pro tools compatibility

Discussion in 'PC' started by sismo, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. sismo

    sismo Newbie

    Jul 26, 2012
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    i have a question about if any pro tools (cracked)works on windows 7 with a Quad-Capture?
  3. karlarsch

    karlarsch Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2012
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    No chance, You need either a M-Audio interface to run PT 7.4 m-powered (Air) or a LE-interface to run PT 8 LE (only serial-protected).
    The new PT-10-crack would work with Your interface, but it´s so badly cracked that it´s worthless.
    Best regards
  4. Led

    Led Newbie

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Wish AIR would come out of retirement to crack PTools 10 Properly :D
  5. masterj

    masterj Ultrasonic

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Yeah the release by Team VR beta 7 for PT10.3 was buggy. There was an alleged VR beta 8 patch that one would click on the error that popped up with what is a side effect of their beta 7 patch, and Pro Tools instead of crashing, would still be up and running. One user did find and post the flaw and it was as simple as one byte change in VR's patched dll. I myself tested it and it is what the alleged beta 8 patch was supposed to do.

    Thing is, Team VR had nothing to do with this find, just one user. Other than having to click ok when the error messages pop up (they don't appear too frequently either), it's running stable as it should be. But if it were a "PROPER" a team would have to find a way to completely remove those pop ups, even though they are harmless in themselves. Maybe Team VR abandoned the project, because it was allegedly leaked and for internal use only.

    Edit: I was wrong, it seems Team VR are working on a beta 9 for 10.3.2. As of now 10.3.0 has been the only stable release, but with the current patch and the new update from Pro Tools (10.3.2), it tends to crash, so I guess this is good news. Zetas who is part of the team posted a link where Team VR keep their Avid resources stored:

    But you can't access beta 9, it's only for VR members.
  6. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Ide be really curious for them to have a go at it,! even the Einstein behind XVX Mention he had trouble doing the Mac Version because of all the Random Checksums and frameworks tracers in PT 9
    So Hmmm Eden/Ilok2 is a Bitch and a Half, and wouldnt be surprised if AIR is the ones who Created those new protections after all folks mention they now work for Steinberg and other Big Companys ?? Amazing
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