Cakewalk´s dead?

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Legotron, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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  3. AndySummers

    AndySummers Noisemaker

    Jan 7, 2017
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    I cannot believe it...
    Sonar Home Studio 4 (free edition)was my first ever DAW...then Sonar 6 Producer Edition...I still have them somewhere
    Until I discovered Cubase 4 LE.

    Bye bye Cakewalk sorry...
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Dead or not, Gibson is going down...and attached brands too, as it seems.

    BUT it is not only related to audio products or gibson/cakewalk : EVERYTHING is going downhill.
    Because capitalism is going to die soon. And may be us too...

    European Union/euro is going to explode before end 2019 (Brexit AND euro vote are in march 2019) . Dollar is going to die (thanks petro yuan).
    in USA, cars and studies loans are going to explode soon (like "sub primes" house remember what happened just after ?).
    And more and more. Every day, there is a sign of the final incoming end.

    All this money, around the world, is going to be converted to toilet paper at internet speed : very fast. But before that, a lot of companies are going to fall, because there is no more "occidental middle class" to buy their products. That's what happens when you create unemployed persons by moving their job around the globe ... they don't have money to spend anymore to buy your products.

    Marx told us years ago : "market saturation" AND "reducing costs" is capitalism's suicide.
    And almost no one listened to him, treating him as "the guy behind communism" (whereas he was not, because so called "communism" is just "state capitalism").

    Now ppl are going to understand he was right ... but too late.
  5. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Actually towards the end Soanr was just starting to look fancy ! And that's it, ive always thought the Audio engine in this Daw. was horrible
    always had like a plastic cheap sound to it, Dunno it was to overly done with the fancy Gui and that's about it oh well RIP Sonar and like Rudolph did ! Youll go down in History
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  6. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    SONAR is more than just a digital audio workstation - it's the most advanced music production environment available today.
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  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Thanks for bringing this up. Yep it's true, i got the notification in my mail too. Among others i'm an owner of Cubase Pro and Sonar Platinum and just some months ago, in a Cubase related discussion with Von Steyr and the usual forum peeps, i mentioned how the latest versions of Sonar show better multithreaded performance than Cubase 9 and Steinberg had better step up their game when it comes to realtime performance.
    Shame to Gibson. The legendary guitar company seems to have nothing left of the legendary portion. I remember in '98 they bought Opcode. I had a ton of hardware synths and outboard fx gear back then, and i was a keen Galaxy user (for the younger ones Opcode's Galaxy was a midi librarian/editor, although Opcode's major attraction was their daw Studio Vision, which also was the very first audio and midi DAW ever, introduced in 1990). It only took them 1 year to shut the company down. I went like:

    I just hope the suits in Gibson corp. sell the IP to someone who actually knows what to do with it. Pfff, Gibson a$$wipe lamers.
  8. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    This seems to be trend in so many aspects of software industry, buying companies for patents, using those technologies for mobile industries and shutting down the main development(and this is only for the money)
    It is really stupid, hard to see studios with ipads and garagebands :suicide:
  9. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    so they are selling the tech to who?

    I thought Cakewalk is Roland owned, so unlimited money?

    Strange idea to bin a DAW instead of marketing it better
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Too many Cakewalk product users saw the beggining of the end when Greg left the company. As the latest Sonar build is right now, i think it is one of the very best, top 3 DAWs maybe in terms of features. Major points for me are the almost fully customizable gui, excellent multithreaded realtime performance, featured bundles and extensive midi/audio editing & automation + comprehensive external hardware control support.
    Also it is still the only other DAW except the older Acid Pro, that can both timestretch an acidized loop realtime and auto-pitchshift it too, to a given "central" pitch according to its metadata, all straight from the preview/playback browser window, without even having to put the loop in the arrangement. For people who do a lot of remixes like me, it is a most handy feature.
    I just hope their products find some new owner soon or they will go the way Opcode went without even a funeral lol. And i mean back then in '98, Opcode were at their peak with a whole bunch of audio/midi soft and hardware in broad circulation. The other competitors to offer both hardware and soft was MOTU and (ex-CLab)E-Magic. Digidesign was there of course but ProTools was in a whole different ballpark back then, at least in terms of price and hardware compatibility.
    Just for the fk of it. After Gibson discontinued all Opcode products in '98, i switched from Galaxy to E-magic's SoundDiver for Windows. Around 2k, I also buy Logic Audio for Windows too. Year 2002, Apple buys E-magic and discontinues all Windows software lol. I said this again but Steve Jobs specifically said to 70.000 registered Logic for Windows users, "Buy a Mac" ... Fast forward 5 yrs later and Steve makes a deal with the "Devil" named Intel (it really was the devil for mac users, much more than MS) and from then and on Mac is just another pc, only a fancy looking one.
    Bottom line? I learned my lesson not to trust any corp in this biz. I pushed myself to learn as many DAWs as possible so when irreversible damage as the one this post mentions happens, i am ready to move on ASAP. And i encourage anyone who has the time to do it. They will only benefit in the long run.
    PS: Irrelevant but i hear Magix will introduce a new Acid Pro version in 2018, 9 years after the last version of the soft. As a registered user, I hope they get it right, i used to love the old one, even with all its intricacies and crashes.
    EDIT: @spacetime Gibson actually bought Cakewalk from Roland in 2013.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  11. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    ...and maybe you could have also found this thread with the search function. :guru:
  12. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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