(sknoteaudio.com) Marconi1 - Quinto email to customers inside

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Dec 24, 2017.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Marconi1 is a “component-level” model of one of the most famous and appreciated Preamplifier and Equaliser channels in the world. Every single component has been modeled while preservating original topologies and all the “non ideal” behaviours to offer the most interesting sounds and to give to the user free access to several combinations of options:

    • Style of audio transformers (material of the core, windings, level of saturation).
    • Core and design of the inductors (material of the core, sensitivity to saturation).
    • State of the Capacitors (materials, state of the dielectric).

    The natural behaviour of the circuits makes Marconi1 useful to add some flavour and weight, to tame transients, as a sound palette and as a vintage equaliser.

    Main features:

    • Original circuit topologies from the vintage channel.
    • Low-shelf, Presence, High-shelf and High-pass EQ bands.
    • High saturation range, from clean to overdrive.
    • 3x3x3 options for transformers, inductors, capacitors. 27 combinations for wide versatility.
    • Preset “copy and paste through clipboard” feature for easy preset sharing.

    Available soon as VST/AU/AAX/DSP. Launch MSRP 49.99$ (all formats).

    Note (from Quinto to customers)


    We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and fruitful 2018 from the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

    To celebrate another great year of development we decided to share our brand new product with you as a gift under this Christmas tree. If Christmas isn't for you, just get it as a thank you for your ongoing support.

    Marconi1 is our new product. It is a component-level model of a discrete preamplifier and equaliser, one of the most famous in the world, so great for its warmth and weight.

    This product starts the line we called "Re-cap", a concept that goes deeper with component-level models (so called "Spice level") where the whole topology of the original hardware circuits is preservated. We added the typical non-ideal behaviour of all the components and several options to let the user put his hands on some options like various transformers, ferromagnetic materials, age of the capacitors, style of the inductors and so on, for extra added versatility.

    It should already be listed in your user area.

    We hope you enjoy it. A great preamp channel that can be pushed up to overdrive and a colorful EQ.

    Note that Marconi1 is _not_ a freebie for everybody and won't be. It is being distributed as a free license for all existing users as of today Dec 22nd 2017. It is then being released with an introductory MSRP 49.99 $ for future users.

    Notes about this first beta version:

    - VST/32/64bit for Windows, VST/AU/32/64bit for Mac. (AAX Native and DSP following in a couple of days. Please check specific product's page on sknoteaudio.com for updates).

    - Mono! We are still working on the optimisation to make it even lighter so we decided to start with a public test of this mono core. Stereo version coming.

    - Beta! While it should be fully functional and stable, remember that this is a brand new product and is under test. You'll find all the next releases in your user area, as usual.

    For support about this beta and future revisions please use quintosardo at yahoo dot it. We try to keep emails to a minimum so there won't be more mailings about this distribution.

    For general discussion you can use the thread on Gearslutz.com: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/new...ot-quot-73-quot-preamp-eq-hands-circuits.html

    NOTE: this is a one-time-only specific list. There won't be any more messages to this list so no need to unsubscribe if you received this by mistake or are not interested.



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  3. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Yeah I saw it in my SKnote account yesterday. Until I read this I was thinking I got it by accident. Also another cool thing they did was for those with Disto v1 they also put Disto-s into my account.

    Rather nice of them.
  4. Same here with the Disto v2 into my account, and now this sublime gift from Quinto. This is one reason why I support him and his little company, the other being that they sound great, helping to make my work sound fantastic with the added bonus coming in at an extremely fair price. I am a customer for life. Did I say that they sound great?
  5. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    You did. :wink:
  6. I guess I did.
  7. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    ohhh thats great ...thanks to Quinto and Merry XMAS to you brother!
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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  9. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    You are right. I forgot to use the site search feature. :bash:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
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  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's fine, it happens even to the best of us !

    Anyway, it's a freebie for existing users, so it's a pretty great news, better said twice then none !

    Merry christmas to you @thantrax :mates:
  11. I finally got around to throwing it up, although for just a few moments (as I touched a usb cable connected to my computer there was a static arc from my finger to the free end which wacked out my soundcard which started screaming as it was on fire, and no amount of starting, restarting, reinstalling the driver, prayer more prayer or switching around usb sockets managed to rectify until finally it soothed itself and blessed me with calm and wonderful correct working condition... anybody wanna fill me in on what I can do next time it happens, this wasn't the first time). It sounds killer and just adds this beautiful Neve like cream. I only had it on my voice but I thing this will be used all the time on tracks that need to stand out. I am really impressed and grateful for the kindness and consideration of my favorite developer. All the tweaks are an added benefit and lend subtle differences in the unit's realistic sound emulation. It might just quell my want of the real thing in my rack. Good thing, my wallet has this deep bellowing echo of emptiness and wishful monetary thinking.Thank you Quinto!
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  12. thejohndoe

    thejohndoe Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2015
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    This is some next level DSP seriously.it's the first time i have heard a native plugin do proper saturation and not sound like complete ass or make the sound "smaller"which is a common artefact i'd come to associate with VST plugin effects

    I went and bought CH5 and Sta-Limit and they are up there in terms of sound with Marconi too.very underrated developer for sure
  13. That's what I have been preaching, that these are exceptional tools. But this Marconi is over the top. It surprised me how it doesn't just crap out when it is pushed, but rather keeps it all together and just gets all fizzy like those pop rock candies that buzz out your whole mouth in tiny, exploding mini bubbles ...but in a good way, and not all sour.
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