A jazz-influenced Thread

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Introninja, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    This thread was made to shift the responses from the A jazz-influenced AudioSex Album thread to here to continue the conversation without being moderated out of that thread.
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what makes JAZZ what it is
    called "SWING"
    how that works is take a four count 1234 the 2 and 4 are accented.
    which in this case means they drag behind a tiny bit.
    second part chord tones land on the 1 and 3, and non chord tones or "grace notes" land on the accented 2 and 4 beats. here is a demonstration

    and lastly to figure out how much to accent the 2 and 4 counts think of a triplet broken into 2 notes the 1 and 2 of the triplet is beat one the last 3 of the triplet is the accent beat

    this is how jazz swings.
    next jazz uses tonal music theory (but can use modal theory and polytonal theory

    Jazz is the most complex music structure in that,
    KEY is not the largest structure.
    for example if you writing a song starting in the KEY of C major
    whatever you write in that key is ony a representation of one single note C

    in JAZZ the foundation is the blues and , ragtime music, early church music, african music, Caribbean music

    these aspects are what makes JAZZ its own thing the combination of elements from many genres of music.

    so jazz takes from blues a 3 KEY structure Gmajor <C major <F major (in early days)
    then it uses the syncopation of ragtime, it uses the call and response of church music and it uses the rhythms of Caribbean and African drumming.

    inspiration from jazz early days

    in summary JAZZ has a "swing" to it a specifc accent in its timing, second jazz uses chromatic grace notes (aka leading tones) specifically on its accented ,off beats of 2 and 4
    next takes uses aspects from previous genres. the musical structure of the blues, the call and response of church, the rhythms of Caribbean and the syncopation of ragtime music.
    lastly , jazz uses the full breadth of music theory language.
    these characteristics are what the word "JAZZ" means.
    here is a video explaining how jazz was created
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
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  4. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    some thoughts & inspiration :bow: :
    check Submotion Orchestra,Marian Hill,some Ninja Tune & even good old Roni Size....

    2 of my all time favorites :wink: :

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  5. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    It don't mean a thing
    If it ain't got that swing
    Doo wah doo wah doo wah doo wah
    Doo wah doo wah doo wah doo wah
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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Going on and on and on and ......... I hope in page 20, an international consensus would emerge after this storm of fierce and bitter controversies over the meaning and feeling of Jazz.:rofl:
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    here a turnaround idea I have, you can use to make things out of.

    one my fav that i found is

    Fmaj7 (voicing is F,C,E,A), to G Diminished (voicing is G,C#,E,A#) ,to Dmin7 (voicing is D,A,C,F,C) to A# diminished (voicing is A#,E,G,C#
    (now is second half of turn around)
    Bmin7flat5 (voicing is B,A,D,F) to E diminished (voicing is E,A#,C#,G) to Dmin7 (voicing is D,A,C,F) to G diminished (voicing is G,C#,E,A#)

    it has a call and response feel and can easily connect to many parts.

    here is the major II V I in key of C major ii dfac,Vgbdf, I cegb
    here is the minor II V I in same key (but A minor)or C6(CEGA) ii Bmin7flat5 BDFA, V E7 e,b,d,g# and I C6 (or Amin7) ACEG, or CEGA
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  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    here is another inspiration

    jazz has a fractal aspect in the detail parts.

    so take a ii V I in C,
    we are moving around the circle of fifths , D to G to C (dm,g7,cmaj7
    you can do that in chords or even arpeggios here is what arpeggios looks like .

    (creating spirals)
    this is way to take any moment when just a note or chords and make movement by creating spiraling of sound.

    here is another but simple line
    (this line is a ii V I)Dm7,to G7,to Cmaj7
    here is inspiration
    for rhythms
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
  9. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    now you're talking lol

    THIS is Jazz

  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  11. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I beg you, Gentlemen, stop! You're meddling with powers you can't possibly comprehend!

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  12. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    This is about as jazz as it gets :)
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    people should be able to post some scratch ideas and tracks on this thread with no worry of criticism in order to get the juices flowing.

    jazz is about collaboration .
    one great part of that is taking an idea and another experimenting with it to blossom out into music.
    the VERY last step should be worrying about perfect production and engineering ( to the degree it matters at all.)
    the best jazz is horseshit quality productions by today's standards, and it never took away from the impact and greatness of the music.
    here is example easily one of the top 100 songs of all-time and all genres.

    also here is amazing inspiration for you

    THIS is jazz, it swings like mad.
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  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    this is a totally different genre obviously, BUT the interesting thing to me about the complex rhythms
    is how they swing in a different modern type of way
    this could be great inspiration for a jazz influenced yet modern beats.
    listen to the rubber-band aspect pulling away and then slapping back into the snare drum
    when it cracks it really slams hard.
    study the rhythm part of the music and ignore the rest

    here is another different inspiration with latin rhythms lot can be done here too
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  15. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    you pervert lol

    you've "forgot" to include this worderful graph, which was giving meaning to my humor product placement.. [​IMG]

    I was just joking about the " how many notes does it take to get there " / complicated synaptical chords GPS neural system one must own to be able to play jazz :rofl: ( that's the frustrated me talking )


  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    this means nothing . no connection from this image to the way music actually works

    this means everything. its every jazz song ever been written or will be written. herte is broken down easier to digest step by step

    and finally
    if you need more explanation for this to help you write in jazz inspired style let me know you can check out my language of tonal music thread for step by step breakdown of how music works ( for anyone trying to get into it out of interest for writing)
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  17. synths4grins

    synths4grins Producer

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Man, I just play and write what I feel and hear in my head, no matter the genre of the music. Sometimes I'll translate the theory of it, but I don't write to the theory. You usually hear if you've broken a rule, but a few broken rules are what makes jazz great.

    Here are some good Jazz Quotes:

    "I'll play it first and tell you what it is later."
    Miles Davis

    "That's why it bugs me when people try to analyze jazz as an intellectual theorem. It's not. It's feeling."
    Bill Evans

    "Some people try to get very philosophical and cerebral about what they're trying to say with jazz. You don't need any prologues, you just play."
    Oscar Peterson
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  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    @Olymoon would you please make this thread sticky? I've lost my monocle and can't stalk and creep up on it easily when being dandled up and down by jazzers' and non-jazzers' posts.:winker:
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  19. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Okay but only temporary until the official announcement, your welcome:bleh:
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    This is their showcase:

    Cross that bridge when you come to it but if you'd awaken to the danger of this album, don't sweat it, my thread is always open for you.:lmao:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2018
  21. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Don’t listen to Jazz

    Please don’t try this at home : listening to Jazz. It's something very hazardous. It's worse than Base-jumping or heroin. It could change your life. Forever...
    It's better for you : forget it. Keep on bumping up Beyoncé ! Aren't you healthy? happy ? Then keep away!
    It's like the Apple: once you'll byte, chew, swallow it, it will be too late. Think a little to that. Life is too short, too beautiful for... Please don’t.
    I must warn you that there is no therapy for that. You won’t be able to get back.
    After, if you do, despite of this warning, nothing will be like before...

    A - Things won’t look like before...

    When you've tasted Jazz, you wont accept anymore listening anything. You will, step by step, forget almost all the musics you were loving so far. Jazz is so vast, so polymorphic, that it will bring you, day after day, during all your life, a new song to be mad about. The kind of songs you listen again and again, agape, dazzled, filled, sated. Happy.
    Yes, I will surprise you, (if you still dont know Jazz) : music gives happiness. Music can make you laugh, can make you cry, music can squeeze your guts.
    Jazz can.
    And that's the problem : it's so good that you wont stop listening Jazz. Never !
    Always jumping from one singer to a new pianist, from a soloist to a Big Band, from Bossa to Swing, from Acoustic to Electric, from improvisation to composition, from Modal to Blues...
    The more you'll know Jazz, the less you'll like other musics. After Jazz almost any music will look like... insipid.
    Your ear will change, your eyes will change. Your mind will change. Your heart wont beat anymore for pop, rock, rap, rnb, folk etc.
    Or so rarely !

    Jazz will educate your ear ; once you have heard Ella Fitzgerald singing, Oscar Peterson playing, Parker blowing, Bill Evans crying, you'll know what music actually IS.
    You wont listen the same things after, never : even if you were loving Madonna five years ago, you wont listen to her anymore. Not the same way at least.
    Jazz is the Land of Perfection. Not less. Singers sing to perfection, and much more than that : Louis Armstrong was a pioneer, as a singer.
    Art Tatum was probably the greatest pianist, of any time. Just sat next to Chopin in Heaven.
    John Coltrane and McCoyTyner introduced a musical revolution, something unheard-of so far during 1000 years of occidental music.
    There is less musical styles between 1700 and 1900 than there will be between 1930-1980 only in Jazz. It's a long (and delicious) trip !

    You will jump from wonder to wonder. When you'll come back home, you'll be like Ulysse : the happiest man on Earth.
    You will tell it to your friends : "I heard this or that, I saw Count Basie ; it was so great !"
    "I like so much 'Too Wonderful for Words' ... This songs touch me so deeply..." etc.
    But once back on Earth, not a lot of singer will keep your attention after Nat, Benson, Tormé. When you'll turn your radio on, you'll often think :
    "Hey : men, are you serious ? D'you call that 'music' ? D'you call this 'singing' ? Did your little sister wrote the lyrics ? "

    B - People wont be as usual...
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