R2R is angry.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bluerover, Nov 22, 2017.

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  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    As long as it's within boundaries of the rules, sure. But honestly, what purpose does that serve other than venting?
    My take on this is - focus on what you can change, and what is out of reach, let it be.
    How much time would be spent on discussing topics or events the OP has no control over?

    Recently I'm not on AS everyday, because I'm working hard on making music, specifically my track for the Christmas project. Not saying you have to make music, but there are countless options to be more productive than to carry on discussing such topics over and over again.

    My 2.5c
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  2. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Then why don't you support the scene by hosting a free ftp for all of us? As long as you don't present an alternative you are of no help to anyone but the trolls. How old are you? The more you complain without having useful ideas, the more you'll become just another victim of progress. :winker:
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  3. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Ok, but what are your take on R2R not liking the symlink releases that are on audioz? Don't we care about that?
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think we all <3 R2R, that's a given, rly. To me, their complaints are a bit like hearing that President Obama ordered Thanksgiving arrests because some 13-yr-old Chinese kid has a "Prez Obama Official For Reals" Facebook page, or that his coffee was scandalously vandalised by Starbucks staff drawing smiley faces and <3 on it...

    Heh. It is strange of R2R to completely ignore ppl tryn to supply (expensive) stuff to them for free, then complain they're broke & shit.
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  5. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    This is actually a great time to discuss what to click and what not to click when downloading. What posters are legit and ones that are not. Which file hosts are ok to DL from, and DL from which poster? Laying out the exact protocol for how to proceed seems to be the situation that we're in right now, not to mention the uploading and distribution side of it too - e.g. repacking KG, not crediting original creator. We don't have as many options as we did in mid-2000s, so a bit of brain-storming and clarification for noobs and veterans alike would be a good step forward.
  6. inarisound

    inarisound Noisemaker

    May 21, 2016
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    idk guys..... I have a feeling that ppl or person at R2R dose not know that he lives in 2017 information era .....

    All this complains could have been easily avoided if in their official releases they/him specified trusted sources (place/places where we could reach out for "official/approved" stuff.)

    I don't even mind paying for hosting platform if needed, but because of this simple trick not being implemented we have this huge issue and some misunderstanding and confusion within the community in general.

    tbh they created all this mess by not letting anyone know what trusted sources are. yup... someone would try to copy or even fake trusted sources but at least knowledgeable mass of ppl would not fall for bs.

    Now we sit here in the dark with all this fake releases that not only annoy me personally but even groups like R2R .... and why? because in their .info they don't want to specify how ppl could reach for legit releases or uploaders or whatever...

    There is no reason to complain about something if you are creating huge mess in the first place.

    With all respect and love to R2R, there is no way this issue could be solved by 3rd parties, you must take action otherwise it's just more frustration and possible ragequit.

    ///that being sad.... now I think about it.... this post could be also fake, just to create long discussion over nothing =P cuz once again... we have no idea how to get any legit info on the subject ///
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  7. Tabby

    Tabby Kapellmeister

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Deneb<*>Delta Cygni
    :deep_facepalm: Seriously.... Nice try. But it's nonsense. Pirated software were always free and I am not going to pay for them. :thumbsdown:
  8. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    R2R should just team up with a single site and charge a membership fee - no need for mirrors and all that crap. In the end, they should admit it's done for money - stop pretending and grab your cash.
  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Probably a wind up don't really care and yeah I get that.....You just expect someone else to pay for that and take advantage? How you think this shit appear? It ain't free to buy and it don't get delivered free of expense does it?
    Personally I imagine those types pay for absolutely nothing and expect everything for free and signed, sealed & delivered but hey...We exclude Developers as that a whole separate issue
    For those that can't get it will try and outline a picture that might work well...and will help in venting also like suggested lol....
    It's not like the majority of users are paying for anything is it apart from maybe their internet connection in the main part is it?
    How many here have to pay out anything much else to get access to the plethora of free shit that's on offer?
    FFS people is not about paying the groups either all-though tbh quite honest you think for all the time they put in some reward & respect be nice maybe :yes: They got bills also I imagine but mostly they just ask for a little respect and appreciation. Most people do that I guess :yes:
    Is also not really about site administration as they got to finance things or does everyone expect them to pay out their own pockets for that also? Is just a bit of common sense maybe. Hey pay for my software to be supplied, get someone cool & kind enough to reverse it, then deliver it to me on a plate through my own choice file servers or I be really upset & cry.....What the fuck that all about & what a pile of complete bullshit......Is just about a tiny bit of sense & the power in your hands to change everything :yes:
    Maybe try doing a bit of research and use designated racers links etc only wherever possibly who supply back into the system directly to the groups? Avoid releases & actively discourage those you know piss of the groups....Maybe ones like where Keygens are repacked & no credit whatsoever given :dunno:
    Keeps the groups happy and also provides them with more software for them to reverse rather than some greedy twats back pocket.....Win-win situation no?
    Groups are happier that there more supplies so maybe they start to release more & keep less internal if that to be believed lmao :dunno:
    Actively discourage the greedy twats who will all know whom don't give a shit about anyone part from themselves and once they see they not making any cash from downloads they move on most probably? On top of that would personally ban the twats from doing the shit they pull but hey that not my decision and i respect that....So at the end of the day its all totally up to you & yes the power is in your hands really as far as I see it.
    When there no demand normally people shut up shop. Not always but that's normally how it goes.
    When greedy twats ain't getting paid they go somewhere else to rob - Again normally how it works :yes:
    Everyone is complaining & saying shit like, we can't change anything it's not up to us.
    That's where your wrong it's totally up to you and when it all goes shit-ways coz everyone that pissed off it be all your (collective) fault as well.
    I imagine most won't see it like that but that's always the way again I guess :dunno:
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  10. Tabby

    Tabby Kapellmeister

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Deneb<*>Delta Cygni
    Why someone else pay? You want to pay, go buy original and help the developer. Who pays Painter for releasing Adobe products patch?
    And R2R always say they don't make money with their releases. So why pay them or racers? R2R never said make money for racers. They just said don't make money with our releases. That's what I am doing here.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  11. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    What I personally choose to do is immaterial & you all too readily assume I don't pay for the products I use?
    You however have already stated outright that you will never pay.?
    In your defence you did mention "pirated software" alone which does however apply to this scenario?
    If you consider the statement though it doesn't appear to be a very helpful response to the questions the vast majority of users are asking about? Maybe that's your intention but I can't say that for sure.....It's a generalised discussion about how things can be improved in general for the MAJORITY or decent users who give a shit?
    Your question serves no purpose and how does me telling you or anyone my own personal circumstance in this case serve the general community whatsoever?
  12. Tabby

    Tabby Kapellmeister

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Deneb<*>Delta Cygni
    No intentions:no:. Don't scratch your head by thinking what I am trying to do here:no:. This whole thread is not helping anyone. We all are wasting our time by posting here. I don't have to tell anybody where I am paying and you are free to think whatever you want about me. Those question marks probably gave you headache. :dunno:
    I am a torrent user. I was using Kickasstorrents to download audio softwares. There were some uploaders, Deepstatus was one of them. In one torrent file, I found the name of website - proaudiozone. And found the real website audioz within a week after finding proaudiozone. That's how I got here. 5-6 years ago.

    I respect what everyone is doing here. But I don't find any logic in paying for warez. That's my opinion. And I understand hard work behind every single release. I can only say thanks for that. I'm not rich. A guy asked me to host a ftp for free, I would love to but I can't. :grooves:

    You say what you like, you being made fun of and presented in front of everyone like a criminal. You repeat the word of authorities blindly and you are good to go. Sorry, I am not a robot. I just can't be a robot. I want good for everyone but we can't do this. Developers are pissed because teams release their products when the discounts are on. Teams are pissed because someone else is making money from their release. Uploaders are pissed because somebody is posting zippyshare links or spreading names of torrent alternates to audioz. I can't make everyone happy. System can't be changed by me or because of me. That's why I'm complaining. But you know what, I am not complaining about the way Team V.R is releasing their softwares. And that's the solution to all these complaints.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
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  13. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    That's cool but I wasn't speaking figuratively and never asked you directly about your own personal circumstances?
    Again to me personally in this circumstance your individual details are irrelevant.
    I haven't directly mentioned any names or singled out any individuals either but merely suggested?
    I was in the main part repeating what has been already mentioned many times previously so in that aspect I agree that sometimes it feels like a waste of time.......Everyone has the right to voice an opinion here I'm told and that's all it is?
    I also accept that some part of that opinion may be formed from misinformation to some degree but if you never form an opinion about anything or indeed voice it in some way then as you say things don't ever change and inertia becomes accepted as normal everyday practise :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2017
  14. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    = Complete Ignoratio elenchi (missing the point)
    = Inconsistent comparison, also missing the point
    = Nirvana fallacy (perfect solution fallacy) – when solutions to problems are rejected because they are not perfect.
    Must be a total culture shock for ya, like waking up from a coma after decades. Good that you found this place. We are all here for you if you need to talk or need any help coping with the information overdose.
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  15. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    In this particular case I'm not as all you appear to be doing is attempting to justify your own personal circumstances, agenda or ideologies with inconsistent arguments rather than trying to address the issues that many others have raised :bow:
  16. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    It's a small amount of greedy people, spoiling it for everyone else.
  17. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    WRONG!! It's a small amount of people that care , 99% of the rest are greedy as fuck.
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  18. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Small amount of people who care, 99% that don't give a fuck whom uploads what because they just want to download some shit.
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  19. inarisound

    inarisound Noisemaker

    May 21, 2016
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    Let's not forget the fact that R2R r fkg WEEBZ
  20. thomas

    thomas Noisemaker

    Mar 22, 2016
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    How about thinking this in a different way - R2R advertises their software for free, don't they have a right to get paid for this?
    Where the industry is concentrated with plugins and DAW, it will be hard to put money into advertisement to reach that many.
    The Steinbergs and AVids already are a player in market who don't need advertisement, hence they go to dongle which doesn't get cracked often.

    R2R is doing a favor for everybody and only hypocrites i see here are people who download their stuff for free and then cry back and attack them.
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