windows 10 ltsb vs windows 7

Discussion in 'PC' started by plasticvibe, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. KidPix

    KidPix Producer

    Aug 17, 2017
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    The real and complete story - Does Windows defragment your SSD?
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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  3. Richard A Ruiz

    Richard A Ruiz Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2017
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    I am a Linux Mint/Hackintosh/Windows Server 2016...between OSs, Software Dev, and DAW's Samples, I don't need a girlfriend anymore really :crazy:
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    SOKRVT Kapellmeister

    May 21, 2016
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    My specs can't even support windows 7 at this point (even if they could, why would i use a dated OS) Windows 10 out performs windows 7 any given day.
  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It doesn't matter if Windows defragment your SSD or not. What matters is that the scheduler service is off and that it doesn't run in the background while you're recording something. :wink:

    The question is also which Windows? 7 or 8, or 10?

    This is just a feature for 95% of lazy and/or ignorant users who mainly use Office and a browser and don't even know what defragmenting a HD means. So not for workstation users. We should do it manually when we choose to and we generally do know what it does. [do "we"? :)]
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I am a Debian Linux with MATE/WindowsXP/Windows7/Hackintosh user and I have a wife. Maybe get a wife instead? :rofl:
  7. TheRocktopus

    TheRocktopus Newbie

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Being someone who never wanted to even touch Windows 10, I can tell you it runs more smoothly than 7, with a lot less problems. I'm using LTSB on my laptop and I have hardly had an issue with it. I may actually be considering switching to it on my main PC, and that is something ridiculous considering how much I actually loathe it. Windows 7 is easily their best OS, but it's dying a very painful, horrible death, with more issues every day, and I'm personally unable to deal with it anymore. I was even able to make it look like 7 mostly, using ONE, StartIsBack, and a few other tools from VIrtual Customs. You can even install the Microsoft app store separately if you want it (since LTSB doesn't have it), using a file found on that forum as well.
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Dying ? Where and when lol. More issues every day? Sorry but until you state your issues there are none. It is the other way around from where i stand. And even if i could believe that win7 has issues on your side, this whole thing with LTSB has gotten a bit too far. It is just a bareable win10 when compared to vanilla win10pro. Still a much hated win10 though.
    I am still evaluating the Lite LTSB version, as it is heavily "edited" and there is a ton of feats left out by Ivan, the -by now- infamous Russian dude who made the build. My respect for all his hard work.
  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    There is no such thing as a dated os, unless it doesn't support modern hardware/technologies. If UNIX gets updates to support modern hardware with the software to back it up, it will still be relevant although it was first introduced a fkn half a century ago. All my comps run win7 except my guinea pig comp which runs win10ltsb lite. My main Win7 studio pc is a 7700k, boots from dual samsung960pro 256gb on raid 0 NVME and has 64 gb of ram, 20tb of additional hd storage, Radeon 580, 64ch of MOTU i/o, and dual QHD 30" Dell IPS monitors.
    What were your specs again if not some Win10 DX12 exclusive game ? You can try polishing a turd (win10) but sure as hell can't make it smell good.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
  10. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I switched to win 8.1 some time ago (about 4 years) and i'm very happy about it. with classic shell it just feels like windows 7, i get security patches, no hassle with those feature updates.
    I have way lesser struggles with hardware, drivers, crap not working than i had with windows 7.
    I stick with that, don't know why people hated it that much.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    How can you run an ancient OS like that with a modern PC you infidel! :rofl:

    You know how every ignorant soul under the sky claims that new PCs run better with newer OSes? I will never get that. It's exactly in reverse, actually. But it's interesting when I say I'm running XP and W7 people immediately jump to the conclusion that I must have an ancient PC. Ridiculous. Older systems always run better with the newer PCs! Having said that, my PC is getting a bit old... and there's this itch for either Ryzen or 7700K... I'm waiting for the prices and hardware bugs to settle down so I won't have any problems with it whatsoever. Next year. ;)

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  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    7700k @4.2ghz going for around 300 now is a good choice imho. 8700k @3.7ghz for 400 and 2 extra cores might be a better choice. I'm still considering the smaller (1900x/8 [email protected]) of the Threadripper bunch as it gives access to AMD's hi-end platform with 64 pci lanes and 128gb ram capability , not to mention it leaves an upgrade path open for 1950x with 16 cores...
    Personally i think pure cpu horsepower is somewhat overrated lately. Because even a modern i3/Ryzen3 can run adequately a full blown 30-40 ch mix with plugs etc. in the box (both i3 and ryzen3 tested and verified by yours truly). So it's a matter of choosing the smart way which cpu and platform satisfies your needs (and will keep doing so for the future, as it is your sweet earned money heheh)
    PS: The next Intel i7 ( Z470 perhaps? ) will be 8 core or so it is rumored so it might be worth waiting. Apparently Intel was so spooked with AMD's comeback, they are on a relentless war to put 'em down ,match them in core count or even exceed them (18 core i9 @2000 dlrs is pretty ridiculous but at least they try lol). I can't wait to see what will AMD's answer be.
    Cheers mate
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    You are always a great source of very useful info, taskforce. :bow:

    Unfortunately, I still didn't get to play with any of the new AMD processors. :sad:

    However, I've assembled a couple of newer Intel PCs lately. One 7700K, amongst others and I'm impressed. I absolutely agree 8700K is even better value, but I'd like to assemble one PC with it first, before taking the plunge.

    It's quite fun and definitely useful what we do. :wink: I just wish people would change PCs more often! :rofl: But really any PC with an average processor made within last 5 years or so is quite up to the task. You've said it perfectly. My clients are changing PCs lately only because they want Thunderbolt and Hackintosh usually, not because they feel their PCs are too slow. That's good. Must love Thunderbolt! :rofl:

    Cheers! :headbang:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
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  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I use Ubuntu Server/Windows7&10/C64&AmigaEmulator, web developer/desktop developer for phun, netflix/movies/anime/music/coffee addicted... and that's only the legal part...
    what was a girlfriend? it rings a bell...:dunno:
  15. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    perhaps it was 2016 ltsb gen 2 from november. entreprise runs fine , and for cortana , i was talking about regular pro and entreprise build , not workstation runs also some private server routines
  16. Ultra

    Ultra Noisemaker

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Hi Dan,

    thank you for the info.

    Could you elaborate on how you use the Virtual Network Card to run all apps offline ?

    And when you say you power the desktops down from the MAINS, I assume you disconnect power supply or you shut down the main power supply ?

  17. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    windows 7: there are a lot custom win7 versions out there with custom asio stuff, you can easy have 20-40Core cpu on board without any problems in ableton 9.74....
    just buy a maya, and hack simple the firmware, give some actually "rest speed" they didnt release...

    so.... what do you think about that?

    windows 10: just a collection of security problems, auto uploading and auto onion! update from micro.... you have to need the update..
    if you go online there are so many "data steal" addons (for noobs) integrated to win 10 ... coder started deconecting all the win 10 data stream, in the old win10 build but senseless after the next major update all your presets wo win10 are back to default.-...

    windows 7 is more "offline" and saver than win 10....

    you have much more control with win7 than win10.... actually i have control to every task (here: 74 processes in the manager...)

    if they got more than just jbridge task stuff, i know exact me tasks every time...
    so simple: if you got more, than you got any virus or stuff like that, and simple to find.
    so.. i dont need any update to the win 7
    at now

    you can simple do some bios hacks for using win7 on any new pc.... as long as pcs have a flash bios as long can i update my hardware wif win7 :_)
    actually some bridges should be cracked to, buts thats boring stuff... as you know.

    and last be4 last sec. deg: if you got fear about win7 update problems, so be offline. :) a daw should always be an offline machine. today you can do so powerfull xeon, i9 cpus (18-50 Core+)
    systems that you can have around more than 4000 tracks in ableton with 10 plugins inserted each track.... so
    that should be enough power to do music...

    if you now just use the "task steeling" piplining for CPU with some hardware skills, for more gigaFlops than your tank is so powerful for a HOME PC...

    i remember the amiga tracker stuff, with i started making c64 and amiga demoscene music...1000 years ago (yes it was the time moby was an amiga musician, too)

    :) so.... later atari st, with around 8-10 tracks, with some kind of reverb :)
    and you could not insert an eq plug to any tracks this old time ....

    damn i got hardware for claps that beginners time...... now today anyone is crying about an release wif just 200 claps in a bundle! and some need ALL bundles!!! to find a bad clap that not fits to the mix!

    so today you can create actually with some coding, hardware skillz and lot creativity such a monster machine (i did one for me) that i dont have to update the next 10 years ... :)

    and last... POWER and MUCH plugins dont make a good musician....
    there was the analog time and you pinned tape (takes) on the wall... and they did a good job....

    so.... you are the good musician with or without power and plugs...

    ah ja, i will never upgrade to windows 10 cause i love my x64 wizooverb that i bridged to ableton 9 win7x64 :)

    actually win10 is more a senseless piece of commercial work, not real os anymore... ok you can go mobile blah blah blah,
    but i say... my daw dont has to.

    if you have to be just a "little" firm with data security you will NEVER NEVER ever have a project files on a win10 system....
    or be online with this security catastrophy ...


    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    He means that even with a powered down computer you are prone to remote "invasion" if your machine is still plugged on a power outlet. Because you may have powered down your pc, but Minix is still running even when powered down. So he suggests to completely cut power access to the machine. A friend of mine, conspiracy freak, takes out the power supply cord each time he powers off his pc.
    And while i find all of it highly unlikely to happen, it also is very possible...

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  19. Dan Fuerth

    Dan Fuerth Kapellmeister

    Nov 2, 2017
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    There are many FREEWARE Virtual Network Card drivers ( some small as 300 kb )
    And before people post "Windows 7 already comes with a Virtual NIC driver" NO THAT ONE DOES NOT WORK!! for applications like the ones we TRY OUT.

    Use SoftEther 4.3 Virtual_Network_Adapter ( from their Softether package). You can uninstall the other stuff after and just keep the Virtual Adapter ( all open source)

    Or this one ( the one I am using for years) Virtnet ( for most Windows OS)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You use 7 when you want to get stuff done, you get 10 when you wanna play farmville and watch modern family.