Cubase 9.5 Blank Vst-Plugins

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Hooman.Leys, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    angry? no, I'm just can't figure out some things

    I don't need to know everything about dat shit. I just know that in other DAWs it works fine. So can somebody explain dis shit to me?

    it's interesting question, don't waste my time plz
  2. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    man, lol. plz stop dis shit. it looks like you think you are most clever guy here. think abou it in your free time. probably it's gonna work for in positive way for your social communications. or maybe you're microsoft employee? yeah? no?? then stop dat plz.. (note microsoft employees don't know how windows works and that's fine, lol)
    I don't think so. I'm fine with vst2
    so they're like minions should satisfy steinberg needs? you really think so?
  3. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Plug-in Sentinel for Cubase 9

    The Sentinel makes Cubase more reliable

    Cubase scans your plug-ins when you launch it the first time or if you install new ones.
    With Cubase 9, we have introduced the Plug-in Sentinel which scans all VST plug-ins on start-up now.

    The most notable improvement of the Plug-in Sentinel is that if a plug-in crashes during the initial scanning, Cubase won’t be affected and hence won’t crash too. These problematic plug-ins will then end up on a blacklist.

    Please note that all 32-bit plug-ins will also get blacklisted since Cubase 9 only supports 64-bit plug-ins.

    All this results in a much more stable experience while using Cubase 9.

    It´s way better to blacklist plugins on startup than get the crash in the middle of session.

    This post doesn´t make any sense, awful grammar. But what I got from it... The answer is: I don´t work either MS or Steinberg, nor do I think I´m clever in anyhow

    Most of the devs use VST3 anyway, just because it´s more reliable and has more features(VST SDK 2.4 is not in development anymore)
    Steinberg isn´t forcing anyone to anything, they are just developing and maintaining VST standard
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I feel like you're just being stubborn now lol...
    No kidding VST2 is fine. I didn't even bother installing VST3 before I got Cubase. I spend most of my time in Live and it doesn't even have VST3. But if you're going to be using a steinberg DAW which has features that are specially made to work better with VST3 (certain routing tasks) you just do whatever gives you the most convenience

    They're uh... a plugin company. I think they should do whatever satisfies their customers, and that would include fixing a compatibility problem with a common DAW. But like I said, it's not even a big deal. The Izotope VST3 work fine in Cubase and I'd have removed the redundant other one in the plugin manager anyway.
  5. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Did you use the new versions of Cubase?
    if No, i suggest you to try the demo at least! i'm sure you'll change your mind :)
  6. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    yes, i have cubase 9.5, they showld change the name to Slowbase. I have my life made in cubase and ableton, thats why i'm so angry with it, i don't believe in this company anymore, someday i will loose every project, presets, xml etc of it, beucause the company is forcing people to leave it.
    Cubase now besides the dongle needs a monster graphic card to run, just mosters laptop can handle it. and my desktop is pretty good, but i'm tired of open it and have to take of the aero.
    At least cubase 5 still open projects from cubase 9.5, and this is because they don't change anything relevenat besides the 16 inserts.
  7. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Working fine here with GT610 with i5 2500k, may I ask what graphic card you have and what OS?
    For me there isn´t any difference between Aero on or off, that´s why i´m asking
  8. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Geforce 9800GT ....the problem isn't the card, bacause the same projects in all other daws works fine, and whats important is how big your projects are. In smal projects everything is fine in cubase, but the slow feel about AERO happens in any computer with any graphic card, bauceuse i already used in several diferent systems. Thats why entire world thinks macs are faster, because of the cluncky AERO :wink:
    The os is Win 7 x64
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  9. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Can´t really say about other DAWs(I use Reaper(only for collabs), and Cubase(Main DAW)), but I have tested projects with Reaper and Cubase, and can´t see any noticiable difference in graphics between those two program(No sluggishness). Though I jumped from C7.5 to 9.5 straight, so maybe between those two versions there has been some trouble with graphics, who knows.
  10. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I don't want it. If I've got an idea in my mind I can't wait when all this plugs will be scanned.
    Mind blowing improvement! No other DAW can beat it.

    bridge? no? too hard to implement?

    it never happens in fl for example (for me)

    ok, I want to enhance my english skills. Can you tell me how?
    but why you're acting this way? It doesn't look cool, try to be more gentle.
    can you prove it?
    everything is developed

    for what?:dunno:

    maybe, but I'm always glad to hear other's opinions
    me too, vst2 is enough for everything, I don't see any reasons to use vst3

    yes, I know, but I prefer daw-, hw-, api- and so on agnostic tech
    just to keep the competition more fair
    they plugins work fine in every DAW except cubase 9 so why they should bother? probably it just doesn't worth it

    so everything is ok with iz in the cubase?
    see? pointless blacklist
  11. techdevil

    techdevil Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2017
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    @ia seriously have you considered taking up guitar, as music technology seems to be beyond you, or perhaps I should have included more phrases like "Cubase is the shits man" or “da plugin manager works” so you can understand......
    or are you just trolling us......? Na I know what it is, you had stocks in Cakewalk didnt you.....
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
  12. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    This bridge arguments in 2k17... Last black friday sonnox inflator native was 50$. jp6k - 30$. And if you really need nexus - you don't have to buy all outdated expansions. Some archaic stuff can be replaced easily. So what the point of this endless whining about x86 bridge?
  13. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Here´s something you should know about VST3

    New VST3 features

    Improved performance
    Managing large plug-in sets and multiple virtual instruments on typical studio computer systems can often be difficult because of CPU performance limits. VST3 helps to improve overall performance by applying processing to plug-ins only when audio signals are present on their respective inputs. Instead of always processing input signals, VST3 plug-ins can apply their processing economically and only when it is needed.

    Multiple dynamic I/Os
    VST3 plug-ins are no longer limited to a fixed number of inputs and outputs. Their I/O configuration can dynamically adapt to the channel configuration they’re inserted in, meaning that any VST3 plug-in can be surround-capable with true multi-channel processing. For example, all the new VST3 plug-ins in Nuendo 4 can work in stereo-mode when inserted into a stereo channel, but switch to 6 channels when inserted into a 5.1 channel. Each audio channel is processed independently. Interaction between channels depends on the type and design of the plug-in. In addition to their flexible audio bussing capabilities, VST3 plug-ins may also offer a dedicated event bus. Typically, this is a MIDI input for control/modulation but these busses are no longer restricted to MIDI standard only. Future plug-ins may replace the common MIDI interface with alternative methods of control.

    Activating/deactivating busses
    A typical issue with current virtual instruments is their audio output bussing system and how they’re connected to the mixer after loading. Especially virtual samplers with multiple outputs often occupy more mixer channels than need. The VST3 interface offers the possibility to deactivate unused busses after loading and even reactivate those when needed. This cleans up the mixer and further helps to reduce CPU load.

    Resizable edit windows
    VST3 introduces a new approach to plug-in GUIs though window resizing, allowing for extremely flexible use of valuable screen space.

    Sample-accurate automation
    VST3 also features vastly improved parameter automation with sample accuracy and support for ‘ramped’ automation data, allowing completely accurate and rapid parameter automation changes.

    Logical parameter organization
    The plug-in parameters are displayed in a tree structure. Parameters are grouped into sections which represent the structure of the plug-in. Parameters like “Cutoff” and “Resonance” could be grouped into a section called “Filter”. This makes searching for a certain parameters easier, such as on an automation track. This also allows assigning a group of parameters to a specific MIDI Channel input and audio output bus.

    Optional VST3/SKI combination
    As a direct result of the modular interface design of VST3, the Steinberg Kernel Interface (SKI) can be combined with VST3 plug-ins. SKI is an additional SDK that allows extremely close integration of a plug-in with a Steinberg host application, and allows functions to be carried out almost from within the application. This extends to the ability to create tracks, copy, cut, paste or process events in the Steinberg host application. SKI is provided to selected industry partners upon request.

    VSTXML for remote controllers
    Remote controllers for audio and MIDI software applications have become increasingly popular. With VSTXML, VST3 offers far more flexible control of VST plug-ins by remote controllers. Using the knobs and faders on the control surface, parameters can be recorded, renamed and edited in many ways. Parameters that cannot be edited can be routed for display purposes to the control surface, for example to show Gain Reduction on compressor.

    UTF16 for localized parameter naming
    In VST3, all strings that can be displayed to the user are in Unicode (UTF16) format. Usage of this universal character base allows the host application to display characters in localized languages.

    No MIDI restriction for parameter value transfers
    VST3 has a dedicated interface for event handling that carries a much wider range of functionality than standard MIDI events would be able to provide. This opens up a big range of opportunities for musical use cases with very high potential for innovative product design. For example with VST3 some controller events (for example, pitch) can be referred to a note event (using a note unique ID). This offers the possibility to e.g. modulate only a single note which itself is part of a chord.

    Audio inputs for VST instruments
    The VST3 interface expands VST instruments by adding the ability to create audio input busses. As a result, audio data can be routed to an VST3 instrument. A synthesizer which has a built-in e.g. vocoder effect is able to process audio data coming in from other sources as well.

    Multiple MIDI inputs/outputs
    Unlike with VST 2.x,, a VST3 plug-in can have more than only one MIDI input or one MIDI output at the same time.

    64-bit processing
    VST3 plug-ins are generally able to process audio data in 64-bit.

    Also about Plugin Sentinel, it scans only once plugins for blacklisting, so there´s no extra loading time later. (You just confirmed that you haven´t even tried it, so I leave answering for questions here, before you make yourself look dumb)
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  14. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    relax man.. all cubase fans love to defend cubase so desperately? I see that something wrong with your love. try to relax and think about killer music, not about how cool cubase. lol
    I'm not attacking cubase, I just laugh a lot about its design desicions made over past 7 years
    that's all about marketing, not creative and not very fair side of music world

    I just don't like 64 number. but seriously some cool plugins still are 32 bits. And why the fuck we need 64 bits except for samplers?
    oh, I forgot, music technology is beyond me.... what a mess?

    if you write code you probably will do it for x86-64

    wow, sounds interesting...

    but you are citing marketing shit
    I will explain why I think so

    we need benchmarks actually to prove that

    I'm not sure but in my expirience the most of cpu load happens when vst2 plugins actually processing the audio, but they load cpu much less when they in stand by

    iirc you can use vst2 reaktor in surround mode, same for kontakt. and this feature roughly from 2005. how they did it? mystic

    total BS, everything works fine with kontakt bus allocation to mixer in vst2

    total marketing BS, that depends on gui api you are using. juce supports gui resizing freely

    seriously? so vst2 doesn't support it???? I don't believe it
    filter params to a specific audio output bus? What?? are you reading what you are citing?

    some proprietary BS

    so that was impossible with vst2? really?

    for what? really practical needed?

    useless proprietary bs and works only in cubase
    no need, I was dreaming about it, but it pointless actually
    look at this

    if your synth is capable to process audio just compile it as effect plugin. that's it. simple. period

    they're probably kidding or something
    look at this "beyond the humanity" tech


    but not vst2?

    there are absolutely no need to be rude, cubase fanboy. I used cubase in the past - the loading time is awful. I can't to remeber melody or some ideas for so long...
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  15. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    you call these citings "answers"? no, it's not.
    look at my "king style" answers
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
  16. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    name, manufacturer, era, please.
  17. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Only people who use old cracked software and never buy stuff use 32-bit.

    All those things you "cited" are non stardard workarounds, you can now natively add those features without hassle.(stay out of dev talk if you don´t get it, defending 32-bit doesn´t make any sense, why not defend 16-bit too?)
    I´m not fanboy of any product, I just like Cubase, because I have learned it in 90´s and it has always worked for me and I never had any trouble with it, simple.

    Now teenboy, point me where there is fanboyism in my writing.
  18. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    for what? I feel I don't need to prove it, if you don't know these awesome plugins then probably you don't need it.
    Camel crusher for example, there a lot great plugins in 32 bits.
    try to find any other weak points in my statements.

    really? you become more and more funny, you speak thing without any thoughts. and this peel on your face looks funny.
    I use what I want to use. But you can't realize it. still..

    thanks, but I don't need it. I don't feel that I need to play by steinberg rules for that illusive features that I can get natively and easy in vst2 (I think it's much more buzzword than real benefit).
    It looks like if you see "3" in the name of vst you just think it's better than "2". Yes, mathematically 3 is more than 2, but in this case it doesn't matter.

    because there are no cpus with 16-bit words anymore (and 32-bit is enough for my synths and processors).
    Why you don't want 128-bits?? 128 is more than 64.
    why? it feels like you do not have enough knowledge? or what?

    you're defending cubase second day. are you not cubase fanboy? think again plzzzzzzz - it's really nice feature of our minds (and it's free for everyone - such a great thing!). so use it and you'll be great!
    actually that doesn't look like this. normally if someone likes something, this is love within.
    try something different or you too lazy for it? learning new things isn't comfortable for you? some ppl still using pro tools..
    but I'm trying new stuff everytime, I don't fix my mind on particular thing. I'm using new things and this is great for me. there a lot cool things in world and cubase is waste of time for me imho.

    I guess there were enough a-ha moments in our conversation, I don't need to emphasize it ever more.
    but my advice: try new things, try different things, it works
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  19. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    fat, crusher and space are available as x64. Even as cracked. So yes. Your arguments are invalid. Again.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  20. Weasel

    Weasel Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2016
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    What a load of nonsense. If a plugin crashes on startup you'll never even get the crash in the middle of the session as either 1) the session won't exist (DAW uses no bridge and crashed along with plugin) or 2) plugin won't exist (DAW uses bridge, like Bitwig, to protect itself, won't protect the plugin though). I don't know why but "stability" is always the most wrongfully used word for marketing and people just eat it like that with no basis.

    If a DAW eats up an exception from a plugin silently and refuses to crash, that's one of the worst software practices out there. At this point you must consider the entire memory space corrupted, unless you BRIDGED the plugin to protect the DAW's addressing space from it. At best, just allow you to save the project immediately and exit. However even in this case you must verify the project is not corrupt on load since arbitrary memory might have been corrupted, especially if it was a memory-related crash (access violation etc).

    VST3 is mostly marketing as well. Sample accuracy for automation is useless since barely any plugins support it to begin with (if something is VST3 it doesn't mean it actually uses the features). Why don't plugins use VST3 features? Because VST3 is a mess from a programming point of view. It's horrible. Oh that's because Steinberg can't even get side-chaining properly and had to devise a totally new SDK just to add that capability. There's no "non-standard features" except for Reaper's VST extensions, but all the other DAWs just make use of the available VST2 features that already exist, so they are NOT "non-standard". Just because Steinberg is incapable (what a surprise) doesn't make it non-standard; as long as it adheres to the SDK spec (do you even know what that is btw?).

    Heck, even VST2 is a horrible-designed SDK with tons of random "patches" everywhere like it was made by monkeys in random order with no actual "plan" when you compare it to well-developed standards. I don't why it picked up steam so much but we all know marketing is stronger than actual facts with anything Steinberg related.

    I don't even know why the bridge talk came up, but first of all, you say it's useless and that's your opinion, but let's talk facts. Steinberg had a VST bridge which performed horribly compared to the competition. This is a fact, not a matter of opinion like how you think 32-bit bridges are "useless". So all the superior bridges are useless yet they still exist because that is no excuse for incompetent programmers at Steinberg. The real answer is that Steinberg programmers are trash tier (as evidenced by how the SDK is written) and are incapable of writing a bridge properly, end of story (and btw bridging is useful for more than just 32-bit <-> 64-bit communications, to protect the host too).

    Did I also just read that Cubase, just now in 2017, got 64-bit floating point engine?! wow man. Hate all you want on "crappy old 32-bit plugins", but at least they had better quality for decades. Right, I forgot, it's not about actual specs with Steinberg products, just marketing hype.
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