Samplitude Pro X3 Suite sale $149.00 until Dec 6th

Discussion in 'Software News' started by AudioGL, Dec 5, 2017.

  1. smys

    smys Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Or, perhaps, it's treading the same end ....
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  2. burgvogt

    burgvogt Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Could not resist the offer - bought and installed it out of curiosity. I have been a decade-long steinberg user since Atari times, so I wonder how others handle things. I've tried Reaper and found it ok, still, when you are used to a certain workflow it's cumbersome to adapt to a different system. We'll see ...
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  3. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    I would like to buy it, but I'm not in the states, too many problems to buy something.
    I do not know FL, Pro Tools, Cubase, or Ableton, but in Samplitude I can do everything I want, I'm sorry, but I have to buy medicines for my parents. :lmao:
  4. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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    Thank you AudioGL! :wink:
  5. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yea, some useless bloatware Magix bought from Sony (along with Vegas) and now they're uncertain howto deal with it (speaking of latest Soundforge 12, I can honestly say it's a piece of crap, pairing it with izotope elements stuff doesn't help much either, clearly visible Magix will force people into voluntarily transitioning onto original Magix products sooner or later), 149$ is more than twice as Reaper price without any notable functional benefit
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  6. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Is this offer only valid for US citizen? In the US shop it's USD149.-, in the german shop it's 599.- euro.

    Hmmm...I hesitate to buy it, not sure what MAGIX have in mind with Samplitude Pro.. And the community is not so big if help is needed (I can't always count on @Talmi (always a big help!), or can I?? ;-)

    Btw: What is the latest version of Sam Pro X3?
  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Really mature response my friend. I will be brief. I have, am and will be using the... bloatware (Spectralayers, SF Pro) until hell freezes over, you keep on making unfounded declarations about what's crap or not.
    PS: Just a humble suggestion. Know the product line you talk about. Soundforge 12 isn't Soundforge Pro.
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  8. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    WTF in Germany it costs 599 EUR normally it costs 998,00 EUR, and in US converted into Euro 125,27 EUR. I would prefer to buy it here locally
    but these prices are too high compared to the states, I do not know, we are subhuman's in Europe?
    When it comes to Samplitude, the Spectral Edition itself is built into the DAW, and many other cool features.
  9. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    @taskforce perhaps my point was too straight, but it's still on point,
    we have been running litle over 1100 simultaneous licenses of SoundForge (mixed Audio Studio and Pro versions) past few decades as well as Samplitude (as primary PC daw, along with ProTools as primary Mac daw), so believe me or not, my knowledge of entire product line and perhaps even entire company is more than sufficient, definitely not to be called unfounded declarations,
    perhaps I should state more thoroughly my conclusion causes:
    I see no use for SoundForge, as it cannot do even basic track "blending" (12 AS can, but in a very tacky way yet), cannot nondestructively apply effects (FX rack is far from flawless), cannot handle multichannel flac files, cannot import/export configuration so multiple users on same PC could work the same,
    also going thoroughly through SF AS 12, I can clearly see Magix is trying to unify/match it with their products lineup, which is a tough step, because they obviously cannot afford to endanger their own products they've been building their rep for decades, and honestly if I were an audio software developer, I would not waste my time learning an acquired piece of software to keep it updating, but rather build a new piece of software from scratch,
    I am trying to find a use for SoundForge and there is only one - for users who have literally zero knowledge of audio workflow (convenience of no need to set up tracks, inputs, outputs etc..), to be able to drag and drop a file to check it, perhaps add few markers, few cuts, maybe follow certain loudness broadcast norms, and destructively export it - nowadays this can be already achieved with commercially-free open source tools such as Ocenaudio and plenty other software though,
    eventually any advanced workflow can be done in for ex. Reaper for 60$ (or 225$) which is still cheaper than Soundforge or Samplitude, as well as other decent DAWs nowadays,
    ...alas I may have a wrong point of view, so if you don't mind, do tell me what do you particularly like about SoundForge that you use it,
    speaking of SpectraLayers, somehow I find iZotope RX way more convenient as well (but price is very high indeed)
  10. DeepMind

    DeepMind Member

    Oct 19, 2017
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    I didn't need it but I stopped the sub to ProTools+Slate and this will make a very fine replacement for PT and for some very good FX which are included. It might even work nicely with my MOXF6 unlike PT12.x

    Plus, it's the right thing to do. Good to see others buying it as well, especially for this price, wow! Way to support one of the originals.

    Edit: With all that are giving with this, it's easily the best overall deal I've seen ever studio-wise.

    Thanks AudioGL !
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  11. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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  12. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Questions for anyone who has this please:

    - what are the 24 virtual instruments that are included? i only see 4 listed on the website.

    - has anyone tested the Audio to Midi functionality.....and how successful does it work?
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    So your problem is you don't like those softwares. That's your choice, and a respectable one. But apparently even a spectral editor is usefull to you, so why call bloatware a type of soft that is usefull to you ?
    Put side to side reaper without audio editor, a spectral editor in the line of RX4 (which is worth 100s of $) and the rest, and samplitude X3 pro suite with all this goodies, and you'll soon realize by a very simple calculation that Samplitude pro X3 suite is actually given for free with this deal. I use Reaper on a daily basis, samplitude too, and it's a fantastic offer. It's actually an offer that for the first time makes Reaper looks expensive (it's not free yet, and with samplitude you get a commercial license with no restriction, reaper cost 300 for that if I remember correctly, my bad it's 225)The analog modelling suite itself is worth as much as the offer. With independance and vandal taken into account it's even more awesome, so with all the rest....
    @au38wzh yes of course man I will gladely help. I've just stopped responding questions that are directly taken care of in the first 10 pages of the manual and/or in kaznet videos (like how do I draw automation points, for example, I saw that one lately).
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
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  14. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

  15. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I bought the whole package yesterday and when I opened Samplitude "It was like comming home". Way back I decided of several reasons to go for Cubase after I´d tested both Samplitude and Cubase ... I guess its was because Cubase was a little cheaper and had much more eye candy .... and you cannot actually say that Samplutude suffer from eye candy ;-) .... but functionality, flow work etc etc it´s SO amazing. Now I have the very best of two worlds when it comes to daw.
    And the spectraLayers PRO ...... ! Just tested a little but appear very intuitive and easy to work with. Need more time with that one!

    150 us for this package is an amazing offer imho!
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  16. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Did you activate the link Recoil?
  17. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Now @phloopy gave us a Great Britain shop link: £114.99, December 10 (@Recoil for me it's the full version)
    Above I mentioned the US-shop price from AudioGL-link: USD149.-, December 6
    and the German shop: 599.- euro.

    US shop and Great Britain shop prices are similar/the same, but what's going on with the German shop? And what about the different dates? Stranger things..;-)
  18. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yep I agree on all account. I also use Cubase side by side with Samplitude, and Reaper. You're lucky with spectral layer...It was not in my package and they won't give it to me !
    @au38wzh Magix has all those different sites with different langages, prices and currency;...It's weird as hell. Back then when I bought it it was more interesting on the us shop (lower price with no vta and currency difference between $ and €), so I used a vpn to get it from the us shop.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  19. TW

    TW Guest

    In europe or better in € countries, it is 149 € -

    Check the link and change the country shortcut from gb to a € country like de germany or fr france ...

    Bought it. You cant go wrong for that prize. Even if Sam goes the same way as sonar. That analog effects suite of sam is nearly worth that money alone. You get a lot for that little money ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2017
  20. Beth

    Beth Guest

    ah OK i found the list of vsti's on their site.

    anyone tested the audio to midi function yet?
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