Major Lawsuit Against Company Supplying What Is Deemed As A Pirate Box To Download Internet Content

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by superliquidsunshine, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Capitalism, while not perfect, is far preferable to communism. The death of capitalism is greatly exaggerated. Seems like it's still alive and kicking to me. :shrug:

    Oh and fuck follyweird. I want to be entertained, not browbeaten and preached to.

    If murka sucks so bad why the fuck do you murka hating types keep coming here? Stay in your shithole countries and try to improve them instead of coming to ours and expecting us to conform to you

    Go live in NoKo or venezuela then wannabe revolutionary
  2. Hey GODSanAI, you have been "Blorged", have become nourishment, though not yet high caloric or high quality fodder. Through if you let the fox trick you into coming out of your fine brick house, will invariably be witted into becoming an oh so tasty morsel. Don't pick your scabs before wading into shark infested waters, it's a fools game and a buyer's market.
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  3. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Unintentionally, to be honest.
    Caught a laughing gull once while trolling for blues. Weirdest feeling, reeling in a bird. Like flying a kite that stalls/falls if you reel in too fast. Was the one time I had no pliers/wirecutters in the boat (to cut the hook & take it out -- hook went through the soft part of its bottom beak); got all scratched up trying to grab the thing, had to drive all the way back (holding the thing in one hand), put boat on the ball (with one hand), swim back to shore (on my back, bird in hand), find a pair of wire cutters, cut the hook & let the thing go. Trauma, for both of us.
    TL;DR: Poe's law got me again.
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  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    My point was not to raise a war.
    But only to say those things are going to be more and more common. To the final collapse of global debt.

    Take a look at this, and talk to me about "american way of life" :
    See Germany today and their "no government".
    See France (my country) trying pathetically to "save the EU" (lol)
    See China, trying to compensate internally for global growth failure

    And on and on...

    PS : ppl speaking about "communism" don't know "communism" NEVER existed on this planet : it was (and still) "state capitalism".
    Far from anything Marx and real communists asked : they wanted NO STATE and NO CAPITALISM. Not "state capitalism".
  5. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    So ...hodl?
    Who's this debt owed to? Are bill collectors comin' on over to evict us, or?
    Largely for the same reason "true" Christianity/Equestria(a land governed by the magic of friendship)/snowballs in Hell don't exist: all fail to account for basics (e.g. reality/human nature/thermodynamics). Utopias are easy to imagine, harder to build, and pretty much impossible to sustain.
    This is different from communism state = collective (of people), Marx never set out to eliminate capital (in context: means of production), so yeah, it exists and needs to be managed. By the state (people as a whole).
    You're thinking of some non-anarcap flavor of anarchism. The goal of Communism is a stateless world, only in the sense that there are no capitalist states to oppose it -- just one socialist planet. Which would, indeed, be pretty convenient -- no defense spending, for starters.
  6. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    The articles under discussion happened because there is no such thing as a free lunch. People face trade-offs. Lawsuit here is the opportunity cost. Social science stuff :chilling:

  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Tell that to Kim Jong Un.. I seriously doubt he wants to give up his steady diet of high school girls of his choosing..
    not to mention everything else he stuffs in his fat face.... utopias are an absolute lie... and this particular one is a
    massive genocidal, homicidal, and suicidal failure in addition
  8. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I think @Pipotron3000's point was "not everything that calls itself communism is really communism," that's what I was replying to.
  9. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    The relationship between supply and demand graph for the market in the article of discussion shows that shift in supply with added surplus from Piracy sectors can bring both factors to the point of Equilibrium. Economic stuff :chilling:

  10. Worth of currency is an abstract concept that is sold to the ignorant masses, a brilliant ploy to maintain every concept of centalized power that there is to offer. Economic theory is the mode of hypnosis employed to maintain the paradigm that keeps the madness spinning round and round, the vortex of illusion that the 99.999999999999 literally buy into. It is a prison of the mind as well as the centerpiece of the human condition. (edit) Love of money IS the root of evil and is I guess is bound up in the core of our animal instinct, our human condition, the will to survive but to the insane degree at the cost of death and destruction, inter-species murder for centuries upon centuries. Shit is great, can be great on interpersonal level but needs be extended universally. That's the great challenge, eh? Love rules...without that the fat lady sings. Love is the true currency and money can't buy me love. What a conundrum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2018
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  11. oneunder

    oneunder Ultrasonic

    Feb 26, 2014
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    It's all become 'advert boxes' with shit fillers showing you how you should live. Propaganda should always be free or it isn't gonna work for them
    Disabled/sanctioned. How could we pay for anything. Maybe they should give out these boxes at the foodbanks.
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  12. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    @superliquidsunshine, now that you've peeled back the veil and see the filthy stuff for what it really is, send yours to me :)
    Check this edit

    BTW, the actual line is "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."--KJV
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  13. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I was a "pirate box" virgin up til (lit) a couple days ago. Also I'd never used Kodi before =)

    But, tis pretty straightforward. Adding "repos" is the only quirk that annoys, rly. Kinda a 3-stage process that involves typing in a URL. I would liken it to solving 3 captchas in terms of irritations. For any alienbros! Setting it up is a bit of a chore, too.

    But I mean, most of the time Kodi is just the best kinda media player thingy, and ya can use it liek that (I do) but it can has moar. I mean, if ya got a mid-spec GFX card on ur production machine, a $50 box will stream 4k HDR / atmos content without a hiccup, meaning ya can go offline much easier. I mean, for me tis also useful for watchn those films that ya kinda wanna watch, but don't wanna "keep", saving space for crappy Kontakt libs ya don't rly wanna keep >___> or use <____<

    Ya know, the trashy flicks to "laugh at" rather than w/ - and tis good for 4k content. Most of the concerns about "it's easier to just ddl / lot of stuff missing" haven't been my (limited) experience, just from few repos (sources) I use. I can find anything I can dl from ddl, rly. If not, I just ddl & watch. Plus, the live streaming / DVR aspect is awesome.

    I got it mainly to "cord cut", cos mah lil cleaning guy was getn tangled in too many TV wires. Nao the lil guy can clean w/ no probs. The rest is just a surprise bonus!

    Dell is getn sued by.. Neflix? But isn't Netflix build on torrent tech? Wait... Amazon too? Someone should tell them that ya can install Kodi on their Fire TV thing! XD
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  14. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Another sock puppet account :rofl:
  15. Gracias
  16. If you pay for the postage I will send you all the love of money that I have. It needn't be a large box as I haven't much of it:mates:
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  17. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    TL;DR: keep love; send money.
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