Do you consider "making music facilitated by any kind of computer program" cheating?

Discussion in 'Music' started by foster911, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    There's nothing as talent. Generally musicianship is getting the hang of playing with instruments (acoustic, vocal, computer), performing it, pleasing ourselves and the target audiences. Some music has got chances to be heard by future generations and others don't. The question is what boost these chances? The musician's adeptness in creating powerful songs, the performer's dexterity, the audiences that glorify any music and don't others or ...?

    I think everything goes back to the audiences that illuminate which art is more superior than the others. Suppose all Bach's audiences were people like himself so would he compose those pieces again that we're hearing now or would make much better ones? I think for his audiences, those pieces were unsurpassed but for lots of musicians that had more expertise, they may sound similar to the ones that today's pop musicians create.

    My conclusion, the more you hear and study any genre of music, the better you would decide what's appropriate for you and what's not just for yourself and the dust that you're saying would settle down, in that situation people would have other opinions about what's good, what's better and what's best again for themselves not the whole humanity and those views are fleeting too like ours for now. Moreover in sth like Math you can't say I love this formula more than the others but in music everyone can express his/her own view about any piece of art and it's variable through their lives and every person has his own perspective (for that time and future). Tools and instruments change, everyone's listening habits change, our judgements change and we must respect these disguises and no one can allege that these reshapings are good or bad for any part of human's history.
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Wth are you mumbling about...
    Mozart wrote Symphony No. 1 in E♭ major when he was 8 years old. I guess he did his studies in his previous life right?
    Please stop trolling the forum with everything unreal mate.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2017
  3. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Do you consider "making music facilitated by any kind of computer program" cheating?

    'I thought using loops was cheating, so I programmed my own using samples. I then thought using samples was cheating, so I recorded real drums. I then thought that programming it was cheating, so I learned to play drums for real. I then thought using bought drums was cheating, so I learned to make my own. I then thought using pre-made skins was cheating, so I killed a goat and skinned it. I then thought that that was cheating too, so I grew my own goat from a baby goat. I also think that is cheating, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I haven't made any music lately, what with the goat farming and all.'
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  4. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Previous page. But yours is much wittier, because bigger font. Have an upvote :)
  5. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    well no,
    So eight minus three is ...carry the naught ...dunno, but more than a couple of years of studies :|
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  6. could be blind, autistic and still play anything ever you heard note for note, hear music in every sound that you encounter and eat, sleep and breathe the notes that inhabit and occupy the vibrational aspect of our very existence. Jack into the musical universe of Derek Paravicini.
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  7. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    There's only one way to settle this...
  8. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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  9. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    No, just post YOUR latest piece of music. Let the people (not your philosophy) judge.
  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    And it's respecting the ways everyone understands music and appreciates it and more importantly giving an opportunity to the elderly ladies and gentlemen to lock their heavy and hesitant steps to their offsprings'.:yes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
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  11. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Most popular bands = best bands! My life is a lie :(
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    he still can't even make a damn baloney sandwich .. but I make a helluva scrum diddly one !!
    now who's the artist ????

    keep it up.. who knows, you just might be the next Joseph Conrad..
    or as his mom called him, Józef Konrad Korzeniowski
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2017
  13. Pontius

    Pontius Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Los Angeles
    I'd argue that most people who use loops aren't just pasting them in. Creative manipulation of loops is as much an artform as any other musical pursuit. You learn rote catalog on an instrument before you can create on it, and even then, to a certain extent, much of what you are playing back when improvising or creating are mangled bits of things you've heard or learned before. An interval you like, three notes of a certain melodic figure, it all comes from somewhere, and although loop chopping might be a less articulate version of that, we all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.
  14. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    You're wasting your time, bro.

    Wait...didn't The Beatles "sample" Little Richard?
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    you should at LEAST make your own loops
    (because that part is so much fun!)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  16. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    the fun (where u first need creativity) in uplifting trance beside the bass usually starts with the first big energy raising (first riser) till it "just" traditionally tension and energy management on macro-micro level >>


    trance is melody driven so don't have to care about originality of the loops too much (they can be sliced etc.etc. ofc.) they are only need for controlling the flow/track energy levels

    yepp found the related article
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  17. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    It's simple :grooves: Using loops = fooling yourself that you are a musician.
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  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes indeed play it. That is called talent not playing someones else s sample who knows how to play an instrument.
    Now that is my opinion and I do respect people who do it all by scratch more than people who just use others samples.
    To me at least that is talent.
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    My respect and love to all metalhead peeps. With that said, speaking about something you obviously haven't given time to realize why it is there for, and excuse me but, uttering one liners is quite childish my friend.
    A person who is good at sequencing and loop manipulation (eg. a musician with strong programming, editing and sampling skills) can chop and alter slices of loops to come up with tracks that are as original as a midi sequence, only it was done with audio.
    I won't go into detail how everything from your Superior 3 drums to Kontakt synths are essentially loops either in latch or one shot mode etc.
    The main reason for sampling a musical part, is to capture the essence,feel, atmosphere, groove,whatever of a particular recording and transferring it to your creation. This isn't possible with other means of programming or even if it is it will take ages to make your midis sound like that. Hence loops like JB's Funky Drummer or the infamous d'nb Omen loop are still to this day frequently used. Too many recordings have a special sound to them. Or a song may contain 4 bars where all the band goes nuts etc etc. Re-capturing that hype moment you love with sampling and making it stick in a new arrangement is a task that requires more than average musical and editing skill. Because most skilled samplists don't really care about the melodic content. It is the particular sound or production that makes people sample other people's records and not the melodies themselves.
    And lemme tell you this as well.
    I started learning music at the age of 10. Now i am 51 and i can play with ease a bunch of instruments. The question is. Who gives a fuck ?
    In the year 2017 nobody will congratulate me because i painstakingly played all the parts on my album by hand. More over if my album makes nothing in sales, i will have spent a serious amount of time and effort for nothing. Very few will actually even consider wondering who the fk plays these parts. What people care about is, if they like what they hear or not, and nobody gives a single fuck how it was created, apart from a select bunch of audiophiles. That is why, while i can program any part no matter how complex , if i have a loop that plays a similar pattern, i will alter it to match my idea and put it in my arrangement with no hesitation whatsoever. After all i am only speeding up my workflow. I said it before, any one who plays all that simple keyboard or gtr stuff like Am,F,G,and then oh, let's add an Em7 and Dm7/9/11 etc etc, and thinks that now is his composition is miles away from the truth. I am sorry but someone else played it all before you. You are only re-hashing what others did before you, therefore sampling the past.
    I can go on for ages but i'll leave it here with a fine example of next level sampling :
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
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  20. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Yes, you are right none of simple music consumers out there give a fuck, but I am personally satisfied in spirit for not using other people performances... There should be a difference between Beethoven-Satriani and Loopers, I don't offend Loopers & with my full respect for them, but they shouldn't be called Musicians, "Loopers" is a better word, maybe "loop programmer" or "sampler"... that person in the video, we call it "Dj" or in best situation "remixer"..

    Midi is like playing an instrument, you should finally use your keyboard or midi pickup to play that... For a live concert nobody likes to see playing pre-programmed backing tracks! I know lots of POP stars use playback!, BUT for serious music that is like insulting the audience.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017