PC build for audio ( youtube channels )

Discussion in 'Education' started by 30hz, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    hey guys
    i just bought a built-in pc for mainly music production and 3d games ,
    i wanted a quiet but powerful beast pc so i went with
    motherboard MSI TITANIUM X370 POWER GAMING RYZEN 7 1800x eight core processor 3,6 ghz
    WITH water cooling system/double fans,SSD for faster browsing , AND 16 ram memory which is GOOD enough for music production and games)
    And 2 internal seagate local drives and preferred win 10 (which i just upgraded it last week for free using the assistive tech version hehe
    graphic card Nvidia GTX 1080
    and monitor samsung UHD 4K
    creative SBS E2800 speakers
    i got also 8 TB seagate for external usuage and as backup my audio library

    total cost 3162 dollars ( which is about 2650 euro)
    everything went smooth with gaming (just installed resident evil 7 and it looks AWESOME )
    ANYWAYS , last week i installed presonus studio one and its really pretty fast
    (kinda annoyed with win 10 notifications poping up with every new plugin installed
    so i lowered the security level and all is fine here ,hehe
    and i mean opening plugins and tweaking is faster and without issues
    and no cpu issues at all with omnisphere ,diva,rapture,serum or any plugins so far
    but of course it all depends on your own budget and how you wanna use your pc (for gaming or making music or both)

    back to you guys
  2. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    What's the turbo frequency on that Ryzen 1800x?
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    That is a gaming rig alright but certainly not a music production machine. No monitor speakers and proper soundcard, need i say more? And that GTX1080 will maybe reach 30-40 fps in 4k res with current games. You need a 1080TI to game properly @ 4k. And maybe the difference is just two letters but the ti is a whole different beast heheh. And i hate to say it because i like AMD slightly better, but the best cpu atm in the mainstream platform is the i7 8700k and not the 1800x. Especially if you are a gamer.
    @digitaldragon Man you are everywhere bro... same thing here lol... sleepless night... Turbo boost on 1800x is 4ghz.
  4. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Thanks for the info, @taskforce!
    Busy night of freezing and bouncing leaves some time free to read on my favorite site! AMD Phenom II is cranking it out as fast as it can!
    Yeah, everything I'm seeing suggests against Ryzen as an audio workstation. It'll do it, but there are better options I think.
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @digitaldragon The 1800x is only surpassed by the 8700k when it comes to multi-threaded performance, and only by a small margin as far as all tests show. I haven't got my hands on one yet, darnit lol. The previous gen i7 7700k is behind the 1800x in almost all multi-threaded scenarios. So the 1800x is a solid solution for a mainstream audio workstation, especially if you keep in mind that it now goes for 300 dlrs, and the 8700k goes for about 370-380 dlrs.
  6. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @taskforce, I guess I'm mainly looking at clockspeed. My DAW seems to tie most processing to one thread. Maybe it's the Phenom II that is the reason. But that suggests to me to pay attention to single threaded performance or single core performance. I could be wrong. But that's my reasoning.
    Maybe other DAWS differ, and utilize the cores more evenly.
    Maybe that'll happen with my 7700k running my DAW. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised.
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    What's your DAW, @digitaldragon? I have Phenom II 965@4GHz and multi-processing works great with Reaper. When it comes to CPU performance, routing and connecting multiple DAWs over network Reaper is the king. :wink: [I hate some other things in Reaper, though...]
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I did an extensive testing of 15 daws this spring. Sonar Platinum had the best multi-threaded behavior/realtime performance from all. Reaper is no slouch but falls second with FL Studio being third (and first in some projects to tell the truth) and Cubase being 4th in my list. 5 was Samplitude . Logic was 6th only because it behaves quite strangely when you have many midi tracks and few audio or the other way around. PT was 7th and Studio One 8th though very unstable when pushed hard lol. I have many more but i 'll leave it here.
  9. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @SineWave, it's Sonar. Wonder if it's my routing. I run everything to the master except drum buss. I have to freeze and bounce everything, even the drum buss. Of course I'm a heavy Nebula and Aqua user so I know that's got a big CPU hit. Also audio interfaces is a MOTU HD192 so maybe the ASIO drivers are the reason.
    @taskforce, that's good news that Sonar is great at multi threaded performance. On the other hand, it's got me questioning the performance on my setup.
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  10. DeepMind

    DeepMind Member

    Oct 19, 2017
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    Anyone buy the 1TB M.2 2280 SSD Toshiba THNSN51T02DUK Gen3 x4 PCIe NVMe ? Smokin price for a 1tb

    Any issues?
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hey buddy. Nah, it's not the driver. Judging by your cpu, you are just bringing the machine to its knees lol. And your soundcard is the PCI-E 424 (or the PCI 424) which actually is the most stable card MOTU has ever made. My sys with the same card but digital interfaces instead, goes down to 1-2ms easily with no artifacts on a really packed mix.
    It will all become clear once you upgrade, cheers mate
  12. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I realized there is nobody who would understand both computers and multimedia creation good enough to recommend something really useful in one package considering all the various pros and cons,
    figured out I need to do that on my own and surprisingly I can do that for a living now...
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Could you elaborate more, tzzsmk? I'm also building computers for video editing. It's easy to waste thousands of dollars for a computer and call it a workstation for everything, but it's harder to build something useful and optimised well on a budget. That's what I do, usually. My builds cost around $1000 which is not much for a WS computer.
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Ah cool, so you want to take the place of one of the others who, on a previous time,
  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I don't know if I "like/agree/funny" your post taskforce, because it's all that. :rofl:Seriously funny? Serious and funny? Maybe just serious? Because you need so much time, knowledge and passion to be able to do this thing properly.
  16. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    @SineWave ah seeing my comment, I guess it looks kinda cocky, wasn't my intention (english isn't my native language either),
    what I meant by my comment is that by nature are either "creative artists" or "technological geeks", I barely know anyone who does both - either you create art (and not waste time learning more about tech than you need) or you are enthusiastic about tech (and barely have time to start and finish a piece of art), I'm doing both yet I'm still leaning towards the second thing (since I work at "new tech" department in huge multimedia company), while on the other hand I'm also a freelance performing artist and sound engineer,
    without being able to keep up with up-to-date technology knowledge, it's a very difficult task to come up with specs that will last for more than a few years while not overspending much, I know plenty artists who simply don't have brains for doing that on their own, and they just prefer to stick to art if their gear "just works" as they expect,
    speaking of audio workstations, most people fail to clearly realize what they need to use the rig for, and so the PC builders throw various compromises which are often somewhat cost-wide inefficient,
    for ex. if someone needs to just record multitrack audio, they think usb interface is not a reliable solution, yet there are zero problems to record up to 32 channels of audio via usb 2.0 if the interface drivers and OS are reliable and paired even with mid-end specs such as 2-core i3 and 4GB ram (and honestly how many people record more than 32 channels simultaneously nowadays?),
    or for ex. people wasting money for additional ram when using just a 32bit daw such as Cubase 5 or ProTools 10 etc.. similarly majority of people is still mystified about latencies, buffers, audio engines, roundtrips and so on, multi-client operation, clock sourcing...
    as you mentioned video workstations, people fail to check if the codec they're rendering by, is making use of cpu, gpu or both, plus misunderstanding the concept of floating point and multithreading, so they often waste money for Xeons or Quadros while in fact serious i7 or Ryzen paired with gaming top-end card does make a more cost-effective very usable solution,
    another example is people thinking they save money buying older audio interface whose devs don't give a fck about continuously updating the drivers as newer OS versions arrive, suddenly realize they're stuck with dinosaur system they can just trash,
    another thing, which is delicate to mess with, is if someone cannot move forward to learn and use "superior" daw to their current solution, then they're again stuck with unfixable workflow inefficiency and think that can be fixed by throwing in more ram, better cpu etc..
    I could keep writing forever, I haven't even mentioned things like workplace ergonomics and workflow, which directly affect which monitor, how many of them, where to place them, which mouse and keyboard, what chair, what desk - people underestimate importance of these things, often don't even consider them a part of "PC" itself, yet I know people doing fulltime studio work who are left with no more than 5 years before their tired hands will refuse to work anymore in studio environment properly....
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  17. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    That's good to hear. It's truly been the most stable interface I've ever used, but to be fair we're talking comparing a Lexicon Omega and an M-Audio Fast Track Pro so yeah, they're not in the same league as the MOTU, imo. I'll only occasionally have cases where it doesn't snyc to the PC on boot, but a reboot always solves that.

    I'm truly excited! My CPU, RAM, MOBO just arrived a few minutes ago. But alas, I must finish my current project before I can play with new toys. :facepalm:
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    That is a hardware pc malfunction for sure. Mobo or power supply. If you turn on your hd192 first, then the pc, you shouldn't have any prob. (I have 3 2408mk3 and a HD192. Never had any prob whatsoever).
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @SineWave i meant it as a joke of course. I got nothing against the dude surely. Anyway, the only reason i spent years of my life learning to assemble and configure pc hardware, is because in the 90s i got fkd up so many times by the so called "technicians" that i got fed up. Thousands of euros etc to the damn bitches and always something new came up. So i took the red pill bro. Logical transition. Killed a cpu in 98-99 , burned a gpu in 2k, destroyed a couple of mobos in 2001, had a pc catch fire in front of my own eyes in 2002 lol, but...
    All in all the learning curve and experimentation cost a tiny fraction of what i had paid all the previous years.
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  20. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I'm thinking MOBO cause it still did it after I replaced the PS. Doesn't happen often, as I boot the HD192 a good 2-3 minutes prior to starting the PC. I've got a 2408 also. Rarely used unless I'm tracking the monster kit my drummer has.
    My HD192 is starting to have fan noise which goes away after about 5 minutes. Have you ever had to source the fan for one?
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