Where is Bitwig now?

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by Bunford, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Currently uninstalling that god damn demo. It looks cheap, it feels cheap. I didn't see any superiority over ableton. No freeze option, no built-in melodyne-like tool (Hey Bitwig, it's 2017 btw). That's enough for me.
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  2. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    So which daw do you use then?

    Did you get bugfixed versions after a new version came out?

    Take cubase 8 as an example, there have been no updates to version 8 since version 9 came out. I dont remember Studio one updating version 2 after version 3 came out either.

    Sonar doesn't update either as they are on a rolling release schedule there.

    I dont hear people accusing these daws of fraud.

    Bitwig have said that they would react to any bad bugs that turned up at the end of the 12 monthly releases as well. I would trust them to fix problems like these rather more than i would trust steinberg or presonus.
  3. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Ah, I don't know much about the delay compensation in FL Studio so can't comment. I do know that it's pretty solid in Bitwig as I've tested it myself. I threw a ton of latency inducing plugins over a ton of automation, and everything stayed in time.

    With Ableton, it used to knock the automation out of time more and more for each plugin you added. So a tight loop would suddenly sound muddy, and you'd have to backtrack and work out what plugin was causing it. Extremely annoying, and not conducive to making music. I just want a DAW that works, I still haven't found the perfect one though.
  4. where is bitwig now?
    well,i got a simple answer to a simple question
    for me... in the trash bin

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  5. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I am surprised that there is so much hate for Bitwig floating around.
    I agree that for the pricing amount and pricing system it lacks some of basic features, but then, again, there are some clever solutions built inside and it feels like a remarkable platform, just still underdeveloped for the price (while amount of modulators are definitely over-developed for the 2nd iteration of software, for example, while it's still missing some basic stuff).
    I think workflow is better than Ableton, first because you can have session view and arrange view coexist at the same time, and the biggest thing for me is audio editing where you can edit audio in "detailed" panel even while working in the session view only. In ableton you can't do that, you can only draw modulation there and I was always wondered why they don't implement that.
    Also, middle click zooming and moving (panning) anywhere on the screen is excellent and it's hard to get back to ableton after being used to this. Customizable shortcut keys are excellent because it can even map multiple shortcuts for one function. Not even Logic and S1 allow this currently (Ableton is terrible in this regard).
    Built in FX feels up-to-date with all major daws, so no downside there, it even has some unique stuff, which is doable in other DAWs but not without some extra work (like multiband FX and other FX containers and audio/midi routing/receiving FX's).
    Also ablitity to organize and categorize everything - from samples, presets and plugins is excellent, Ableton's browser is not even remotely as powerful. Really fast previewing any sound, fx or synth even before adding it to project is excellent feature. I especially like to use this ability with FX in chain when you can add FX and tweak everything you need but you don't have to confirm (press OK) to stay in chain, but try other one. Same deal with samples in sampler, you can quickly preview any sample on the fly (similar to Ableton's hot-swap, but waaay faster - instant).
    Oh, I almost forgot sandboxing and ablity to run 32bit and 64bit plugins without additional wrapper is amazing. I don't know any other major DAW that can do this (I might be wrong, but anyway)
    Now, the biggest issue with Bitwig, for me, is almost unusable "Stretch" algorithm for audio where I always need to put on HD version or Repitch (when possible) in order to maintain quality and there is no way to put repitch od HD as default. Also, it would be nice to have a little more comprehensive tool bar palette of tools like zoom tool (assignable with key modifier like in Logic or S1) but even current one is way more powerful than Ableton's, (especially with ability to customize all shortcuts).

    Ok, this (first) post got way longer than expected, anyway, it's all subjective, but I would really like to see Bitwig stick around for a while and give all major player healthy competition and also improve much more on it's own features, I think there is definitely space for high quality ableton-style daw on the market, especially after announcement of Live 10, which is major disappointment for me after waiting for 5 years, that was the first reason I was looking into Bitwig as a replacement.
    Anyway, enjoy all the DAW tools we have on the market..It was never better time to play with those :)

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  6. Blazin

    Blazin Producer

    Jun 25, 2017
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    In my own world...
    The reason I think Bitwig is last on people's list is because it cannot be cracked or there isn't a crack for it yet for 2.1 or whatever version. People tend to "try" DAWS and purchase them if they are good and continue to use them. This DAW is too expensive to just "try" out. I hope someone cracks it soon and then you will see more people using it as it is incredibly good imo. They have dropped the price down to $299 for a short time so that is a big plus to drop a full $100 off the cost. I might buy it after xmas or during tax time if the price remains the same.
  7. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Yes, you are right about it. Somewhat cracking the software isn't such a bad thing for the company who makes it, especially of they are relatively new as it is kind of a promotion between enthusiasts and when they grow and develop as a producers, surely they would buy full version to support a developer who makes their tool for money making and living..It goes in circle..Also, cracks builds hype in the community and makes product way more popular and wanted. Just look at Cubase, it's most wanted DAW, that's a fact, even realistically it doesn't do anything particularly different/better than other DAWs which are available. I think Ableton Live and FL Studio gained their popularity massively because of cracks, and a lot of people jumped to those DAWs since cracked versions.
    I bet there is a lot of people who still don't even know about Bitwig and it's really weird as it is serious product but has terrible marketing, similar like Sonar used to be. Just look at their (Bitwig's) official youtube channel, it's terrible, rarely updated and not much interesting content there, compared to Ableton's for example..
    Yes, Bitwig is new in the game, but average professional user don't care about that fact as they are paying same amount of money or even more (compared to Logic) for the tool that doesn't offer proper support and features in that price range.
    It almost feels like Bitwig team is either extremely small or they weren't completely ready for full-on launch of their new product (including marketing strategies, promotions, seminars, education etc).
    Feels like it's product of passion developed from enthusiasts for a small group of people who will appreciate it and support it because they are loyal. That last sentence reminds me on Reaper and it's start, but with huge difference in price range. (or even Ableton when it started, but that was completely different era, life was way "slower" back then)
  8. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Xilent is popular artist I know which uses Bitwig. Bitwig is a serious DAW. I recommend it over Ableton. Modulation is the strongest area of Bitwig. Even Ableton Live 10 is far away from Bitwig regarding what you get in a DAW.
  9. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    But definitely not the strongest part of the video.
  10. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Yeah, that was about Xilent using Bitwig. There are many videos on youtube which can show you modulators in Bitwig. I think Ableton has everything for making Electronic song but Bitwig has extras which are good to have. Bitwig is made by developers of Ableton. These two DAWs are Brothers.
  11. ash1

    ash1 Ultrasonic

    Nov 11, 2015
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    i had bitwig 2 and sold it i missed the time stretching and the sampler in ableton
    the time stretching in bitwig 2 is awful as is the sampler
    the subscription was another reason
    if bitwig are not careful they might go the same way as sonar
    ableton and bitwig are not brothers one is ableton the other is a good inpersonation of ableton
    bitwig is way over priced
    over at bitwig they are saying bitwig has been voted as the no1 daw
    which i found hilarious i instantly regreted buying bitwig
    i must have been sleep walking lol
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  12. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I agree about time-stretch..It's no1 reason I am not purchasing V2 yet, until they improve on that. Sampler is on pair with Ableton's pre v9.5 (improved) Simpler and I guess they developed it before Ableton did upgrade on it with new filters and UI so they were not thinking step ahead but just to catch up with Ableton.
    Now, even Cubase' sampler track has excellent filters, similar to new Ableton's and Bitwig needs to update that Sampler ASAP.
    On the other side Sample One from Studio One is waaay behind but still has unique feature of quickly going to next/previous sample withing its interface and loading parallel samples without grouping, so that's something to think about. Thinking about sampling, I think Logic is worst in this department still keeping archaic EXS24 unchanged from last millennium (literally), since Emagic PC days.
    It's my No1 frustration with Logic (which is currently my main DAW), besides terrible, almost unusable and slow browser, hence I am looking to switch either to Bitwig or Studio One.
  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    About Bitwig, it is the same with Usine to me : very good, innovative...but uncracked.
    There is no internet interest BECAUSE they can't really create interest. Dead circle.

    And the less ppl know them, more they stick to their pricing... to compensate for few clients.
    To me, it is the best way to stay under the radar.

    Ableton was cracked since day one...see the sales rate ? Same with FL Studio and their amazing free lifetime upgrade (first DAW doing that).

    Steinberg Cubase can do it, BECAUSE they started in the 80's. Nowadays ? NO WAY
    They are already replaced by Studio One for more and more ppl...because Studio One is cracked.

    Do a simple thing : google trend
    https://trends.google.fr/trends/exp...q=/m/0236w8,pro tools,bitwig studio,/m/037t3h

    Straight line : cerebral death...
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  14. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    so true
  15. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I guess you are partly right about it, but, unfortunately, Studio One is waaaay less popular than it seems like.
    Those Trends gaphs that you've included are, from 2014, seems like, I don't speak French, sorry, so I've included English version of trends for past 3 years date until today, since Bitwig was introduced in 2014 and it's on pair with Studio One (even a bit more popular), at least in Google search terms which, again, isn't "de facto" standard to judge sales of DAWs, but certainly something to think about..
    DAWtrends.JPG Suprisingly Cubase is all over others. I thought Logic is more popular, but it's on pair with Live.
  16. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

  17. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I get different results, studio one is rising

    https://trends.google.fr/trends/explore?q=/m/0236w8,pro tools,bitwig studio,/m/037t3h,studio one
  18. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    haha..well, that is interesting and make more sense, to be honest..S1 should be more popular than Bitwig.
    Presonus did a great job with S1 so far, hopefully they will continue in same manner.
    Only little downside (besides not so pretty GUI, imho) is that they are advertising S1 as mostly daw for acoustic-oriented music and pop music, aiming at USA and Pro Tools market instead of being like Cubase and advertising as all-mighty daw supported by various styles of musicians. Interestingly most of major drum'n'bass producers are using Cubase, which is interesting.
  19. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I've been using Cubase for about 10 years, REASON for about 5 and Ableton for about 3. Each has there pros and cons. Yet Studio 1 is nothing like Cubase. I installed a cracked copy and wiped it the same day. Maybe because i'm running a legit version of Cubase 9.5 and Cubase is my DAW of choice... But when I collaborate with other producers they are using Ableton or Reason. But in comparison to Cubase... Studio 1 is a joke.
  20. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Well, I guess that is your way of looking..
    I am using Logic Pro (used since Emagic days on PC) and Cubase 9 (used since SX2) at work, both legit, but find S1 (using it home) way more intuitive and faster with workflow, though not that pretty on eyes..There is literally not a single thing that I can't do with S1 even faster than I can do with Logic/Cubase.
    I am not sure why are you referring it as a joke when you tried it for few hours and expect from it to be a Cubase that you are familiar with?
    If it didn't fit your style of work it doesn't have to mean that is a joke..At the end, I think most of people converting to S1 are coming from Cubase background (including original developers of Cubase who left Steinberg after being bought by Yamaha and they developed Kristal Audio which was bought by PreSonus and named S1 :D ) ..
    Honestly, there is no DAW today that isn't capable of extraordinary things which were unimaginable just 10+ years ago..It's more about producer than a tools and it always was..It's just a matter finding a tool that suits you :)
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