Can Music Influence The Longevity of Human Blood Cells?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. A scientific study is gathering momentum to look into the title of this post.
    Sound's like they have something going on here.
    They are looking for funding...more can be found here...

    Pythagoras believed that music could be used “in the place of medicine”* yet, to our knowledge, this important premise has never been tested. This series of blood experiments is designed to discover if music and specific sonic test frequencies have medical properties.

    What is the context of this research?

    Many studies have demonstrated a link between organogenesis and sonic frequencies. 1Many other studies show the efficacy of therapeutic ultrasound and audible sound in supporting human illness.2

    It is reasonable to hypothesize that the underlying mechanisms by which audible sound and ultrasound support plant growth and human illnesses may also influence the longevity of human blood cells, which is the primary focus of our proposed experiment. (Re notes 1 & 2, for references see additional information section.)

    What is the significance of this project?

    If specific genres of music could be shown to extend the life of blood cells, versus the possible negative effects of noise on blood cell mortality, it may radically alter the listening habits of individuals and the environments in which they immerse themselves. The results may also provide a better understanding of noise exposure in the workplace. In addition, this initial experiment will provide a foundation for future experiments planned to help identify the medical mechanisms that underpin sound therapy, a drug-free modality that is showing potential in the support of many forms of illness.

    What are the goals of the project?

    To establish if different genres of music, or specific frequencies of pure sound, influence blood cell longevity and to test if exposure to noise negatively affects blood cell mortality.

    Whole blood, in vitro, will be exposed to a variety of music genres in addition to a range of pure frequencies and different types of noise. Two incubators will be employed, one with in-built audio transducer, driven by an external sound source, and one without transducer as a control, each containing petrie dishes containing whole blood and reagent.

    An automatic cell counter will be used to test blood samples from both incubators at set intervals. The entire experiment will be repeated three times to obtain a pattern of results.
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  3. We know that sound can kill, conversely we might now see how scientifically it can heal maladies and bypass the pharmaceutical industry. That would be wonderful on many different levels.
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  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Ennio Morricone, 89 years old, has been involved with music all his live, that + italian/mediterranean food, thats all the proof you need.
    Fact is stress is killer nr.1 and music lifts the human vibration up.
    Nikola Tesla imagined the world in musical terms, describing the cosmos as a 'symphony of alternating currents' that works on principles of vibration and resonance, with its 'harmonies being played on a scale of electrical vibrations across a vast range of octaves'.

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  5. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Interesting. On random thoughts.. I feel like something is missing here. I mean they are all very well established scientist and professors. Would have been awesome if there are artists/musicians involved too with this project because the subject use here is music, and not just sound. Just my random thoughts. Interesting though.
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  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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  7. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    If all in existence is vibration, we should assume for example, that if we know the exact vibrational frequency of a cancer, we could deal with it. I expect that we will use colours and sounds to heal in the future. Now, the question of whether sound and frequencies tones are 'music' as we know it, is another thing.
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  8. Studies have shown that plants fare better when "listening" to classical music as compared to rock music.

    Since everything creates vibration and hence, sound, it only makes sense to me to quote Thankful, " If all in existence is vibration, we should assume for example, that if we know the exact vibrational frequency of a cancer, we could deal with it". We would have to ask Peterson, makers of the best tuners I know of, to lock their best minds and create a way of discerning to probably an infantisimally fine margin the note of malady. Additionally, some sort of super hyper directional microphone needs to hear down to the cellular level. I guess that it will be worked out. I have heard the sound of slithering worms and the tiptoe of termites so I am certain that someone or team will do it.
  9. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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  10. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Pentatonic CRISPR Cas9 ....
  11. remyboy20

    remyboy20 Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I love this idea. I've created a experiment of my on that in cases the body for a short period of time. Certain frequencies are played to the body while the user listens only to the heart. So far, results have been quite astonishing. Still in the beginning stages of fixing up my experiment before video footage. Support here all the way!
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