Does Anyone Know Which Fuzzrocious Pedal This Is?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by tater_one, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Hello fellow gearheads! I just bought a lump sum of gear and was wondering if anyone knows which kind of pedal this is? A friend of mine sold me all this bass guitar gear for a really cheap price ($375). But he didn't play himself and bought this gear from someone else just to have in his studio. So he doens't know which pedal this is either. I'll try to post the pics. It's the silver pedal at the bottom right in the full pic. I tried to crop out the pedal in the second pic. But it's a little blurry. The paint has worn off of it but it still says Fuzzrocious on the sides.

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  3. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Gone Postal
    I can not say without further details, I can not make out the logo or anything.
    It looks similar to a very close friend of mine along with other's that build their own and it could well be a homebrew fuzz based on one of quite a selection of circuits to chose from.
    I'm not aware of any other than say Electro Harmonix's Deluxe Bass Big Muff among a few others which feature five (or more) controls (or in conjunction with toggles, Mini toggles, internal trim/set and forget stuff).
    If you can get a clear image up then I'll do my best to hunt it down and if you do a guts shot then I will do my best to tell you what it is based on if it is a home build, If that would help and you don't get any answers/positive IDs along with minding to remove the knobs and base plate to get a good few pics of those insides tater_one :)

    Very, very respectable haul for that price dude!!! I'd pay that for a score like those any day of the week. Heck the Line 6 Delay Modeler commands £199 RRP along with that Boss RE-20 COSM space echo is the same price wise. If I for some reason required one I'd be able to get them for around £130 - £140 using contacts. So you literally are in profit already the way I see it and regardless if you are keeping the lot, Might keep some and sell on the stuff you end up either not having a need for or disliking through to just reselling each bit of the haul one by one which is where you'd see the max return on your original shekels.
    The Orange Bass Terror along with most of the others Terror's have been discontinued, So that should fetch a respectable price, I can not make out which one it is but it appears to be the Terror Bass 500, A heck of a lot of amplifier in a small, compact head with the valve preamp section being it's finest asset, The class D solid state power amps they use are decent, They've improved though now I reckon with getting back to Class AB solid state stuff for both the guitar amp heads and combos which are solid-state done right (Crush series) and the bass amps using the same, Just more power of course. I'm not knocking the Class D solid-state power section though, It's good as Orange take the time to implement things the right way. I used to be a Marshall guy but nowadays I would any day (and have) picked up Heads, Combos and Cabs by Laney, Orange, Blackstar and Victory. Marshall have been in extremely poor form for a while, I'd only get one of their reissue jobs as it stands and doesn't show any signs of changing, (That said I love and use my JCM800s, JCM900s, JMP and JCM2000 DSL, They are all great and never going anywhere). You'd be looking at around £350 - £375 I reckon we're you to try to sell the Terror Bass.
    TC Electronic Polytune, Absolute standard issue for me personally, I've got a few as I got one when first released (I wasn't happy with what I had pedal wise but I wasn't willing to take my Peterson out of the studio and chuck it in the old gig bag), Then I grabbed a smaller sized one for a super portable pedal board setup, A clip on one as they are so handy and then not long ago the third version which has the fully buffered in and out "bonafide buffer" built-in making it even more useful a box, I've long been using the Polytune stuff in the studio as well as on the pedal board.
    The newer Squire stuff I really think is crazy decent for the money. A close friend earlier this year grabbed a Strat by Squire, The only things switched out we're the pickups for hotrail-style variety, A heavier gauge string set along with a giving it a decent setup, It was really almost impossible to tell which was which from the Squire, A MIM and a Japanese made strat blindfolded just playing, In a mix which was fast, melodic punk/hardcore neither of us could hear a difference unless the take had giveaway flaws in them that revealed the Strat out of the three used. I'd expect their basses to be of the same caliber. Looks in good nick, Should fetch £250 - £275 (If It's one of the basic models).
    Add all that up and you have A LOT more there $375!!
    A superb way to let go of that amount of dollars considering what you've scored for it, Seems to be a pedal board maybe underneath it all and then instrument cable also which all adds up, If you we're to be grabbing those new that'd be probably what? £50 - £70, Maybe more depending on if that is a dedicated pedal board ready to be loaded up of course.
    I know I've elaborated on everything really but the unidentified pedal, The selection of knobs to me indicate a home build or they would more than likely all be uniform, I can not say though with any certainty though.

    Hope that is some help for now and someone will be able to clear it all up be it myself or anyone else here, All the best \m/

  4. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Thanks for the reply Dean! It’s a Japanese fender jazz bass, few nicks in it but still in good shape. I didn’t really check out the pickups, but it seems mid rangey. Has a badass bridge. And yeah those are some cool delays. The re-20 has a unique sound. I personally use my timefactor in my guitar rig for the midi control. Was thinking about having the extra delays in my studio rack! And yes that is the Terror Bass 500. Pretty cool bass head! And yes the pedalboard is a NYC pedal board with a multi power unit built in. And a few nice cables to boot!

    As for the unidentifiable pedal. We know the brand. It’s Fuzzrociuos. That’s the brand. It’s a boutique fuzz pedal company. I looked online but I couldn’t match it to any of the pics of the current lineup they offer. I played guitar through it. It kinda sounds like a fuzz with a lil something extra, like ring mod or phase added some. It has a kinda throaty fuzz sound. As for a pic of the insides I won’t be able to get that till this weekend. It’s in my storage for now and I can’t make it there except on the weekends when they’re open. They’re only open till 6 and I work everyday.

    And yes! This was an awesome score!
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  5. TW

    TW Guest

    fuzzrocious it could be a pedal of this company. They have the same "strange" long and narrow shape. I have an catking distortion from them. Bought it in ebay. Nice pedal. You could ask them if that pedal is made by them and what it is called.
    This is a really nice package for the money ....
  6. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Gone Postal
    Ah right I see, I wasn't aware of that particular brand, Fuzz boxes are my weakest area honestly, Boosts, Overdrives and Distortion boxes are what I'm into/nerd out to. It's not that I dislike fuzz as such (I do have a handful of options) just not as much as I do the others (I have a disgraceful amount of drives and high gain distortions, It's a weak spot I can't control). It is always a welcome to come across a new builder that I've not heard the name before, Nice one for clearing that up/making it clear for me. Honestly no worries on gut shots and all that type of fuss as the brand is known, I'm sure you'll get an answer, The guy that does this might have all the answers you seek: - He is on Google+ and Twitter...etc. He's always adding stuff by the week! He is an insane wealth of knowledge and looks like we might find you some answers already perhaps?
    I hear you on those delays in the studio especially as you have a timefactor, Top notch piece of kit and everything they've released, That range was for Me a new bar being set for pedal boards, I really love me some Eventide too.
    Nice one for telling me the rest of your haul, Knowing that the board is a fully ready to go quality one, It just makes it even sweeter. A really, really killer deal and I would love to stumble into one. :wink:


    Edit: I guess if all else fails then just a quick would do the trick (It's a gmail address), The guy Ryan Ratajski behind them from interviews...etc. seems like a decent bloke that probably wouldn't mind answering a question. Also turns out I've defo played one of his builds without even knowing it at my local, It was black with red and had a white face or something on it, A pretty vicious swine it was too, I noticed whilst looking at the various options that they do full on ZVEX but better looking hand painted finishes which explains why I'd never have made the connection from the full on painted enclosures to the much nicer looking brushed metal with some decals on, They look so different...Typical of me that, Damned scattered brain but the amount of pedal builders around nowadays and my dope smoking doesn't help matters.

    @TW The Cat one you picked up looks like fun for sure, Lots of stuff going on to fiddle with.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
  7. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Ok, thanks for the help guys. I emailed Fuzzrocious. Hopefully they can identify it and get back to me. I also got a better picture of the pedal.

    Also, took a closer look and there was actually a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 under the little compartment of the pedalboard.
  8. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Congrats on the killer score. How does that Terror Bass sound? I recently got a Tiny Terror, that I love, and I was wanting to check out the Terror Bass.
  9. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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  10. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Thanks man, that definitely looks like it. Really appreciate you finding that pic. Did you happen to find out what year it is or an owners manual? The rat tails I can seem to find info on are different looking.
    And terror bass is pretty badass. I don’t have a cab yet to play through but the direct out sounds good.
  11. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Ok got what I needed. Thanks everybody.
    Emailed Fuzzrocious, he answered back. He said it was an old rat tail unpainted. Said the new Cat Tail is the same exact thing with a different name. So, I can use the manual and info for that. Thanks again. Mystery solved!
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