Cakewalk Closing up Shop!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by dondada, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Go to Wikipedia and do a search for Gibson Brands. Some clarity.
  2. jhn

    jhn Ultrasonic

    Dec 15, 2016
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    i like Z3ta+
  3. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    it's funny to realize ProTools is heading same future (same push into annually-paid subscription pricing plans, same as cakewalk did), it's also a 25+ years old software in essence, left behind modern efficient competition in dust, supported by dinosaurs leading schools and big old studios which create and artificial demand/need for an interoperable platform,
    makes no sense to sustain things like that forever imo
  4. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    Dude you have to be a child... Are you kidding me ??? lol ive been making a living using Sonar for 15 + years ;) i own Cubase, and Protools too >>> Im a hardware guy and i own my own studio >>>my Avatar is some of my gear ;) >>>i record and mix Rock and Metal music mostly im not a kid in my bedroom lol >>>dont get me wrong nothing wrong with being in your bedroom lol but this is my living not a hobby ;) >>> AND YOU ASK >>> what can sonar do that Studio one cant do ??? alot my friend it ill start with the most important Studio One cant handle 100+ tracks with Acustica Audio all over them cause thats the size of my mixes ;) ive used every DAW on the Market and No other out there as of right now can Handle the Load that i throw on a mix using the plugins i use like Sonar can ;) Reaper is the only other DAW that can do this job ;) Studio One is the first DAW to Crap out on CPU handling >>> yes its a good DAW my man i Agree Studio One is ok DAW in terms of features...Borrowed from seasoned DAW's like Cakewalk who has been around since 1987...along with my second Choice of DAW Cubase ...they Are seasoned >>> Studio One has a long way to go lol used it years ago wen it first launched an it was ok then...ive used it a few times since then and guess what??? CPU handling still sucks ass lol >>>ill stick to Sonar and Cubase >>> pays my bills just fine :) >>>as you should stick to the toys you like aswell ;)
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  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest


    Its time to kick some corporate ass now.

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  6. smys

    smys Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    What, after all, does capitalism have to do with it? By chance, in communism, one day, everything is normal, the next day Nobody dies (at least not in the Gulag)?

    Socialism at its best is when, by chance, everyone is sharing the best cracked products for free?

    Or is the State Government, His majestic Nomenclature, going to stop distracting himself for a few days from his eternal entertaining stays in paradisiac islands and coming to the world of inferiors to develop incredible products with zero cost to distribute to his little brothers?
  7. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Agreed. I've used Sonar for a while as well. It's of course a tool like any other DAW. But to say it sucks is extreme. Especially if that opinion isn't quantized with any specific reason as to why.
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  8. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Capitalism is related to market saturation AND margins reduction.
    Marx already told us those points in 19 century.

    Capitalism is in "suicide mode" : market saturation (see how many plugins, DAWs, sample banks...) AND margins reduction (pay once, black friday, lifetime buy...)

    When you combine market saturation AND margins simply kill companies. And create unemployed ppl.
    Those unemployed ppl will need even more margins reduction to buy products, creating market saturation of underpayed products (China made or virtual ones).
    And this create more companies closing, unemployed ppl and margins reduction.
    Here is the global circle we see in every country.

    So YES Cakewalk death is related to capitalism in an obvious way :wink:
    And it is going to happen every month. And in some years every week. And ... final collapse.

    PS : what you may call "communism" and "socialism" NEVER existed. Soviet URSS/ China/whatever was "state capitalism", not "communism" by any stretch of the mind.There were ppl making BIG money at the head of those countries...with capitalism.
    And so called "socialism" is just a concept trying to compensate for capitalism...never to replace it.
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  9. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Hundreds of Gibson USA guitars come through the warehouse I work 5 days a wk. the QC is beyond pathetic. Gibson USA did a tour of our facility last month to see why we are defecting so many of thier precious guitars. They left with absolutely nothing to say, not a damn peep from them. We had been warned they would drop us as a distributer multiple times, but when it was time to show our cards they lost the bet. Henry is a disease to the Gibson brand. Shareholders - if they have the leverage - need to dropkick that scumbag. He has tarnished the reputation of a once mighty American brand. Seeing Cakewalk closing up shop surprises me a little fornthe fact Henry said earlier this year he wanted to invest more into “electronic music”... So what the fuck are you doing Henry!!!? Closing their Memphis shop is another problem I see for them. It might reduce overhead, but in the short run it’s going to make QC even worse. I need not be an employee for Gibson to know. The rate they puke Frankenstein’s half robot half guitars out with dozens of finish flaws, chips, dents and scratches will be too much for 1 factory to handle the load properly. This whole thing is disgusting and I’ve never wished anyone to be out of a job - at least an honest one, but Henry is a villain, a tyrant and he must be stopped!!!!!!
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  10. Dan Fuerth

    Dan Fuerth Kapellmeister

    Nov 2, 2017
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    I find it highly amusing anyone here mentioning Reaper and not mentioning that Reaper is the SOLE reason why you have VCA Groups in Studio One, Cakewalk Sonar, Cubase 9!!. HIlarious right after Reaper announced the closed beta for them and added it to the main Reaper, Presonus and Cubase 9 got VCA groups LOL.

    Look at the Presonus forums people had been screaming at them for years

    I mean offline bounce, track freeze how on earth can that crap be sold as a new version as was for Protools LOL.

    Reaper is the reason why all of sudden you are getting the features in your Daw that Reaper users pushed for Reaper LOL

    All Daw's have their strengths and weaknesses but you have to admit that Reaper is a driving force in the Daw world.
  11. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Never liked their software. They lost the Daw war long ago... RIP
  12. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    From the Steinberg FB page

    "Tough times don’t last. But music does. To give your creativity and your production a new home, Steinberg is welcoming all Sonar Platinum and Professional customers with a 50% welcome offer to #Cubase Pro. The crossgrade will be available next week for a limited time at participating retailers worldwide!"

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  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    as a matter of fact, Reaper is leading DAW in means of evolution pace,
    the way it's designed and thought out, offering incredible customizability and even custom user coding, provides solid base for functionality enhancements, regardless if the actual devs do so on their own,
    such way simply cannot be offered by any other commercial DAWs, because by nature they cannot let users see and modify the patent-protected custom software code,
    regarding @Slapdash comment:
    I must agree Sonar by design was hiding unfixable flaws (just to mention a few, I had serious problems with timestretch producting different results due to mixing various algorithms during playback and render, inbuilt prochannel elements were occasionally toggling themselves etc..), yet I was a Sonar user for a long time, simply because it was a best all-in-one audio-targeted daw on 64bit Windows in times when Cubase was more of a VST-workhorse daw lacking proper 64bit support,
    for the StudioOne, I'd say the most appealing is the promising (someone might consider it intimidating) PreSonus ecosystem, consisting of (live) consoles, controllers/consoles, audio interfaces, studio monitors - this all naturally accompanied by their very own freshly-coded modern multiplatform DAW
    - in essence it's a good thing for people who seek for complete solution, but again, Reaper is a daw which you can download on slow network speed, install on almost any specced PC or Mac, use with almost any audio interface, use its all features even if you don't happen to have a license, and in case you miss a certain feature, usually you can make it on your own without waiting for devs to come up with it half year later - I must strongly disagree with your attitude about Reaper, which most likely is based on your lack of "exploration time" as Reaper is capable of practically anything, it's definitely not a "lesser software" (unless you explicitly consider bunch of mediocre virtual instruments bundled with a daw an important feature, then it's true Reaper doesn't have any of that), although its installer filesize might indicate otherwise ;)
  14. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Yeah, I'll probably head Reaper's way next. That freeze here thing is intriguing to me.
  15. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    I will use Sonar on my main offline machine for years to come... i love it always have... and it uses half the CPU of its competitors other than Reaper... Every DAW on the Market has its ups and downs...just because it runs good on one machine doesnt mean it will on another... ive never used a DAW that doesnt crash lol >>> they all have quirks as any software does... i used 8.5 for many years until Sonar platinum come along...also i have every version of Sonar all the way back to version 1 ... Before you guys get off hacking on this old Dino of a DAW remember Cakewalk is the Original Midi master all the way back to 1987 and DOS days... Sonars demise has nothing to do with its ability as a DAW >>> its Gibsons call nothin more... I respect all DAW's cause they are all just tools... its like apples and oranges whatever your flavor doesnt mean any one DAW is the best >>> for me Sonar is the Easiest DAW to get around on and use... setting up tracks ,busses,and sends is a breeze...Midi is killer too >>> its come along way in the last few years BUT everything comes to an end... Wen i hear people say Cakewalk has been struggling to keep up for years and lost the fight lol >>> Cakewalk was the original Midi sequencer for MS DOS back in 1987 so all the haters you need to understand this company was founded almost 31 years ago \m/ its older than the operating system it runs on and was the start of everything that is now \m/
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  16. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Yeah, I started with it in the early 90's. Windows 95 days if I am remembering correctly. Lots of beers have been consumed since then.
    My original use of it was creating backing tracks to play along to. I tell you, punching in drums on a piano roll ain't no joke. Sample libraries were Sound fonts.
    Other musician friends of mine were using trackers on Amiga's and such. I just didn't find that approach very "musical".
    As such, I've kept using it because it's always required the least steep learning curve to get back to what I'm trying to do. Make music. I really hate to see it go, and am hopeful that another company picks it up. Hey, @Jaymz, let's start a gofundme page and buy it! :mates:
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  17. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
  18. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
    I would really hate to see that happen.
    I whish Cakewalk lives for ever, as I am a SONAR user, but NEVER with microsoft.
    See what happened to Skype. Since microsoft owns it, it is full of bug, advertising and constant updates needed....
    Skype used to be ad free and very stable, light and simple to use. Look at the mess microsoft did to it. What a shame !
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
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  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I missed this thread and replied on a different one ... Nevertheless, as a Cubase and Sonar user owner, i cannot help but think that instead for Steiny to offer crossgrades to buy the whole Cakewalk ip and come up with something really exciting when its time for Cubase X. Yeah i know its wishful thinking but hope dies last, right?
  20. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I doubt this, Reaper is in a class of it's own. I am really shocked at this Cakewalk is dead. Really shocked.
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