windows 10 ltsb vs windows 7

Discussion in 'PC' started by plasticvibe, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Heart of Europe
    speaking of "unsupported" hardware for Windows 7, it's actually a big deal, very troublesome,

    I installed fresh Ryzen rig (not for me) and although ASUS provided ALL the needed drivers for Win7 x64, the problem is chipset itself doesn't provide EHCI usb mode,
    so I had to use PS2 keyboard (luckily there was one combo PS2 connector) and install Windows from CD via SATA optical drive (luckily there was some at disposal),
    after reboot Windows 7 obviously still haven't recognized any usb port, neither LAN, so only way to get the drivers into that PC was to take off the system SSD, plug it into another PC via sata-usb kit (which I had lying around too), copy the drivers from there (chipset driver package was around 1.3GB), then put the SSD back into the fresh PC, and install all the drivers from within there,

    then after about 190 updates successfully installed, and reboot (basically sending all little birds between the PC and Microsoft servers), system showed me a popup about "unsupported hardware" and crashed entire Windows Update service tree, so I rather disabled it completely,

    I expect same for current Intel generation, so be aware that even if mobo manufacturer provides all the drivers, there are still problems to occur to be prepared for (!)
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    To install win7 from usb on latest chipsets, as we have mentioned before in other threads too, you need an iso of one of the latest builds, the web is full of them. EDIT: not that it cannot be done with original untouched Ms isos, but its much of a fuss like you discovered. I personally got one recently which includes all updates (minus telemetry) until last month. Installation of such an iso takes 4-10 mins depending on what drive type you are installing Windows. I recently built and tested a Ryzen 3 pc with a July 2017 Win 7 iso, boot drive was a Samsung 850 evo 500mb, OS installation time was 5 mins. The latest iso builds of Win7 include NVMe support as well.
    So what i am saying here is, don't blame the system (hardware and soft) if you are not sure how to make it work :)
    If you hated Win8 you ll probably want to smash your pc with Win10, if you don't know how to overcome all the stupid stuff. And its full of it.
    Anyway, tell that vendor he's full of crap ...I mean, read what we write for days, months etc... I have a 7700k myself. Needless to say it's running on Win 7. It replaced my 6700k (since i sold that to a client) which also MS said it is only Win10 lol. as for the mobo, the Strix series is part of Asus' Republic of Gamers (ROG) "franchise" and is geared (as you correctly understood) towards gamers. For the 7700k an Asus Prime z270-A or K model would do fine.
    For me, as i wrote earlier, the best deal atm if you wanna go Intel, is the 8700k which is a 3.7ghz/6 core-12 threads. About 120 more dlrs than the 7700k and two more physical cores. The same z370 mobo model as its z270 predecessor might add another 20 dlrs to the equation.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
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  3. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    used to use win 7 but now on win8.1 everything works perfectly
  4. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    my good follower taskforce:

    so i am not amazed bout your youtube searching skillz, if you didnt find any stuff about bios tweaking, hardware brdiging and bioz modding...

    You caNT find CPU blueprints, or CPU hardware modding stuff, or finding blueprints for the pins

    please taskforce do not only use your pc for flaming troll nub posts.....

    Spend your energie learing tweaking your DAW up to its maximum, or what you think?

    i9 i6, i0 iRELOADED, and i86 or simple any new cpu or XEON CPU trees , can be connect to 1000000000th.. i think some technology stuff is used in Server tech, too...
    same is with AMD hard tweaking.

    with up to many many GigaFlops, (which means this is no Ghz... but some more), so please learn about the edges how far our technik is actually 2017 ,ok

    i am coder, i am an longtime Demoscener, i am AudioNerd so what should i say else.

    i wrote a lot vsts the last years and coding so many tools for my custom DAW, so what do you think
    If you would train your ears, one day after hard training, you will be amazed (its called oh my god i can see epiphany)
    how often my tools or physical coding routines or Plugins where used in any sort of music.

    so..... if you want some more information about that, so start with the beginning ok.

    if you want to pay me 20 Bugs now, i will be thankful

    so what for you is called scienece fiction, other called it normal , i think its so hard to read for you
    and beeing not able to understand, you get angry, and writing me that post.

    So DUDE learn just using google, and i

    i forgive you beeing so overvelmed of information that you lost consciousness....

    Actually normally such posts are outing the posters, and at the end, if i listen to you music stuff, than most are 192k distorted masters which are much too loud. and destroyed

    after 20 years, i do not hope to get right.

    I forgive you, but first think be4 write next time ...

    actually the last musician hardware client me for some custom work...
    and no, you will not find my hardware services everywhere in the www.
    studios can contact me, also like single musician...

    cause DAW building is just a hobby for me. you can pay but its not my main work.

    so long you own my respect for beeing like captain kirk, going in front where never was a human bevore.
    i show my respect with

    write so words like...


    and adding another
    banner to the post, to find fast my marks for some funny comments or members :)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  5. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    Thanks man for the heads up. The budget is not a problem. The problem is since I bought my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 2G a couple of weeks ago, I experience a glitch every 3-5 minutes. It is not a buffer size issue (I know better) and my PC is optimized for audio. My older card is a Tascam U-200 and I can work for hours without a single glitch.

    I have tried almost everything :
    • Changed/upgraded RAM from 16Gb to 32Gb with brand new RAM cards
    • removed my two NVidia cards and installed a cheap graphic card just for testing with a single monitor, I was suspecting NVidia drivers
    • unplugged a couple of extra HDD
    • Reinstalled a fresh OS (Win 7 with all updates) without any other fling flang
    • Disabled drivers randomly and test...
    I tried another PC from work, a HP ElitDesk 800 i7 and after two sessions (1x 30 min. and 1x 2 hours) I had no glitch so I figure the audio unit is not the culprit.

    My actual PC is an Intel core i5 2400/4x3.10GHz/4Threads/6144k/1155SKT on an ASUS P8P67 PRO R3.1
    32Gb RAM DDR3 1333MHz
    2 Asus NVidia 210 Silent graphic card with 3 monitors

    Even though this PC is 5 years old, the specs are more than sufficient for any audio interface.

    Focusrite tech support is not very efficient and all they suggest are stuff "For Dummies" in a very short email once every two days

    So the only thing I haven't tried yet is replace the PSU. If it is not a PSU issue, I am left with either a mobo or cpu bug.
    That's why I started shopping for a new dedicated PC but I don't know exactly where/what to look for.

    Fuck, I never though my purchase of a new audio interface would turn into a nightmare.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    Now lemme understand, your "skulltrail i7" has suddenly been promoted to "i9 xeon tree" super computer ? OMG... Like there is such a thing in your book right?
    Dude, the only person who needs to google here is you.
    I build about 20-25 custom audio pcs a year. Since 2000. And i 've been a professional musician since 1983. And a studio owner since 1993. At age 51, i 've little need to flame anyone, especially peeps who contribute like coders, demo creators,sceners, etc etc. I'm here to mingle, have fun and share thoughts and info. But really now, if there was a "police of sorts" for every inaccurate phrase you write you 'd be arrested man. My post was meant to entertain anyway, since most of what you write makes no sense at all. I mean do you understand any of it yourself?
    Let me demonstrate how things are on planet Earth, not on Alpha Centauri.
    1) The Viking 50tb ssd C O S T S 20000 dlrs. Can you count zeros? At the same article you post the price mentioned is 0.4 dlr per gb. Since you are a coder as you say, do the math. How many of those ssds will you be buying and how soon?
    2) Intel i9s are desktop cpus and Xeons are the server line. And little kids know this too. Although they share characteristics, i9s are strictly single slot desktop cpus. And they have nothing to do with Skulltrail anyway and of course you have failed to answer anything about your magic Skulltrail build as well.
    3) The thousands of cpu trees you mention, we call them CLUSTERS. But you can call them cpu trains if you like np. And the clusters are not just cpus but connected computers. How many of them you claim to have just so my humble mediocre intelligence grasps the magnitude of your greatness?
    4) I was clear when i asked you to post a video of the 5000 tracks playing with sound and you posted a picture of what seems to be a vst plugin. Does it make any sense ? I will still honestly paypal you 20 bucks, wtf let me make it 30 bucks, the whole forum be my witness, if you present a video with sound (and not some irrelevant photo as you did) of 5000+ tracks playing in your pc or any pc for that matter.

    Lastly, i love your spirit and i mean no harm, but if you write code as you write English... that would need about 30 years of debugging.
    You be well
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  7. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    Shit happens bro. Even to the very best. I 've never installed the big Focusrite card on any comp, but i 've installed plenty of the smaller ones for clients, since it has been a favored series the last years by many people (i am aware yours is the gen 2 model).
    Your pc (good ol Sandy Bridge cpu+max ram) is more than adequate and surely still relevant, depending on the load you put it through of course. Which means if you use a lot of Kontakt libs, ram and fast hds is more needed than a faster cpu. With 32gb ram and new hds you won't have a prob. But if you create your tracks with lots of soft synths like U-he's Diva or Xfer Serum you may have to freeze your midis too often, which of course turns artistic creation to frustrating labor.
    I don't know if you posted your problem earlier, if you did, i probably missed that somehow or else i would 've answered.
    Because from what you write, i am 90% certain your problem is caused by your USB port(s). When you have a perfectly running system for years, the only suspect is the newcomer, in this case your new Scarlett. Many of the larger usb interfaces seem to exhibit similar behavior, which is favoring one usb port over another ( meaning that most of the times there at least two different usb controllers on a intel mobo, one is straight from the intel chipset and the other one from an additional usb controller) but most likely this is not exactly the case... Lemme elaborate :
    Make sure your computer is fully tuned for un-interrupted usb performance:
    Start with the Bios settings and make sure no power saving features,sleep modes etc are on. Also if your mobo has by default a quick start feature, disable that as well.
    Once you are done with this, load Windows and make sure again no power savings modes are on. Control Panel/ Power Options, click change plan settings, then click on "change advanced power settings" and change everything to not save any power ( all of those settings are self explanatory) and especially disable the USB selective suspend setting ! As last resort try a different usb slot, preferably one from the main intel controller.
    Do everything correct and i hope it works and you 'll be able to enjoy your new card
    Lemme know if that worked for you :).
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
  9. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    if you want MAXIMUM CONTROL of your DAW PERFORMANCE than you have to use a win7 system.

    no mac, no win10 or others sub OS stuff.

    what do you think if you know your OS stuff, do you have most control with your win10 sys? or your mac OS, or what every?

    you even have problems to change regEdit stuff and simple tasks to win 10 :)

    MAXIMuM CONTROL = every single part of your Hardware (board, ram, DRIVERS, soundCard etc:) is transparent, you can fast verify issues you dont want to have (neklebots, dropdowns, DAW software problems (here: Ableton always, win7, VSTs and .net stuff, steinberg asio problems, jbridging problems and turnaround times. )

    To fix up any VST/ DAW/ Hardwareproblems/ LATENCY fast i NEED to have such level of control to my workspace.

    some of you know from there own workspace DAW Design. Latency problems, or drop down while Coding, or you vst designer.... steinberg probs, any of them.

    under the control aspekt of creating any DAW around the planet,

    the most control you can have with that DAW OS we know 2017 at this planet


    Windows 7

    no other discussion :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  10. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    Thanks pal for trying to help, this is greatly appreciated, truly.
    No, I haven't posted this issue before, but maybe I should have but since the discussion was turning around newer hardware versus OS's and music production, I thought I chip in. If mod feel like moving it to a new thread its ok with me.

    Went I started using the new card and realized quickly there were glitches from inside my DAW (Sonar Platinum), I closed the DAW and did my testing from simple standalone softsynth: Having only 4Front TruePiano opened and playing a tune, I get one or two glitches before the end of a 4 minutes song. Just playing a drum sequence with Addictive Drums in standalone also breaks a couple of times, I would say randomly about every 3 minutes or so. I set the buffer size at 512 which is way more than conservative with the sample rate at 44100. I have never had any issue with that PC (it is in mint condition, no smoke, no animals, clean as new). It is dedicated to music production and is not connected to Internet so no AV installed and all power saving options disabled. I have followed this article
    and some others related to "optimization".

    I also tried different USB ports (even USB3 even though I new it wouldn't work) with no luck. I also tried another USB cable.
    I have doubled checked the BIOS settings as you have suggested and all is set as it should, no power management features enabled. I don't see any "Quick Start" feature though.

    Man you really seem to know a whole lot about PC hardware, I was kinda impressed when you gave the exact nick name of the system just by the specs I mentioned.

    I don't want to put pressure on you but I have been banging my head over this for the last two weeks and I am confident that you are the best resource I have yet had. I am out of ideas at this point... :dunno:

    Thanks man :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    My bad, by "quick start" i meant the "fast boot" feature almost all mobos include. In your Asus UEFI bios, it is under the boot menu, labelled as Fast Boot.
    Now that guide you followed is comprehensive alright. Just to make sure you have exhausted options Presonus has a "one click fix" of sorts which has helped some peeps:
    Lemme know if that helped.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  12. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
    Likes Received:


    i read your post, but this is not the type of optimization you need for that. i dont know what are your hardware skillz are, but this one has nothing to do with a public bulk of OPTIMIZATIONS

    You did what everyone did try to fix it. that is what AUDIO USER where doing :)

    you want to do music, and fix your daily issue problems, and you dont have to need, how a vst or daw is coded...
    damn, no need to study first :) you just want to do some electronic arts!

    most of the DAW USER are just creative dudes, and if any vst synth kills your Sonar, than the synth is bad, because of issues... if your esi Juli@ soundcard, has drop than the bad driver is the problem.

    Damn you never fuck up your Hardware with driver updates if its work perfekt! you got angry damn esi update, never do it!

    but i guess its more of that, if you have to create the tasks for the driver, to find out what wrent wrong

    its not 1 Problem to fix, its a tree, a living tree of communication to tasks with other tasks with hardware, with asio part of sonar software.
    sometimes doing coding a synth or vst (which fx or typ is anyway)

    you have to understand your DAW which has al in it you want to work with. its like an ant state.

    all is working together.
    to fix an issue i have to look to the hole state, and see red light blinking here, and one there.

    writing the update for it means, to look all these ant in your state, to fix here a process, and a task here
    colectiong it all together call it ___ UPDATE

    so, simple having ONE Optimization tool to download....

    if you want to understand your DAW, than see it more like a living ant state.
    you did it at all... but user level :)

    anyone just needs the user level for doing top hits, or good releases, beeing musician, but nor if your name is mr ableton, or mr cubase.
    if i am mr cubase,i have to create my state first.

    this means, i have to plan, whats with that, killing all my 10000 of red lights while the ants try to work perfekt together.
    that what i am talking about control and fast ways that my ant talk fin together working hard.

    for you ... you just see the performance cpu blinking, and thinking DAMN omnishpere performance.....

    DAW is for me a living state of ants working there.

    dont focus just on the hardware parts on there drivers. step a little back think more global. I think this can be the best tip which fixes probs in the future for you... remember that beautily nice polite dude from the audiosex forum.

    always see your DAW like a living ant state, and fix your issue like that! no nee for 1 PC cleaning tool.

    every single part of your hardware & software (cpu bios etc, windows, bios, software, and wall paper too) is simple communication.

    you can optimize every single talk every ant has, and that is what i am talking about.

    hardware & software --- on your level of skills, try to find the ants which are not talking to each other, or beeing slow, think like that, and you will find so muce you can fix.

    try to lern regedit stuff of your os, the makes your screen for your state even bigger for you.

    if you got problem with glitches, or simple any problems you can have, just dont focus on the public announces, just circle in the red lights, of your communication problems. i think this can help you _:)

  13. KidPix

    KidPix Producer

    Aug 17, 2017
    Likes Received:

    I do not use Win 7, but this stuff may help:

    This will create an updated Windows 7 ISO

    Lots of stuff at

    For USB/RAID/NVMe drivers check

    Fix for updates that will prevent your operating system from downloading and installing updates if
    you have modern CPU

    NT Lite the paid version has an interesting feature, it checks the current
    Windows installation and integrates the hardware drivers into the installation ISO.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  14. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    There is no "Fast Boot" or anything similar in my BIOS setting. I remember seeing this in many other BIOS config but it is not an option on mine.

    I have executed the batch file you sent me and it seems to be working great so far...
    I am running a small project in Sonar looping 24 bars while I am writing these lines and for over 6 minutes now, NO glitch so far...
    I have my fingers crossed...

    ... to be continued !
  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    You are right man. I just double checked as well. Fast boot is a feature since the Ivy Bridge generation (z77 chipset), which came after yours. It's been some years since i got my hands on such a system.
    Ps: Read your post, crossing my fingers :)
  16. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    I have been playing for over an hour now and it seems the glitches are gone. Alleluia !! :wink:

    Man you are the best of all, the king of the kings. You have no idea how you just made my day. I'm so happy. This whole thing has really, but really had me concerned and troubled for the last two weeks and now I can move on and enjoy my recent upgrades.

    Thank you so much, I owe you BIG. Man if you would be a girl I would kiss you all over :rofl:

    Now, I am damn curious about what that script did. Do you have the details. It will be very educative and serve for my next similar setup when needed.

    Hey man I hope I can return the favor some time :mates:
  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    First of all i am very glad this worked.
    From the read me file : "This profile disables processor idle states, processor throttling, core parking and turboboost"
    What it does in plain words, is disabling all cpu features that may hurt buss communication (usb is a considered such a buss).
    This fix is actually meant to work with their firewire cards, but usb is just another buss very similar in terms of communication, so i thought i 'd pass it on to you and crossed my fingers ehehe.
    The difference -except buss speed- is that usb devices achieve communication through packets of data. A usb device has to finish receiving those data packets so it can receive more, whereas a firewire device receives and sends data at the same time, making firewire audio cards more suitable for audio recording/producing etc, at least in theory. Because in practice, firewire controllers never became really cheap and repeated reports from dissatisfied customers with (not working or unstable) firewire peripherals, lead almost all mobo manufacturers to slowly but steadily drop their support for the firewire (IEEE1394) protocol. Right now no mobo has built-in firewire and it's hard to even buy an add-on firewire controller.
    Apple (who was keen on firewire at mid 2k) and Intel later moved to Thunderbolt and so did some well known audio interface manufacturers. Now although Thunderbolt at first glance seems like a successor to Firewire (because you daisy chain peripherals like you did with firewire) it is not a buss per se. In practice it is a pci-e connection which has superior advantages over a usb or firewire connection. With much higher bandwidth (TB3 is a wooping 40gbps) and almost direct communication with the cpu being the most significant afaik.
    Finally thank you for the good words, i am humbled, i am not a computer scientist by all means, but my best buddy and collaborator in the small computer lab i have in the studio, is a (double PHD holder) computer scientist/engineer and he has helped me learn a lot through the years :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  18. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    I was curious to see a listing of parameters that are tweaked from this "pow" file. Actually the only thing the batch file does is importing/reading the power config profile from the pow file and activate it as the default profile.

    Now, all the setting in this profile are the same as the one I had set in my original profile. So, probably there are more parameters in the pow file than those displayed in the GUI when we click "Advanced settings" ?

    I'd like to see those registry tweaks. I'll try to find some more info on Presonus web site about that script.

    Thanks again man !
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    From my (limited) knowledge this is done with a command line script (if anyone knows better please feel free to correct me). So, for instance disabling all c-states in windows 7 should be (run command line with admin rights):
    const DWORD DISABLED = 1;
    const DWORD ENABLED = 0;
    GUID *scheme;
    PowerGetActiveScheme(NULL, &scheme);
    PowerSetActiveScheme(NULL, scheme);

    Also , c1e state (enhanced halt) can be disabled in your bios, under the advanced tab, scroll down a bit and you will see c1e (enable/disable), c3(report) and c6(report)

    Finally, an interesting read is here:
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  20. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    La Belle Province
    What I conclude about this "pow" profile is that the heart and soul of it, which is disabling processor idle states, processor throttling, core parking and turboboost, is all done behind the scene since the GUI doesn't offer any parameters to disable those.

    So it does through the OS what could also be done through the BIOS but the advantage of doing it through the pow file is that it is easily reversible via the power management utility.

    Anyhow, this is all very instructive and I learned a lot through all this experience.

    Have a nice one pal !