Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs


    A handy little tool which provides all the information about measure, time, sample count etc that most hosts usually hide somewhere in a tiny little part of the screen. Transport is resizable and you can pick your own colours. Ideally, you’d drag it onto an external monitor in your 1000 square feet wooden studio and make it fullscreen so that your recording artists always stay oriented, but it works in smaller settings as well ;-). Made upon request by a DDMF user, we thought this gem is too good to not make it available for everybody. Transport is available as a 32 and 64 bit plugin in VST, RTAS, AAX (Win + Mac) and AU (Mac) format. MacOSX 10.6 is required.


    Download (Win) Download (Mac)

    Not just another EQ: with its custom-made 4th order IIR filter, ColourEQ sounds unlike any other EQ you have ever come across. It comes with five bands of \”super parametric\” peaking filters, which means that there is one more parameter in addition to the traditional gain/width/frequency set that can influence the curve shape. These shapes cannot be reproduced by ordinary IIR equalizers. Further features include: adjustable GUI colours, freely resizable window size, internal 64 bit processing and low CPU usage. Available in Windows VST (32/64 bit), Windows/Mac RTAS and Mac VST/AU format (Intel, OSX 10.5 and higher).

    Download (Win) Download (Mac)

    The IIEQ is a free, fully parametric 10-band equalizer with its own, characteristic sound and low CPU consumption. The 1st and the 10th band are low and high shelf filters, respectively; all other bands are peak filters. Individual bands can be switched on and off (click on the small green buttons!). It is available for Windows (32/64 bit) and Mac (32 bit). Alternative GUIs are available for Windows 32bit only.


    Download (Win+Mac)


    Download (Win only)

    Sick and tired of huge GUIs taking up all screen space? Want an EQ that easily fits in your pocket but sounds just like the big guys? Then it’s time to meet SmallEQ! The world’s smallest 10-band EQ, sporting eight fully parametric bands plus one low- and one high-shelf filter on exactly 9135 square pixels. Controls from left to right: band choice, gain, frequency, width and overall gain.


    Download (Win only)

  2. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs


    Bob Perry Gate is the ideal way of making the best of your signal. Real Side Chaining and the choice between three distinct, smooth sounding algorithms make Bob Perry Gate a supreme audio plug-in.

    Perfect for bringing that noise level down, be it for Drums, Vocals, Guitars, or just to be creative.

    Main features:
    • Three distinct algorithms
    • Optional Real Sidechaining
    • Easy-to-use Graphical User Interface
    • Gain Reduction Metering
    • Numeric Data Input
    • Windows and Mac OS X support
    • 32-bit and 64-bit versions, universal binaries for OS X
    • Retina Display support on OS X
    • comes bundled with demo versions of Gate Pro, ATC, Ducker, Ducker Pro, Crossfader
    • It’s really free!


    Bob Perry Listener
    is the ultimate tool for checking your stereo signals.

    Monitor your left and right signals individually, listen to side and mid signals with the integrated M/S matrix.

    Use Bob Perry Listener to make sure your mix always sounds best.

    Main features:
    • Listen to mid signal (on both output channels)
    • Listen to side signal (on both output channels)
    • Swap left and right signals
    • Mute left and/or right signals
    • Phase invert left and/or right signals
    • Monitor output levels
  3. Sorry about my post, I am a total space case and totally spaced on ever seeing your post even though it was just a wee bit before mine.
  4. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    @superliquidsunshine It's alright. I haven't checked if i did re-post either, lol. Sorry guys if I was, lol.
  5. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    you did lol... check top right field "search" -> search this thread only
  6. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Monotür is a Bass Station 2 sampled using an AKAI S1000HD. It includes 7 sounds and was the first of the small series of Music Box Instruments. The samples are of unique presets from a Bass Station 2 and were all recorded with the AKAI apart from ‘Tape Bass’, which was recorded onto cassette using a Tascam 488MK2.

    The sounds are raw and do not loop, but are highly useable especially when combined with delay and reverbs, as well as a MIDI sequencer.

    The Kontakt instrument includes a high and low pass filter section to help you fit sounds into a mix, as well as an FX section and Drive knob. The mod wheel is a sine wave LFO.

    Check out some sound examples*…

    *the demo track has sounds from Brutto and Monotür. All drums are from NI Battery.

    You can tweak some of the FX parameters in edit view in Kontakt but the script is locked.

    Monotür is FREE! Get it….


    • 7 BassStation 2 sounds sampled using an AKAI S1000HD
    • Kontakt Instrument only
    • 3 IR’s from the Boss DD5 Guitar pedal
    • Individual WAV files

    • Kontakt 5 + (Works for a time limit in Kontakt Player)
    • Any software or smaller that can import 24 bit WAV files


    Brutto FREE is a synth sample set created using a Korg Volca Bass and an AKAI S1000HD, and includes 9 original sounds. The free version was created using the TX16Wx sampler from CWITEC, which is available here and works with any DAW.

    Just download and install the free version of the sampler and download the sample set from here.

    Loading Samples

    Once you have installed the free software and downloaded the samples, unzip the files and navigate to the Brutto.txprog file and hit open.


    All of the sample sets are loaded into one project file, so just mute or unmute the samples as you need. You can have as many or as little groups playing together as you would like. Alternatively, you could add the raw files to your own preferred sampler, or buy the Kontakt version here for €5.

    All individual keys have note info for easy mapping.


    The Volca Bass is great for fuzzy sequenced bass lines and leads. Equipped with three oscillators it is also capable of creating three note chords, with the secret weapon being its analog filter. This means it can achieve aggressive squeals as well as warm pads (and lots of chaos in-between). If you like these samples and them in your tracks please send me links so I can take a listen.

    Check out some sound examples from Brutto*…

    *the demo track has sounds from Brutto and Monotür, which is available here for free. All drums are from NI Battery.

    • 9 Korg Volca Bass sample sets sampled into an AKAI S1000HD
    • TX16W Prog file and Individual WAV’s
    • 180mb of samples in total
    • Any software or sampler that can host VST format
  7. Haven't tried it, but....
    Expressive, sample-based synthesis from Stagecraft, exclusive to Reverb.

    What it is:
    A contemporary, sample-based synth, utilizing Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression.

    How we use it:
    Add a brand new element to any track.

    Why it's cool:
    Infinity Synth stays true to its name as it ships with 1,200 presets and access to downloadable sample banks, featuring Reverb exclusive patches.
    Expressive Control - Infinite Sonic Expandability

    A sample-based synth designed for maximum expressiveness, this new synth is designed to give you a high-quality sounds right out of the box. It comes with all the bells and whistles you would expect from a professional sample based synth, including ADSR envelopes, effects chaining, filters, Mods, velocity and aftertouch support; as well as a few more unique and advanced features like fully configurable parameter automation, drill down effects controls, a high definition spectrum display, MPE compatibility.

    Infinity connects to an online marketplace with tons of sample banks, so you can build your library to include only the sounds you want. There are a number of included presets, and immediate credit so you can build a large library immediately. If you want a truly expansive library, you can purchase more credits and download additional sample banks.

    MPE Compatibility
    • Non-MPE synths are limited by the original MIDI standard. While they can modulate pitch and other attributes with a pitch wheel, trackpad, or other controller, they must apply this modulation to all notes at the same time. MPE expands the MIDI standard, sending each note in its own separate MIDI channel, enabling polyphonic expression.
    • Use automation to create anything from that wobble characteristic of so much dubstep, to a voice that comes in and out at random intervals, effects that fade in and out with perfect, quantized precision.
    • The layout and design principles are built around making the product show you what it does, so that every knob or button should produce a visible change as well as a sonic one. Doing this lets you see exactly how the sound is changing.
    Sample Marketplace
    • Audition and purchase additional sample banks form our large library without leaving Infinity Synth.

    • Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support
    • Library of sample banks to audition and purchase
    • Filter bank with auto filter style display
    • Full automation of any or all parameters
    • LFOs for parameter automation
    • Advanced quantization options for all parameters
    • Customizable effects chaining with access to a dozen effects
    • 1200 presets, including Reverb Exclusive Presets
    • Preset saving and sharing
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  8. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  9. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Music_SDP 1.1.6 has arrived!

    Download it now!

    Music_SDP 1.1.6 just went live! Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year, everyone! 2017 was a massive year for the members of the Music_SDP team. New jobs, graduations, and/or major life changes seemed to happen to everyone, and in many ways we’re still settling into our new lives. While ultimately, change is good, adjustment takes time and takes time away from the things we love. Despite this adjustment period, we’re still working whenever we can to grow Music_SDP into the best program it can be. We’ve been quietly working away since immediately after the 1.1.5 update, experimenting, asking questions, making massive changes to the back-end, and adding new features and functions. With the start of a new year, we thought it’d be the perfect time for a new update!

    ---The Official 1.1.6 Update List ---
    Major Feature Update:
    1.1.6 features a completely re-designed preset system for modules.
    This new system allows users to give names to each of your presets, and easily select them from a drop-down menu. This puts us on-par with other industry standard programs, and makes navigating and working with presets much easier. We’ve also integrated a feature requested by one of our users: the ability to have parameters saved in presets glide from one to another.
    In other words, if one you’ve got a delay time of 100 milliseconds in one preset, and 1000 milliseconds in another, you can jump directly to the new value, or glide to the new value over any amount of time. Shout out to user Dimitris Savva for this idea! It took a bit of muscle grease to implement, but we think it’ll be really useful, and adds something really unique to our preset system.
    With the new preset system, we’ve done a thorough check on every module in our toolbox
    We’ve removed tons of bugs and little issues across the program. The noise in the Gater is gone, all presets save properly, and everything is just working better than it did before. we’ve also changed the color scheme slightly, giving all modules a slightly darker look, and improving the contrast between the background of the modules and the actual foreground objects.

    Tons of custom presets.
    Since we added in this preset system, it only made sense to create as many presets as we had time to. These presets are designed to show off the functionality of the modules, and often do unexpected things. Check them out, they’re a great starting point for getting familiar with the tools!

    Major System Overhaul
    We’ve implemented more customization to our System Board, and more optimization.
    The code for the system board has had a COMPLETE redesign for this update, allowing us to be much more flexible with what can be offered, and allowing for new optimizations. The Project Settings screen has now been moved to a separate window, and the Score System has taken it’s place in the Full View Tabs. What does this mean? Well, in the new project settings screen you can now choose which full view tabs you want to use in your project. Do you never use the Performer View, the Master Mixer, or the Board Browser? Now you can just toggle them off completely, freeing up a significant amount of system resources so you can make more music. This comes with one caveat: when re-opening a previously created project, you’ll have to navigate to the new Project Settings screen to choose what full view tabs you want to include in your project. These tabs will be toggleable on-and-off at any point, and changes are saved automatically for each of your projects, so this shouldn’t take up a lot of time when working in your projects.

    New Module, and Module Updates:
    New Stochastic Controller, and new options for all of our Stochastic tools.
    Have you tried the Stochastic Grains instrument yet? Do you wish that you had the same randomness available to control the drum machine, A+2, or SAH instruments?

    The new stochastic controller gives you the same random functionality to control any of the MSDP instruments. Randomness = Power! On top of this, we’ve added more functions to each of our stochastic tools, and they’re really powerful: both the Stochastic Files and the Stochastic Grains instruments now include velocity and polyphony with random size. Want to have 5-16 notes occur at once? Now you can! On top of that, we have added stochastic ADSR control for both tools, meaning you can now control the shape of the amplitude envelope for each sound generated!

    The Drum Machine now includes three pre-built drum kits!
    With the new preset system, we’ve figured out how to implement a handful of pre-built kits for the drum machine for you to play with. Don’t own any drum samples? No problem, use ours! Got some drum samples, but not enough to fill up a kit? Load one of our presets, tweak it, and then save the new preset to your project folder!

    New Minor System Features:
    Computer keyboard control over the Virtual Keyboard.
    Want something more playable than the virtual keyboard, but can’t afford a hardware controller? You can now use your own computer keyboard to control the virtual keyboard, making it easier than ever to play your instruments without additional tools!

    We have a completely re-built Metronome, including Ableton Link functionality!
    Do you use Ableton Live, and have you wanted to use MSDP WITH Live? This isn’t quite the same thing, but you can now synchronize your Live sets with MSDP, keeping both metronomes in-sync while you play. This is a pretty experimental function, and something that we will be expanding on in the future. There’s plenty more to come, but if you’re feeling adventurous, feel free to play around with this newest release.
    More Project Updates:
    New, better default parameters for many modules.
    During our module review, we found several modules that could be better setup to show off their functions immediately. Small tweaks have been made across the module list to improve those starting parameters.
    Backend Improvements and Developer Features:
    Optimizations to the Project Loader, Metronome, Virtual Instruments, App Launcher / Developer panel, and the Audio File, MIDI File, and Plugin Managers.
    These subsystems are all leaner now, and have code that’s easier to follow. This means less demand on your computers, and a better time exploring the code for anyone who wants to see how they work! Also, these subsystems previously stayed loaded at all times in the background, while now, they’re only loa
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  10. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Get Free Sound Effects:

    Get free bullet ricochets from the Blackout 300 rifle, courtesy of Frank Bry here

    Bonus: More Free SFX:
    • Download Soundly and get more than 300 free sound effects right here
    • Get a surround rain rec from the Surround In The Rain 5.1 + Stereo SFX library - right here
    • Get the electromagnetic sounds of an Internet router from Olivia Oliffka, here
    • Get thunderstorm sounds from Johannesburg here
    • Get a surround file (125 MB) from the Surround In The Night library right here
    • Get 2 hydrophonic recordings from Mindful Audio, here
    • Get 55 mangled screams from Soundbits and Monte Sound - here
    • Get the sound of waves crashing on the beach, from Mindful Audio, here.
    • Get 12 atmospheric SFX from Hzandbits here (newsletter signup req.)
    • Get a free Grappling tournament ambience library (newsletter signup req.) - here
    • Get recordings of early-morning seabirds from Mindful Audio, here
    • Get French shop ambiences in this free SFX pack from Red Libraries - right here
    • 50 free sci-fi sound effects by Ivo Ivanov - right here
    • Get three 5.0 demo files from the Sci-Fi Ambiences Surround library: Here they are
    • Over at Soundopolis, David Fienup is giving away sounds from three of his premium SFX libraries. Get them right here
    • Airborne Sound is giving away the Concourse Crowd Sound Effects pack, featuring 25 recordings of business pedestrians and corporate crowds: Get it here
    • Audiojacked offers 12 recordings of Off-Road Car Passes for free right here (registration required): Get the sounds here
    • AntiSample offers up 88 one-shot sound effects - the selection is pretty wide: Get the sounds here
    • Tovusound offers 28 authentic rickshaw sounds for free (registration req.): Get the sounds right here
    • Sound Ex Machina has a batch of free indoor sfx up - 75 sounds total. Grab the whole lot here.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  11. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    Buy an instrument and make music. You don't need any software.
  12. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  13. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Cloud Seed VST
    Cloud Seed is an algorithmic reverb plugin built in C# and C++ for emulating huge, endless spaces and modulated echoes. The algorithms are based on the same principles as manu classic studio reverb units from the 1980's, but Cloud Seed does not attempt to model any specific device, or even to be a general-purpose reverb plugin at all. It is best employed as a special effect, for creating thick, lush pads out of simple input sounds.


    Download & Install
    1. Download the latest version of Cloud Seed from the Releases Page.
    2. Please read the Installation Instructions
    If you get errors about either "vcruntime140.dll" or "msvcp140.dll", you need to install the Redistributable Runtime as described in the Installation Instructions.

    See the Documentation Page for an overview of the user interface and an explanation of the reverberation kernel.

    Reverb Kernel Architecture

    the code was originally developed in C# and then ported over to C++. The current version contains a full implementation of the reverb kernel in CPU-efficient C++ code. The user interface is built using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), and the plugin uses SharpSoundDevice to communicate with a VST host.
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  14. Although a worthy and interesting idea to debate, this is an inappropriate place to post your opinion about what kind of instrument to play or not to play. This area is dedicated to the postings of free software instruments and plugins for those who prefer to use or specifically choose to use them. It would be great if you would create a thread in the appropriate place, most likely in the Lounge. Thank you and welcome to the forum!
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  15. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    I play several instruments by hand: piano, guitars (electric and acoustic), bass, drums, percussion all kinds, flutes, violin. And in fact you don't need a software for making music, BUT this thread is about making music WITH software, that means more in the direction of Music Production. Anyway the title of the thread is self explanatory. Good luck and joy making music!
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  16. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    We've updated our FREE SAMPLE LIBRARY with nearly 100 more free samples!
    Now when you download Gratis, you'll see new free samples from Boots + Claps, Jekyll & Hyde, Mammoth, Neon, Sterloid, Virgo, and our newest drum sample library, Hangar.

    Click here to log in. Once you're logged in, you'll see the new Gratis download at the top of your Free Resources.

    It's easy to set one up. Click here.

    this is soooo cool!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  17. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Propellerhead and Positive Grid offer Free Bias FX LE VST Plugin
    January 31, 2018
    January 9, 2018

    Propellerhead Software has announced that it is partnering with Positive Grid to offer Propellerhead account owners the Bias FX LE plugin for free as a special limited-time offer. Bias FX LE is a sample of Positive Grid's full Bias FX Pro amp and effects plugin.

    Bias FX LE features 3 amps and 6 effects, including a '77 Silvertone (Clean), '69 Plexiglas (Crunch), and '92 Treadplate (High Gain), plus a set of effects including Treble Boost, six-band EQ, 808 OD stomp box, Chorus, plus digital delay and reverb pedals.

    Bias FX LE is exclusively available for free from Propellerhead's Shop until January 31, 2018. Click here to go to the Bias FX LE product page, click "Add to cart," and create a Propellerhead account or log-in to download the software.

    No purchase is necessary to create a Propellerhead account.

    Bias FX LE can be used in any VST supporting DAW.

    Get deal at
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  18. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
  19. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Free sound samples

    v.2 of the sound samples torrent is now available via Mininova. It includes all available 44kHz sound samples, including the ones missing from the original torrent. Note that while many of the links below will take you to the Internet Archive for direct downloads, a number of them are still broken, as they refer to the original download site; those files can be retrieved from the above torrent. Note : the Mininova link seems to be broken, so here is a other : via Torrage v.2 contains 8458 (!) samples, occupying an uncompressed total of over 8GiB (!!) of space, contained in nearly 6GiB of ZIP files.

    A third link for the torrent, this time using a Magnet URI (copy and paste this into your browser address bar or open it with your BitTorrent application):


    Note that v.2 and v.1 of the torrent are completely compatible; you can copy over the files from the original torrent into the directory for the new one, eliminating the need to redownload files you already have (and helping the seeding process to all of the folks who didn't get the original one). The same can be done with the ZIP files downloaded from the links below.
  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    DontCrack’s Freeware of the year!
    Posted on December 30, 2017 by DontCrac[k]
    To close out 2017 in a festive way, we thought we would do something special here at DontCrack. We decided to share with you a unique virtual instrument for FREE in association with the India-Europe Foundation for New Dialogues FIND Foundation.

    The “Semantic Daniélou-53” is as highly original as the name it bears.

    It is a virtual instrument named after its creator, “Alain Daniélou” (4 October 1907 – 27 January 1994) who was a French historian, intellectual, musicologist, Indologist, and a noted Western convert to and expert on Shaivite Hinduism. He spent his whole life investigating “Eastern” music and their different scales and intervals.

    The result of this life-long work is a fascinating instrument capable of producing beautiful soundscapes based on fascinating microtonal progressions.

    An original and highly creative virtual instrument any musician should explore…

    The history of the “Semantic Daniélou-53”

    Alain Daniélou spent a big part of his life elaborating a complex theory called “Musical Semantics”. It was the fruit of many years of research and experimentation in Indian modal music as well as other eastern musical traditions. it offers a novel approach to our perception of relationships between pitches. The system he elaborated belongs to the family of just intonation scales, also called “natural” scales.

    This implies that the intervals it is composed of are expressed in the form of ratios made up of whole numbers to both the numerator and the denominator, which as a result creates harmonic ratios between all the notes of the scale, in this case, 53 per octave. The particularity of this scale is that it bestows a special value to harmonics 2, 3 and 5 and their combinations. According to Alain Daniélou, the intervals created from these 3 factors have the power to provoke precise and apparently universal feelings or emotional reactions in humans.

    In 1936, Alain Daniélou worked alongside Maurice Martenot, the famous inventor of the “ondes” which carry his name, with whom he built his first keyboard instrument which was tuneable and which displayed interval frequencies. It was patented the following year. The instrument is on display at the Musée de la Musique in Paris.

    A number of years later, during his travels in India, he designed a craft-built instrument in Varanasi in 1942, which involved the use of a considerable number of bicycle wheel spokes. He then build a series of small bellow harmoniums called Shruti Venu, of which one, built at the University of Visva-Bharati was kept and was restored in 2016 by Klaus Blasquiz.

    In 1967, Alain Daniélou designed a new electronic instrument, the S52. To build it he called on Stefan Kudelski from Lausanne, Switzerland, the inventor and builder of the Nagra, the famous professional portable tape player. The prototype was presented in Paris in 1980, namely at the UNESCO International Music Council and the IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique / Research and Acoustic/Music Coordination Institute), and afterwards in Bordeaux, Berlin, Rome, etc.

    It was not until 1993 that the idea of an entirely digital instrument came into being, by the name of the “Semantic”, christened by the composer Sylvano Bussotti in reference to the Alain Daniélou’s work, Musical Semantics. Upon Alain Daniélou’s request, it was developed by Michel Geiss, an electronics engineer, musician and specialist in electronic instrument design, who was at the time was working with Jean Michel Jarre.

    The Semantic, later renamed the Semantic Daniélou-36 to avoid confusion with the 2nd version, the Semantic Daniélou-53, contains as is name indicates 36 intervals. These 36 intervals were the ones Alain Daniélou considered to be the most essential among the 53 of his scale. Michel Geiss developed a greatly improved version in 2013, while conserving the external appearance of the original instrument. The second version made use of recent developments in the world of electronic music and included internal sound-generating software. This major technological update enhanced the instrument by offering the possibility of producing richer, varied and expressive sounds, whilst having remarkably precise tuning (to a thousandth of a cent). The new version also boasted a ribbon controller for fine pitch variations.

    The Semantic Daniélou-53

    Developed by Christian Braut, Jacques Dudon and Arnaud Sicard at UVI, upon request of the FIND Foundation (India-Europe Foundation for New Dialogues), the Semantic Daniélou-53 is the first of the Semantic instruments which integrates the entire Daniélou scale. As its name suggests, it includes 53 intervals and offers 72 scales (or tunings). Released in 2013, using UVI Workstation technology it is presented in the form of a virtual instrument, which is available for MacOS and Windows.



    Minimum system requirements:

    • Mac OS X version 10.7 and 10.8 (64-bit | 32-bit), processor Mac Intel, 2 Gb RAM

    • Windows 7 and Windows 8 (64-bit | 32-bit), processor Core Duo minimum, 2 Gb RAM

    Host applications:

    UVI Workstation, MOTU MachFive , Digital Performer 7 & 8, Pro Tools 10 & 11, Logic 9 & X, Cubase 7+, Nuendo 6+, Ableton Live 8 & 9, Studio One 2, Garage Band 6, Maschine 1 & 2, Tracktion 4, Vienna Ensemble 5, MPC Renaissance, Reaper 4, Sonar X3, Main Stage 3, MuLab 5.5, Finale 2014, Sibelius 7.


    Download the user manual (English):

    Download the user manual (French):

    Download the instrument:

    Download the scala tuning files of the Semantic Daniélou-53:

    GETTING STARTED: instructions

    UVI Workstation, the host application designed to use the “Semantic Daniélou”, must be downloaded. It can be used either independantly or as a plug-in with Audio Unit, RTAS, VST, AAX or MAS for MacOSX, and VST, AAX or RTAS for Windows.

    Download the UVI Workstation:

    UVI Workstation for Mac OS X
    UVI Workstation for Windows
    UVI Workstation for Windows (x64)

    Then proceed as follows:

    • Unzip the file “” if it does not automatically unzip after downloading. This will create a file called “SemanticDanielou.ufs”.
    • Select your chosen destination for the file.
    • Launch the UVI Workstation application.
    • Open the preference options by clicking on the small wheel at the top of the window.
    • Enter “Sound Banks”.
    • Add the file path to “SemanticDanielou.ufs”.
    • Quit/restart the UVI Workstation application.
    • Load the “SemanticDanielou.ufs” instrument via the file explorer.
    It can be played using different methods:

    • Using the mouse, by clicking on one of the two keyboards which appear on the screen (either the “hexagonal” keyboard,which shows the intervals in the form of ratios and whose layout has been designed to make optimum use of the Daniélou scale, or the “traditional” keyboard”)
    • Using a simple Midi/USB keyboard (as most musicians possess)
    • Using a Midi keyboard more adapted to microtonalities, such as the l’AXiS-64 C-Thru, which is the best in this field.
    The “Semantic Daniélou” is delivered with a database of 28 sounds, selected for their harmonic qualities and their diversity. As well as the complete scale of 53 notes per octave, this instrument offers 72 tunings, which themselves contain many different scales.

    The system’s preset note selections enable a novice to rapidly obtain musical results, whilst the microtonality expert will find great pleasure exploring the tunings which offer a greater number of notes, such as the 12, 36, 45 or 48-note versions of the Daniélou scale. It is also possible to add a drone or to refine the sounds by adjusting the attack or decline of notes, or to add effects such as reverb, delay, etc.

    And there’s more, a contest, where you can win prizes!

    The India Europe Foundation for New Dialogues (FIND) and the Atelier d’Exploration Harmonique (AEH) are pleased to invite you to participate to a musical competition based on the just intonation system devised by Alain Danielou for the Semantic instrument.

    Available now at the Semantic Microtonal Music International Competition! Five prizes, of 200 € each, will be given out to the winners.

    Closing date for entries: 31st January 2018

    Sit back, relax, and watch the Semantic Daniélou in action [​IMG]

    This entry was posted in DontCrack, Event, Virtual Instruments and tagged AU, Freeware, microtonal, Virtual Instrument, VST, VSTi. Bookmark the permalink.
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