Time to switch From Mac to Win

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Moogerfooger, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Typical of the average mac user thinking that ' you can't get windows up and working within 2 hours ready to make music'? Err is that perhaps cos you are the dumbest mother fuckers on earth? Hence why you flock to the shiny shiny that costs 3 x more and does half as much at half the speed?

    Sure as shit YOU won't get on with windows if you're dumb or you have a badge fetish that precludes you from actually trying. Meanwhile the rest of the thinking world who care about performance and bespoke parts/freedom of choice in parts and having CUTTING EDGE parts go to PC. I've NEVER "unpacked" a PC cos most power users of PCs don't "buy" PCs they build the fuckers, cos we aren't dumb, and it's easy, and we get the best performance tailored to OUR spec for OUR price and destroy macs costing 3x as much.

    I've had hackintoshes in the past, with macOSX actually running FASTER on my PC than it does on a similarly priced mac, but tbh the OS blows anyway, talk about fisher price, clearly tailored for kids/the dumb which is why you see a load of old celebs always banging on about macs cos it's all their tiny minds can handle.

    Meanwhile on windows PCs you get much faster hardware for less, you get to do things you can NOT do (right) on macs inc cutting edge VR, inc envelope pushing over clocking and all of it is as stable as you want it to be.

    And last time I checked, windows users weren't continually being frozen out of using their DAWs and PLUG-INS by the latest OS upgrade like it does on MAC.

    Seriously, mac braggers (not all mac users but those who brag about them cos they are shiny without having the first clue that they are sheep machines for the terminally dumb) are the scourge of all computing and wouldn't know a good system, or a good operating system if it bit them on the ass.

    You deserve everything you don't get for perpetuating this 'myth' of mac "just working" and mac "Being better" while all along it was nothing more than a fashion exercise to make money for Steve J.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
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  2. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    MS engineer? sure, if your windows isn't stable it has everything to do with YOU and your build not windows/PCs themselves. I've been building PCs for 20 years and rarely had any downtime. And certainly less recent 'lock outs' of software from OS upgrades vs Mac upgrades that shit all over their users.

    The fault lies between monitor and chair in your case. Sorry pal.
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  3. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    The only thing I'll agree with here is that AMD is a poor choice for a DAW PC. But, hey I'm on intel 8700k 6 cores @ 5ghz running rings around 12+ core macs stuck in the old days and costing 3-4 times more than my own build did. Stable 24/7 too. No worries about the next OS locking me out of plugs/DAW either.

    Seriously you mac users don't half talk a lot of shite. All that crap you're talking about has zero real world impact on productivity. If we can handle Virtual Reality on PC far FAR FAR better than on a MAC you bet your ass we have ZERO issue with a simple DAW. SMH
  4. Slapdash

    Slapdash Kapellmeister

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Err, you do realise the only reason us 'windows' guys (20 years and counting here) are 'toxic' is because of YOU guys (not just iPhone sheeple) for the past 20+ years 'bragging' that mac 'just works', and your glorious leaders deciding to take pot shots at PC Windows users with their awful, deluded adverts?

    I think you'll find you reap what you sow and the venom that comes out towards snobby mac owners in these debates is based on years of windows users taking SHIT from the ill informed who wouldn't know the first thing about 'real' computing, how to build a system, how to get great performance for your money etc. THOSE apple fans lapped up what they were fed and took shots at regular PC users (98% of the computing world lol) thinking they were 'special' cos they had a silver case and a lit up apple logo, ffs, look closer to home, at APPLE themselves, at the majority of their users to see what is being reflected back at you.

    Word got out a long time ago that Apple were full of shit and lies, and that in fact given a mac and a pc of similar price the mac is going to have more issues (os lockout, more serious viruses THESE days cos guard down, stupid hardware restrictions, lack of diversity in software i.e VR and gaming). There is literally NOTHING a mac can do that a windows PC can't. It's just a different OS in a shiny case with the SAME FUCKING HARDWARE underneath, though often LESS powerful hardware even in the very expensive macs. When these are facts then their users brag about owning 'mac pros' every chance they get then you bet you'll see toxic remarks after enough of that BS!

    When was the last time you saw a windows musician casually dropping a brand name into any convo about their music/DAW/PC? It's just "my computer" or "my PC" never "My Mac Pro" or whatever... you guys are incapable of just saying "my computer" it's ALL about the badge, all about the fashion, all about the lording it over others than you dropped some stupid amount of coins on an underpowered PC in different clothes, then a lot of you have the nerve to tell us 'it just works' (when windows 10 PCs 'just work' even more so without ANY lock out on plugs/daws due to new OS updates etc), we have very few virus problems these days, mac has MORE and more serious ones cos they are easily targeted (as are iphone users cos they are dumb hence all the fappening leaks from iCloud).

    That is the short and tall of it, had mac users stfu and just got on with their work all these years you wouldn't see such a holy war. YOU brought it and your brought the underpowered pea shooter to a death star battle. Sorry.
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  5. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    With the os pre-installed? Of course you can! There is no real reason, technical or whatsoever, to choose a mac over a pc except personal preference and/or the need to buy into a certain lifestyle.
    Do whatever you deem fit but please, please quit whining about how expensive it is. Either you're desperate to show off or you made the wrong decision economically. Either way, get over it and leave the rest of us alone.
    You know the old iphone joke, right?
    "How do you know someone owns an iphone? She will show it to you!"
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  6. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I still don't know why my macbook keeps on crashing when updating OS from App Store. So strange..
  7. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    The problem is, most Mac users are stuck in the past and do not (or refuse to) acknowledge that making music with a windows PC can be as good as making music on a Mac. Stability isn't an issue anymore and certainly no reason to not switch to a windows PC. Drivers of audiocards are rock solid nowadays and Windows is tweakable (if you want) to be a rock solid operating system.

    The days of saying Pro Tools is the best production DAW is way behind us. But it took most producers a lot of pain and shame to finally admit it.
    Why? If you are working with a system a long time that never failed you than all other systems must be worse. And why changing a winning team? The answer: the team is not winning anymore, look at all the goodies that are released for Windows PCs these last day's.
    I say: Dare to make the switch and get those goodies!!! :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
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  8. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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  9. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Apogee delivers now Windows drivers, after years of Mac only products, it seems high end pro don t want to .be Apple prisonner anymore
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  10. StevieOK

    StevieOK Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2018
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    So the OP wants to buy a new computer just so he can get a hold of more cracked software?, mate you're a virus waiting to happen.

    Also why do 95% of complaints about Macs come from people who don't use a Mac?, does it hurt your ego that a lot of folk just don't care what frame rate you can play "Black Desert Online" at?, the main argument seems to be that they are too expensive for what you get but why should that bother you? ... if you don't like them then that shouldn't be an issue (also that keeps the "PC stand's for peasant c*nt's" thing going)

    Are any of you actually making music, or is being the "vegan of technology" a full time job? ("what i consume is superior to you so you should do it too or you're sh*t")

    I use Mac because it's what i started to use at school & i just stuck with it, it runs all the things i need perfect & i have a job that can pay for it, if i want to use virtual reality i'll buy something else lol.
  11. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Jesus, you got serious issues
    Wow 20 years in the computing industry! Ditto, it's not impressive and I wouldn't brag about being an IT twat
    VR you say? Yup got that running on my 1080TI. That's on Windows btw ;)
    I own a MAC PRO AND YOU DONT. (we can both use CAPS like 6 year olds)

    Go back to your Acer cheap ass laptop with robbed Windows and leave the music production to the big boys ok?
  12. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    the moment you finish installing all the new plugins it will be 2019 lol
    you need to catch up with OURRR sailing piRates ,RRRR2RRRR
  13. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    These cracked software do not and I repeat do not contain any viruses if they come from a reliable source. If you are a cracked software user you know which these sources are. If you're a bit smart these virus scare campains wil not effect your windows PC user experience in any way. So you can skip this virus fear.

    That is EXACTLY what I meant by saying; why changing a winning team? Did you read the answer? :yes:

    And are PC users really complaining about Macs? It's excatly the other way around, thats why Mac user don't dare to make the switch to a Windows PC.... :rofl:
  14. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Nah, I'm half way there....... :winker:
  15. StevieOK

    StevieOK Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2018
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    1,I know that the ones from these reliable sources will not contain a virus, but it's the mentality of the OP who is willing to buy a computer just to obtain cracked software, if you're willing to go that far to get free stuff then the same kind of person wouldn't really give a f*ck if it was coming from a reliable source or not.

    2,Where mate?, where is this massive collection of angry mac users who jump on the internet to tell people that Windows can't handle what OSX is providing?
    Most Mac users know that windows can do & handle more .... but we don't care... and THAT'S what pisses pc people off.
  16. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    I think you're right. But I'm not such a person. Moreover I admire the way Mac user are keeping the Mac spirit alive. I did it with the Atari 1040ST(e). THE music producing computer with cracked Cubase. You couldn't get any better at that time! :)
    It took me years to switch to a PC for the same reasons you have now. :mates:

    Happy new year!
  17. StevieOK

    StevieOK Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Happy New Year mate, all the best.
  18. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    again and again the windows vs mac WAR ... man...with all the Plugins that you can Have this days Mac or Windows .. if those are not Enough ¡¡ well.. it is not windows.. or mac system.. it is YOU . even with the Plug-ins of any Daw.. you have More than ENOUGH.. windows or mac it is the SAME ¡ it does not Matters.. Linux.. Wikus or whatever.. we musicians have more TOOLS than we need these days.. so please stop complaning. about the same old.. f...ing thing. or just do it.. and "ok" you will feel better .. end of the story. anyways. happy 1 of 2018 ¡ make a NEW SONG TODAY ¡ clean your mind.. start something new.
  19. TW

    TW Guest

    Everyone one who thinks mac is still the shit in 2018 should really wake up. Yap 10+ years Mac was ahead - today apple is for fanboys that like to pay for a brand name. That is totally fine for me! But set up a decent system with windows and you wont regreat it. A windows system is as stable and potent as a Mac.

    The only reason for using a Mac in 2018 is, you are a Logic user and you dont want to switch your daw.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2018
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  20. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Please understand that when you buy an Apple product, you also buy the customer support throughout the life of the product. So if you compare the price of a Mac with the price of a PC, do it against HP or Dell, not against the grocery-store-of-the-shelf-pc.

    A HP Z4 with same specs of a $ 5,000 Mac (actually weaker video card, because there is no single-card 8GB in HP's offer) is $3,600 (I just made the configuration online) - just the tower.
    A 5K monitor is around $1,300, so the grand total: HP tower + 5K monitor = $ 4,900. Add Windows 10 Pro license $200 and voila, $ 5,100 PC.

    Yes, I know that for some people is a lot of money - it is for me too. Have you tried to max-out a HP Z8? Everyone freaks out when Apple launches a $5K computer but forgets a PC that can easily go over $50K.

    As for people wanting to jump ship just for the sake of some software available on other platform, that's pure amateurism right there. Do you think Dan Worrall couldn't make a proper album just using builtin reaper tools?
    Better think on how to become a real pro rather than continuing being an amateur with a different pro tool (no pun intended).
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