Working on FL Studio 12 skin [V 1.0]

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Lunarpole, May 18, 2017.

  1. CannonMadeThaBeat

    CannonMadeThaBeat Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Ok thanks! Im a big fan of this skin Ive been using it for months now but I just updated my FL and couldnt BARE to look at the original UI :crazy: lol
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  2. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Momo, this is not a request, but instead of taking advantage of the template to make the mixer darker, isn't there a way to put black as the default color for the mixer itself?
    If you put "Colorful mixer: off" (to get rid of almost all the color) the mixer tracks become the default grey. It's not a bug or anything, I'm just asking if you found the code for it or if the template-coloring is the fastest way.

    (a bit unrelated: you think they will add some skinning possibilities for 20?)
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  3. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    @Backtired i found the default color for the playlist tracks and mixer before
    but if i change it the colors don't work as they should when you want to change the color yourself
    i could of looked into it a bit more but the template was the easy way around it.

    Il said before on their website that they are thinking about it but it could be fl 20.1 or 20.5
    before you could see anychanges but thats just a guess,
    They have had 20 years to make a few other skins for fl but its always been the users that ended up
    changing how it looked ,all we can do is wait to see what happents next,:unsure:
  4. GTOnizuka

    GTOnizuka Newbie

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Hello guys,

    Im newly registred to this forum because of how much he helped me through different problems that a upcoming producer might have. I really like this skin in FL studio, however when i install it, my FL Studio returned to demo version. any one can help me ?

    Thanks :wink:
  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    If you used your own R2R keygen to unlock fl the frist time so you could test it a bit better than the demo
    you will have to run the keygen again to repatch the new files and it should be back working.
  6. GTOnizuka

    GTOnizuka Newbie

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Oh okey , i will try that, thanks .
  7. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    @momo how about the new version of FL Studio, will this skins be available for the new upcoming version?

    if yes i suggest you try out the last betas. i love your work, but i hope you can provide it for the new Fl Studio.
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  8. GTOnizuka

    GTOnizuka Newbie

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Hello again,

    The problem is when i run FL with the Skin's FLEngine_x64.dll , it shows that FL Studio is 12.5 ( and im at 12.3 now actually .. which is wierd) and that limits also the software to the demo version. I tried running the 12.3 reg file but nothing. i cant find the keygen for FL12.5.1 tho ...
  9. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @MrLyannMusic i hope to redo fl 20 but will wait a few weeks after its releasted to make sure
    its not going to be updated again before ive finished it.
    The first time it took 400 to 500 hrs to find all the color code
    but am hoping it will be alot quicker now that i know what im looking for
    and even do its a big update most things should remain the same within the code.

    @GTOnizuka you will need to download and install fl 12.5.15 or 12.5.165
    and also find a new keygen by R2R that will come with the latest fl studio.
    you can get this from torrents or do a bit of hunting on google
    just make sure you have some virus software installed when going to new websites
    as its a jungle out there.
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  10. noctis

    noctis Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Hey guys ! Sorry for my bad english, wish you are understand what i want to say.
    So now i working on another skin colors in FL 12. Anybody knows which parameters make colors of this sections ?
    It's a background of sample list, and left side of playlist. Btw someone guy in this forum make the left side of playlist transparent, this is what i need too. Please some one help me with whis
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  11. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Hi noctis i have the patchs here that you are looking for
    but part of the deal is that users we help will also share their skins here for free
    so if you are willing to do this ill help you any way i can :wink:
  12. noctis

    noctis Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Hi momo ! ))
    Sure i will share )) The skin is the red & white colours, here a few shots:
    Next shot shows parts which codesection i can't find, the i can finish that skin.
    And thank's for you momo ! )) Wiithout you we should have an "sad" default skin colors ))
    I hope my skins will be joy for all who take it ))
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  13. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @noctis it looks cool :wink:
    The playlist tracks can be changed by right clicking on them and chouse the color you want
    then save it as a project file in your templates folder so it always opens with that color set when fl is reopen, you can do the same with the mixer and is a easy way around it,i see you have the frist track like that already.

    Are you missing the zoom box on the playlist and piano-roll as well or did you make them dark?
    its very well made over all.
    The midi colors on the playlist are tricky so you could have to leave them or have them all white or only the frist one the blocks are tricky as well but ill see if i can change them to red and white.

    There could be a few bits you missed in the rc data like the about box names Audio ect..
    and i never found the help box on the bottom left of your snapshot but will see what i can do.

    ill download the snapshots so i know what to find and what colors to change them too and send ya the patches i take it your working on 12.5.15 x64 and if you could even share the dll in a pm or here it will help as some code lines can change within each skin ,that way ill know the patches will work for you,will drop back soon .
    I just seen you are working on v 165 in the about page ?

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  14. noctis

    noctis Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2018
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    if I'm not mistaken, zoom boxes have an own color. All custom skins (from this forum) which i try to use, have same color value, and i cannot find how to change it.
    On a next screenshot "color signed" (edited for last session) sections, is "bad" sections..
    in these sections I changed the values, but there was no effect in FL, maybe that code changes some default plugins or dialog windows, but i have no idea which ones:dunno:
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
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  15. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @noctis have did a few bits and will do some more tomorrow
    will send you a PM with the update ,still to do these bits but i cant get the mixer white
    with the template so not sure what to do about it. :chilling:
    Ps. you could call it snow white :wink:

    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
  16. noctis

    noctis Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2018
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    It's too cool ))
    Thank you so much momo ! )))
    You really helps me in this moment. +100500 for your karma ! ))))
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
  17. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @noctis there is a update in your inbox :wink:
  18. Billy Teckonte

    Billy Teckonte Newbie

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Good Night, first of all I congratulate you for doing this amazing job of changing the FL Studio skin !! Congratulations! :wink:
    I have a request and a question, the request is, please please, and if there is any way for anyone of you to make a skin using the dll. x32bit (FLEngine.dll) or even that skin black published here earlier only in x32bit please :unsure:, and the question is, if possible, would you like to know what program you use to change the FL skin because in previous versions it was possible to change the photoshop skin color by changing some ready skin in the 'Artwork - Skins' folder.:dunno:
    Thank you very much for your attention and I'm waiting for an answer:wink:
    @noctis @momo
  19. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @Billy Teckonte there is a 32bit black version posted here somewhere
    but only the colors in the rcdata are changed so its like half made.
    will do it again as it only takes a few sec to update the 32bit from the 64bit using the rcdata folder.
    ive giveing up searching for the rest of the colors in the 32bit because it takes hrs then days
    and there are other things i would like to do,hope ya under stand.

    We use a few programs and have listed them here before
    as well as a list of whats to be found in the rcdata.
    If you look at noctis skin you will see what colores are incoded into the dll as they are missing from his frist post
    i spent hrs fixing it for him and he never came back for update two lol
    If you have a quick read back over the post to find the info you need
    ill redo the 32bits rcdata and post it here in a few min k.

    Found the other 32bit what was handy
    and also added the new Plugin Manager from v165.

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
  20. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @Billy Teckonte ive started on the x86 or 32 bit fl skin again and got some more parts changed ,
    all channel rack colors ,vol & pan ,mix sends and blocks ,zoom & scroll bar on the playlist and piano roll
    and parts of the tool bar.
    i've found an other way to search for the code using the x64 patches so hope to have it ready soon for use.
    These patches should also help recolor fl 20 x86 when its releasted
    what would be nice to have as well as the x64 version :wink:
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