windows 10 ltsb vs windows 7

Discussion in 'PC' started by plasticvibe, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well... if there haven't been cases such as yours there wouldn't have been solutions accordingly :) So yes i agree it exists, but perhaps not as common as you might think, especially when you use quality psu/mobo components building a pc.
  2. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Win 7 user here for a very long time. Love my system and really dont had much issues with it. All that ive done is some minor tweaks for audio production. BUT, now some of my most used VSTi's etc has started to behave rather strange after updating them.

    For example, Sylenth1 v3 has some kind of bug on some win7 systems. In my case it wont load and hangs the DAW, no signs no nothing. Support response is a recomendation to upgrade to win 10 where this suppose not to happend. Lennard is not alone stating things like that, UVI, Toontrack so the same thing even if not saying it outload. And i mean, it dont matter how stable or much better my win7 machine is if i cant use the software i payed for on it. And yes, i did try win10 a while back and really hated it casue it messed up pretty much everything. But at that point drivers where bad and DAWs etc hadnt really made their software ready for it. But god damn it was bad,.

    But at this point i feel it may be time to take the leap of faith casue it will eventually be the only road to take if software prodicers more or less dont care about win7 anymore. Same goes for hardware and their driver updates. I could ofc sit back and go with what i have that works but new toys are new toys and creativity feed on it, atleast for me.

    So, @taskforce .. How has your evaluation of the lite version been? Is it really terrible or do you think i could manage to live with it? I feel you have some good experience and knowledge to this so i hope you have time to fill me and others in once again even if you will not recomend win10 to anyone. I still manage to run some pluging that are buggy by wrapping them up in jBridge from 64 to 64 to get around the issues the plugins have. Buit instead the are GUI issues causer of jBridge but i can atelast use it.

    Do i dare to take the leap?
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Man, the ivan LTSB lite v2 is very close to what win10 should be, if you ignore a few things like dual control panels heheh, gui is fixable anyway, so is start menu. There is a major problem though atm but it isn't related to how the version works. The iso on TPB seems to somehow not work for many people, they get a memory error when installing. I dunno if somehow the iso shared is corrupted or if it's a user error (wrong bios settings etc), but 2 people from here contacted me with the same issues that others report on TPB's comments. So atm, i can only recommend to make a full image of your c drive, one that you can restore back, before trying anything.
  4. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    @taskforce .. Thanks for the heads up in this matter.. Will be a time saver for sure..
  5. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    For windows 10 LTSB user:-
    I found a major issue which was Windows Defender. It uses my CPU all the time and catches nothing. I googled the way to turn windows defender off permanently. Now performance seems very close to windows 7. But obviously not equal to or better than win7. 3rd party antivirus is a better choice.
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It happens with all Win10 versions I think, at least the Pro. It's the real-time protection and yeah, it's a nightmare. While Windows Firewall as a basic firewall does the trick, you can't say the same about defender.
    I usually remove/disable all the security features: center/defender/smartscreen... with the exception of Windows Firewall plus a whitelist complement like TinyWall.

    After using a ton of software tools/utils I've discovered that the best way to tweak/optimize Windows 10 is using powershell scripts. You can found them in GitHub.

    I was beginning to love Win 10 Ent LTSB N but then I couldn't install some features of Visual Studio 2017.
    But with the former "training" now I have a Win 10 Pro version running with the same performance and without bloat/spyware.

    And even the RAM usage (big deal for my 8GB oldie PC) is about the same, quite impressive.

    ONLY FOR GEEKS lol: I was even beginning the like the "Tile" Start Menu. But even if you disable Cortana you still have an ugly SearchUI process running and if you disable it you can't search installed programs.
    Classic MS trick: you can find every folder and file in the whole computer but you can't find a damn installed program of the start menu lol

    I installed StartIsBack which runs with the normal Windows Search/Indexing.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  7. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    In the context of this post, using the ltsb version, with updates off and internet disabled, I think you're talking shit.

    But feel free to provide proof and make me look like a chump.
  8. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    hi there. Win10 LTSB x64 user since years, been optimizing the OS for the last years and fully satisfied of my audio machine.

    I'm on an Acer Aspire V3-571G, i7-3632QM, 8GB, 250GB SSD, a really shitty old laptop (not for the hardware per se, that I tried to update as possible - 8GB Corsair and 250GB Crucial BX300 - but for the tipical Acer quality and assistance - sigh). Now I boot my OS in less than 15 seconds and I got nearly 620MB of RAM when arriving at desktop (just a few for a 8GB machine), no useless service or process disturbing my live rig (still having to disable something, but it's quite a delicate thing) and goes like a charm. before Win10 I used Win7. Win7 is nothing like Win10.

    -> don't blame something just because you can't manage it :wink: knowing your gear is the most important thing for a musician: just like a keyboardist should know everything about his synth or workstation, or a singer should know everything about using his voice, who uses a laptop in his live rig should know everything about his pc. if you go in a motorway with a new car, and you've never driven before, and run, you're a fool. learn to drive, know your car. then run :bow:

    Win10 is the future, byebye Win7

  9. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    I agree with most of that, but whether it's the future or not, if people still make music on older op systems, then all well and good. What ever works is the right tool for the job.
    I don't like the misinformation like the post I responded to, but it's worth remembering it's not the version of windows that writes the songs or mixes the hit.
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Win 10 LTSB still makes use of telemetry, you can only set it to minimum and/or keep your comp offline. That is overkill for an Os that does not get offline updates in the form of service packs. If you go online you succumb to being data mined and watched. If you are offline you don't get updates. You don't get to choose which update to install, you either update or you don't. That is some future, right ? We 've been over this same conversation a gazillion times.
    Could you please name any particular technology that makes Win10 the future?
    Oh, and most musicians are not enterprise users with MSDN accounts. Meaning they don't have to learn how to use LTSB since they normally wouldn't have access to it in the first place. Some may have the money of course. LTSB requires a Windows 10 Enterprise license which is only available via Volume Licensing. The lowest price for MSDN goodies (not evaluation software) is $5,999 for the first year and $2,569 annually for renewals. Most of the people here and elsewhere using it, are not even meant to use it. I don't care what anyone does at home with their comps, i might do so myself as well, but as music is my biz, my studio comps gotta have official license and i will not hand ms that cash for their bloatware telemetry and no new and improved tech.

    If and when MS manages to introduce a file system as fast and robust as the new APFS in HIgh Sierra MacOS or why not even better and rids its Os from telemetry and additional bloatware, group policies charade, manages to have a single control panel, user friendly real admin control and an overall cohesive gui and operation that doesn't brake after some weird update, then we can talk future. And this future is most likely another os, win11 or whatever. As it is, even the best version of win10 looks, feels and works as a transitional, non polished version. More like an elaborate extended beta but this time the software is not the only thing being tested, it is the users too, since too many peeps seem willing to hand out their personal data practically accepting to be Ms's guinea pigs in their "sociological survey".
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
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  11. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Meaning, what? Your IP is public & (loosely) pegs your location. If you think that people are spying on you & may gain compromising info by knowing the city you live in, use a proxy :)
    When you go outside, you also succumb to being watched. Fluffy, your neighbor's cat? That's Agent 00666, trying to steal your mad beats. Fluffy's family will be tortured & raped, in smelly gulags somewhere, if he fails.
    The only updates LTSB gets are security updates. Why would you want those for an offline box? Not even Agent Fluffy can h4xx0r a box that's offline (not unless you install a kitty door for him).
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  12. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    A tuned Win 7 machine will outperform a Win 10 computer today. We've done so many Win 7 vs Win 10 testing in the Acustica Audio boards and my i7 5820K that I've tweaked outperforms all but the newest i9 Win 10 machines, but the 20% improvement is not worth the huge cost IMHO as the real time performance is lacking with Win 10 and digital aduio. The super heavy CPU AA Acqua plugs and Nebula are the perfect testing for CPU's and DAW's. The biggest issues we encountered with Win 10 is all the extra background programs running, many are very difficult to remove or disable..... in fact there is only one user that has tamed Win 10, and he reported he had to preform 52 different tweaks or actions taking almost 8 hours time to bring it to a usable status. He has yet to post a complete guide but as soon as we have the info it will be posted. His tuned Win 10 machine is fast and fluid and the only way to use Win 10 IMHO.

    So IMHO, I'm sticking with Win 7 x 64 for as long as possible. My 5820K still outperforms 90% of the Win 10 DAW's in head to head tests so I have a real issue recommending a Win 10 machine to anyone without serious computer tweaking skill background.

    As always to each their own opinions.
  13. meilenstein

    meilenstein Newbie

    Feb 28, 2016
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    I'm really looking forward to this tweaking-guide.......
  14. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    you're comparing an optimized Win7 to a non optimized Win10? well, you just answered yourself :yes:

    anyway, +1 at waiting for that tuning thread of your friend :like: really curious about, if we both do the same thing or something different :mates:
  15. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    yeah but macOS has still some advantages when working on the OS level , (like managing files) over Windows 10...
  16. DJ Megadope

    DJ Megadope Newbie

    Oct 29, 2017
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    After reading through this thread ... I think i'm just going to stick with win7 for the time being ...

    Even though i'm still getting boned by the (0xc000007b) error code

  17. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Messed up driver or system file. If you're using a crack that modifies system files instead of a loader that would be a possible cause. Could also have been caused by an update error or some other corrupted file.
  18. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Get something like Tomato or DD-WRT firmware that supports IPtables and/or adblocking then block all of MS's servers... and most of google and adobe while you're at it. For URLs Tomato accepts standard hosts files, for IPs you add them into IPtables. Works so well that one of the hosts lists updated and blocked a porn site I like to frequent, so for two days I couldn't figure out why Firefox kept telling me it was down until I remembered about the router firewall. Just saying MS isn't going to get through a hardware router easily unless they've got some kind of encrypted tunnel for their telemetry stuff.
  19. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    What a difference a new device driver can make! I've been pulling my hair out with a new laptop (Win 10 home) and I randomly found a driver that wasn't even on the Asus website.

    Now my DPC latency is mostly 8-118 µs and I'm still not fully optimised. Man I'm looking forward to the jump to LTSB to see if I can make it more consistent around 30 or 40 µs.

    I had high hopes for Asus, then became dissolusioned, and now I'm more than happy :drunks:
  20. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    can you add some info on this?... driver or searches you made?... I also made a thread long ago... optimisation must start from the mainboard... it was about studio one ... c states etc... it must be here somewhere