Need help with the mix, last restort - completely stuck :)

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by prog_trance_enthusiast, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    not sure if anybody has yet but i just have too: last resort? cut your life into pieces :)
  2. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    By the way I use mostly MeldaProduction plugins. In fact I helped develop MTurboEq and MTurboComp. I picked mostly what Eq and Compressors to emulate and Vojtech from Melda did a fabulous job. I don't use any other EQ or Compression now.
    For any Multiband limiting I use Melda.
    But I do use Satin, Dopamine and lots of different reverbs plus Oxford Limiter.
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  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Don't worry, I was just a little bit irritated, the intention of written words can sometimes be misunderstood. But we are all fine now, I suppose.

    But I have a question. I noticed with my monitors and my headphones a movement of the pan of the guitar and the cello depending on the frequency/note. The cello for instance is moving to the center on the last note of it's melody. Continual, all the time. Is that intentional or am I hearing something that isn't there??
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
  4. prog_trance_enthusiast

    prog_trance_enthusiast Ultrasonic

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Please dont suppose anything but the kindest intentions from me. English is not my native language and I write in hurry sometimes so maybe my words are misinterpreted. I only commented, since it was mentioned that other kind of comments are welcome. But in the nicest and good idea manner. Your intentions were the best too, and Im honored that you, spencer and everyone else jumped in to help. I was on the verge of crazy. So its all fine, its just misunderstood words and their tone. Im glad. We sorted that out :) ok?

    Regarding those notes. I noticed that effect on one guitar note, I think C. I will check for the cello. Its not intentional, it maybe the sample of that particular note, or some non desired effect of stereo delay.

    @Seedz wow man thank you for such comment! U understand what I was talking about. I have been listening to music my whole life, started playing the piano by myself when I was 4. I have been listening to pop, rock, disco, folk, celtic, irish, bulgarian, macedonian music, rave, techno, trance... No limits. Anything I liked. Its good to be inspired, but never my melody got inspired by anything, directly or otherwise, in terms Oh I should make melody similar to this. I got these melodies in my head all the time, combinations of real world sounds and instruments, glitches and stuff.. It does not stop. Soon you will hear. I didnt have time to check a lot other people's creations here, but I intend to, starting very soon. I am just so focused on learning with all available energy after work and family :)

    @spencer26 hehehe thank you! Im so happy its starting to work out and that it actually sounds nice. I am giving my best here to try to keep up. We are getting there. Will do corrections and come back!

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
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  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Maybe due to m/s eqing with lowshelf/lowcut on the side?
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  6. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi @prog_trance_enthusiast ,just listened to the latest ^above track,thanks for sharing,really nice music !
    In my humble opinion try to bring down/fix the hi-hats a bit & perhaps lightly sidechain the kick/or drum beat to the rest of the elements of the track. :bow:
    This is a great community & will find plenty of help in the future too :like:
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  7. prog_trance_enthusiast

    prog_trance_enthusiast Ultrasonic

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Hey @spyfx. Thx for feedback! Im glad you felt the music! I have already toned those down a bit, but somehow I feel bad for doing it. Will see. Regarding sidechaining kick to the rest of the track - I think it is very pronounced even now, but there is something there. First, I need to find how to easily sidechain kick to the rest of the track in ableton, since im begginer :) (I already sidechained sub, bass and strings). Now its a mystery how to to additional global sidechain :)

    @No Avenger "
    Maybe due to m/s eqing with lowshelf/lowcut on the side?"

    I didnt click anywhere in fabfilter to do m/s equing. But I did a lot of lowcutting on those tracks. But in standard mode, not in mid side mode. Will investigate. I can live with the cello, but that one guitar note is intrusive from time to time.

    @statik damn it, you know what I meant :) I was literally scratching my face after I heard the first mix in car :) :) :)
  8. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hey @prog_trance_enthusiast welcome back !,for the hi-hats i was talking about frequency only(sounded bright) but if you feel bad just leave them as you like :wink:
    for the sidechainig part of things if you already done it,thats fine too but just a bit more so the track can breath more(the elements).
    if you want to sidechain the rest of the tracks with the kick only,just group them and on the group drag & drop (1) compressor and sidechain there(global sidechain).
    also listen to what NoAvenger was saying about m/s i think he was talking about m/s on the master bus,more than on every track.
    hope this helps you :wink:
    and above all always remember to enjoy what you are doing ! & emotion for me is number 1,mixing mastering can always be fixed in next session.:bow:
  9. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Sounds great, you still have a bit of flap and buzz every 2 bars, you'll have to track that down, sounds a little strong its in the 400-800 cps range. The sub is still buzzy but it sits in quite nicely now and it's not doing anything mean to the rest of the track, that accent synth needs a little EQ massage.

    Cheers :)
  10. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    yep 1
    yep 2
    yep 3 master is always the last (but not least) thing

    @prog_trance_enthusiast some more suggestions so you may not think we're running out of ideas [​IMG]
    I would pan the guitar a little bit more to the center, the cello a little bit more to the right side (so that they got nearly the same opposite position) and that synth pad coming in at ~ 1:40 at full stereo (that's how it's mostly used).

    Good progress by the way.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
  11. prog_trance_enthusiast

    prog_trance_enthusiast Ultrasonic

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Hahahah suggestions are more than welcome!!! Pls dont run out od ideas. We are nearly there.

    To mozee, I have that distorted spire patch there, but I toned it down. I must have it there, it gives some impulse. Maybe a slight eq will tranquilize it a bit. But it must be there.

    Yeah, solving that pad as we speak :) It should be full stereo. I thought at first it was full stereo, but I didnt have time to set it up properly and I probably turned off the other channel by mistake (if you were referring to that pad must be full stereo). Maybe duplicate track with eq variations on hard left and right side?

    Dont know about guitar and cello. I wanted to move guitar to almost the center, and leave the cello where it is. They play together near the end, and I wanted separation. How about leaving the cello, and panning the guitar close to middle :) :) :) Will upload both examples tomorrow.

    No Avenger, can you explain a bit more that m / s suggestion and spyfx tried to explain to me too. I need time to adjust to completely new terminology in my work and hobby life :) regarding that guitar tone (I think, while playing that library later, that strange thing occurs when hitting that particular C note).
  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    to understand what mid/side eq is and since you have the fabfilter pro-q have a look here :

  13. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    just take it :yes:, no need to hurry. :no:

    You are spreading your sounds over the whole frequency spectrum from ~ 60Hz to >16kHz. Why not over the full stereo spectrum. In the center you're already having bd, bass, snare.

    Yep, if you're cutting or shelving the lows on the sides in master channel you will definitely change the pan of those instruments that are out of center and are moving through this frequency border. Below more center above more side. This will affect most instruments, vocals, toms... And maybe that's exactly what I could hear (besides, that's the reason why I never do this in the master channel).
  14. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Yes but if you don't roll off the side channel on the master, the mastering guy will definitely do it.
    It is best to start your mix with the side channel rolled off.
  15. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    1. Why will he do so?

    2. I'm really interested in that. I'm lowcutting every audio channel as high as possible as low as necessary and I don't place low instruments on the sides - apart from low toms and sometimes a cello a little bit.

    I tried on one of my last mixdowns (without a cello or low toms) a side-lowcut switched it to solo and moved the frequency from ~ 160Hz down. Neither could I hear any difference nor did the analyzer show some. And only because I do this eqing in the mix no mastering side-lowcut could affect it as it is maybe the case with this track.
    And if I'm placing a cello or low toms slightly out of center I don't want any mastering engineer to mess up their pan.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
  16. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    If you just start with your bass instruments in the center, even if there is a little bit of movement no ME is going to forcibly cut your sides unless you already have phase issues.

    Just check by going between stereo and mono constantly while you are mixing.

    An ME that wants to work quickly that is doing discount bulk might just automatically HPF somewhere between 160 - 270 Hz on the sides, or if you are intending to get a pressing the ME or the cutter might put a HPF or at least LSF between 85-90Hz on the sides and depending on how big your base notes maybe even a LSH on the Mid between 50-70Hz based on the spin speed of the disc, ear and their personal preferences the cutting machine and a few other factors like how nice they think they average turn table and stylus should be. . . .

    Each mix is kind of its own beast and there really aren't any fast and loose numbers or process for an ME, just the parameters set by the people that send them the recording for loudness, tone and balance.

    If you spit out a perfect mix, ideally an ME would just listen to it, tell you its perfect and turn up the volume a bit if that is what you want and and try to balance it out for as a wide range of playback systems as they can... spit out different formats, code it, print it with archival formats and send it back to you. Though like everything else in art people have different takes on what that means and that's where explaining yourself and trusting the other person comes into play.

    There are always trade offs to be made and the final product in the majority of scenarios is the possible compromise that the artist / mix engineer / ME / who ever else might be paying for in the loop --> output.
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  17. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    I do not see how taking under 200hz out of the sides can change your balance.
    Bass has diminishing direction from 200hz to 80 hz. And absolutely no direction from 80hz down.
    As I said before I have a rolloff in the sides that starts at 200hz and goes smoothly to 0db at 20hz.
    Do this and you will hear the flabbyness go out of your mix and everything will be more defined and easier to balance.
    This is just physics.
  18. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    You are not taking bass out of the Left and Right you are taking bass out of the Side information. Think about if you took bass out of the left and right there would be no bass in the middle as there are only 2 channels.
    Explaining this here is the wrong place.
    Go to magazines like "The Absolute Sound" which is the sound bible.

    In the days of cutting records the only way to get a lot of bass on records was to drop the level.
    If you had a lot of level and a lot of bass you would drive the cutting stylus into the alluminium.
    This is why cutting engineers took the bass out of records.
    But this is probably going to confuse you more.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
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  19. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
  20. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I have gated my reverbs and delays. Also hipassed and compressed them.
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