amazing and pretty unique for me:

    The ringshifter is god
    The overdrive, the sample delay, the tremolo and the the bitcrusher are the best

    Do you know any drum plugin better integrated in a daw how is Drummer? I'm not. And finally alchemy is one of the best synths ever. I like the vast library and the perform panel is just blow mind. You don't need another synth anymore

    Peace. Thanks apple
    Witch are yours?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
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  3. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    I like Logic. Been using it for a couple of years. Probably the best stock plugins after FL Studio I think. But audio editing is tedious I think. So I use Reaper. But man, I wish I could use Logic's stock plugins :)
  4. EdgarRothermich

    EdgarRothermich Producer

    Feb 9, 2015
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    You are absolutely right. Logic's Drummer is unique among all the DAWs. The ease of use and the top-notch sound and performance quality is unparalleled.
    About Alchemy, it's a beast.
  5. ATEs

    ATEs Newbie

    Apr 21, 2016
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    i love logic:mates:
  6. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Logic is a beast and if you already have a Macintosh it is an awesome value proposition as well.
  7. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    And to make things even better: Logic Pro X 10.4 is just released with an immense "What's New" list. :wink:
  8. Gwydion

    Gwydion Kapellmeister

    Jan 20, 2016
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    even better: it's for free (as always) :wink:
  9. TW

    TW Guest

    My love for logic ended ~4 years ago. We wanted different things ... :winker:

    Oh and logic saw me compressing and editing with cubase ....
  10. santillana

    santillana Kapellmeister

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Big Love for Logic Pro here......... and Splice :)

    My favorite Logic plugin is "Enveloper" I couldn't live without it.

    It makes any sound shorter and as simple as it sounds works incredible good specially for tighten up drum grooves.
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  11. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    that list is breathtaking, Logic is really vibrant in terms of updates lately

    • Smart Tempo
    • Advanced tempo detection lets you automatically combine content together, regardless of their original tempo.
    • Record audio without using a click or drag in an audio file and have the performance define your project tempo.
    • Add any audio file and have it automatically conform to the project tempo.
    • Plug-ins
    • ChromaVerb is a sophisticated new algorithmic reverb with a colorful, interactive interface for creating rich acoustic spaces.
    • Space Designer has a new design and a scalable, Retina interface.
    • Step FX adds rhythmic multi-effect processing using 3 powerful step sequencers and an X/Y pad.
    • Phat FX makes your tracks bigger and bolder using 9 effects that add warmth and punch to your sounds.
    • The Vintage EQ Collection provides 3 accurate models of vintage analog EQs from the 1950s to the 1970s.
    • Studio Strings and Studio Horns are deeply sampled, realistic ensemble instruments with custom articulation controls.
    • Mellotron is now available as a standalone instrument plug-in.
    • Retro Synth now offers 18 different filter models.
    • Content
    • 2 new Drummers play roots and jazz-influenced brush styles.
    • 2 vintage brush kits for Drum Kit Designer .
    • More than 800 new loops in a variety of instruments and genres.
    • New Visions library for Alchemy adds 150 cinematic presets.
    • Other Enhancements
    • You can now undo mixer and plug-in actions.
    • The Files Browser now allows you to bookmark locations for your favorite folders containing samples or projects.
    • In addition to Apple Loops, the Loop Browser now supports looping audio file and can preview them in sync with project tempo.
    • A new universal design for controlling articulations provides a consistent interface for Logic and third-party instruments.
    • Plug-ins: The Direction Mixer plug-in has an updated interface, and offers new functionality.
    • The Audio Track Editor can now be opened as a stand-alone window.
    • Logic now supports the Audio Random Access (ARA) standard.
    • Plug-ins: The Category and Manufacturer sections at the left side of the Plug-in Manager window now scroll independently of one another.
    • Region quantization can now be set from a submenu in the contextual menu opened by right-clicking on a region.
    • There is now a preference to toggle user interface animations on or off.
    • There four new options for the behavior of Replace mode when recording MIDI: Region Erase, Region Punch, Content Erase, Content Punch.
    • Smart Controls and Instrument plug-ins now offer a key switch view for Articulation IDs.
    • Transformer, Transform Window, Environment Faders and Step Editor can now edit MIDI fader events.
    • Logic now supports bouncing files as 32-bit float.
    • Click-holding the Replace button in the Control Bar now brings up new options to set the behavior of replace - Content Erase, Content Punch, Region Erase and Region Punch.
    • There is now an option to have Logic automatically set a new color for each newly created audio, software instrument, or external MIDI track.
    • There is now an option to switch the first automation lane in a track to show the last clicked control.
    • There are now Key Commands for Undo and Redo in plug-in windows.
    • The File Browser and Loop Browser now show a waveform overview and playhead when previewing files and loops.
    • Plug-ins: Plug-in windows offer a new Multilink mode that updates open plug-in windows per insert slot as channel strips are selected.
    • Articulation symbols automatically added to the score based on their note articulation setting are colored blue in the Score.
    • Stability and Reliability
    • When enabling Transient editing on audio files in the Audio File Editor while playing back.
    • Sometimes when computing time alignment during sample analysis in Alchemy.
    • When shift-clicking regions in the Tracks area while the Score window has focus.
    • If a connected USB MIDI controller is disconnected or powered off while the Control Surface Setup window is open.
    • When the Tab key is pressed after deleting a value in the Destination field of the Copy MIDI Events dialog.
    • Performance
    • Zooming with the Magic Mouse or Trackpad in the Audio File Editor is now smoother.
    • Playback sound quality of Apple Loops is improved.
    • There is no longer a large delay and spinning wait cursor when moving a large selection of short regions in a project.
    • Editing within a large Logic session no longer sometimes becomes sluggish.
    • Logic’s performance is improved when working with projects that contain long movie files.
    • Alchemy
    • Alchemy now offers new options in the Loop Mode menu to modulate the start/end point and length of loops.
    • Alchemy LFO Rate sync button now also enables clock sync for LFO Delay and Attack settings.
    • Alchemy now offers 4 additional MIDI sources that can be assigned to modulation destinations.
    • Alchemy now offers a side chain input that can be used as a source for envelope followers.
    • Alchemy now has a dedicated Envelope Follower tab in the modulation section which offers control of the attack and release of the envelope follower, as well as the option to apply the envelope follower to modulator outputs as well as to audio signals, together with the option to scale up the depth of the effect for more drastic effects on quieter signals.
    • Alchemy now offers a back button to navigate back to a previous Mod Target.
    • Alchemy’s transient selection in Spectral Analysis mode is improved, resulting in better sound quality when syncing loops to tempo.
    • The modulation Smooth control now has increased range.
    • Alchemy now offers a “Swap with Source” option in the Source menu for experimenting with imported samples on different Sources.
    • Option-clicking on a source in Alchemy’s global area now solos the clicked source.
    • The mapping of Alchemy controls to supported MIDI hardware controllers has been improved.
    • Option-clicking controls in Alchemy now sets each to a sensible default setting rather than setting each one to 50% by default.
    • When importing multiple EXS files which contain multiple groups which are the same except for different velocity or key ranges, these groups are merged into a single group to facilitate easier editing in Alchemy.
    • The Snap menu for Arp Tune in Alchemy now offers increased resolution.
    • Alchemy’s Speed control readout now displays 2 decimal places for values below 10%.
    • Sub-menus in Alchemy’s Sound Library again list items in alphabetical order.
    • It is no longer necessary to press Enter when entering text to start a search in Alchemy’s presets.
    • Newly initialized sounds in Alchemy now have an initial modulation depth of 0%
    • The attack of notes played legato style in Retrigger mode in Alchemy no longer sometimes sounds distorted.
    • There is no longer a slight delay in responsiveness when switching Alchemy’s Analysis Mode while loading large samples.
    • Alchemy LFO Rate sync button now also enables clock sync for LFO Delay and Attack settings.
    • The initial transient of a loop in Alchemy is now properly triggered when the loop is sustained for more than one iteration.
    • Auto-assigning a performance control to a Transform Pad Snapshot no longer unexpectedly renames Snapshot 1.
    • The Framing Box no longer sometimes jumps unexpectedly when clicking transform pad snapshots.
    • The Copy Modulation command no longer sometimes fails to copy the modulation source when pasted to another location.
    • Stored Alchemy Snapshots no longer sound different when copied and pasted to other snapshot locations.
    • Adjusting the Smooth control for a modulator from a value of 0 no longer causes occasional clicks in Alchemy’s output.
    • When the last step in Alchemy’s arpeggiator is tied, there is no longer an unexpected extra note at the end of each set of steps.
    • Pitch Bend now works as expected with the Alchemy “Air Strings” preset.
    • MIDI CC messages sent to Alchemy from an external controller now work when the controller is transmitting on a different MIDI channel than the notes already recorded in the region.
    • Alchemy’s Waveshaper Pre and Post gain labels now display accurate values.
    • Alchemy's filter types have been renamed to more clearly indicate how they sound.
    • Alchemy now automatically switches to the Advanced view after an Initialize Preset command is used.
    • If an Envelope Follower preset is loaded that refers to a Source that is not present in the current Alchemy instance, it now is set to another Source of the same type.
    • Plug-ins
    • The MIDI Modulator plug-in now offers tempo synced timing for the envelope at user definable note values.
    • Side chain detection on Software Instruments tracks in live mode is no longer delayed .
    • Side chain signals routed to the Compressor plug-in are no longer summed unexpectedly to mono.
    • Logic now supports the Audio Unit ShortName API, improving the display of Audio Unit names on insert slots for plug-ins that include a short name.
    • Mono-legato mode in EXS24 now works reliably when streaming samples from disk is enabled.
    • Automatic delay compensation now works correctly with bypassed dual mono audio plug-ins and multi mono Software Instrument plug-ins.
    • Retrosynth includes four new filter models
    • The Compressor plug-in now maintains the Graph display when the plug-in is closed and then re-opened.
    • Playing the same MIDI note on two channels for the same multi-channel instrument no longer sometimes leads to hung notes if the MIDI Modifier plug-in is inserted.
    • The Dry/Wet control on the I/O plug-in can now be automated.
    • It is now possible to immediately type in new values for controls in the Modulator plug-in after opening the plug-in window.
    • Channel EQ offers a new Proportional-Q mode.
    • The Top Level category in the Plug-in Manager can now be added to a group of multiple selected categories.
    • The MIDI Modifier plug-in now properly handles Release Velocity as its Input source.
    • The MIDI Modulator plug-in now shows the correct waveform when the Factory Default setting is recalled.
    • The Drum Machine Designer plug-in window no longer appears to disappear when Logic is switched to full screen.
    • The Tremolo Speed control on the Pipa instrument now responds as expected.
    • Drummer
    • Canceling the alert when changing Drummers no longer leaves the new Drummer character highlighted but not active.
    • The “Trim Region End to next Region” key command now works for Drummer regions.
    • With two instances of Drum Machine Designer open, switching from the Kit Piece display to the Main display in one instance no longer causes the second instance to also change from the Kit Piece display to the Main display.
    • Drummer tracks no longer sometimes unexpectedly stop outputting audio after recording an audio track when the preference for Overlapping Recordings for MIDI with Cycle Off is set to Create Take Folder.
    • Automation
    • Right-clicking to switch the visible automation parameter in a track again works as expected.
    • Region automation now works correctly when there is a muted a region on another track using the same channel strip.
    • Pitch bend and Note velocity now work when switching to them from a Smart Control parameter in the MIDI Draw view.
    • Automation can now be edited directly in the Piano Roll* and Audio Track editor.
    • Stepped automation values can now be directly written into Automation Lanes.
    • Region Based Automation now accurately shows the mute status of all MIDI notes.
    • Automation
    • User created Green Apple Loops now transpose to the song key as expected.
    • Loops no longer sometimes appear to missing in the Loop Browser after updating to macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
    • Apple Loops in the Tracks area now show a glyph to indicate when they are playing at ½, 2x or 4x speed.
    • The Loop Browser now offers a new view for Untagged Loops.
    • Flex
    • Double-clicking a Flex Pitch event now sets the note to perfect pitch.
    • When transposing Flex-pitched notes in multiple selected regions, all notes now reliably transpose to the correct pitch.
    • “Reset all” in Flex Pitch now works correctly after “Set all to Perfect Pitch” has been applied.
    • The display of flex pitched notes in the Audio Track Editor now reflects the region transpose setting.
    • Dragging an audio region with Flex is turned off onto a different track with Flex mode enabled no longer activates Flex for the region.
    • Flex Pitched notes now display at their correct pitches at high zoom levels in the Tracks area.
    • Inactive flex markers are no longer deleted when trimming a region in a track where Flex is currently disabled.
    • Takes and Comping
    • Using record toggle to stop a recording within a Take folder with a comp currently active, the last recording is reliably added to the comp in cases cycle is active where recording is stopped before the end of the Take folder.
    • Right-clicking on a closed Take Folder now displays a list of all Takes it contains.
    • Dragging a Take folder in a track folder no longer causes the Take folder to shift forward in position.
    • Comping a Take folder in a group of flexed tracks no longer sometimes causes some comp segmented to be shortened unexpectedly.
    • When Count-in is enabled, recording over an existing region that is less than 1 bar long now reliably creates a Take Folder.
    • When Overlapping Recording for MIDI is set to create Take folders, notes from previous takes no longer sometimes play while recording in cycle mode.
    • The order of Take regions within a Take Folder can now be changed.
    • Marquee edits on Take regions now are applied to all tracks in an edit Group.
    • Switching Takes now works for both audio and MIDI tracks that are members of the same Group.
    • Track Alternatives
    • Marquee selection now works as expected when applied to grouped tracks that are using different Track Alternatives.
    • Selection now works properly on grouped tracks with different active Track Alternatives when the inactive Alternatives are visible.
    • Track Stacks
    • Holding the disclosure triangle on a Track Stack no longer causes it to cycle quickly between open and closed.
    • Option-clicking the disclosure triangle on a Track Stack to toggle all stacks now affects nested stacks as expected.
    • Applying a surround patch to a track within a Summing Track Stack no longer causes all the regions in the Summing Track Stack to be collapsed to a single track.
    • Smart Controls
    • The correct Smart Controls are now reliably mapped to each track in layered patches in saved projects when they are reloaded.
    • Adding a new mapping to a Smart Control mapping set no longer unexpectedly removes automation written from an existing mapping.
    • The Smart Controls area no longer sometimes* becomes vertically stretched after being resized.
    • User assigned Smart Controls no longer sometimes disappear when a second project containing the same Smart Controls is opened, or when importing only regions and automation from a different project.
    • Mixer
    • It is now possible to delete Groups.
    • Option-clicking the Group slot on a mixer channel now adds all currently selected channels to the last selected Group.
    • Command-clicking the Solo button on a track to activate Solo for all tracks no longer also solos hidden tracks.
    • When the Mixer is set to a small size, scrolling it now reliably shows all channel strips.
    • On multiple display setups, new plug-in windows now open on the display containing the clicked insert.
    • Pasting “Sends Only” or “Plug-ins Only” to a channel strip no longer also pastes the icon from the copied channel strip.
    • Accessibility
    • VoiceOver no longer emits continuous beeps when a Take Folder is open.
    • Logic no longer hangs when using VoiceOver plus the* Shift key to precisely position the Playhead.
    • It is now possible to switch from the integrated Piano Roll editor to the Score using VoiceOver.
    • The Add Drummer region button in the Tracks Area is now accessible with VoiceOver.
    • It is now immediately possible to interact with a newly created Drummer region using VoiceOver.
    • Drummer characters can now be selected using VoiceOver.
    • Quick Help overlays no longer cause VoiceOver to toggle on and off quickly.
    • The button to download sounds in the Patch Library is now accessible with VoiceOver.
    • Alchemy's File menu is now accessible with VoiceOver.
    • It is now possible to make fine adjustments of values in the LCD using VoiceOver.
    • VoiceOver now works in the Configure Track Header, Customize Control Bar and Display, and Configure Channel Strip windows.*
    • Voiceover now announces the status of Solo and Mute* when the key commands to toggle them are pressed.
    • VoiceOver now allows recorded takes to be selected as expected in audio Take Folders.
    • Export/Bounce
    • Logic no longer sometimes sets the path for a bounce from a project that was created as a package to the location of the previous project, when that project was created as a folder.
    • Tracks that use Hermode Tuning now bounce correctly.
    • MIDI files exported from Logic no longer contain incorrect extra Time Signature and Tempo metadata.
    • The Export > Add to Loop Library command no longer unexpectedly renders the channel strip volume setting into the created Apple Loop.
    • There is now an option to export all MIDI tracks as a MIDI file.
    • Import
    • The state of the track On/Off button is now maintained when importing individual tracks into a project.
    • Aux channel strips are no longer imported as Instruments when importing from the Environment window.
    • Logic now properly calculates the start time for trimmed clips when importing Final Cut XML 1.6 files.
    • Global Tracks
    • The key command to create a new time signature now opens the time signature pop-up window with the numerator selected.
    • When the Tempo Track is selected, and there is only one Tempo event, pressing the delete key no longer unexpectedly deletes the last selected track.
    • Interpolated tempo curves are now maintained when pasted to a new position using the “Insert Section at Playhead” command.
    • Recording
    • “Discard recording and go to last play position” now discards the most recent recording from all record enabled tracks.
    • Key Commands
    • There are now Key Commands to create Flex Markers at the playhead position, previous transient position and next transient position.
    • It is now possible to close all open groups in the Key Commands window by Option-clicking a disclosure triangle.
    • There is now a Key Command to collapse all open Inspector tiles.
    • The number of Groups that can be toggled by Key Command has been doubled to 18.
    • There is now a Key Command to create a new group from the currently selected tracks in the Mixer or Track List.
    • There is now a key command to close all open plug-in windows.
    • The “Initialize All Key Commands” command now takes the current keyboard layout into account.
    • The Key Commands window now allows multiple selection of items.
    • It is now possible to selectively import only certain key commands.
    • The Key Commands window has been redesigned and simplified.
    • There is now a key command to open the Instrument plug-in for the currently focused track.
    • There are now dedicated key commands to move the Playhead forward and backward by 1/8 and 1/16 note.
    • There are now key commands to open Audio and MIDI plug-ins from specific insert slots on the currently focused track.
    • All key commands again work reliably on various non-US keyboard layouts.
    • There are now up to 30 Key Commands available to directly apply user created Transform operations to selected MIDI events.
    • There are now key commands to select all of each specific type of track in a project.
    • There are now Key Commands for the “Fix Note Positions” and “Fix Note Positions and Durations” commands in the Score.
    • There is now a key command to toggle the automation view of the selected track or editor between Track and Region automation.
    • The Key Commands to toggle Channel Strip Solo, Channel Strip Mute, Record Enable and Track On/Off now work on multiple selected tracks.
    • There is now a key command to toggle Collapse Mode in the Piano Roll.
    • Movies
    • The Movie thumbnail in the Inspector now displays at the correct size after a Save As or Consolidate Project operation
    • Editing
    • There is now an option in the Transformer window to constrain transpositions of notes within a specific key.
    • Sending data to a Roland U110 from a Sysex fader in the Environment no longer results in a Checksum error on the synthesizer.
    • The Piano Roll contextual menu and Score Event Inspector now shows available articulation IDs.
    • Articulations are now listed by name in the Event List editor.
    • The Environment now auto scrolls when dragging objects.
    • When snap to grid is set to off, notes inserted to the Piano Roll with the Pencil no longer snap to the nearest division value.
    • The Fader Style dropdown in the Environment Inspector now lists the fader styles in the same order as they appear in the New > Fader menu.
    • Using Shift to temporarily limit dragging in one direction in the Piano Roll again works as expected.
    • Repeated double-clicks on Touch Track or Mapped Instrument objects in the Environment now toggle their editors rather than opening multiple copies of the same editor.
    • The display of fades in the Track Editor now immediately update when the fade setting is adjusted in the Inspector.
    • Fader MIDI events can now be created from the Event Type pop-up menu in the Event List and Sysex Fader Editor.
    • Notes inserted into the Piano Roll now reliably are placed in the correct region when regions on multiple tracks are selected.
    • Option-clicking a Filter button in the Event List Editor now disables all other Filter buttons.
    • The display of notes in the Step Editor now reliably updates after moving a note with the Finger tool.
    • When the Edit button in the Main window is clicked, the correct editor for the currently selected region opens, regardless of the current track selection.
    • The Note Length display in the Event List no longer shows “??” When the Clock Format is set to 1.1.1 and the Division display is set to 1/64.
    • It is again possible to scrub values in the Transform window by click-dragging on values.
    • Using Shift to limit dragging in one direction while Option-dragging multiple selected notes in the Piano Roll now works as expected.
    • Environment objects no longer sometimes seem to vanish when the selection is changed.
    • Undo now works after unpacking a Macro in the Environment.
    • The Transform window and Transformer in the Environment can now convert MIDI data to Fader events for Smart Controls.
    • Using Option rubberband to zoom in to a specific area in the Piano Roll no longer sometimes scrolls the view to selected notes instead.
    • Note colors in the Piano Roll can now be set by Articulation.
    • Its again possible to use the “+” and “-“ keys in front of typed in numbers to increment/decrement existing values by the specified amount in the Event List editor.
    • The inspector for newly created objects in the Environment now displays correctly.
    • Score
    • Fingering markings are now properly centered in relations notes in TAB style scores.
    • In the TAB score styles, ornaments and notepads now display reliably when the region is selected in linear view.
    • Guide accidentals again have brackets.
    • Separate Part box windows are now saved in Screensets.
    • The Note Beaming parameter is again available in the Note Attributes contextual menu.
    • The Score offers a new Automatic Slurs note attribute.
    • It is again possible to set the High Note Range in a Staff Style to a note lower than C3.
    • There is now a key command to directly open the Text Styles window in the Score.
    • The Paste Replace command is now available in the Score editor.
    • The Paste Multiple command again works in the Score.
    • In certain rare cases, the last few measures of a score no longer are placed outside the page borders.
    • Paste Multiple again works properly in the Score.
    • The Flats to Sharps / Sharps to Flats command again works on all selected notes.
    • The Score window no longer unexpectedly changes position when the Functions menu is accessed.
    • When a Score Set or Staff Style window is in focus, pressing delete no longer can lead to deletion of regions in the Tracks area.
    • The Score no longer sometimes clips some pages in Page View when the paper size is set to US Letter.
    • Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers
    • Logic Remote now displays sub-menus for all plug-ins.
    • Logic no longer displays an “Incompatible EuCon version” error at launch when a EuCon control surface running EuCon software version 3.7 is connected.
    • General
    • Using the Glue tool on a Marquee selection now adds any needed silence at the beginning and end of the created region so that the borders correspond to the marquee selection.
    • Grouped audio regions that have different start positions now reliably remain in sync when quantized.
    • Dividing a marquee selection of regions on grouped tracks now works reliably.
    • Projects saved to iCloud Drive now load reliably.
    • Performing Undo and then Redo after swapping an inserted Software Instrument for another no longer causes the original instrument to revert to its default setting.
    • The Playhead now reliably displays at the correct position within a Cycle area at all zoom levels and cycle lengths.
    • The Close Project Key Command now works when the only open window is a floating window.
    • Regions with names that contain Emoji characters can now be moved, edited and deleted as expected.
    • The Recording preferences for Replace mode have been moved from the Cycle Recording settings to the Replace submenu.
    • Using the up/down cursors to select tracks while the Piano Roll or Audio Track Editor have focus no longer can unexpectedly select hidden tracks.
    • Changing to a screen set with the focus on the Loop Library no longer switches the library to search mode.
    • The Link key command now works reliably in all windows that support Link.
    • The Loop Library now maintains its focus and search filter settings after new loop content is downloaded.
    • The Ruler shortcut menu now includes “Copy section Between Locators”.
    • Capture Take as Recording now accurately captures the previously played MIDI performance when CC#11 events are played as part of the captured performance.
    • If a Key Command set has been altered and a new set is chosen or imported, gives the option to save the current edited key command set.
    • The metronome no longer continues to sound if it is turned off during the count-in to a recording.
    • If “Auto Set Locators by Regions” is enabled, marquee selecting and deleting a portion of the selected region no longer causes the locators to set to the boundaries of the marquee selection.
    • When interacting with the Timeline view on Logic Remote, Logic no longer flashes the computer screen if the Library has focus and a plug-in window is open.
    • The File > Import > Audio File command now creates an Undo Step as expected.
    • Redo now works reliably after deleting Drummer tracks.
    • Creating a new track now deselects selected regions on other tracks.
    • Right-clicking on a Marquee selection now brings top a contextual menu with options to edit and adjust the selection.
    • Undoing the creation of a Track Stack no longer leaves a “No Output” track selected in the Inspector.
    • If “Select Tracks on Region Selection” and “Automation Group Select” are both active, clicking a track no longer unexpectedly selects all tracks.
    • Text pasted from Mail into the Notes field no longer sometimes changes color after clicking into another window.
    • A short click on the background of the Tracks area while pressing Shift now moves the Playhead to the clicked position.
    • The Catch Playhead Position key command now works whether the Main window has focus or not.
    • When the Piano Roll has focus, the Play from Selection command again plays starting from the first selected region.
    • The Add Drummer Region button now only appears on a region when the Arrow tool is active, preventing accidental creation of Drummer regions when secondary tools are used.
    • Muted notes are no longer displayed on the Region overview in the Tracks area.
    • Undoing a “Paste Selection at Playhead” operation no longer creates a new tempo event.
    • The Project Audio window now displays bounced files added to the project in the window’s selected sort order when the bounce is performed with the window closed.
    • After renaming a project, the bounce dialog no longer defaults to using the original project name until the project has been closed and then re-opened.
    • Deleting multiple selected tracks no longer deletes hidden tracks between them.
    • Undo of Patch changes now works reliably.
    • When recording MIDI in cycle mode with Replace set to Content Erase, Replace continues to work as expected after the first cycle.
    • The waveform display now zooms vertically as expected when adjusting the size of the Audio Track Editor .
    • The Musical Typing Keyboard again is dimmed when an audio track is selected,
    • Logic no longer sometimes assigns an audio file the same name as an existing audio file from a different folder on the hard drive with a similar name.
    • Aliases of MIDI regions no longer play notes that occur up to 1 bar before the start of the original region.
    • The Delete and Move command no longer triggers an unnecessary dialog asking whether automation should be deleted and moved if there is no automation on the track.
    • Region contextual menus now include a sub-menu for Sample Based Processing commands.
    • It is now possible to selectively reset warnings in the Notifications panel of the Logic Preferences.
    • Vertical zoom in the Audio File editor now offers finer resolution.
    • When the Overlapping Recordings preference for MIDI is set to Create Track Alternative, undoing an overlapping recording now undoes the creation of the Track Alternative as well as the MIDI recording.
    • The Main window Mixer can now be reliably dragged to full height.
    • Automation points and velocity handles now display at full resolution on Retina and other high density displays.
    • MIDI Reset now works reliably on tracks where “No Reset” is off in newly created projects.
    • There is now an option “Restore Defaults” in the LCD dropdown menu.
    • Entering negative numbers in the Go To Position dialog now takes the playhead to the position entered.
    • The New Track dialog now shows the correct audio I/O options when temporarily using built-in audio when the selected audio device is not connected.
    • Templates saved with a new sample rate now reliably retain the sample rate.
    • The Region Gain dialog now allows normalization to –23 LUFS.*
    • The Template picker again sorts templates in the correct order.
    • The Track Header Automation button now shows a short name for the current parameter if the Track header is too narrow to show the full name.
    • The command “Play from selection” now also takes selected markers into account.
    • Recording audio with Cycle on no longer results in empty audio tracks in cases where The preference for Overlapping Audio Recordings is set to “Create Tracks” and the preference “Select Tracks on Region Selection” is enabled.
    • Undoing changes to the Tempo list no longer causes MIDI and Drummer regions to sometimes play back erratically.
    • It is now possible to open the Help by pressing Command and “/“ while accessing items in the Tool menu.
    • Logic no longer shows an alert when a frozen track is duplicated.
    • Changing the width of the Library no longer causes a visible Smart Controls display to jitter.
    • A rare situation where an Audio Driver can’t be set no longer occurs.
  12. beatsnhaze

    beatsnhaze Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Studio One Gang! Logic has the best stock plugins, but EDITING (which is most of what were doing right?) is done best with Presonus Studio One.
  13. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I own both DAWs and I have to disagree.
    While I love S1 for it's workflow and simplicity, it's editing capabilities are still far behind Logic's, both for audio and (especially) MIDI.

    S1 may only be simpler to use than Logic but in no way better in editing.
    Logic's workflow is so deep and powerful (just look at key commands, it's incredible, far more key commands than any other DAW) and it has steep learning curve.
    I am using it since Emagic days and there is always something new to learn, while I never needed help for S1 (except mismatching shortcuts, even with Logic's shortcuts preset) it's simple and intuitive.
    Logic is very "logical" when you learn it, just not that intuitive at first sight.
  14. TW

    TW Guest

    Carefull with such statements. Reaper's action list is ...
  15. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Logic will be the last DAW to explore on my wishlist. I've went through most major DAW on Windows, just to explore its features and functionality. Not to compare which is best, but learning from Singomakers tutors (which uses Logic), i'd say Reaper is the best alternative to Logic in terms of its editing workflows. :like: (except those cool plugins and instruments) :like:
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  16. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Suddenly. But still no "ghost notes" feature.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
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  17. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Anyone noticed the new interface being buggy as of refresh rate?I mean when I record automation it has a lag on drawing it and if I click on an AU to see it it appears almost 2 sec later.I mean is a lot of latency which I never had on 10.3

    BTW the new reverb has very helping visual feedback and sounds good too.
  18. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    My love for Logic is actually mixed emotions. I just know I'm dating the best chick ever, but just the same I let her go. We don't see eye to eye. I'm married to Pro Tools. I know she's a bitch, moody, picky, untrustworthy, old, used and abused, but the things we've done together make her a keeper. We're past infatuation. Some call it true love.
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  19. Pollice verso

    Pollice verso Rock Star

    Dec 5, 2015
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    someone can confirm if smart tempo work or don´t work in preview mode(how apple loops) ?:sad:
  20. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    yes works like a charm
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  21. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    nope, all smooth here

    macbook 13" high sierra

    (edit) not all is smooth, just noticed i have the same issue if i use the mouse, and there is indeed a 2 sec delay till alchemy shows up, i wasn't noticing it because other smaller plugins show up instantly. (edit)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2018
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