R2R is angry.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bluerover, Nov 22, 2017.

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  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I do. My thoughts are not the same but similar.
    Do we have to know how the scene works to download any warez?
    Do we have to use torrent because we can't possibly know who is posting "legit R2R allowed" uploads/mirrors/links? I'm not talking about AZ, I'm talking about cracked warez in general.
    I just like and trust AZ. Not blindly, but I do.

    But reading this thread I'm seriously confused about what "mirror" means. And I'm a veteran downloading from DDownload sites. If that is being dumb I'm a prod dumb.

    Every group suffer from people that makes money with their work. And every group (at least most of them) suffer leaks of internals. I learned what internal means two years ago with like 14+ years downloading stuff. I thought it was just another usual warez word like the ones I already knew (repack, proper, fix, ...).

    It's not fair at all, but it can't be avoided and even less controlled with threats in NFOs and site blockings in their keygens.

    BTW, the symlink releases doesn't hide the original cracker. It's well stated. In russian, but it is :rofl:
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
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  2. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    :wtf: You guys talk too much
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  3. thecow

    thecow Guest

    "they take every cent they make and put it right back into the system by supplying stuff. So complaining about the sister site is just stupid Maybe some of you guys reading this should try supplying instead of bitching. If complaining is your thing then I suggest you talk to your mom,sister, girlfriend 'cause if I see one more stupid complaint about how the current system works, I will pull the plug and break it all down. My partner and I do not spend $600 plus a month to support cry babies and if you do not know what that means, ask around."

    Pull it right now! There HAS to be another way witout paid links, or bloating a site with malware redirections and google ads.

    I myself supplied, for free. But you guys supply 600+ a month in what??? shit 20$ trap sample packs? or maybe you mean the kontakt banks that were leaked/kept internally. There is no proof to backup your saying...but good for you, you have an army of believers who blindly think sister site and uploaders don't make any money. The whole warez scene is infected, mostly by russian 'internet mafias'. This is a very profitable niche, but it wont last long I guess.

    We did'nt hear you guys when the symlink/repack drama started, the symlink are still there on AZ also...hello??? and now you make the angels.

    So, you can pull it right now...At the exact time this stops, that all warez is available REALLY for free, things like r2rdowload will stop!! because it will be, obviously, free somewhere. Magic...The whole problem is money, more money, as always...
    You may have 'privileges', but you abuse them in my opinion.
    Simple ads would be enough, and I would even be glad to let them pass, to 'help'.
  4. Hardlock

    Hardlock Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2015
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    Hit the facts right on the head AZ sister site (aka SAiNt and Crew) make money from its popup malware ad shit so they need posters of any software including sample packs new or old including ripped of R2R teams keygens or old keygens by legacy groups repacked by others.
    go figure without people attending the sister site it makes no income what so ever.
    the AZ site is not supplied for the love of giving to the needy if you think that your mistaken.
    That is why nothing has been removed.
    Saint sells his soul for income not for respect to help the scene.
    tell it how it really is Saint :)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  5. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Wah friggin' wah......"home taping is killing the music industry". This has been going on for decades.
  6. Clayton123

    Clayton123 Producer

    Dec 8, 2016
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    TAKE EVERYTHING DOWN. SAINT. Much love and respect to R2R, P2P AiR, VR, ALL OF THE HARD WORKING GROUPS. You make everything possible. I would never have started this adventure in music without your hard and selfless work. Take down the symlinks!!!!! Who cares about having to install as long as these hard working people get what they want out of it: credit. It's such a beautifully inexpensive price the fact that someone would want to take even that away is wrong!!!!!! TAKE DOWN THE $$$ MAKERS. MUCH LOVE TO R2R. Don't know what I can do besides post this to show my support and not download the symlinks. I was always suspicious of them with how fast they took over AZ and the lack of giving proper credit. Who are "the respective people"?? How hard is it to give credit. Keep money out of this!!!!! We get enough from these generous people who needs to ask for more????? SAINT, AZ, TAKE DOWN THE MONEY MAKERS.
  7. Clayton123

    Clayton123 Producer

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Yeah but in a year everything we have now will be outdated and my upgraded cpu will be dying to run Serum 2.0 and Ableton 10.
  8. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Angry or not some of us still totally support R2R's efforts that have gone far a beyond and filled a void left by others and did it in spectacular fashion. Regardless of what R2R decides to do I for one still appreciate and love them for what they've done and they deserve recognition for not only their skills but what they stand for and what they provide. Not to mention look what happens. Anger the big fish everyone feels the wave it sucks. Honestly if not for R2R I probably would have wasted a few thousand in things that sucked or just weren't the price. Whoever pissed them off fucked up...
  9. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    We've been through this before, and honestly, I don't know what R2R expects us to do about it. I only download official releases from reputable distributors. I have personally donated retail software to you a couple years ago (which you never released, by the way). There's nothing more I can personally do. I implore any individuals who have the ability to stop whatever is pissing R2R off so much to do so. They provide an unmatched service to the music production community, and they deserve to have their demands met. R2R ceasing to release would be devastating to many of us - what makes this especially egregious is that the vast majority of us have absolutely nothing to do with the offending activity.

    To conclude, a note to the people engaged in selling R2R releases: go fuck yourselves, you pathetic bottom feeders.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  10. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I appreciate the sentiment that R2R is against business warez, I really do. I have no problem with the hosts patch. I have no problem with anything I can do to mitigate the problem. But I can't solve the problem, nobody can. There will always be bottom feeders, no matter what you do. If you stop releasing, they will find other software to rip off and sell. The only people hurt will be actual music producers.

    As an aside, the audio warez scene needs diversification. One group having all this power is not a healthy dynamic. The public only gets a few gifts here and there as it is, compared to all of the software that is kept internal for only the special people. It's still a hell of a lot better than nothing, and I appreciate it more than you can understand, but it is what it is. I resent being punished for something I have no control over.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  11. Track0ne

    Track0ne Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Remember your r00t's ...

    Üß                                                                          ßÜ
    Û    GREEtiNGZ                                                               Û
    ²  -=ððððððððð=-                                                             ²
    ±                                                                            ±
    °    Zone - BLiZZARD - TCC - Phrozen Crew - C.O.R.E. - Harvest - DWP - SLT - °
         KNO - Paradox - Orpheus - TiTAN and many others
    °                                                                            °
    ±    THANX to Radium                                                         ±
    ²                                                                            ²
    Û                                                                            Û
    Radium, we miss you :guru:
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  12. wow... funny story here! some of us was slammed by a MOD on AZ for voicing against the SYMLINK stuff...
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  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    R2R, you are the best and have got the scene almost to yourself. You are practically treated as semigods here. As for credit where credit is due, of course everything in forums like this should be done to give you credit. When you in your nfo’s time again complain about some people making money out of your releases on their fake websites, what would you suggest any of us wannabe musicians and producers that only use your releases actually should do about it.

    The immoral people that ride piggyback will not stop whatever you say as long as there is some money in it for them so talking to them in your nfo’s is rather meaningless, no?. To say: ”this is the last release if you don’t” etc... might even be contraproductive. You might contemplate praising those doing the right thing, and ask more to do what you want in order to make as many as possible behave the ”right” way.

    These ”threats” about last release are going nowhere as you yourself already said. I hope you at least feel that lots and lots of people really appreciate your amazing skills and your willingness to share with all the great people out there.

    It would be a shame if a couple of people or gangs can stop you from releasing while your fanbase probably will only grow bigger for every release you put out. Maybe you should use your strong position to get more on your side instead of focusing on those in your nfo’s none of us can reach.

    Again, thank you for everything great you are doing! :bow:
  14. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Hmmm, really? I am not saying it did not happen, but have you got some proof of that?
  15. Yep... it's not private stuff, take a look in a couple of releases like the portable T-Racks or the BIAS SYMLINK Bundle
  16. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Well, long disussions in a release thread is not allowed at audioz, but you can discuss it how much you ever would like on audiosex.
  17. user get slammed for take R2R side not only for posting long arguments on AZ
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  18. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Or simply stating that R2R don't allow or wholly approve of repackaging of their Keygens :dunno:
  19. Yep... that's what i mean
  20. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    You see again just my own way of thinking....The bad element whom most know about re-package the keygen as it needed coz they have no skill themselves and are making simple $$$ of cool peoples efforts whilst they are not. Supplies are short anyway as the teams getting so pissed by shit treatment for many long years.
    They know this pisses them off but don't care as they making a bit of fast cash :yes:
    Some users turn a blind eye and don't respect the wishes of they group which have been made public far as I'm aware several times as they need the latest update to make them famous.
    This pisses the groups off even more....Some of Administration possibly turns a blind eye to this practice as they also know that they need hits to finance the site until the group finally publicly threatens to pull the plug so they quickly address the issue as they realise without funding they cant maintain the site - Just my own thoughts & quite possibly completely wrong but who's the villain in such a scenario?
    Not the groups who get abused once again but as said just my own thoughts :bow:
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