Online Guitar Lessons by LA Guitar Academy Videos

Discussion in 'Education' started by danfuerth, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Hello everyone I am wondering if anyone has these instructional videos from Online Guitar Lessons by LA Guitar Academy

    Particular I am looking for these videos by Emre Sabuncuoğlu as he did some videos for that site

    Or better yet if anyone can get me this guitar tab I would like that very much

    This tab is the one I am looking for h**p://

    That's him demonstrating it, however it would be easier with the guitar Tab

    Anyone have those videos or any of this guy tabs?

    Thanks so much.. :mates:
  3. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I don't know about the videos but you may find these tabs and MIDIs helpful: (Look for the tremolo version towards the middle of the page) (This one is very similar to the one from the video)

    Here's a transcription of the MIDI:!download|141|2417711989|avem4r.rar|262
  4. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Very nice, I already have that text file with the transcription however that one is from Liona boyd and my fingers can not stretch 5 frets LOL on many of those chords

    I have that one from youtube about 90% down ( I downloaded it and zoomed full screen) The reason is this guy is using the shortcut chord arranjements ( easier on the fingers as you can see from the video)
    I trying running through the Liona Boyd version HOLY crap her fingers must be robotic LOL.

    This guy is suppose to be one of the new best classical players. he broke down the chords into triads

    Thanks for the help, I just need to watch the video a couple of more times in order to find the end of the song parts.

    This is not a hard song to play, you just need to get the tremolo first right, then tune the guitar strings to 440 but tweek the strings to get higher pitches on the high strings. The rest is using the shorcut chord structures.

    You can cheat and tune your guitar to OPEN A ( I already know all of that one) however it sounds weird when you hear it. Still thank for all the help!!!
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