NI Kontakt Maschine Komplete Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by koschke, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Hello Audioz Family,

    first of all, happy new year hope you doing all fine.

    I have problem after I updated my machine and Komplete Kontrol to the newest version none of them starts anymore even Kontakt stopped working and I did not touch that.

    So, tried several things like installing the last working version with all three but that did not solve the problem even if I try my legit version with no crack it still ends with the same result.

    Every time when I try to start the program (Kontakt Maschine and KK) I see the starting screen and it starts to scan and then it crashes and sierra gives me an error.

    Still do not know why Kontakt crashes I only update Machine and Komplete Control.

    So, do any of you have a god advise for me…… I am out of ideas and my last step is to upgrade to high sierra

    My System : OS Sierra 10.12.6
  3. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    the only thing i can think of is 2 things
    1-kontakt something wrong causing all three to crash
    2-a vst in the scanning causing it to crash...if not kontakt then something else

    try and remove in kk or maschine the scan vst file and open with out the scan, if it opens then i would check the kontakt vst, or remove the kontakt vst and see if they scan without the kontakt vst and open
    the scan on start up i am not sure where on mac but on windows it is in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol

    note do not delete these just copy to another folder and replace back if you need them again

    it sounds more than likely it is kontakt causing all three -which kontakt you have?

    the only other thing i would do is uncheck "always use Latest version of Ni Plugins" box in preferences-Plug-ins in KK and Maschine
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  4. myramalou

    myramalou Kapellmeister

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Like ecr wrote. Name your vst folder in diffrent way ( like vst-plugins old) . so maschine and kk can start without scanning because will not find a folder. Than you can see whether some plugin bring both to crash. Im on win, but thats what i would do.
  5. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    thank you for the advises but it did not work. I delete the scan app an I renamed the vest folder but no luck….

    I can’t uncheck always use Latest version of Ni Plugins because I can’t get inside the preferences just see the starting of the maschine app and from the KK I do not see anything its just gives me an error massage….

    What is the really weird even Reaktor 6 is not starting anymore so now I am getting nervous.

    I am Using all latest releases von NI. I think something is wrong with one folder or file…

    Is their file or folder that they are sharing….?

    And maybe a mac user can tell me how to read the error report or on which line of the report I have to search for the error to know what causing this error….

    Once again thank you for helping me out here....
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