Unhappy Thanksgiving for File Sharers - November 28th Starts CCI's 'Six Strikes Anti-Piracy Program'

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by lyric8, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    well we mite as well start saving are penis to buy the stuff we need or want Because i think all the Good free goodies are going to be a thing of the past know one seems to be-abale to do ILoK any more and at least in the US all people that your file sharing and download copyrighted material without authorization will start getting there internet shut off and get $ find $ because of the new Six Strikes program about to take effect on the 28 of this month so i think all the free stuff is about to be over soon take a look at this..http://www.tmcnet.com/topics/articles/2012/10/15/312080-unhappy-thanksgiving-file-sharers-november-28th-starts-ccis.htm :(
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    im still laughing how they calc all those numbers:
    (im still able to laugh and i hope US-downloads/uploaders find a way to tunnel that program somehow :dunno: - °ing lobbyists ...)

    who said i would really buy the stuff im downloading? free stuff is free and thats why im downloading and not because i need it so badly.
  4. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    the advantage that i found from downloading free is that there was no risk software company always hyped up there plugins like it was the next best Big thing that would salve all your mixing audio problems and when you used the plugin it was a peace of crap then you just removed it and moved on all my mane DAW and sampler software is is and always will be payed for i cant afford to loose any song data because a make money from my home studio
  5. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    can anyone give an example of when a rule was last relaxed?...its always getting tighter...it leads to the conclusion that it is by design and there is a goal in mind..
  6. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Hey guys, what's going on? Stop soaking with poor old me attitudes feeling sorry for yourselves!

    It's a psychological war. The Hollywood cabal wants to intimidate us into thinking that it's over and we should stop downloading cause it's very risky!

    No need to worry about unhappy thanksgivings! Have your turkey ready to celebrate with a big download! If you live in the States, you know what to do before the 28th comes. First call AT&T, AOL, Comcast and the rest. Tell them that you're not a moron that will pay $25 to $45 a month to get in exchange surveillance and penalties on behalf of the Hollywood cabal. Rather, let them know that you don't need their crap and that you're leaving and going with someone else. I live in Southern California, I use high speed cable and my provider has already assured me three times (pointing me to the companies involved with the six strikes) that they're not inovolved in this scam.

    Last, get yourself a good VPN tunnel (128bit encryption keeping your data safe reaching up to 1024bit) that encrypts your connection and provides you with ananonymous IP to protect your privacy. Make sure you get a carrier that is outside the US and does not keep logs. All VPN providers have a duty to uphold the law and be accountable to the government in the country where they are based, but not all of them are required by law to carry logs. If a VPN provider logs your external IP address, they technically hand out to the FBI, Interpol etc your timestamp to get you.

    Take HideMyAss for example. It keeps logs and as a UK company when given a court order to cough up information, they do so. After the FBI got information from HideMyAs and began to match timestamps to IP addresses, in the blink of an eye Luzlsec member ‘Recursion’ became 23-year-old Cody Kretsinger from Phoenix, Arizona (Recursion is suspected of participating in the Sony hack in which the hackers managed to traipse around in Sony’s systems undetected for 7 days). At this point, the FBI had their man. So VPN companies that log your IP address and keep it on records (even for a few days) are useless, dangerous and a waste of money.

    For the time being, VPN still safe if you get the right provider! So let's use it for as long as it is available. This is a link from TorrenFreak (October 7th) showing which providers take anonymity seriously - including the countries where they operate as well as those that keep logs and those that don't. It's only a partial list. There are lot's of them around the world including Russia. Do your homework, get informed and be ready!

    Which VPN Providers Really Take Anonymity Seriously?
  7. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    From last I heard the 6 strikes is pretty pointless. The last step is just them funneling your internet bandwidth. Meaning that after you get the sixth step there is no further action. They can't cut you off, they can't sue you or anything else.

    It's a fear tactic like stated above with no real end game that really effects anyone. Anyway, it's called a proxy and for the most part only applies to P2P type situations. Since most things now are done via filehosting/cloud service it's all on normal web ports and with most files being in multiple parts they would have to obtain all parts of the file + password just to know if it's actually copyright'd material in the first place. Even then the files would have to be marked or be named something very obvious. What's the difference in downloading a 3g mmo game and 3g movie file? the name and security on the file. Not to mention ISP's aren't going to instantly start employing thousands of people in each regional area to look through download logs. If you watch 3 hours of HD Netflix it takes the same bandwidth as downloading several gigs worth of a file and as long as it's all on port 80 [standard web port] it makes it even harder for them to do.

    In the end there are sooo many loopholes in this whole idea it's laughable. At worst you use VPN, at best they have no fucking clue and it's just a scare tactic for your average teenage idiots downloading mp3's and photoshop.

    You have to remember that most of the people involved in this have very little knowledge of how internet infastructure works and the people telling them what to do are only concerned about their industry products and are being advised by people who have an education but no real world experience or up to date experience in the field.

    I rarely ever DL anything, mostly because I don't need to but am I worried if I DL Family Guy episode because I had a life during the time it was aired on TV? I think not... At worse I'll drive by a open hotspot and get what I want laughing all the way...
  8. Sonorite

    Sonorite Newbie

    Feb 25, 2012
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    ... try that in a translation program! :rofl:
  9. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    im not worried about this.. its basically designed for the record labels and movie industry against p2p users (bit torrent, demonoid, u torrent) so if your downloading from a p2p just beware
  10. lekb

    lekb Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I agree, it being done for scare tactics, it may work on a few people but the majority will not care.
  11. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West

    God knows how people missed that... i was pissing myself when i saw it!!!!!
  12. eskimoz

    eskimoz Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    seriusly i dont whant to save my penis! :bleh:

    buy a vpn not spamming arround i use this for all surf and downloads https://blazinseedboxes.com/VPN.html its cheap for me and so far using in the last 10 mounts i dont have any issue with them.. if some moderator/admin thinks i'm spamming please feel free to delete my post, i'm just trying to give a solution
  13. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I just don't think anyone is going to think I am worthy to eff with. :bleh:
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