Discussion in 'humor' started by Moogerfooger, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Yet there is still no proof the Earth is flat, but innumerable strands of evidence that it isn't. All these people sending up rockets and balloons yet not one photo of the ice wall. I want to see the ice wall, make me believe, dammit!
  2. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Plot twist: The sun and the moon are actually 2 (astronomically jumbo) kids running around in circles playing frisbee together. And we (planet Earth) are the frisbee.
    Mind blown! :woot::woot::woot:
  3. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    The video is queued up above. Starting with a photo of the battery specs of the Rover. And the NASA released average temp of the Moon.
    post 246
    Apollo Conspiracy - 2 of 6
  4. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Funny you should mention that. In 1962 after the Antarctica Treaty was signed, there was an operation called Fishbowl part of the Dominic project.

    Sending up multiple nuclear missiles exploding them at high altitudes.
  5. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    'Cherry picked, out of context' is all you have now. So those partial videos were the start of a great joke and the punchlines were edited out? If I gave you a quote, you would've made me produce the video. So now what is my burden of proof? Is Kaku a liar? @Medrewb

    The NASA ISS astronaut links are in the video. The video was made by a flat earther so the links must be fake?

    Here's a Christian flat earther talking about a passage you would consider absurd
  6. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Trying to break through the Firmament no doubt. Give it up, nobody's getting through that shizz.
  7. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Are you even trying?
  8. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Shut up dumbass...
  9. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    the earth is flat. santa is real. and moon is made of button. i need no science to prove or convince anyone. neither do i need to prove or convince myself. all i need to do is just believe it. that's how the music works. otherwise, the music, will sound so boring like demmm y'all science.

    here have some flying jam sandwich, if you found no enjoy it, you'll find your music the same too. seriously tho.




    earth is flat..


  10. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    If Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a flat earther:
    "Let me assert my firm belief, that the only thing we have to fear is... sphere itself!"
  11. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

  12. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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  13. john olsen

    john olsen Newbie

    Aug 21, 2017
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    that's what i try to tellem...good to have u on the forum.
  14. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    What? are you serious? Thats a lot of "is it all you have" from a guy who did not understand what is GRAVITY and what is VAN ALLEN BELT and what BIBLE VERSES meant.
    Thats a lot from a guy who have a very poor CGI phots of Flat Earth, at least we have decent CGI and we do not claim to be CGI experts :bleh:

    I am not here to win a debate. Its from flat earth to Apollo. Like I have said I am not a spacecraft Engineer. And I do not proclaim myself as an expert in this .. sadly unlike you. If I have questions I'd email a spacecraft enginner but there are non in my area.
    You said on NASA post that its CGI and Photoshped so that is possible on all your vidoes LOL. As I have seen Lawren Krauss, Neil, Bill Nye and many others taken their lecture out of context. Even when they ask Lawrence Krauss about the shape of the earth, they edited the portion and even though in the whole interview he said it was round,in the edited flat earth version they pick a small snipped and they edited as flat.
    If you look at the whole video I do not think you will believe what he said as its all Science :dunno:. Not just some cherry picking snipped.
    I do not think he is lying and I do not think you too will think he is a liar?

    No Idea the relation between flat earth and this but
    I have already watched this video long time back and there is also a youtube explaining video how Flat Earthers take this out of context. Just UTOOBS research.
    Its funny this video came up always and all the other NASA videos that said we went to the moon are fake. :rofl:
    Nice Cherry Picking again BTW

    Remember RESEARCH VAN ALLEN BELT. What is said in the Video is correct but its for Layman like us to understand. If you have question ask rocket scientist or spacecraft engineer not me,.Even if I know or not know the answer does not mean they or they do not went to the moon.
    Real research papers on how he get that information would be nice tho.... as Flat Earthers like to RESEARCH and I think you have the papers

    Seems like you don't talk about you Flat Earth theories now :dunno:.. If you want to win, I will let you win. I have no problem as I am not a spacecraft engineer and do not know much about this.. In the last 100 years non of the people from my state did not qualify for NASA, so its very hard for normal guy like me to get into it, let alone the one who claims to disprove gravity but did not know how the moon and apple falls as it is the basis of how the theory was formed.


    @dragonhill do you have near relatives who have masters degree in Physics? I am sure they can explain to you about the basic misundertanding concept of flat earth with undergraduate science.
    If they work in the university, GREAT. You can perform a simple experiment easily there. I think they will be happy to have you.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
  15. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Early experiments were done with simple tools which we can recreate even to this day. There were lots of theories and experiments which were flawed and wrong.
    That is why in science, there is a peer review for anyone who disagree or want to prove them wrong could re-create the simple experiment and check.
    I do not claim to know much but as far as Flat Earth prove are concerned, there are lots of errors in their assumptions and their tests are flawed in their experiments which could be corrected easily by undergraduate.
    Besides, for example the Theory of Gravity equation was written in about 100+ pages(?) with differential and integral calculus, Flat Earth claims to disproved it in 600x600 meme:rofl:.

    Yes but for Lunar Modules and Space ship and Rockets, we might not be able to recreate the moon landing.
    Like I have said, if we disagree with certain theory, we can always check and download the whole RESEARCH papers and re do the experiments.
    Which is what science is all about, review after review from people all over the world
    First we have to understand them.
    On the Topic of Flat Earthers:

    1. Gravity : They did not understand the meaning of gravity, of course they understood the Lyman explanation but to try and disprove it, they have to start from the equation and then test it. Gravity was the theory that explains why apple and moon falls to the Earth, which Flat Earthers have no Idea about.

    2. Optics: All they can tell you is Fish Eye lense distortion. They do not know the different types of distortion in optics. Let alone they will not know what how to choose the right power for their spectacles which is the basic of optics. Not even knowing the focal length of the camera or window, they blame disortion. I personally find Optics to be one of the hardest subject.

    3. Density : I don't think you believe their density either.

    and we can go on....

    Instead of asking experts and going to Universities or Colleges(I am sure they will have relatives in those fields but if they think they are controlled by NASA's CGI technology, I have no words) they ask question and make youtube videos with NO PROVE and REVIEW what so ever.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
  16. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    this Planet makes sense to me :yes:,everything is gonna be ok :wink: :

  17. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Admitting Apollo as a hoax is the first step. Now you are ready to go down the Flat Earth rabbit hole.......
  18. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I used to believe it when I was at standard 7 LOL but there was no evidence.
    The original Video was completely debunked.

    And as you may have guessed I do not believe in anything. I believe what is more likely.

    I even posted Kaku's video (not liar?)

    I already told you all the explanations you asked on flat earth.. :dunno:

    If you want, feel free to reply from my previous comments on Flat Earth.:wink:
    Because I see you dodge all the scientific RESEARCH and EVIDENCE I put. I understand even 10th grade Science is not so simple if we believed the working of the world on a Book which encourage Rapist to marry the ones they raped.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
  19. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    This pic of Chicago was taken from Grand Mere State Park across Lake Michigan 60 miles away. When you enter 60 miles into any of the Earth Curvature Calculators like this one,
    you get 2166 feet of curvature. The tallest building on the left is the Willis Tower, used to be Sears Tower, which is 1730 feet including the antennae.

    joshua nowiki.jpg
  20. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2017
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