PC is not a music toy

Discussion in 'PC' started by tkrojam, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Does anyone support my statement!?

    "PC with Windows 7/8 is not a baby's toy now!!! Take away all old-fashioned theories!!!"

    Don't you guys see MOTU's DP8 has started to support PC platform?

    In the other words, Windows 7/8 is becoming more "officially certified" for music production, isn't it?
  3. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    only mac users think pc's r toys
  4. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    +1 even if i'm a mac user
  5. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    The PC /Windows XP have workstations have been used in the Studio ( Video / FX) for over a decade followed up by Windows 7 workstations. Now for Audio that's a different story. I have been using Xp ( then later windows 7 for audio since 2001. The issue is Audio Daw's were always supporting the Mac since DUH!! if you want to protect your application what machine would you push ? a $1000 PC or a proprietary ( G4/G5 at the time) costing $3000. A lot of Mac people simply do not understand why this was going on and why now it's all reversed!!

    Basically if the Daw software costs $500 you still need to spend $3000 on a mac in order to used it!! That is why Apple bough Emagic and killed the Windows version ( which by the way worked like crap on the mac). So apple took over, killed the windows version and gave a discount to get a mac.

    Basically a lot of Daw companies aka especially Digidesign with Protools seen the mac as a safe way to make a money, since the mac to them was an expensive Dongle. You heard the Phrase "The Mac is the dongle" .

    When later apple switched to Intel, the game was up for Apple with Studios with their products. As studios been asking that now that the Mac is just a PC why are we paying 3 times the price?

    That started the ball moving back to PC workstations and Apple seen this a mile away and that is when Apple started to focus on portable devices, such as the I-Phone and the portables.

    So the problem in the last 10 years was really apple going around and buying critical key apps for multimedia and buying them up only later to ditch them to the garbage bin.

    Since apple for the last 4 years is focusing on portable products and not Desktop Mac's that is why most studios have moved back to PC workstations. Final Cut X ( the removed Studio Features) was a classic move by Apple to ditch the Pro video editors and it worked as most of them moved on to Premiere Pro or Media Composers. During the time that Apple was the "IT" for Multimedia not much happened in terms of exciting software development. During the last 4 years that apple has moved away from "Controlling" the multimedia creation, software inovation has been rampent, there is no more locking down app developers and if you look at the software available today it's all on PC with Windows as the mac is beig forgotten, as most higher end stuff is now only availble on PC and not Mac.

    I believe Apple was hurting the software available to us by trying to control what hardware that software used.

    Now that Apple is not giving 2 cents on how content is created and with what, you notice the die hard software "mac only" companies now ditching and moving to the PC but it may be too late as the case for Motu, as they are in need of financial help. Motu has woken up finally but I for one will not be buying Digital Performer 8 or even if it was free as I would say WHERE THE F WHERE YOU SINCE XP came out morons!!!

    Want another example look at Avid removing some of the hardware restrictions in protools!!
  6. Feast

    Feast Newbie

    Oct 27, 2012
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    I love to see my favorite artists studios (on youtube of course). I was shocked to find when I started my musical journey that nearly all of them used a PC as their studio! The macbook pro is a really great notebook and should be considered by anyone doing a live performance, but for studio work you can't beat a windows desktop! Good luck upgrading the motherboard in your a mac desktop :-D

    Don't follow the sheep, there is no reason to use OSX as your production environment. Your friends may try and talk shit about your setup if they think their purchases make them superior, but it doesn't.
  7. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    thanks dan for clearing that up. i came from fl studio and switched to a mac with logic.. damn still learning that stuff after a couple of years and i still feel like a novice, sometimes i thought of just selling this thing but then i think about all the time i spent in learning this program and now i hear all these rumours about logic x being 'dumbed down' and all these bad stories about apple and sometimes i regret, yes, but i'm stuck with it now, i'm not gonna change no more, but you do have a point.

    oh, i HOPE you are full of crap btw :bleh:


    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    No that is totally stupid, I'm a lot into Mac but because it fits my workflow better, but some other people (Some are close friends) works better on a PC ! If you found the perfect instrument for your use, then I'm happy for you whatever it is !

    The only difference I noticed is about live gear, in my former band we used to work on Windows for live samples etc... But it was a MESS, it crashed almost every time, blah blah blah... And some friends of mine using MacBooks don't face that kind of shit. One guy told me PC laptops don't like vibrations, Macs are way more optimized for this, don't know if it's an urban legend or not...
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I'll put my machine Beasty! with 18 gigs of ram, and a i7 940 2.97 GHZ up against most Macs anyday of the week. :dancing:

    Would I take a nice Macbook Pro? Sure... but I'm not gonna go out and buy one.
  10. Dynamic Force

    Dynamic Force Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Had my pc running with windows 7 but after several crashes and multiple formats in a year because the pc was getting slow and a win directory of 15 gig or bigger... so longer loading time.... I got tired of windows.
    If you install one app it leave traces on 4 places somewhere on the windows drive it is hard to keep it clean and manageable. Now I've got a nice OsX install and got the same programs running and never have crashes. I also think osX has a smarter way of working with big files on the hard drives. If you look at the EXS format you just keep a small file in the EXS library on the OSX drive and you can put the big files anywhere on your computer and the loading time if there is a loading time is really fast. Never worked better since!

    I got a custom build intel pc so I never bought a mac. But I have to be honest the screens are way better and clearer but it's about the music and the equipment to make your music.
  11. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    HELLZZZ no for 8. Im a Win user, windows 7 is stable for the sh*t i do. Windows 8 trolled ableton and Protools. Fking crashed under stress tests. So i switched back to win 7. WIN 8 is not 100% stable for music production yet!!!Don't yawl dare try to DJ with Win 8 yet!
    Mac on the other hand is stable and a great production tool, but mac is sometimes tricky when updating the parts inside :/
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the only reason i want to try a hackintosh is to use playing around with the ES2/ES1 and the other logic instruments. well i have them here in Logic 5.3, which works on my windows 7 still but its far from being good working imo.

    well with every windows verion MS got closer and more stable on the OSX versions. and since apple is getting more and more ridiculous with their new ideas to get more money out of their costumers be adding a new cable shit or whatever - i think companies like Motu will lose grip and we will maybe say companies coming back to dual support.
    therefore the PC audio company will rise. i mean i see producers buying a macbook to run windows 7 on it and finally FL :D
    thats really akick in the ass for apple isnt it?

    and the last point - i think Linux will do really great in terms of audio production in the future, when bit wig would even come around, what i doubt to be honest happend soon.

    so my answer - PCs arent toys anymore compared to Apple shit.
  13. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    How can someone calls himself a DJ when he does not use turntables anyway ?? :rofl:
  14. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Windows Xp wasn't even a toy.
  15. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    XP is still a toy I think as Windows 7 is far stable from XP... :bow:

    P.S. I used Windows 8 on my X220 for more than a month and it never crashed! :wink:
  16. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I had XP for...over two years (maybe longer) without it crashing.
    What are you saying, really?

    edit: over two years before it crashed (which was my fault anyway). I had XP for longer than five years. Served me perfectly, and I made alot of money on/with it. I'm not complaining.
  17. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    In the hands of an Imbecile no OS on any platform is stable regardless.

    People who keep swapping are just repeating the same mistakes they should format themselves
  18. Dynamic Force

    Dynamic Force Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    It depends on your own experience. I used the windows platform for about 18 yrs. and it was hard to get my hands on another OS but When I switched to OsX I was surprised how stable it is even a year after install it's still fast the programs I installed leaves no traces. If you don't use a program anymore just delete it without restrictions. I'm a experienced win user and I personally love the way OsX works. It's way more logical. Why does windows install an app on 4 places wit some apps ???(program files, common files, programdata, AppData\Local). And not to mention the registry and services!!!! I used some 3d party uninstallers but it still was hard to manage.
  19. soypio

    soypio Newbie

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I ve used XP for almost 7 years, always different Asus, made several records on it and all the problems I have were made by myself, by installing the wrong stuff
    Now Im using windows 7 for almost a year and it works flawless.

    But in the other hand, when using a toshiba laptop for performing live, with XP, I am not so confident. Thats why I am looking to buy a macbook pro to performing live.

    Am I wrong if I think that the real difference that between them is in the laptops?
    because in desktop computers I have no doubt, I ll keep mine!
  20. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Yippie skippie, I said i put it under stress tests...That means to goal was to see if it would crash or not. :p
  21. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    You are absolutely right
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