SO... X3 has finally 'come' : )

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by filtersweep, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    maybe it's just me, but it's a little disappointing. for a whole number version i expected some refinements and bugfixes, this is mainly about the inclusion of soundforge as the in-built editor, but most people have this already. ( and still no rex support).. any of you peeps tried it yet?
    don't get me wrong, i still love it. just wanted someone else's opinion
  3. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    I am really dissapointed, same old same old.
    The Samplitude of innovations that all other DAWs presenting as their own due to lack of Sam's proper marketing, is gone.
    No need to mention the frustration since X2 with the plug in manager on mixer....
    I am staying with Pro X
  4. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    They have stepped off the Audio production to put more into their Video editing tools ;) its all bout what brings the numbers $ . sad but true
  5. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    The only "real" innovation was the inclusion of Melodyne in the track editor (although you still have to install it separately) now acting much faster. Unfortunately it seems quite buggy and unresponsive (same as in x2 really) so I don't really see what's the point.
    Plus: Birdline skins can now only be obtained via Magix which means that if you have a warez copy you can't have any.
    I have a bunch already so I am covered but newcomers?
    Last but not least... I opened the same project on Samplitude Pro x2, Samplitude Pro x3 and Sequoia 13 (Win7 x64)
    Samplitude x3 and Sequoia13 showed a max CPU load of 76% while Samplitude x2 showed a max CPU load of "only" 66%.
    Go figure!!!
  6. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    so CPU load in X3 is even higher? crap. I was looking forward to a lesser strain. no go for me.

    how is CPU load in Pro X, can anybody tell?

    some users say Pro X is still the best of the three.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    For Melodyne to see a change you have to use it at object level, the vst3 plug. Then it's both instantly transfered - the audio - when you open it (no more transfer like at track level where it's still the case) and you get a specific melodyne menu on th object by right clicking on it (convert to midi, etc). It can automaticly create a tracks with the converted midi clips if you want to convert audio to midi...In the object also you see both audio info and midi info once you have melodyne in your vst fx. In addition if you have the studio version of melodyne (like I do with the r2r which works with the equinox release), you can see all the tracks where you have objects with melodyne vst3 in their chain directly in Melodyne window. Which is cool. But all that works only at object level, which is where they implemented the ARA integration.
    That feature is cool, and so is the rework of the GUI which is less buggy for me, I like the note manager, object can follow tempo changes now and mixer scaling which has been finally fixed (they read your post @filtersweep ). There are also a few more options added here and there, new key and mouse shortcuts more logical and a brand new low latency asio driver.
    Clearly it's short, it should have been a 2.5, and I won't upgrade right now. But on my side it's stable and I enjoy the little tweaks we got. I think I'll try a bit more and when I'm sure it's not buggy I might upgrade.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
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  8. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I'm really interested in what other DAWS might get Melodyne integeration next. It seems to be an ongoing must have feature and I for one approve =)
  9. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    that was kind of them : )
    i don't see much difference at all, at least from my personal workflow. i still love it, but as Talmi said this should have been a minor release number. i don't use melodyne, i don't get on with and samplitudes inbuilt correction thingie was just fine for me. moan moan, gripe....
    if they release a new major version of Acid tomorrow i may forgive them : )
  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah agreed it's short. I don't want to be mean spirited but I can't really believe they haven't added automation lanes on this one...Or at least better automation curves...I know we have the objects and all but the automation system in samplitude isn't great at all.
  11. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i agree totally.. it's weird.. i went back to their site and there is practically nothing in this version that i didn't have before and all the 'new bits' are just the sony stuff... i honestly wonder if they make any money from this, after all it's not cheap and there seems to have been no heads up about a new major update coming down the pipe...
    i might go back to ableton : ))
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm with you on the lightness of this update.
    But beside all the little changes that are still a plus, the integration of melodyne is a huge plus, and for me who uses a lot of wav objects it's why it's worth maybe the upgrade.
    I use reaper and ableton, it depend on my moods which one, Reaper rewired for getting things rolling in midi. I don't mind editing midi after in Sam, but I really dislike getting things rolling for a song in Sam, I like the seesion view in Ableton or Playtime in Reaper. Thanks to this half a.. update that won't change.
    But with melodyne integration I will be able to mess with wav files in a much more advance way than I do now in Ableton sometimes because Ableton is nice for that, their time stretching algos are great, you can really mess easily with loops, but with melodyne specialy the studio edition with the spectral editing available, any loop can have its timing, pitch, eq, formant, amplitude and more tweaked, and at blob level, so that's even better, no need to chop, etc. And then you can still have all the possibilities offered by Sam and it's obect power.
    When you have melodyne vst3 in an object fx chain, you just double click on the object and melodyne opens directly, it's the default action now. When you duplicate or split the object with melodyne and your edits in it it also copies all those information (and all your other fxs in your chain, eqs, etc in the object). For wav editing, and loop fun this update brings a lot of horizon.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
  13. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    yeah, well, i am in the habit of editing audio files in another program, so again not to earth-shattering.
    i have yet to mess with this new music mode for timestretch, that at least may be very useful to me : )
  14. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i was just curious if anyone using X3 has any info to share.
    i have not found anything of note to suggest such a major number revision..
    i don't use independance , i don't have melodyne and i have an old copy of soundforge.
    am i missing something here?
    : )
  15. AudioDude

    AudioDude Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Can people with warez use this Melodyne Integration?

    Melodyne doesn't come with Samplitude and we can't download it. So if we install Melodyne as a standalone VST we still get integration that comes with X3?
  16. SiberianFox

    SiberianFox Newbie

    Jan 2, 2018
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    you sure ? I have used automation until the track looked like a Richter scale on an earthquake graphic....I must of used at least 12 or more envelope automation on one track. That's one of main reasons I've used Samplitude so many years......
  17. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I really hope that they overhaul Sam's insanely counterintuitive UI soon.
  18. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I think Talmi means seperate automation lanes, so as to AVOID looking "like a Richter scale on an earthquake graphic" : O
    the automation also also needs bezier curves (imo).
  19. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @filtersweep I use Samplitude Pro X3 all the time, very much Independence and other in-build instruments, I could use Kontakt 5, but that would be too easy, so I limited myself to basic instrumenets. :mates:

    Now I'll explain why, that's how it sounds with Kontakt 5:

    And now Independence, Vita Analog Synths and Vita Cinematic Soundscapes:

    Kontakt 5 is easier and more comfortable, Independence is difficult to handle, but I own it. :thanks:
  20. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    it's only the bespoke 'Vita' plugins i don't like, which don't sound good to me. there is also no way to edit the sound or effects which is weird - i'm not sure what that's all about. i suppose they are ok if you don't mind Rompers and such....
    otherwise i really like DN1 synth and the urban drums. but mostly i use third party synths.

    btw, i hardly ever use samplers. i know that sounds a bit odd. i have an old copy of reason which has some nice 'real' instruments' or orchestral sounds.
  21. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @filtersweep All instruments in Samplitude are based on samples, I have bought Predator 2 this is a real synthesizer which has 128 memory banks, but I can not find the Init preset in it, I use only Samplitude instruments anyway. :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2018