Studio One 3.5.4 Not loading plugins & CPU meter Spikes ?

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by marshall stack 666, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Hi Audiosexy people !

    I cant seem to find any info on the net about this passion killing almost crippling issue, so I'm counting on you guys.

    I'm having a random issue on S1 3.5.4 R2R latest patch.

    When loading various 3rd party plugins, The Studio 1 CPU meter spikes and the plugin won't load.
    Then I have to close and reopen the session.
    This happens randomly and doesn't matter if the project has 25 or 5 plugins.

    This is not plugin specific, and happens with legit plugins !

    My system is :
    i7 4790k ( No resale value now kids..)
    16 gig kingston fury ( Memtest passed )
    Samsung evo 500 ssd ( Healthy )
    Audient ID14 interface ( Latest firmware and drivers )

    Things I tried before almost using my steelcap boots. :crazy:

    1. Deleting all S1 plugin settings & prefs.
    2. Unistalling Studio one
    3. Re-installing Studio one
    4. Updating all audio and software drivers.
    5. Running CPU on all cores. I7-4790k
    6. Disabled speedstep

    I noticed 3 faulting modules in event viewer :

    Kernelbase.dll , cclgui.dll and system32.ntdll

    Has anyone experienced this issue first hand in Windows 10 Pro x 64 ? If you did and found a fix or can offer some insight that would be very much appreciated !

    Note: Previous versions of Studio one behave exactly the same..

    Windows 10 bashing wont fix it so try stay on topic mkay. :wink:

    Peace !
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'm about to install S1 3.5.4 on Win10x64 but haven't done it yet.
    But it doesn't strike me as a DAW problem.
    Why don't you install the fast and tiny Reaper and try to scan your VSTs?
  4. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Hey, I have been using Studio one more than reaper these days, but never had this issue with Reaper or with Studio one before the 3.5 big update..
  5. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    IF this was a common problem we would be flooded with similar comments and there are non. so, you have a very specific problem for your system. pretty difficult to have any clue from what you have described im afraid.

    you don't even name what kind of audio interface you have btw. is it a fresh os install, do other daws work? there are lots of info you should provide you know
  6. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Thanks for your contribution. I never assumed it was a common problem and I provided a fair bit of detail actually. I have updated my post with my interface and my above answer confirms I don't have this issue in Reaper.
  7. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    Did this start with S1 3.5.4? Was the previous version fine? Did you change your video card? NVIDIA cards can create havoc for some users.
  8. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Hi, It started after the big 3.5 update I think. I have since removed my Nvidia 750ti and now running onboard intel 4600 but its still the same. I'm not sure if its an open GL issue or a dodgy dll at the OS level.
  9. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
  10. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I haven't run it while I'm mixing. Is that recommended ?
  11. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    You can try these steps:

    The LatencyMon application can be used to identify which device, driver or service is causing the latency issue on your system.

    1. Go to the Resplendence Software downloads page here.
    2. Download the latest available LatencyMon version from the System Monitoring Tools section, then install the software.
    3. Start LatencyMon. By default it is found here: C: > Program Files > LatencyMon > "LatMon.exe".
    4. Launch the audio application you are experiencing latency issues with. If the audio problems occur in combination with an external audio interface, make sure the interface is connected and configured as audio device in the application.
    5. Begin audio playback in the application. You can simply set a loop and let it play continuously.
    6. While audio is playing in your application, launch the LatencyMon test by clicking on the green Play button.
    For LatencyMon to provide useful analysis results, the test must run for at least 4 minutes while audio is playing back in your audio application. This will ensure enough time for the audio artifacts to appear. Afterwards, stop the test by clicking on the Stop button next to Play.

    After the test is finished, a text box under the Main tab will display either of these messages:

    'Your system appears to be suitable for handling real-time audio and other tasks without dropouts.' (green text).


    'Your system appears to be having trouble handling real-time audio and other tasks. You are likely to experience buffer underruns appearing as drop outs, clicks and pops...' (red text).

    The former case indicates that your system should not present any latency issues. Should you experience performance issues in spite of the positive results of the LatencyMon test, verify the following:

    • Check the settings in the control panel of your soundcard (latency, sample rate).
    • Make sure that no other applications or services are running while operating your audio application.
    • Update your audio interface to the latest driver and / or firmware version.
    • Make sure that your system components meet our minimum system requirements.
    • Verify if your processor's Speedstepping may be affecting your system performance
  12. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Yeah, I've run tests and I have no problems with latency or pops. My drivers seem solid for this interface. I'll run it now on the session. Cheers
  13. Baila Tosco

    Baila Tosco Member

    Feb 18, 2016
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    I have experienced A LOT of different issues (or, as Presonus staff likes to call them, "design gaps" and "features" :)) since i started using S03 in 2015, and there definitely was a spike in issues and bugs since 3.5. But this never happened to me and I've never seen this issue arise on the Presonus forums or answers page. Sorry I can't help, man.
    Honestly I would point to your system, I've done lots of fiddling since I started using Windows 10, to make S03 run smoothly and without crashes (other daws too). I mean looking for optimal drivers and deep OS configuration.
  14. marshall stack 666

    marshall stack 666 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    No worries man, I'm pretty sure it started after the 3.5 update. What kind of configs have you done ? That may help me too. Ive done a few common ones like disabling windows app bloat but not sure what else I can do..
  15. Lex Arker

    Lex Arker Newbie

    Jan 18, 2019
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    I have this problem I think... Just to confirm I'll load a song and for example I'll have no drums, I will open the Kontakt plugin and see all my settings there, I can see the meter pumping away in S1 as though there is sound, but there is no drum sounds from that plugin at all... I currently use S1 v4, but I had the same issue with 3, I recently upgraded pc and still the problem would hit me randomly, but not too often thankfully, I thought it HAD to be a S1 glitch... the only fix i found is to copy or duplicate the track by opening a new plugin if I have to and copying all the settings, a royal pain in the dick totally messing with my workflow, but yeah, Id love to know what that is...
  16. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Since you have been doing a lot of uninstalling/reinstalling, have you considered installing version 4?