Orkestra Obsolete play Blue Monday using 1930s instruments

Discussion in 'Music' started by Beth, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. Beth

    Beth Guest

    I stumbled across this today and thought it was worth a share !
    What would New Orders' Blue Monday sound like if it had been made 50 years earlier? :)

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  3. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

  4. Beth

    Beth Guest

  5. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Neat but what I don't like about TV shows and documentaries is that, various kinds of electronic music in them aren't much appreciated like the instrumental kind. I don't know they do it deliberately or illiterately.:dunno:
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  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    @foster911 You should complain to your local Chernobyl operator. Glowing in the dark is one thing, but listening to balalaika 24/7 is just too much.
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  7. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    I've been obsessing over the pedal steel lately, LOVE the homemade 'guitar slide/string thing on a 2x4 with a pickup'!!! You've totally inspired me to make something like it :phunk::phunk::cheers: THANKS

    (as seen here:


    ok looking a bit closer... no pickup...

    little bit of research later:
    depression-era instrument called a 'diddley bow'..

    well goddamn.. here's a goldmine of parts: https://www.cbgitty.com/


    ..new years rabbit hole, THANK YOU BETH :hillbilly::hillbilly::hillbilly::hifive::hifive:
  8. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @electriclash you're welcome..glad to be of service :)

    hey i think we would all like to see and hear your diddly bow in action when you surface from your rabbit hole with it fully assembled.
    let us know how it goes :)
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  9. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    lol for sure!! Just talking with my engineer/builder buddy in North Carolina and sang him the lyric, 'hoowww dO you makkke it, JOOOohn??' in my best Tom Haverford impression from Parks & Rec BAHAHA
  10. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Where does one find the plugin versions of these cool instruments?!?
  11. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

  12. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    *sorry this took long a bit guys and i have to shrink the font a bit, lol*

    @black.afrika.zulu.x @spyfx I second that Keyscape. Lol let's try to dissect. I just love to explore sampled VI and gain some insights here and there a bit. Here's what I know for now (Just sharing):

    Maybe Abbey Road Vintage/50s/60s for drumkit? Or Drumdrops for thinner but has that thuds/thumps sound.

    Ample Sound ABU for Double Bass? Maybe get iZotope Vinyl to shape that classic sound over the instruments a bit.

    GForce M-Tron Pro and VSM for any chord pads/strings heard on the video.

    The only sampled Zither (1:07) that I know available is one from Wavelore.

    For Mallet Piano (was it? on 1:27), maybe take at look at Soniccouture Xtended Piano library.

    That saw violin (1:45) is hard to nail, I would go for Wavelore Ether Phone just to emulate the sound a bit but google brought me to some free sampled small saw (not sure how it sounds) : https://rekkerd.org/cmusic-production-releases-small-saw-free-singing-saw-kontakt-library/

    That magical glass (2:02) what is it called?, I've no idea. If I have to do the project and have to make that sound, I can't think of any other than just try best emulate with Ether Phone.

    2:12 plays like slide guitar imho (is it?). Maybe, emulate with Orange Tree Samples Slide Lap Steel / Acoustic? Wavelore has some good slide/glide samples too.

    Waves has this King Microphone fx (can't remember full name, something like that), not sure how far you can get close to vocal fx on this video, with that. Maybe try that as starting point.

    Banjo! Nothing like Bolder Sounds banjo to me. But maybe you fond other more interesting. I just prefer that library for banjo.

    tf is 2:32?
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  13. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    here is an inside look at the track :

    ,they used harmonium and prepared piano things you can do with keyscape & also this :


    the bass can be covered with Spectrasonics Trillian

    you can also use addictive drums for the drums and RC-20 Retro Color from xln audio for vinyl effect/retro coloring.

    From the vast Spectrasonics omnisphere library you can find or create similar sounds to the theremin,musical saw & singing glasses thanks to its
    phycoacoustic samples/sounds :wink: :bow:
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  14. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @spytx thanks for the inside look link :yes:
  15. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Omnisphere? But it's so big. Pause.
  16. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Thanks for letting me know about it, but it's one of those songs, on an ever-expanding list, which I wish I'd never have to hear again.
  17. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
    WOW :woot:

    Thanks @Beth for sharing that. What a great way to start the day !!!
    This is an other proof that talent and creativity has no limit.
    I was a DJ in discothèque when that song came out and earing and seeing this amazing interpretation is just a delight :disco:
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
  18. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, this is absolutely brilliant!
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  19. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Daniel Lanois & Pharrell Williams at Home in the Studio

    Skip to 00:32:15
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